
abbr.(= printing-out paper ) (利用光照直接显影的)印相纸
词根词缀记忆/谐音联想记忆 补充/纠错
谐音发出"砰"的一声突然出现 → pop ad …………
口水 …………
词性拓展记忆 / 词形拓展记忆
对比记忆 / 类比记忆 / 形近词记忆
pop into 突然进入
pop up 弹出式窗口
pop singer 流行歌手
pop into one's mind 突然想到
pop art 波普艺术
Pop Art 波普艺术
pop stars 流行歌星
pop music 流行音乐
pop out 弹出
pop singers 流行歌手
pop group 流行音乐团体
pop in 突然进入
pop song 流行歌曲
pop songs 流行歌曲
brainwashing pop song 洗脑流行歌曲
pop test 爆裂试验
pop quiz 突击测验
pop concert 流行音乐会
pop rap 流行说唱乐
pop off 弹出,弹出
pop the question 提出问题
pop show 流行音乐表演
ambient pop 环境爆裂声
Adult Alternative Pop Rock 成人另类流行摇滚
pop chart 弹出式图表
pop one's cork 打开软木塞
Adult Alternative Pop 成人另类流行
pop star 流行歌星
Tom's back tyre just went pop on the road.
An idea popped into my mind like a flash.
Beijing-based pop culture and art toy company Pop Mart is seeking to expand revenue from overseas by opening more stores abroad, especially focusing on Southeast Asia, said its top executive.
总部位于北京的流行文化艺术玩具公司pop Mart的高管表示,该公司正寻求通过在海外开设更多门店来扩大海外收入,尤其是将重点放在东南亚。
Designed to captivate young collectors and millennials, Pop Mart released a series of limited-edition figurines, including Skullpanda Dark Maid, Labubu Shepherd, Kubo King of the White Deer, and Pucky the Ghost at the new stores to offer a better shopping experience for customers.
为了吸引年轻收藏家和千禧一代,Pop Mart在新店推出了一系列限量版小雕像,包括Skullpanda Dark Maid、Labubu Shepherd、Kubo King of the White Deer和Pucky the Ghost,为顾客提供更好的购物体验。
Samson Su, marketing manager of Pop Mart Australia and New Zealand, said, "We keep engaging more with consumers in New Zealand this year.
Pop Mart澳大利亚和新西兰的营销经理Samson Su说:“今年我们继续与新西兰的消费者进行更多的接触。
"Pop Mart, founded in 2010, has in recent years enhanced its reach in more than 25 countries and regions, including South Korea, Japan, Singapore, Australia, the United States, Canada and the UK.
“Pop Mart成立于2010年,近年来在韩国、日本、新加坡、澳大利亚、美国、加拿大和英国等25多个国家和地区扩大了业务范围。
Justin Moon, global president of Pop Mart, said Malaysia has enormous potential as the region's second-largest market after Singapore and that the company is looking forward to further developing in other Southeast Asian markets and establishing a comprehensive offline and online sales network, while respecting local culture.
Pop Mart全球总裁Justin Moon表示,马来西亚作为该地区仅次于新加坡的第二大市场具有巨大潜力,该公司期待在其他东南亚市场进一步发展,建立全面的线下和线上销售网络,同时尊重当地文化。
For instance, online shopping platforms including Shopee and Lazada have become the key distribution channels for the growth of Pop Mart products in Southeast Asia.
In the third quarter of this year, Pop Mart opened stores in Thailand, the US and Australia.
Its first-half report showed that Pop Mart posted a revenue of 2.84 billion yuan, up 19.3 percent year-on-year, and a net profit of 477 million yuan.
Capital Securities said Pop Mart's continued penetration of the overseas market is expected to further scale up its business.
In September, Pop Mart opened its first theme park in Beijing to diversify its business categories as it has vowed to become the Chinese answer to Disney.
今年9月,Pop Mart在北京开设了第一家主题公园,以实现其业务类别的多样化,并发誓要成为迪士尼的中国对手。
The park, named Pop Land, displays its top IP characters, including Molly, Labubu, Dimoo, Skullpanda and Pucky, retail shops, catering and interactive plays, in collaboration with the Chaoyang Culture and Tourism Group.
该公园名为Pop Land,与朝阳文化旅游集团合作,展示了其顶级IP角色,包括Molly、Labubu、Dimoo、Skullpanda和Pucky、零售店、餐饮和互动剧。
Pop Mart International Group, a Beijing-headquartered character-focused entertainment company and toymaker, opened its first theme park ever, in Beijing on Tuesday as it seeks its next growth driver and expands its business categories.
总部位于北京的以人物为中心的娱乐公司和玩具制造商Pop-Mart International Group周二在北京开设了有史以来的第一个主题公园,以寻求下一个增长动力并扩大业务类别。
Located in Chaoyang Park inside the city's East Third Ring, Pop Land has displays of its top intellectual property characters including Molly, Labubu, Dimoo, Skullpanda and Pucky, retail shops, catering and interactive plays, in collaboration with Chaoyang Culture and Tourism Group.
Pop Land位于城市东三环内的朝阳公园,与朝阳文化旅游集团合作,展示了其顶级知识产权人物,包括Molly、Labubu、Dimoo、Skullpanda和Pucky,以及零售店、餐饮和互动剧。
Wang Ning, chairman and CEO of Pop Mart, told China Daily after the opening ceremony of the theme park that they expect to make Pop Land the Chinese answer to Disneyland.
Compared with world-renowned theme parks like Disney, Universal or Legoland, Pop Land is relatively small in scale and investment, said the company, offering more lightweight immersive experiences with IPs rather than a high ratio of thrill rides.
