
词根词缀记忆/谐音联想记忆 补充/纠错
词根accountability = accou …………
词根记忆account(账户)+ability(能力) → accountability n.有义务;有责任;可说 …………
accountability system 问责制
the Government Accountability Office 政府问责办公室
lifelong accountability system 终身问责制
transparency and accountability 透明度和问责制
strengthen administrative accountability 加强行政问责制
promote greater transparency, accountability and efficiency 提高透明度、问责制和效率
Eric fears accountability.
This is within Eric's sphere of accountability.
The manager was held accountable for the team's failure to meet the quarterly targets.
In any organization, accountability breeds responsibility and drives performance improvement.
The government official emphasized the need for greater accountability in public spending.
The new policy ensures accountability by requiring all employees to sign off on their tasks.
Parents play a crucial role in teaching children accountability for their actions from a young age.
The project manager established clear milestones with deadlines to enhance accountability among team members.
The lack of accountability within the department led to a culture of blame-shifting and inefficiency.
To foster a culture of accountability, leaders must model the behavior they expect from others.
Regular performance reviews help maintain accountability and provide opportunities for feedback and growth.
In a democratic society, elected officials are accountable to the people who put them in power.
"I take full accountability for the moves that got us here today," he added.
What they actually seek is freedom from accountability.
"With Lenovo TruScale, customers can expect one solution, one provider, one contract framework, and a single point of accountability for everything-as-a-service," Wong said.
"It's feasible to let professional and credible third-party organizations evaluate charity projects," said Tao, suggesting a system of applying independent accountability checks when necessary, so as to reduce problems and support good projects.
"TPG Rise Climate includes a unique group of global institutional and corporate investors that are united by capital, innovation, and accountability," TPG Rise Climate’s executive chairman Hank Paulson said.
TPG Rise Climate的执行主席汉克·保尔森(Hank Paulson)表示:“TPG Rise Climate汇聚了一群全球机构和企业投资者,他们以资本、创新和责任感团结在一起。”
The proposals emphasized the board's leadership role and accountability in ESG and the governance structure for ESG matters.
In addition, a treatment account should be established, a system of physician accountability should be set up, and 'one-stop' settlement services should be implemented.
Senator Richard Blumenthal, a Democrat from Connecticut, called the settlement "a fig leaf" that offers "no accountability for top executives.
"The commission should pursue deterrent monetary penalties and impose forceful accountability measures on Facebook.
The Beijing-based company said it will create a comprehensive safety management and accountability system that runs regular internal examinations across the company, and strengthen its collaboration with safety authorities on public safety coordination.
Among more than 1,600 reports received by October, most reports focus on poverty alleviation, pollution prevention, climate change, and sustainable development, as well as accountability of overseas operations.
The commission urged to give real teeth to financial regulation and address any loose regulation while intensifying the accountability of supervision, or enhancing the supervision of regulators.
For units that have performed poorly in rectification or provided false reports, resolute accountability and sanctions will be imposed.
In the people-oriented hospitality industry, Zhang said female characteristics, including sensibility, perseverance, accountability, a service spirit, empathy and tending to cooperate, enable them to excel in leadership roles.
IDC believes that even with this attention, more must be done on sustainability, diversity, and inclusion to build a culture of accountability across the organization.
The reserve projects of local governments are relatively few and the willingness of local government officials decreases as they are facing a lifelong accountability system that cannot tolerate an increase in cumulative debt.
Martin Raiser, the World Bank's country director for China, said the country has made dramatic changes to its business climate since 2018 and provided important lessons for other countries, such as in terms of government leadership and commitment, measurement and accountability for results, and strong consultation efforts with businesses.
From a social and environmental point of view, we are continuously seeking accountability, asking if those companies are making efforts toward their ESG commitments, because if they are not, that will hurt their businesses and eventually the long-term performance of investment portfolios.
The NDRC will take measures such as regulatory discussions and accountability to deal with enterprises that fail to meet the requirement.
For those that fail to rectify any outstanding problems after being issued reminders, further investigation and accountability measures will be taken, the meeting said.
The draft said that business entities in emerging industries, including the platform economy, should improve and implement the accountability system for workplace safety for all employees, and perform the obligations of work safety in line with the Law on Workplace Safety and other laws and regulations, according to their specific conditions.
Productivity and accountability by all team members are essential to ensuring sustained success.
To assist Chinese and partner countries' projects in overseas markets, the Beijing-headquartered Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank already runs a special unit on compliance, effectiveness and integrity, which reports directly to the management board to ensure the transparency and accountability of various projects.
Sun Wei, partner of BCG and core leader of the BCG financial institutions practice, said, "It is important for banks to establish a responsible AI system and ensure the fairness, accountability, transparency, privacy and security in the application of generative AI.
Fu said data need to be shared with society, academics and citizens to ensure accountability and transparency, and data must be continually vetted for quality in terms of accuracy, timeliness, relevance and coverage.
