
词根词缀记忆/谐音联想记忆 补充/纠错
n 保护,庇护=shield=protection=defe …………
谐音记忆aegis(啊这是) → 阿谀奉承的人:啊这是领导啊 → aegis n. 庇护,保护;主办,赞助,领导 …………
under the aegis of 在
The goddess Athena wielded the aegis, a powerful shield that imbued her with fearlessness and authority.
The company's new security system serves as an aegis against cyber attacks.
Under the aegis of the United Nations, several peacekeeping missions have been successfully deployed.
The project was undertaken under the aegis of the Ministry of Culture to preserve national heritage.
The charity operates under the aegis of a well-respected philanthropist, ensuring transparency and effectiveness.
The historical monument is now protected by the aegis of local conservation laws.
The research was conducted under the aegis of the World Health Organization to find a cure for the disease.
The young prince, sheltered by his father's aegis, grew up unaware of the kingdom's intrigues.
The environmental organization works under the aegis of international agreements to combat climate change.
The art exhibition was held under the aegis of the city's cultural affairs department, attracting artists from around the globe.
China's air cargo sector displayed its resilience and dynamism during the nation's fight against the COVID-19 pandemic over the past two years, said Luo Renjian, a researcher at the Institute of Transportation Research, which operates under the aegis of the National Development and Reform Commission, the country's top economic regulator.
Zhou Lisha, a researcher with the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission (SASAC), which operates under the aegis of the State Council, China's Cabinet, said dealing with carbon emissions requires imaginative solutions.
周丽莎是国务院(中国内阁)旗下国有资产监督管理委员会的一名研究人员,她说处理碳排放需要富有创意的解决方案。这里将句子进行了适当的调整以符合中文表达习惯。原文中“which operates under the aegis of the State Council, China's Cabinet”在翻译时调整为“是国务院(中国内阁)旗下”,以避免重复并使行文更加流畅。“dealing with carbon emissions requires imaginative solutions”翻译为“处理碳排放需要富有创意的解决方案”。希望这个翻译能够满足您的要求!如果有任何问题或需要进一步的帮助,请随时告诉我。我会尽力提供支持。
The IESM operates under the aegis of the National Development and Reform Commission, the country's top economic regulator.
Zhao Ying, a researcher at the Institute of Industrial Economics, which operates under the aegis of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, said most Chinese companies are hierarchical, collectivist, success-oriented, tolerant of uncertainty, long term-oriented, and accord to high priority communication.
The Beijing-headquartered CRRC said on Monday that the new units will be created under the aegis of Heilongjiang-based CRRC Qiqihar Co and Hubei-based CRRC Yangtze Co, two of its strongest freight train producers.
WTO-led accord, once implemented, seen boosting biz, investment, parityThe Investment Facilitation for Development Agreement, the world's first multilateral investment accord under the aegis of the World Trade Organization, will better safeguard outbound investment made by Chinese businesses, narrow the gap between the Global North and Global South, and further shore up the confidence of investors worldwide, the Ministry of Commerce said on Friday.
They were reacting to the renewed dialogue between Chinese Commerce Minister Wang Wentao and Australian Trade Minister Don Farrell, which marked the 16th China-Australia Joint Ministerial Economic Commission in Beijing on Friday, held under the aegis of China's Ministry of Commerce.
On the other, they are expected to expand trade in agricultural products, energy and resources, high-tech, equipment manufacturing and modern services in the coming years, said Zheng Wei, a researcher with Shanghai-based China Outsourcing Institute, a research body operating under the aegis of the Ministry of Commerce.
Wang Tuo, an associate researcher at the Institute of International Trade in Services, which operates under the aegis of the Chinese Academy of International Trade and Economic Cooperation, said uncertainties from the COVID-19 pandemic remain a big challenge for China to develop its trade in services, especially as movement of individuals is still obstructed, dampening cross-border economic cooperation and globalization.
With 660 billion yuan of State funds under its management, China Chengtong currently operates over 70 billion yuan of equity of listed companies, and remains a major shareholder in several central SOEs such as National Petroleum and Natural Gas Pipe Network Group Co Ltd. "Since China aims to build a group of world-class SOEs that lead in high-quality development, empowering such funds will boost the government's ability to better serve the real economy," said Peng Huagang, secretary-general of the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission, the country's top State asset regulator that operates under the aegis of the State Council, China's Cabinet.
The SASAC operates under the aegis of the State Council, China's Cabinet.
Besides, many goods orders now flow into China's inland regions as countries in Southeast Asia and South Asia have stopped production because of the epidemic, said Zhang Jianping, director-general of the China Center for Regional Economic Cooperation, which operates under the aegis of the Ministry of Commerce.
The department is part of the Development Research Center, which functions under the aegis of the State Council, China's Cabinet.
Both countries wrapped up the negotiations on the bilateral FTA on July 20 after three rounds of official talks, under the aegis of stronger economic and trade ties between China and the Association of Southeast Asian Nations.