该公司表示,与迪士尼、环球或乐高乐园等世界知名主题公园相比,Pop Land的规模和投资相对较小,通过IP提供更轻量的沉浸式体验,而不是高比例的惊险游乐设施。
Hu Jian, general manager of Pop Land, said the resort offers visitors interactive opportunities with their beloved IPs and a platform to ignite interest and innovation in their trendy toys and figures.
Pop Land总经理胡健表示,度假村为游客提供了与他们喜爱的IP互动的机会,并为他们的时尚玩具和人物提供了一个激发兴趣和创新的平台。
According to its first half-year report this year, Pop Mart posted a revenue of 2.84 billion yuan, up 19.3 percent year-on-year, and a net profit of 535 million yuan, a growth of 42.3 percent.
Li Mengran, marketing manager at Utour, an online travel agency in Beijing, said Pop Land — a new trendy toy destination — is being well-received by the wide range of fans to Pop Mart's top IPs.
北京在线旅行社Utour的市场经理李梦然表示,Pop Land——一个新的时尚玩具目的地——受到了Pop Mart顶级IP的广大粉丝的好评。
Zhu Hong, a yoga instructor, and her 9-year-old daughter in Beijing are both fans of Molly, the lead character of the Pop Mart universe.
From the first Paddle Pop HipHop to today's Magnum Matcha Ice Cream, we have always upheld the consumer-oriented R&D strategy in the Chinese market," Close said.
从第一款Paddle Pop HipHop到今天的万能抹茶冰淇淋,我们在中国市场一直坚持以消费者为导向的研发战略,”Close说。
Pop Mart, an art toy maker in China, has participated in the annual DesignerCon, held between Nov 18 to 20 at the Anaheim Convention Center in California, to boost its international presence.
中国艺术玩具制造商Pop Mart参加了11月18日至20日在加利福尼亚州阿纳海姆会议中心举行的年度DesignerCon,以提升其国际影响力。
In its 108-square-meter exhibition area, Pop Mart said it has provided a visual feast of art and culture for audiences, featuring giant electronic screens, art toy sculptures, acrylic lamps and rainbow films.
Pop Mart表示,在其108平方米的展区内,它为观众提供了一场艺术和文化的视觉盛宴,包括巨大的电子屏幕、艺术玩具雕塑、丙烯酸灯和彩虹膜。
This year is the second year for Pop Mart to participate.
今年是Pop Mart第二年参与。
Since 2018, Pop Mart has expanded its global presence to 25 countries and regions, operating over 350 stores and more than 1,800 Robo shops.
自2018年以来,Pop Mart已将其全球业务扩展到25个国家和地区,经营着350多家店铺和1800多家Robo店铺。
In June this year, Pop Mart opened its first pop-up shop in LA South Coast Plaza in the US.
今年6月,Pop Mart在美国洛杉矶南海岸广场开设了第一家快闪店。
A niche has developed for integrated retailers of home furnishing products and pop (popular) toys, as young Chinese consumers have been increasingly pursuing fashionable lifestyles and buying products to fulfill their personal preferences.
In the meantime, Ye Guofu, founder of Miniso, said he is bullish on the growth potential of the pop toy market in China, and he hopes that within three years, Miniso's wholly owned subsidiary Top Toy, a Chinese toy brand that was founded in late 2020, will go public individually.
与此同时,Miniso创始人叶国富表示,他看好中国流行玩具市场的增长潜力,并希望在三年内,Miniso的全资子公司Top toy,一个成立于2020年底的中国玩具品牌,能够单独上市。
As of the end of March, Top Toy, which aims to become a global pop toy collection brand, operated 92 stores nationwide.
截至3月底,旨在成为全球流行玩具收藏品牌的Top Toy在全国经营着92家门店。
Compared with Hong Kong-listed toy brand Pop Mart, which mainly sells trendy toys packaged randomly in boxes, Top Toy offers toys in eight main categories, including building blocks, garage kits, sculptures and blind boxes containing cartoon figurines.
与香港玩具品牌Pop Mart主要销售随机包装在盒子中的时尚玩具相比,Top toy提供八个主要类别的玩具,包括积木、车库工具包、雕塑和包含卡通小雕像的盲盒。
Some of them have already become parents who wish their children can become more trendy, so they are willing to spend money on purchasing more pop toys," said Sun Yuanwen, founder and chief executive officer of Top Toy.
Top Toy创始人兼首席执行官孙元文表示:“他们中的一些人已经成为希望孩子变得更时尚的父母,所以他们愿意花钱购买更多的流行玩具。”。
Other major Chinese pop toy retailers, such as Beijing-based 52Toys and Beijing Block 12 Culture Co Ltd, are also witnessing positive business performance and expanding their presence.
其他主要的中国流行玩具零售商,如总部位于北京的52Toys和北京Block 12文化有限公司,也见证了积极的商业表现,并扩大了他们的业务。
As of 2020, China had 253 million children aged below 14 years old, data from the 2020 national census show, and the third-child policy that was announced in March 2021 is expected to help encourage more newborns and the growth of the pop toy industry, industry experts observed.
Last year, sales in China's pop toy market achieved 36.6 billion yuan.
"The continuous expansion of creative products and pop culture in China will be beneficial to help attract more fans from different age groups for toy retailers.
