
词根词缀记忆/谐音联想记忆 补充/纠错
谐音“同freeze” → 热胀冷缩,长句冻结( …………
对比记忆phrase n.短语,词组
phase n.时期,阶段
词性拓展记忆 / 词形拓展记忆
signature phrase 签名短语
to borrow a phrase from sb. 借用某人的短语
pet phrase 流行语
catch phrase 捕获短语
set phrases 成语
repetition of words and phrases 单词和短语的重复
China-made in every sense of the phrase 中国制造在每个意义上的短语
You would have phrased it quite differently.
Eric phrase a story to kids
Tom finds a phrase from phrasebook.
Actions speak louder than words.
Break a leg!" - 祝你好运(一种剧场里的祝福语)。
Piece of cake.
Time heals all wounds.
Bite the bullet.
Don't count your chickens before they hatch.
A penny for your thoughts.
You can't judge a book by its cover.
Better late than never.
When in Rome, do as the Romans do.
What does the underlined phrase mean?
We have a phrase 'China for China'," which means its Chinese mobile apps are developed locally for better speed and user experience, Donahoe said.
Spring has also designed personalities, hobbies, wishes and a pet phrase for the figure, and many of the elements mesh with the corporate culture and development goals of the company, it said.
Closed loop shall still be the key phrase for the production resumption at this phase, he said.
Guo Xiaoyan, a publicity executive at Beijing Jianlong Heavy Industry Group Co, has found that an increasing part of her daily work centers on the buzz phrase "dual carbon goals", which refers to China's climate commitments.
Keywords like "Guochao"-a Chinese phrase referring to homegrown style-have been gaining ground.
Bilibili, a leading video platform popular among China's younger generation, announced on Monday the phrase of the year on its site to be "Po Fang Le", or "this broke down my defenses" in literal translation.
受中国年轻一代欢迎的领先视频平台哔哩哔哩周一在其网站上宣布,今年的短语是“Po Fang Le”,直译为“这打破了我的防御”。
Some industry insiders coined a phrase to describe the expected nature of the massive post-merger entity: "IT aircraft carrier", a mammoth of sorts that will have multiple capabilities, huge resources and corporate heft.
Michael Lai, general manager of AstraZeneca China, also said what the company is building is not only regional headquarters, but also a regional innovation ecosystem that can integrate resources from different companies to create innovative disease solutions for patients, as well as help companies go from early stage to growth phrase to becoming significant players in the local industry.
Drip coffees, or small cones or cubes containing ground coffee that "hang by the ear", to use Chinese consumers' preferred phrase for them, allow fresh brews to drip through them when immersed in hot water in a mug.
Well, the phrase is a throwback to China's period of wars when the general strategy was to first win the rural areas before moving on to conquer cities.
I was surprised to note Agarwal used this Chinese phrase at all.
You can barely find a phrase that properly encapsulates all businesses of Tencent Holdings Ltd.
CSRC has encouraged listed firms to offer more yields to investors in the stock market, where dividend payouts were previously infrequent, and vowed to punish the stingy "iron roosters," a phrase taken from a Chinese term to describe a miserly person.
NPC deputy believes digital economy could become the engine driving China's next phase of development, affecting many sectorsThere may not be a phrase to properly encompass all the businesses operating as part of Tencent Holdings Ltd.
According to MDEC's chief executive officer Yasmin Mahmood, the pilot phrase of the collaboration will begin with a base of 382 cameras feeds and input from 281 traffic light junction.
China's economy is entering a new growth phrase where quality has become increasingly important for the country's consumers, Zhang noted.
Led by Vishal Bali, measurement firm Nielsen mines China market insights to add value to global strategy"East-to-West Innovation"-the phrase may be a mouthful but it rolls smoothly off Vishal Bali's tongue as if it were some butter.
For those who don't, the phrase "leftover women" is sometimes applied.
While securitization of State-owned assets has become a buzz phrase in SOE reform, Pan said the group has no plan to merge all its entities for a single listing.
The celebration comes at a time when the phrase "Made in China" has come of age.
The key phrase "new productivity boosters" — highlighted at the recently concluded Central Economic Work Conference — refers to modern advanced productivity generated by technological breakthroughs, innovative allocation of production factors and in-depth industrial transformation and upgrading, the official said, adding that the term takes the improvement of total factor productivity as a core concept.