Ma said while the industrial era is knowledge-driven and characterized by knowledge-focused competition, the digital era is driven by wisdom and competition in creativity and imagination, as well as competition for leadership, accountability, responsibility and independent thinking.
We recognize, take accountability for and have made changes because of this," said Jim Hackett, Ford president and chief executive officer.
"The leadership changes we are announcing today across our global business are important as we foster even greater teamwork, accountability and nimble decision-making,” said Hackett.
If something goes wrong as the result of a decision taken by an AI system, there needs to be clear accountability and, when applicable, mandatory remediation.
It is also important to establish an accountability mechanism to evaluate the effects of policies before and after they are introduced, to prevent risks in other fields from spreading to the fiscal system.
In this context, the China Securities Regulatory Commission announced that it will fortify the rule of law within capital markets, enhance anti-counterfeiting work and implement a three-pronged accountability system covering civil, administrative and criminal jurisdictions.
And it will take more measures to ensure the implementation of debt control mechanisms and debt risk prevention mechanisms through corresponding accountability mechanisms.
Accountability procedures for non-compliant data processing should be strengthened, the rules state, and security risk monitoring and alert mechanisms for data processing should be established.
Accountability procedures for non-compliant data processing should be strengthened, the rules said, and security risk monitoring and alert mechanisms for data processing should be established.
The draft measures require relevant data processors to establish and improve their data classification system so as to implement differentiated data protection and refine the accountability procedures for non-compliant data processing activities.
Strengthened supervision over public companies, which should include stepping up accountability efforts, will benefit the capital markets over the long run and help improve listed companies' core competitiveness, said Liu Junhai, director of the Business Law Center at Renmin University of China.
Of course, taking regulators for accountability should avoid being extreme and de-energizing the financial system.
As for the major financial risks, an accountability system should be consolidated to clearly state the responsibilities of all parties concerned.
Dai Guanchun, a partner at Jingtian& Gongcheng, a law firm based in Beijing, said the SEC has named specific US-listed Chinese stocks that could be removed from US stock markets for failing to adhere to the foreign companies accountability act.
Problems that have been identified will be strictly rectified, and measures to ensure accountability will be resolutely enforced.
By 2022, major progress should be made in the accountability system to crack down on illegal activities in the capital market.
We should enhance financial regulatory transparency and the rule of law, improve the institutional framework of risk prevention, early warning, risk resolution and accountability, and keep refining the modern financial regulatory system.
To encourage provision of financial inclusion services, banks should also make changes to their performance evaluation, motivation and accountability mechanisms while preventing corrupt practices during the process, Wang said at the third China financial inclusion innovative development summit held recently by People's Daily.
Noting that the department assessed developments over the last few months with China and its currency practices, Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin said that "China has made enforceable commitments to refrain from competitive devaluation, while promoting transparency and accountability".
Noting the US Treasury Department assessed developments over the last several months with China and its currency practices, Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin said "China has made enforceable commitments to refrain from competitive devaluation, while promoting transparency and accountability.
The former IMF executive called the adoption of RMB into the SDR basket "a major achievement for China", because it was the process through which China improved its information, accountability and transparency.
Representatives from major Chinese and international banks and environmental protection entities gathered in Shanghai on Monday for a two-day workshop that is focused on building an accountability mechanism for financial intermediaries to reinforce environmental and social compliance in their investments.
A draft of the accountability mechanism framework introduced by the Asian Development Bank's (ADB) Office of the Compliance Review Panel is being reviewed at the workshop, which is jointly hosted by ADB and the China Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission.
Zhao Hualin, an official from the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission, said ADB's accountability mechanism framework is instrumental as China is tightening environmental compliance in its growing overseas investment.
The Bangladesh Power System Upgrade and Expansion Project is the first AIIB financing approved under the bank's Accountability Framework, the Beijing-based lender said in a statement received here Sunday.
"This vital investment marks the first project approved under AIIB's Accountability Framework, which clearly demarcate the roles and responsibilities of the Board of Directors and the president in respect of financing operations of the bank," Jin was quoted as saying in the statement.
The company in 2018 launched a number of measures to enhance customer service, including a function allowing customers to buy insurance through WeChat, along with an accountability system that encourages third-party evaluations.
The China-initiated Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank approved a $250 million loan to improve irrigation services and management accountability in Indonesia, the bank said on Tuesday.
While the board of directors of banking institutions should make a data strategy, senior executives will be responsible for building a data governance system, a mechanism for data quality control, as well as incentive and accountability mechanisms.