With frequent discussions and engagements of pop culture, many consumers who occasionally buy pop toys have become frequent buyers," said Neil Wang, global partner and China unit president of Frost& Sullivan.
随着流行文化的频繁讨论和参与,许多偶尔购买流行玩具的消费者已经成为频繁的买家,”Frost&Sullivan全球合伙人兼中国区总裁Neil Wang表示。
"Besides, pop toy retailers have participated in various exhibitions and activities in the past few years.
POP MART, China's leading pop culture and entertainment company, has recorded strong growth in revenue and profits year-on-year, boosted by its popular intellectual properties and the expansion of its stores online and offline.
POP MART,中国领先的流行文化和娱乐公司,在其流行知识产权和线上线下门店扩张的推动下,收入和利润同比强劲增长。
Last year, POP MART launched the high-end designer toy product line MEGA COLLECTION, achieving total revenue of 178 million yuan.
去年,POP MART推出了高端设计师玩具产品线MEGA COLLECTION,实现总收入1.78亿元。
POP MART launched 106 new stores on the Chinese mainland, with total stores rising from 187 in late 2020 to 288 in 2021.
POP MART在中国大陆开设了106家新店,门店总数从2020年末的187家上升到2021年的288家。
Fiscal results show its online channels developed rapidly, and the revenue of POP Draw, a mini-program on WeChat developed by POP MART, was 898 million yuan, an increase of 92.6 percent year-on-year.
财务结果显示,其在线渠道发展迅速,POP MART开发的微信小程序POP Draw的收入为8.98亿元,同比增长92.6%。
POP MART also signed an agreement with the operator of Chaoyang Park in Beijing to build POP MART's first theme park.
POP MART还与北京朝阳公园运营商签署协议,建设POP MART首个主题公园。
Collectible toymaker sees sharp increase in international businessEarlier this year, POP MART, a leading collectible toymaker that introduced the concept of blind box toys, opened its first store in London where it showed off its top intellectual properties, which included Skullpanda, Dimoo and Pucky, as well as its Space Molly character.
收藏玩具制造商的国际业务急剧增长今年早些时候,引入盲盒玩具概念的领先收藏玩具制造商POP MART在伦敦开设了第一家商店,展示了其顶级知识产权,包括Skullpanda、Dimoo和Pucky,以及Space Molly角色。
Justin Moon, vice-president of POP MART, who leads its overseas division, said the company is planning to quicken the pace of going global this year by opening 50 new stores, in addition to its 12 existing stores overseas.
POP MART负责海外业务的副总裁Justin Moon表示,该公司计划在现有12家海外门店的基础上,今年还将开设50家新店,加快全球化步伐。
The COVID-19 pandemic has shifted the way POP MART chooses a location for a brick-and-mortar overseas store.
新冠肺炎疫情改变了POP MART为海外实体店选址的方式。
POP MART raised $676 million in an initial public offering in Hong Kong in 2020, giving the company a valuation of $7 billion ahead of its trading debut.
POP MART于2020年在香港首次公开募股筹集了6.76亿美元,使该公司在上市前的估值达到70亿美元。
Having established itself overseas since 2018, Moon said the pandemic has a silver lining for POP MART.
文在寅自2018年在海外站稳脚跟,他表示,疫情给POP MART带来了一线希望。
"As a fast-rising startup, POP MART was not ready for a rapid expansion overseas three years ago due to a lack of systematic procedures and matching training," he said.
他说:“作为一家快速崛起的初创公司,由于缺乏系统的程序和配套培训,POP MART在三年前还没有做好在海外快速扩张的准备。”。
At first, when POP MART decided to enter Asian markets, such as South Korea, Japan and Singapore, the company adopted a wholesale model or operated as a joint venture.
起初,当POP MART决定进军韩国、日本和新加坡等亚洲市场时,该公司采用了批发模式或合资经营。
Moon said the turning point came in Hong Kong, a perfect place to test the waters before expanding overseas, where POP MART has opened two directly-operated stores so far.
Moon表示,转折点出现在香港,这是一个在海外扩张之前试水的理想之地,POP MART迄今已在香港开设了两家直营店。
In addition to establishing a unified language in global markets, lifting brand awareness is what POP MART has done overseas.
除了在全球市场建立统一的语言之外,提升品牌知名度也是POP MART在海外所做的。
For example, the company has collaborated with CapitaLand Malls in Singapore by holding installation exhibitions featuring the appearance of Mega Space Molly, one of the most favorable IPs of POP MART, during the holiday season last year at 16 malls.
例如,该公司与新加坡凯德商场合作,在去年假期期间在16家商场举办了装置展,展示POP MART最受欢迎的IP之一Mega Space Molly的外观。
The shows not only boosted traffic for the malls but also improved recognition of the POP MART brand among consumers in Singapore, a trendsetting area in Southeast Asia.
这些展会不仅增加了商场的流量,还提高了新加坡消费者对POP MART品牌的认可度,新加坡是东南亚的一个引领潮流的地区。
Currently, due to the high cost of customized or localized approaches adopted by the company while entering a new market abroad, POP MART has designed and developed products in China and has sold them overseas, with localized adaptations for each market.