The term "modern industrial system" has become a key phrase in China, with the top leadership highlighting it as a priority for the country's economic development and a key to underpinning modernization.
The buzz phrase cropped up again and again at the 2022 China International Fair for Trade in Services, or CIFTIS, held in Beijing in September, as hundreds of thousands of visitors realized the benefits of bamboo-made disposable tableware, neon signs that glow without being plugged in, and hydrogen fuel cells that drain only water, which were all on display.
That is to say, "maintaining strategic resolve" was a key phrase during the meeting.
Huo Jinjie, president of International Data Corp China, a market research firm, said digital resilience has become a key phrase for the country's enterprises to survive and grow over the past year and more.
"Micro-, small and medium-sized enterprises" or MSMEs, a buzz phrase for economic journalists these days, refers to businesses with relatively limited revenue and assets.
The phrase "little giant" refers to small and medium-sized enterprises that focus on a market niche and master key technologies with a strong innovation capacity and big market share.
In the initial phrase, HSBC plans to provide over 100 selected wealth management products at low to medium risk, covering all asset classes allowed by the rules.
Who or what might prove "unintended beneficiaries"-call this new phrase an antonym of "collateral damage", if you will-of China's new policies aimed at raising the fertility rate?
Upgraded innovation should be the buzz phrase for Shanghai's development in the next five years by further enhancing its core competitiveness, he said.
Balance sheet recessionThe phrase "balance sheet recession" was coined by US economist Richard Koo, chief economist at Nomura Research, in 2003, to describe Japan's long-term economic recession in the 1990s.
High-intensity travel a trend among young Chinese keen to see more sitesTang Dynasty (618-907) poet Meng Jiao used the phrase "see all the flowers of Chang'an in one day (on horseback)" to describe the joyous mood following success at the imperial examination.
Therefore, early investment in hard technology has become a key phrase.
The term "modern industrial system" has become a key phrase in China, with the top leadership highlighting it as a priority for the country's economic development.
Literally meaning to "give strength", geili is a phrase commonly used by e-commerce livestreamers in China.
- If there is one phrase to describe the past Spring Festival holiday, it is "Ren Shan Ren Hai," a Chinese idiom meaning there are many people out there.
The love of hanfu-traditional Chinese dresses-and domestic brands has heralded a new trend known as guochao, a Chinese phrase referring to homegrown style.
One of the strengths of domestic coffee chain operator Luckin Coffee is to be able to connect domestic brands to double down on the guochao trend-a Chinese phrase referring to homegrown style, providing continuous innovations that often resonate with local consumers.
"The coronavirus pandemic in fact propelled people to shop online and watch livestreaming to seek interactive and immersive experiences," said Viya, whose name is a play on the phrase "slightly hoarse".
The phrase refers to China's commitment to peak carbon emissions by 2030 and achieve carbon neutrality by 2060.
Often translated into English as "moderately prosperous society", xiaokang actually includes much wider goals than the limited idea of economic growth implied by the English phrase.
这句话的中文翻译是:"小康社会"常常被译为英文的"moderately prosperous society",但实际上,小康的概念包含的目标远比英文短语所暗示的经济增长概念要广泛得多。
The practice is so widespread that it's even given rise to the phrase "bathing crabs".
The country is a hub for digital innovation, given the massive contributions by the Tech Trinity, or BAT, a phrase that refers to Baidu, Alibaba and Tencent.
Zhang Shuidi, general manager of Xiamen C&D Xinghui E-sports Co Ltd, a subsidiary of Xiamen C&D Inc said China's e-sports industry is about to enter a phrase of explosive growth due to the recently concluded 2018 Asian Games.
It was the first phrase of tourism when people wanted to see the Eiffel Tower or something like that," said Vapaavuori.
The key phrase, "new productivity boosters", which was highlighted at the meeting, means China is seeking high-quality and highly efficient growth, Hong said.
The custom-built air conditioner had the calligraphy aficionado's favorite phrase — "Tian Dao Chou Qin", or "God Rewards the Diligent" — embossed in Chinese, with the AC also sporting his preferred color and style.