"It is due to the incorrect view of political achievements of some Party and government leaders, the failure to implement accountability for project approval and the efforts of some financial enterprises to stoke the fires," the director said.
It also made clear that the bank’s board of directors takes ultimate responsibility for data governance and that banks should build accountability mechanisms that can go as high as the level of senior executives.
It also made clear that the board of directors of a bank should take ultimate responsibility for data governance and that banks should build accountability mechanisms that can go as high as the level of senior executives.
"No forbidden zones, full coverage, zero tolerance and life-long accountability" will be the duties of the supervision committee, said Liu Shiyu, CSRC chairman.
"No forbidden zones, full coverage, zero tolerance and life-long accountability" will be the duties of the supervision committee, said CSRC chairman Liu Shiyu.
"No forbidden zones, full coverage, zero tolerance and life-long accountability" will be the guiding principle of the supervision committee, Liu Shiyu, chairman of the CSRC, said.
"No forbidden zones, full coverage, zero tolerance and life-long accountability" will be the duties of the supervision committee, Liu Shiyu said.
It also strengthened performance appraisal on risk management and the accountability system, Yao added.
The central government has in the past few months sought to place greater accountability on regulators to safeguard financial stability, as exemplified by its announcement in July that it would establish a committee under the State Council, China's Cabinet, to improve regulation effectiveness on financial matters.
The ministry also required SOEs to set up an evaluation system on overseas investment and increase accountability of poor and failed investment decisions.
"And the lack of accountability of senior executives for poor or failed investment is one of the reasons that lead to radical decision-making and loss-making deals.
Third, promoting accountability investigations and helping local governments and leaders administer according to the laws.
To fend off potential risks, the Chinese government has established a local government debt monitoring system, and has strengthened accountability over irregular borrowing.
The Chinese government has established a normal local government debt monitoring mechanism, and has strengthened accountability over irregular borrowings, the news release said.
"The first step is to roll out measures to regulate overseas investment, the second is to stipulate company operations strictly, and the third is to develop a system of accountability," said Xiao Yaqing, head of the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission (SASAC).
For some public-funded PPP projects, however, the government had to make up for inadequate or nonexistent revenues by guaranteeing minimum or fixed returns to private participants, thereby assuming greater accountability for future spending, Chen added.
In an effort to promote accountability, all parties involved are encouraged to work together to tackle these issues.
The Board of Auditors, an independent professional body, plays an important role in promoting accountability and transparency at the UN.
In addition, the accountability mechanism for independent directors needs to be improved, and violations of securities laws and regulations should be cracked down upon.
This democracy of China is based on the people's will, quality governance, equal participation, equal opportunities to grow and move up the ladder of leadership, inclusiveness in decision-making and implementation, and a strong mechanism for oversight and accountability.
The guideline, released by the National Health Commission, the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Science and Technology, and the National Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine on Monday, has expanded the scope of research requiring ethical reviews and clarified the supervision accountability of various authorities.
Wang shall be subject to criminal accountability according to the law, said the indictment.
The realization of these new requirements needs a strong discipline inspection and supervision team with iron discipline and constant improvement of the mechanism for disclosing the power and accountability of discipline inspection, Zhuang said.
They pledged to strictly combat behaviors of replacing new grain with the old as well as other malpractices, formalism and bureaucracy in the food field, adding that regular supervision and accountability also need to be intensified.
China has been dealing with food safety issues with the most rigorous standards, the most stringent supervision, the most severe penalties, and the most serious accountability.
While judicial authorities step up efforts to maintain work safety, the Ministry of Emergency Management has also strengthened accountability in this regard.
Wrongdoings will be punished according to the Party's disciplinary rules as well as national laws, according to the seven-chapter document titled Implementation Measures for Rural Vitalization Accountability.
Accountability mechanisms have real teeth in Guilin.

四级Then again, the air of accountability that the camera generates can also work in contractors' favor.


2018年12月四级真题(第二套)阅读 Section C

六级Perhaps most significant, according to Mannaz, is the increasing interest large companies have in more collaborative management models, such as those prevalent in Scandinavia, which seek to integrate the hard and soft aspects of leadership and encourage delegated responsibility and accountability.



六级Perhaps most significant, according to Manna, is the increasing interest large companies have in more collaborative management models, such as those prevalent in Scandinavia, which seek to integrate the hard and soft aspects of leadership and encourage delegated responsibility and accountability.



四级If you spend much time with educators and policy makers, you'll hear a lot of the following words: "standards," "results," "skills," "self-control," "accountability," and so on.



考研A key ingredient is disappearing, and I think I know what it is: accountability.



考研Accountability isn’t hard to define.



考研My job as a police officer is to impose accountability on people who refuse, or have never learned, to impose it on themselves.



考研If we free the criminal, even partly, from accountability, we become a society of endless excuses where no one accepts responsibility for anything.