目前,由于公司在进入国外新市场时采用的定制或本地化方法成本高昂,POP MART在中国设计和开发了产品,并将其销售到海外,并针对每个市场进行了本地化调整。
The recent collaboration between the world's leading chicken restaurant chain KFC and top domestic blind box producer and toymaker Pop Mart has created a frenzy on the internet, with consumers sharing photos or videos of dozens of fried chicken "family buckets" in exchange for toys.
全球领先的鸡肉连锁餐厅肯德基与国内顶级盲盒生产商和玩具制造商Pop Mart最近的合作在互联网上掀起了一股热潮,消费者分享了数十个炸鸡“家庭水桶”的照片或视频,以换取玩具。
Each toy set features seven kinds of images of Dimoo, one of the top five intellectual properties created by Pop Mart.
每套玩具都有七种Dimoo的形象,这是Pop Mart创造的五大知识产权之一。
By Friday, more than 85 percent of the toys were sold across the nation, with the rest of the sales delayed in cities affected by the COVID-19 pandemic, said Pop Mart.
Pop Mart表示,截至周五,超过85%的玩具在全国各地售出,其余玩具在受新冠肺炎疫情影响的城市延迟销售。
Liu Rubing, who leads the Dimoo& KFC project at Pop Mart, said it took almost a year to launch the toys.
Pop Mart的Dimoo&KFC项目负责人刘如冰表示,推出这些玩具花了将近一年的时间。
The IP licensing business at Pop Mart, which operates more than 250 offline stores and some 1,700 vending machines in the country by September, worked on a dozen collaborations last year, with more in the pipeline set for this year, she added.
她补充道,截至9月,Pop Mart在全国经营着250多家线下商店和约1700台自动售货机,其知识产权许可业务去年进行了十几次合作,今年还有更多合作正在筹备中。
How to blend its trendy cultural elements with the high-end luxury sector and daily life sector to have its IPs better integrated into consumption phenomena, such as cosmetics, clothing and catering, is key to Pop Mart's growth, Liu said.
The revenue represented an increase of 59.2 percent year-on-year and 10.9 percent over the previous quarter, thanks to its store expansion at home and abroad and the introduction of Top Toy, a brand of pop toys launched in December 2020.
"In the fiscal year 2021, we accomplished our IPO in the New York Stock Exchange, further illustrating our commitment to becoming a global new-retail platform and launching pop toy brand Top Toy," Ye said.
Compared with Hong Kong-listed pop toy brand Pop Mart, which mainly sells trendy toys packaged randomly in blind boxes, 52Toys offers toys in various categories such as building blocks, garage kits, sculptures and blind boxes containing cartoon figurines.
Other major Chinese pop toy retailers such as Top Toy and Beijing Block 12 Culture Co Ltd have also witnessed booming business growth and are expanding their operations to leverage the significant demand from the market.
This year, sales of the pop toy market in China are expected to reach 38.43 billion yuan, jumping 30 percent over last year, the fastest worldwide, said iiMedia Research, a Chinese consulting agency.
By the end of last year, China had at least 800 companies involved in the pop toy related business, data from business information provider Tianyancha said.
Top Toy, a newly founded brand of pop toys, or collectibles licensed as vinyl figurines and bobblehead dolls, is making a wider foray into the trendy toy market with plans to operate 100 stores and 1,000 toy vending machines in China this year.
Top Toy, a wholly owned subsidiary of Chinese budget retailer Miniso Group Holding Ltd, plans to launch its first overseas store in Singapore in the latter half of the year, as the company has seen enormous demand and concrete business opportunities in the pop toy market, and it aims to become a global pop toy collection brand.
"Pop toys don't exactly belong to the traditional toy sector, in my opinion.
The store attracted more than 30,000 customers on its opening day with long queues outside seeking its pop toys.
Compared with Hong Kong-listed pop toy brand Pop Mart, which mainly sells trendy toys packaged randomly in boxes, Top Toy offers toys in eight main categories such as building blocks, garage kits, sculptures and blind boxes containing cartoon figurines.
Other Chinese pop toy retailers such as 52Toys and Beijing Block 12 Culture Co Ltd are also enjoying good performances and expanding their presence at home and abroad.
Last year, customer numbers of pop toys on Tmall surged 100 times compared with that of 2019.
To meet the demands of the rising millennial and the generation Z, the company integrated the "blind boxes" element - the recently popular play method created by Chinese toy maker Pop Mart - into its snacks.
