
词根词缀记忆/谐音联想记忆 补充/纠错
n 弹性,弹力(迅速从疾病、变化或灾难中恢复过来的能力) …………
谐音记忆re(前缀表重复) + “贼脸丝” → 贼带的假面很有弹性可以拉丝 → resilience n. 恢复 …………
ecosystem resilience 生态系统复原力
remarkable resilience 非凡的弹性
She exhibited remarkable resilience after facing numerous setbacks in her career.
His ability to bounce back from failure is a testament to his resilience.
The community has shown immense resilience in the face of natural disasters.
She learned resilience through the hardships she experienced as a child.
Developing resilience is crucial for mental health in today's fast-paced world.
Resilient individuals are better equipped to handle stress and adversity.
The company's financial resilience allowed it to weather the economic downturn.
After losing her job, she focused on building her resilience to face new challenges.
Teachers often praise resilient students who can recover quickly from setbacks.
Her resilience inspired others to persevere through their own struggles.
She demostrated great resilience in overcoming the challenges and bouncing back from failure.
China has become so different and the Chinese people have shown resilience in the past years," said Jean-Marc Loubier, CEO of Delvaux, who was in Beijing for the store inauguration.
Delvaux首席执行官Jean-Marc Loubier表示:“中国已经变得如此不同,中国人民在过去几年中表现出了韧性。
Editor's note: The Chinese economy has maintained growth and resilience in 2023 as the country expands high-level opening-up and emphasizes high-quality development.
The commitment to fostering a robust business environment and technological advancements is likely to contribute to steady economic growth and resilience.
Editor's note: The Chinese economy has maintained growth and resilience in 2023, as the country expands high-level opening-up and emphasizes high-quality development.
The plant, which will be highly automated and intelligent, can help drive the technical competitiveness of the European industry and boost the resilience of local supply chains as well as infrastructure, Xiang said.
That pursuit has showcased five factors working in China's favor: the ever-growing market size, strong industrial and supply chain resilience, well-thought-out policy support, deepening healthcare industry reform and high-standard opening-up.
Zhang Xiaorong, head of the research institute of Shenzhen, Guangdong province-based manufacturing company Deep Innovation, said the Moody's outlook downgrade exaggeratesxa0the intensified competition among Chinese tech companies and possible challenges they might face in the future, as well as overlooks the huge potential and resilience of China's economy.
总部位于广东省深圳市的制造业公司Deep Innovation的研究所所长张晓荣表示,穆迪的前景下调夸大了中国科技公司之间日益激烈的竞争及其未来可能面临的挑战,并忽视了中国经济的巨大潜力和韧性。
Pointing out that the country's consumer market is gradually recovering and showcasing immense growth potential and resilience, they said that Chinese online retailers should build up flexible supply chain systems and provide cost-effective shopping experiences for consumers by leveraging innovative digital technologies.
He also underscored the need to urgently enhance the resilience and security of industrial and supply chains in the face of new dynamics like diversification, green transformation and accelerated digitization.
Chen Jia, a researcher at the Renmin University of China, said: "The resilience of China's economy demonstrated through the three-year COVID-19 pandemic greatly enhanced MNCs' confidence in investing and localizing production in China.
Together with them, we are working on building resilience against a number of risks.
"Stable and sustainable investments and a growing consumer market demonstrate China's resilience and potential in a challenging global economy, making the country a key market for LDC, one in which we will continue to invest and work alongside our Chinese partners," said Michael Gelchie, CEO of LDC.
LDC首席执行官Michael Gelchie表示:“稳定和可持续的投资以及不断增长的消费市场表明了中国在充满挑战的全球经济中的韧性和潜力,使中国成为LDC的关键市场,我们将继续在其中投资,并与中国合作伙伴合作。”。
Resilience and innovation are key attributes of China's economy, and these offer an opportunity for LDC to meet the needs of the country's immense market and economic development, Gelchie said.
Major SOEs pave way for high-quality development, ramp up infrastructure building to lift economy, livelihoodsChina recently decided to issue 1 trillion yuan ($136.6 billion) in the fourth quarter in special treasury bonds to support its monumental efforts to bolster infrastructure considered key to livelihoods and to fortify resilience against natural disasters.
"The Chinese economy has shown strong resilience during the epidemic .
Guo Guannan, a researcher with the Chinese Academy of Macroeconomic Research, said the latest economic indicators point to a continued recovery trend, showcasing the strong resilience and great potential of China's economy.
