
词根记忆advise(建议) + able(能够) → 能够提出“建议”的人是“明智的” → advisable  …………
be advisable to do 明智的做法
it is advisable to do ... 明智的做法是...
be advisable to 建议
it is advisable that ... 建议...
It is not advisable to drink too much.
It is advisable to keep a little food in reserve in case of emergency.
It's advisable to wear sunscreen when going out in the sun.
It's advisable to revise your notes before the exam.
An early start is advisable for long distance travel.
It's advisable not to share personal information online.
Regular exercise is highly advisable for maintaining good health.
It's advisable to consult a professional before making any major investment.
A balanced diet is advisable for everyone, regardless of age.
It's advisable to learn basic first aid skills in case of emergencies.
It's advisable to keep a positive mindset during difficult times.
It's advisable to take breaks while studying for extended periods.
Considering the pressure weighing on the trade, more efforts in this sector would be advisable coming into the second half," Long said.
It is advisable for investors to focus on semiconductors and other sectors with strong policy tailwinds in the short term, including new energy and electronic vehicles, said Meng Lei, an A-share strategist at UBS Securities.
In addition to constantly looking for new business models and distribution channels, embracing a modern management mindset will be an advisable option, Fu said.
Wang added that it is advisable for local government special bonds to provide more funding support for the development of affordable housing projects, a process that can be coordinated with housing inventory consumption.
"It is advisable for the government to take measures such as raising income levels, improving the consumption environment and strengthening the protection of consumer rights," Wang said.
Liu Xiaoguang, a professor at the Renmin University of China's National Academy of Development and Strategy, said the CMF has revised upward its 2024 China GDP forecast to 5 percent from 4.8 percent, and it is advisable for the country to set next year's growth target at 5 percent at least.
"It is advisable for policymakers to roll out measures to encourage consumption of big-ticket items and facilitate smooth domestic production and sales channels. "
As for imports, it is also advisable for the country to take more active measures to stimulate domestic consumption and investment, which will help speed up the recovery of the Chinese economy, they said.
But, for investment, more is not always better — or advisable.
Such investments can support China's economic transformation and contribute to an increase in TFP growth, thus making some forward-looking investments advisable.
It is advisable to issue long-term special treasury bonds, and the funds obtained can be directly used to support basic research centers and increase the proportion of basic research in overall R&D expenditure.
Measures such as early tax rebates, increasing deduction ratios for research and development expenses, and lowering costs of electricity, rent and logistics are also advisable.
He said that it is advisable for the government to take further steps to stabilize the economy, such as speeding up the issuance of local government special bonds, further reductions in the reserve requirement ratio and interest rate cuts.
Hong said it is advisable for the government to set up special funds or financial institutions to offer a wide range of financing channels, and more efforts should also be made to ease restrictions on market entry and foster a stable policy environment.
While ensuring liquidity for the real estate industry to prevent setbacks, it is advisable to have more policies and investments aimed at the construction of low-cost, public rental and government-subsidized housing projects.
"Liu said is advisable for policymakers to consider increasing spending on public services, issuing consumer vouchers and boosting transfer payments to local governments, which will help stimulate demand as well as support local consumption and investment.
Wang Yiming, vice-chairman of the China Center for International Economic Exchanges, said it is advisable for the government to boost services consumption in fields such as tourism, catering, accommodation and entertainment, further stabilize the property market to boost household consumption and spur new types of consumption.
Xu Hongcai, deputy director of the China Association of Policy Science's economic policy committee, said it is advisable for the government to give out subsidies to low-income residents, issue consumption coupons, increase the spending on elderly care infrastructure and further reduce fees and taxes for micro, small and medium-sized enterprises.
Warning of challenges from a cloudy global outlook, the scarring effects of the COVID-19 shock and the existing structural issues, Guan Tao, global chief economist of BOC International, said it is advisable for the policymakers to step up macroeconomic policy support, including proactive fiscal policies and structural monetary policy tools, to broaden the economic recovery.
Li said it is advisable for the government to step up macroeconomic policy support to shore up growth, including monetary policy easing.
Advisable specific measures include short-term labor tax relief — such as temporary cuts in wage earners' social protection contributions — or well-targeted direct transfers to vulnerable households, he said.
It is advisable for the focus of China's fiscal support to shift from boosting infrastructure investment to strengthening the social protection system to boost consumption and promote economic rebalancing, he said.
He added that in contrast to the previous policy focus of providing aid for businesses, it is advisable for China to directly support consumers this year, because business-oriented stimulus measures could face obstacles in driving employment and wage growth as external demand weakens.
A less likely but still advisable option would be to provide nationwide cash subsidies or consumption vouchers, including those in the form of the digital yuan, or e-CNY, to low- and middle-income households, whose income levels were hit by the pandemic, Zhu said.
A consumption rebound should also be expected, but prudence is advisable.
This year it is advisable for China to retain a neutral fiscal policy, Kang said.
"Meanwhile, Lin warned that China's working-age population has already been declining, saying it is advisable for the country to gradually raise the retirement age to 65 for both male and female workers, continue improving the quality of the labor force through education and on-the-job training and address vocational training.