The company also cooperated with Pop Mart to create a toy candy box, combining fashionable element with classical delicacy.
With the help of Pop Mart's fashionable inspiration, we also demonstrated the company's brand attitude of 'constantly staying tuned to young consumers and closely following the trend'," said Jamie Zhu, head of Hsu Fu Chi's e-commerce department.
A total of 38 brands made the list for the first time this year, including Chinese electric carmaker Nio and newly floated lifestyle retailer Pop Mart.
Pop Mart's trendy toys gain popularity among the world's young female consumersEven till the end of September 2019, Beijing-headquartered Pop Mart, a company that makes trendy toys packaged randomly in what are called blind boxes or mystery boxes, hardly had any cross-border e-commerce presence.
Exactly a month later, when it made its IPO in Hong Kong, Pop Mart's shares were oversubscribed by 356 times, valuing the company at more than HK$100 billion ($12.9 billion) on its first day of trading.
It confirmed the company's founder Wang Ning, 33, a billionaire now with a 57 percent stake, was not joking when he said he would like to make Pop Mart the Chinese equivalent of Disney or Netflix.
The meteoric rise of Pop Mart appears unstoppable.
An unidentified loyal collector of Pop Mart's toys told Forbes magazine: "Blind boxes are so much different from what I have seen in the past.
Justin Moon (Moon Duk Il), vice-president of Pop Mart and head of its overseas business center, said the company established joint ventures in fast-growing markets like Singapore, South Korea and Japan.
Pop Mart's overseas sales across wholesale, retail and e-commerce channels reflect the pandemic's impact on local retail in every overseas market it operates in, said Moon.
Thankfully, the new year 2021 has seen sales via e-commerce gathering momentum, particularly on Pop Mart's official e-outlets on platforms such as AliExpress.
Be it the domestic market or overseas markets, Pop Mart's patrons tend to be the younger generation born after 1995, tech-savvy, inclusive and curious about fresh ideas, Moon said.
European and Russian consumers prefer to buy Pop Mart products on AliExpress, while North American consumers prefer to choose official websites and Amazon.
Pop Mart International, a Beijing-based trendy toy maker, saw its shares rise by as much as 100 percent during its debut on Dec 12.
Pop Mart International, a trendy toy maker, saw its shares rise by as much as 100 percent during its debut on the Hong Kong stock exchange on Friday and catapulted its founder Wang Ning into the billionaires' club.
After its listing, Pop Mart shares had an intraday low of HK$68 and a high of HK$81.7, before closing at HK$69, putting the company's market value at HK$95.3 billion.
The decade-old company's main product is pop toys, products with a mix of pop culture and trendy content.
But Pop Mart has taken the trend to new heights.
Wang founded Pop Mart in 2010 and quickly discovered the charm of pop toys, especially the SonnyAngel, which was a big hit.
Pop Mart also owns fast-growing online channels including its Tmall flagship store and the Pop Draw mini program.
In terms of its wholesale operations, Pop Mart has 22 distributors in China and 19 in 21 overseas markets, including South Korea, Japan, Singapore and the United States.
Pop Mart's revenue rose from 158.1 million yuan in 2017 to 1.68 billion yuan in 2019, with net profit growing from 1.6 million yuan to 451.1 million yuan during the period.
The company said it was the largest pop toy brand in China in terms of retail value in 2019 with a market share of 8.5 percent, outpacing all other major players, including Lego and Line Friends.
This year, despite the COVID-19 pandemic, online shopping has become increasingly significant for Pop Mart.
During Tmall's 2020 Singles Day shopping festival on Nov 11, Pop Mart ranked first among flagship stores of toy brands on Tmall in terms of retail value, achieving revenue of 142 million yuan, up from 82.12 million yuan in the same period a year ago.
Sinolink Securities said the pop toy market in China is valued at 20.7 billion yuan and poised to grow at an annual rate of 29.8 percent in the next five years, exceeding the growth rate of chip sector.
Northeast Securities said Pop Mart has remained at the top of the market and has its own niche.