Going global will be a key phrase for Chinese battery maker Contemporary Amperex Technology Co Ltd in 2023, as the world's largest maker of electric vehicle batteries has accelerated its overseas expansion over the past year, according to company executives and industry experts.
The phrase "new energy vehicles", which has been repeated in the Government Work Report over the past seven years, did not appear in the report delivered at this year's annual two sessions, which concluded on Thursday.
"This is one of the reasons we call China a home away from home, and it is not a phrase for us," she said.
Several years ago, the phrase "intelligent connected vehicles" might have been foreign to many people, but now it is regarded as the future of transportation.
Electric car startup Byton is charging ahead on its path to roll off its first model, an SUV, in late 2019 as construction is well under way on the first phrase of its plant - with a designed annual capacity of 100,000 units - in Nanjing, Jiangsu province.
"The world is entering into the phrase of fierce competition in intelligent vehicles.
The CE marking is an abbreviation of the French phrase "Conformite Europeenne", which translates as "European Conformity".
Digital resilience has become a key phrase for the country's enterprises to survive and grow.
Color ringback tone services, known as CRBT, allow wireless service subscribers to play their favorite tune, sound, jingle or phrase to incoming callers.
For the first time, "new infrastructure" as a phrase was mentioned in the annual Government Work Report delivered in the annual national legislative session, underlining the efforts and resources the country is willing to offer to upgrade its cities.
"The phrase "countercyclical adjustments" was newly added compared with the statement from the second-quarter meeting in June, which experts said signaled the central bank's proactive stance of continuing policy support for the country's improving recovery momentum, with retail sales accelerating in August while industrial profits improved.
Stock-market investors in China are favorably disposed toward State-owned enterprises listed in the A-share market as "the valuation system with Chinese characteristics" has become a buzz phrase among market mavens, following the advanced state of SOE reform, experts said.
Not everyone in the Chinese stock market is familiar with the phrase though.
The registration-based IPO mechanism has been a buzz phrase in the Chinese market over the past few years as an indicator of its maturity.
On June 28, the People's Bank of China, the central bank, announced in a statement released after a quarterly meeting of its monetary policy committee that it will work to "strike a balance between economic recovery and risk prevention", a phrase worthy of attention.
Analysts said the phrase "or higher", used in the report, is a new expression that may indicate a willingness to raise the level later if necessary.
But in the first-quarter report, the PBOC removed the phrase "will avoid taking a flood irrigation type approach to easing", which was in the previous report for the fourth quarter of 2019.
As a financial journalist whose beat includes the monetary system and the central bank, I find the phrase "RMB internationalization" encouraging and confusing at the same time.
Confusing because the phrase, it seems, means many things to many people, and there's no consensus on its precise definition.
Regulators have encouraged listed firms to offer more yields to investors in the stock market, where dividend payouts were previously infrequent, and vowed to punish the stingy "iron roosters", a phrase taken from a Chinese term to describe a miserly person.
According to Adelaide-based legal firm KHQ Lawyers, WeBank is seeking to trademark the phrase "WeBank" and a series of Chinese characters that can be translated into English as "microloan", according to the report.
Most of the planned "investments with impact", to borrow a phrase from Naina Subberwal Batra, chairperson of the Asia Venture Philanthropy Network, are done by rich families looking to diversify their portfolios.
Originally, the phrase was invented to show the helplessness of people trapped in a rat race that has little significance, but as time went by it has also been used to criticize people who are not enterprising or not making an effort to improve.
It is not the first instance of the phrase "lie flat" being used in an official document to push for better performance from officials.
The phrase common prosperity has gained prominence this year, as China is determined to bring better lives to more people.