He said it is advisable for the government to take more steps to smoothen internal economic circulation, improve the income distribution system, build a unified national market, improve the social security system, deepen supply-side structural reform and encourage the development of new consumption businesses.
As conditions favorable for economic recovery have increased recently, it is advisable to set the country's economic growth target at no less than 5 percent for 2023, Liu said while addressing the 13th Caixin Summit on Friday.
Zhou said that it is advisable for the government to make better use of structural monetary policy tools to prop up the real economy, with a key focus on increasing financial support for manufacturing, green development and infrastructure construction.
While it is difficult to reverse the trend of a declining population, he said it is advisable for the government to support the elderly to continue to work, encourage women's participation in the labor market and adopt robotics and other modern technologies to boost worker productivity.
To stabilize overall growth, Luo said it would be advisable to allocate some of the 2023 quota for local government special bonds in advance in the fourth quarter and to increase financial support for small and medium-sized enterprises, technological innovation and green development.
Liang Haiming, dean of the Hainan University Belt and Road Research Institute, said China and Europe should strengthen their cooperation in the financial sector, and it is advisable for the two sides to expand the scale of bilateral currency swaps and settlement, which will help prevent risks and boost bilateral trade.
He also said it is advisable for the two sides to expand the scale of bilateral currency swaps and settlements, which will help prevent risks and boost bilateral trade.
Chen said China still has plenty of room for further monetary easing, saying that it is advisable to make moves such as a targeted required reserve ratio cut and interest rate reductions.
To further prop up the growth, it would be advisable to issue special treasury bonds and allocate the 2023 quota for local government special bonds in advance, Luo said.
Luo Zhiheng, chief economist at Yuekai Securities, said it could be advisable to issue special treasury bonds to accelerate infrastructure investment and subsidize smaller businesses, low-income groups, and hard-hit sectors.
It is advisable to make non-fossil fuels the major source of increased energy consumption and the sole source for increased power generation over the 14th FYP period, he said.
More foreign trade facilitation measures and better use of the rules of the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership, which took effect on Jan 1, are also advisable, he said.
It is advisable for the PBOC to further ease credit conditions to tide over small and medium-sized enterprises amid difficulties while supporting infrastructure investment by reducing the financing costs of related government bonds, he added.
He further said it is advisable that similar restrictive policies be phased out in a gradual and apt manner to keep the supply side stable and better defuse inflation.
Too much of reliance on a single transport corridor is not advisable, as incidents like this prove," said Qi Qi, an associate professor at Guangzhou Civil Aviation College.
Improving the tax system, reforming household registration, enhancing human capital, as well as strengthening social protection and public services can be the most advisable policy options in this regard, they said.
"As for this year's policy moves to improve the individual income tax system, it is more advisable to seek better implementation of the reform measures that took effect in 2019 than to roll out new reforms," Kang said.
A central bank expert recently said it is advisable for China to not use GDP growth targets as a way to evaluate local governments' performance, thereby avoiding officials from setting high targets and piling up debt.
Experts said it would be advisable for Beijing to pursue policy sustainability as major uncertainties linger, such as the risk of a resurgence of the pandemic, rising waves of de-globalization and domestic structural problems.
Advisable ways to do that include increasing people's incomes, improving income distribution and enhancing basic public services, he said.
Feng said it is advisable for the country to set an annual growth target of around 5 percent in 2024, similar to this year, which will help stabilize market expectations.
The introduction of property tax has faced delays on multiple occasions in the past, with the most recent (perceived) delay likely being attributed to the current market conditions, where imposing additional taxes or costs might not be advisable.
It is advisable to appropriately reduce the amount of deposit payments, extend payment periods for transfer fees to help real estate companies reduce land acquisition costs and increase enthusiasm for participating in land auctions.
Specifically, it is advisable to promote market-oriented reform of mortgage rates, which will reduce repayment burdens of households and stabilize demand for the purchase of new homes.
Jonathan Woetzel, director of the McKinsey Global Institute, said that by 2030, about 220 million Chinese workers may need to change their professions, and it is advisable to expand the coverage of educational and skill development systems to include not just student populations but also the overall workforce of 775 million.
Also, consumers appear to believe it is advisable to stock up given that many raw material prices have risen in recent months, raising concerns that such price hikes may be passed on to consumers eventually, market insiders said.
Given that the foundation of economic recovery in China has yet to become solid, it is advisable to stay "cautious" on measures that sharply trim the supply of carbon-intensive industries in a short time window, such as cutting output directly and shutting plants off, he said.
Jonathan Woetzel, director of the McKinsey Global Institute, said that by 2030, about 220 million Chinese workers may need to change their professions, and it is advisable to expand the coverage of the education and skill development system to include not just the student population but the overall workforce of 775 million people.
Technological innovation, diversified supplies of alternative materials, and establishment of a strategic resource reserve system of raw materials are also important, he said, adding it is also advisable to use digitalization and artificial intelligence technologies to promote high-quality development of mines.
It is also advisable to use digitization and intelligence technologies to promote high-quality development of mines, Li said.