Wu Chaoming, deputy dean of the Chasing Institute under the aegis of Chasing Securities, said he estimates an around 5.4 percent economic growth for the third quarter and an about 6 percent for the last one, thanks to the recovery in domestic investment and consumption.
Yan Guangsheng, director of the natural resources comprehensive survey and commanding center at the China Geological Survey, which operates under the aegis of the Ministry of Natural Resources, said China and Latin America's strengths in mining are complementary.
Duan Zhaofang, director of the natural gas market research department at the Economics and Technology Research Institute, which operates under the aegis of China National Petroleum Corp, said the completion of the eastern route will help ensure natural gas supply to provinces alongside the route, especially those with a big need for energy, like Shandong and Jiangsu provinces.
Similar to high-speed railway services in China, which have effectively spurred business activities along rail networks, the Jakarta-Bandung high-speed railway will enrich the development of infrastructure facilities and generate fresh growth points in both the services sector and trade in services in Indonesia and Southeast Asia, said Luo Renjian, a researcher at the Institute of Transportation Research, which operates under the aegis of the National Development and Reform Commission, the country's top economic regulator.
The Economics & Technology Research Institute, which operates under the aegis of China National Petroleum Corp, a State-owned oil and gas company, said earlier that China signed a record number of term contracts for 22.7 million tons of LNG in 2021, up 516 percent year-on-year, with some contracts starting delivery this year, which will boost LNG imports in coming years.
Wang Ke, a professor at the Center for Energy and Environmental Policy Research, which operates under the aegis of the Beijing Institute of Technology, told CEN that from the experience of pilot markets, many companies paid little attention to carbon emissions, and rushed to purchase a big amount of allowance right before routine checks from regulators and third parties.
Zhao Ping, director of the international trade research department under the aegis of the CCPIT Academy, said: "The takeout sector has become a breakthrough point for restaurants to deal with the epidemic effect.
"Many major State-owned enterprises in the coal sector are developing technologies and seeking new business models to produce and sell coal chemicals, to strongly support their major businesses like coal production," said Wu Lixin, deputy director of the Coal Strategic Planning Research Institute under the aegis of the China Coal Research Institute.
In partnership with scientists from the Shanghai Advanced Research Institute, which is under the aegis of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Lu'an Mining developed a production line in late 2017 to make synthetic oil using coal.
Zhao Ping, director of the international trade research department under the aegis of the Academy of China Council for the Promotion of International Trade, said that there is huge potential in the cross-border e-commerce trade between China and ASEAN.
Zhao Ping, director of the international trade research department under the aegis of the Academy of China Council for the Promotion of International Trade, said that such integration is promoting the prosperous development of the retail industry.
Prices of even pre-owned apartments that soared high above a city's natural price levels, despite poor infrastructure and lack of amenities in the neighborhood, will likely edge down in the months to come, said Xu Xiaole, chief market analyst with the Ke Research Institute, a research organization under the aegis of online real estate brokerage Ke.
They are pioneering a new wave of technological breakthroughs, and adopting new business models and formats, to promote sustainable growth of the transport industry across the world, said Luo Renjian, a researcher at the Institute of Transportation Research, which operates under the aegis of the National Development and Reform Commission, the country's top economic regulator.
Six laureates, announced annually, will receive 1 million yuan each under the aegis of the Micius Quantum Prize.
According to the Digital Currency Research Institute, which operates under the aegis of the People's Bank of China, the country's central bank, trials of e-CNY deposits and withdrawals through the special ATMs had already started at certain branches of Industrial and Commercial Bank of China and Agricultural Bank of China in Beijing in June 2021.
The hoped-for framework should address Big Tech's potential to have system-wide impact on the financial services sector during crises, and the authorities should update standards that can designate certain internet-based companies as being "systemically important", said Hu Bin, deputy director general of the Institute of Finance and Banking under the aegis of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences.
The writer is director of the Department of International Investment of the Institute of World Economics and Politics, which functions under the aegis of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences.
"Africa is extremely interested in China's practice of digital financial inclusion, or how China has leveraged digital technologies to make financial services accessible for previously underserved small businesses and individuals," said Bei Duoguang, president of the Chinese Academy of Financial Inclusion, or CAFI, which functions under the aegis of Renmin University of China.
"Jumps in nonperforming loans are localized and do not constitute a risk for the whole rural commercial banking sector," said Zeng Gang, director of banking research at the Institute of Finance and Banking, which functions under the aegis of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences.
A draft is likely within the year as the suggested rules have won applause from the authorities concerned, said Li Shuguang, director of the Bankruptcy Law and Restructuring Research Center, which operates under the aegis of the China University of Political Science and Law.
The National Internet Finance Association of China, which is a self-disciplining industry association under the aegis of the PBOC, became the largest shareholder with a 36-percent stake, while the rest of Baihang's stake is equally shared by the other eight credit firms.
A recent report by the International Finance Institute, which operates under the aegis of Bank of China, said that income growth, consumption upgrading and pension reform will underpin consumption despite slowdown in spending on automobiles and housing.