考研Even the very phrase “jobseeker’s allowance” is about redefining the unemployed as a “jobseeker” who had no fundamental right to a benefit he or she has earned through making national insurance contributions.



考研Even the very phrase "jobseeker's allowance" is about redefining the unemployed as a "jobseeker" who had no fundamental right to a benefit he or she has earned through making national insurance contributions.


2014年考研真题(英语一)阅读理解 Section Ⅱ

考研Such actions to seek knowledge and to understand what information we already knew were captured by the Latin phrase "sapere aude" or "dare to know", after Immanuel Kant used it in his essay An Answer to the Question: What is Enlightenment?

在伊曼纽尔·康德(Immanuel Kant)在其论文《什么是启蒙》中使用了拉丁语“sapere aude”或“敢于知道”之后,这种寻求知识和理解我们已经知道的信息的行为被捕捉到了?

2020年考研真题(英语一)阅读理解 Section Ⅱ

四级The Maker Movement is rediscovering learning by doing, which is Dewey's phrase from 100 years ago.


2019年6月四级真题(第三套)阅读 Section B

四级The phrase almost completes itself: midlife crisis.



考研The phrase "less is more" was actually first popularized by a German, the architect Ludwig mies van der Rohe, who like other people associated with the Bauhaus, a school of design, emigrated to the United States before World War II and took up posts at Am

“少即是多”这句话实际上最早是由德国人路德维希·密斯·范德罗(Ludwig mies van der Rohe)推广的,他和其他与包豪斯(Bauhaus)相关的人一样,包豪斯是一所设计学院,二战前移民到美国,并在Am担任职务

2011年考研真题(英语二)阅读理解 Section Ⅱ

六级When a noted leader on the art of management, Peter Drucker, coined the phrase "Management is doing things right; leadership is doing the right things," he was seeking to clarify the distinctions he associates with the terms.

当一位著名的管理艺术领袖彼得·德鲁克(Peter Drucker)创造了“管理就是把事情做对;领导力是在做正确的事情,”他试图澄清他与术语之间的区别。


高考This phrase is associated with the German designer Hartmut Esslinger.


2016年高考英语上海卷 选词填空 原文

六级Perhaps a new phrase is needed, one that can bring everyone one big step closer to realizing Du Bois's original, idealistic hope: It's not the name—it's the Thing that counts..



六级Perhaps a new phrase is needed, one that can bring everyone one big step closer to realizing Du Bois' original, idealistic hope: "It's not the name — It's the Thing that counts. "


2015年12月六级真题(第一套)阅读 Section C

考研One of these urges had to do with creating a state of peace in the midst of turbulence, a “still point of the turning world,” to borrow a phrase from T.



高考But the phrase "penny paper" caught the public's fancy, and soon there would be papers that did indeed sell for only a penny.


2019年高考英语全国卷3 阅读理解 阅读C 原文

六级Perhaps a new phrase is needed, one that can bring everyone one big step closer to realizing Du Bois’s original, idealistic hope: “It’s not the name —it’s the Thing that counts.



四级Moreover, a very short jump is too short to provide any meaning or sense; and it will be found that having struggled with three or four words separately, the pupil has to look at them again, all together and in one group, in order to get the meaning of the whole phrase.



四级What does the phrase “learning to use a computer” mean?



四级The phrase almost completes itself: midlife crisis.



四级The Maker Movement is rediscovering learning by doing, which is Dewey’s phrase from 100 years ago.



四级For example,the language and polls ex-pert Frank Luntz wrote a memo encouraging the use of “climate change” because the phrase sounded less scary than “global warming,” reported the Guardian.



考研Although the phrase was used by this country’s founders to denote equality before the law, it has also been interpreted to mean equality of opportunity.



考研The phrase “substance abuse” is often used instead of “drug abuse” to make clear that substances such as alcohol and tobacco can be just as harmfully misused as heroin and cocaine.



考研Darwin had a phrase to describe those ignorant of evolution: they “look at an organic being as a savage looks at a ship, as at something wholly beyond his comprehension.