六级As noted above, indifferent relationships may not always be the most helpful approach in resolving some of the issues that pop up at work.


2019年6月六级真题(第三套)阅读 Section C

六级Most pop singers suffer from three things: lack of training, overuse and abuse of the voice, especially when they are young



六级First on her agenda was to pursue her dream of hosting a pop music programme.



高考Sharon Collins, pop singer and amateur photographer.


2015年高考英语广东卷 阅读理解 信息匹配 题设

高考However, the 1995 pop song 'common people' puts forward the view that though a middle-class person may 'want to live like common people' they can never appreciate the reality of a working-class life.


2015年高考英语广东卷 阅读理解 阅读D 原文

高考When classical, rather than pop, music was playing, diners spent more.


2018年高考英语江苏卷 阅读理解 阅读B 原文

四级Do you think you could pop through and bring me up to date on the arrangements for the Italian trip



六级Every summer when I top up my selection of summer outfits from the department stores, my eyes would nearly pop out of my head.


2019年6月六级真题(第一套)听力 Section C

六级Most pop singers suffer from three things: lack of training, overuse and abuse of the voice, especially when they are young.



六级If pop singers have got voice problems, they really need to be more selective about where they work.



考研Kids need a range of authentic role models—as opposed to members of their clique, pop stars and vaunted athletes.