According to Vinals, as the BRI enters a new decade, it represents an opportunity to engage more partners in the BRI to support further high-quality development and growth in important areas such as sustainability, digital innovation, inclusiveness, resilience and connectivity.
The three-year partnership, called "Moving for Change", will support UNHCR's Primary Impact programming to improve access to primary education, sports, teaching and learning resources and to enhance child well-being, resilience and learning readiness through in-kind and cash donation, according to Anta.
Wang Hongzhi, vice-chairman of SASAC, said, "SOEs are willing to work with enterprises of all ownership types to seize the opportunity from accelerated global industrial chain restructuring, expedite the construction of a modern industrial system, vigorously develop strategic emerging industries, actively nurture future industries, promote the deep integration of the digital economy with the real economy, accelerate the formation of new productive forces, and jointly enhance the resilience and competitiveness of China's supply chains.
国资委副主席王洪志说:, “国有企业愿与各类所有制企业一道,抓住全球产业链加速重组的机遇,加快构建现代产业体系,大力发展战略性新兴产业,积极培育未来产业,推动数字经济与实体经济深度融合,加快形成新型公共服务体系生产力,共同提升中国供应链的韧性和竞争力。
Cytiva's 2023 Global Biopharma Resilience Index, a survey of 1,250 biopharma and pharma executives in 22 countries, showed that 59 percent of respondents in China believe the country is somewhat adapted to supporting the rollout of personalized medicines and cell and gene therapies.
TUV Rheinland's certification for Midea's dishwasher encompasses a comprehensive evaluation across six dimensions — corporate social responsibility, environment management, climate resilience, recycled material content, hazardous substances and product life span.
The country's consumer market is recovering gradually and gaining growth momentum, highlighting the economy's strong vitality and resilience, they said.
As economic and consumer activities resume, the company's businesses have demonstrated encouraging trends that reflect the economy's resilience and confidence in the consumption recovery despite some uncertainties amid China's post-COVID-19 recovery, said Daniel Zhang, chairman and CEO of Alibaba Group, in an earnings call with investors.
阿里巴巴集团董事长兼首席执行官Daniel Zhang在与投资者举行的电话财报会议上表示,随着经济和消费者活动的恢复,该公司的业务表现出了令人鼓舞的趋势,反映了经济的韧性和对消费复苏的信心,尽管在中国新冠疫情后的复苏中存在一些不确定性。
The company's business model, she added, has shown remarkable resilience in the face of the changing consumption environment.
China's economy has shown a strong resilience despite the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic," Charmeil said, citing the country's sustained endeavor to promote high-quality development and deepen reforms.
Hong Kong-headquartered Chow Tai Fook Jewellery Group Ltd will open 600-800 new stores on the Chinese mainland in fiscal year 2024, the company's top executives said, following strong resilience in the consumer market over the past three years and an anticipated economic recovery in the coming months.
Despite the downward pressure on the renminbi's exchange rate, the company's core operating profit margin remained stable at 10 percent with the gross profit margin improving to 23.7 percent from 23.4 percent, showing strong market resilience, according to the company's executives.
"The expansion of brands into multiple categories or markets can enhance risk resilience, meaning that Chinese brands may be well-served by reaching into new segmentation needs and playing a greater role in the overall ecosystem, said Wang.
"This was around the same growth pace globally but the China market has shown strong resilience," said Ye during an exclusive interview on Monday.
The population of middle-income Chinese consumers has exceeded 400 million, which constitutes a strong consumer base, and the China market has tremendous resilience, a recent report by Boston Consulting Group showed.
波士顿咨询集团(Boston Consulting Group)最近的一份报告显示,中国中等收入消费者人口已超过4亿,构成了强大的消费基础,中国市场具有巨大的韧性。
Foldable smartphones are still the fastest-growing smartphone product category this year, with the strong growth defying current economic headwinds as the high-end phone market shows resilience and a steady demand, said the report.
Meng Wanzhou, rotating chairwoman and chief financial officer of Huawei, also said on Wednesday that the company is committed to continuing investment in "root "technology research, improving product resilience and achieving high-performance, security and reliability so as to better facilitate digital transformation of the financial sector.
Huawei is committed to continuing investment in root technology research, improving product resilience and achieving high-performance, security and reliability in the cloud-edge-network ecosystem, Meng added.