"Considering the current market environment, online sales prove an advisable way to lower customer acquisition cost," said Shen Xiaoling, an analyst with Shanghai-based CRIC.
… It is also advisable for the government to issue consumption coupons to promote the growth in services consumption like catering, accommodation, tourism and cultural entertainment," Ye said.
It is not advisable to waste resources due to rapid construction.
Meanwhile, it is also advisable to actively promote network sharing and inter-network roaming, further deepen the co-construction and sharing of telecom towers, indoor distribution systems, poles, pipelines and supporting facilities among telecom operators and guide them to create resource-intensive and efficient 5G networks.
In the medium term, Srinivasan said advisable measures to boost China's growth include ensuring competitive neutrality between State-owned enterprises and private enterprises and addressing the aging population through pension reform and investment in education and technological innovation.
In the short term, he said it is advisable to rely more on a combination of fiscal, industrial, consumption and social policies to solidify the positive development trend of economic recovery.
Before going deeper into discussions about tools needed to accomplish this mission, it is advisable to look at the issue from a broader-vantage point and think about solutions with due consideration paid to China's current economic conditions.
According to Lou, it is advisable for the Chinese government, especially the central government, to expand this year's fiscal deficit by a range from 1.5 trillion yuan ($208 billion) to 2 trillion yuan, as the economy is yet to reach its potential growth rate.
As for Credit Suisse, its risky operations had proved to be beyond advisable levels, leading to a near black swan event — a rare but extremely negative occurrence that is difficult to predict.
Developed countries' hindsight moves are not advisable and, the risks brought by low inflation, such as confusion in expectations and unnecessary tightening of financial conditions, should also be taken into consideration.
Zhang Yichen, a member of the 14th National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, said it is advisable for China to launch a special REITs product to help address the risk that some real estate developers lack financing to deliver presold housing projects.
Krishna Srinivasan, director of the Asia and Pacific Department at the International Monetary Fund, also told China Daily recently that well-targeted direct transfers to vulnerable households or short-term labor tax relief are advisable policy options to boost consumption.
"This year, on the fiscal policy front, it is advisable to continue the loan discount policy for NEVs based on the purchase tax exemption policy for NEV purchases.
Next year's magnitude of rate cuts should be stronger than this year's to boost consumption and investment while addressing the weakness of the property sector, Zhang said, adding that it is also advisable to subsidize low-income residents' homebuying activities by providing interest rate discounts.
It is advisable for the country to transform government functions, further improve the business environment and continuously promote the building of a high-standard market system, he said.
Yang Haiping, a researcher at the Central University of Finance and Economics' Institute of Securities and Futures, said it is advisable for China to remain prudent toward reducing interest rates, as the country's liquidity condition remains ample and the efficiency of interest rate cuts in boosting long-term lending might have declined.
It is advisable that the PBOC considers lowering relending rates for the agriculture sector and small businesses once more by 10 to 25 bps.
It is advisable to speed up the revision of laws concerning the central bank and regulations of renminbi and cash management to improve legislation regarding payments and settlements and further clarify the standards of punishments for refusing to accept cash, Dong said.
Now, with the market cooling down and having more reasonable valuations, it could be advisable for those investors to consider rebuilding their exposure gradually and hold a diversified portfolio with a long investment horizon, instead of staying away from the market in face of uncertainties.
It is also advisable to use the digital currency for cross-border payments at an appropriate time, said Wang Xin, head of the PBOC research bureau.
On the one hand, the new system would be a significant reform to redress the long-standing lack of financial support for innovation-and it is not advisable to change schedules already announced for the sake of maintaining a stable expectation of policy.
Hence it is advisable for Chinese investors to watch out for potential foreign exchange risks, said Lu.
"To prevent the distortion in resource allocation, it is more advisable for China to further the tax and fee cut measures than issue more bonds to fund government-led investment," Yang said.
Being selective may be advisable, as among the 187 listed firms that had disclosed how the epidemic would influence their business by Feb 11, 40 percent said the impact is negative, while 20 percent said they would instead benefit, according to data complied by Shanghai-based Everbright Securities.
Increasing the annual bond quota in the middle of a year is rare, but it is possible and advisable, said Robin Xing, Morgan Stanley's chief economist in China.
"It's more advisable to look at the data of the first two months or even the first quarter," the official said in a statement posted on the central bank's website.
[Photo/China News Service by Zhang Yun]Reserve requirement cut possible, but lending facility option availableThe strong yuan, which hit a 16-month high on Thursday, will create more leeway for China to cut its commercial banks' reserve requirement ratio, but since liquidity remains ample, it is more advisable for the central bank to resort to open market operation for capital management, said a former official from the State Administration of Foreign Exchange.

考研On the basis of the precautionary principle, it could be argued that it is advisable to follow the FSA advice.


2020年考研真题(英语一)完形填空 Section Ⅰ

四级To ensure employees' commitment, it is advisable to give them more flexibility as to where and how they work.



六级It is always advisable for businesses to look beyond the price tag and look for a business only provider that can offer more reliability, with good support.



考研When a new movement in art attains a certain fashion, it is advisable to find out what its advocates are aiming at, for, however farfetched and unreasonable their principles may seem today, it is possible that in years to come they may be regarded as normal.