Since 2006, IFC has repeatedly provided financial and advisory support to Fosun Pharma, which is committed to ensuring the accessibility and affordability of pharmaceutical products and improving the healthcare supply chain resilience in the region, he said.
Annabel Lin, managing director of China solution specialists and Asia-Pacific international growth at Google, said in a report that Chinese companies that have invested in building their brands can achieve sustainable, quality growth and find resilience.
谷歌中国解决方案专家和亚太国际增长董事总经理Annabel Lin在一份报告中表示,投资打造品牌的中国公司可以实现可持续、高质量的增长,并找到韧性。
This fully reflects the resilience and complementarity of the Chinese and UK economies," she said.
"The Chinese economy has great resilience and potential and its strong fundamentals will not change, which bodes well for a steady and sustainable growth and offers great opportunities for global companies," Hoefling said.
Airbus considers China as one of the most "strategic markets" and hailed the resilience of China's supply chains amid the COVID-19 pandemic, said Airbus China CEO George Xu in an exclusive interview with China Daily during a conference in Beijing on Tuesday.
空客中国首席执行官George Xu周二在北京的一次会议上接受《中国日报》独家采访时表示,空客认为中国是最具“战略意义的市场”之一,并称赞中国供应链在新冠肺炎疫情中的韧性。
Although there have been fluctuations, they have not led to substantial disruptions, said Xu, who believes in the high level of resilience of the Chinese supply chain in terms of operations.
The company said it has demonstrated resilience in the marketplace despite an operating environment that remains dynamic.
Mao Yufeng, president of the China Machine Tool & Tool Builders' Association, said further efforts should be made to expand domestic demand, accelerate the construction of a modern industrial system and enhance the resilience and security level of the industrial and supply chains.
"Meanwhile, the Ministry of Commerce released a new report at the expo that said given the strong resilience, great potential and abundant vitality of China's consumer market, its long-term fundamentals remain unchanged.
The film industry in particular has shown strong resilience and bounced back in recent months," Manwaring said.
"But the Chinese market has shown remarkable resilience," Xu said.
This resilience stems not only from the huge Chinese market thanks to its large population, mature infrastructure and supply chains, and high-quality workforce developed over the years, but also from the security and stability of the Chinese society and the predictability of its policies.
Last year, overall sales revenue of the Chinese chip design sector reached 534.57 billion yuan ($78 billion), up 16.5 percent year-on-year, showcasing sectoral resilience amid US export restrictions, according to data from the China Semiconductor Industry Association.
He said that the Chinese economy has shown its resilience and sound long-term fundamentals amid multiple challenges.
Huawei Technologies Co said on Friday that it will focus on creating growth opportunities, enhancing development resilience and building differentiated advantages in the next few years, as the Chinese tech company adjusts its strategies in a business-as-usual approach amid prolonged US government restrictions.
"According to him, Huawei will focus on creating growth opportunities, enhancing development resilience and building differentiated advantages in the next few years.
CNOOC vows to further accelerate the development of downstream related industrial chains and effectively improve the resilience and security level of the industrial and supply chain in the chemical field in China.
Last year, sales revenue in the Chinese chip design sector reached 534.57 billion yuan ($78 billion), up by 16.5 percent year-on-year, showcasing sectoral resilience amid US export restrictions, according to preliminary data from the China Semiconductor Industry Association, or CSIA.
Huawei Technologies Co unveiled a string of new smartphones on Thursday, quieting rumors that it is considering selling off its handset business, thus showcasing the company's resilience amid US government restrictions.
The center, which integrates highly intelligent automation and lights-out operation, not only greatly improves the efficiency and resilience of the supply chain, but also fuels the company's service speed, such as faster order processing.
Corning has witnessed the rapid development of the Chinese market over the past decades, Liu said, adding that he was impressed by the strong resilience and great vitality of the Chinese economy.
In recent years, with its business in China showing strong resilience, Corning has continued to invest in China in areas including emission control products, pharmaceutical glass tubing, display glass and automotive glass.
Qi, who is also Chairman of Chinese cybersecurity company Qi-Anxin Technology Group, said that such confidence also came from the resilience of the Chinese economy, the institutional advantages of the socialist market economy, a huge market, and a complete system of production as well as continuous innovation.
The Chinese economy has strong resilience and vitality," Zhang said.
Meanwhile, the rebuilding and increased resilience of global supply chains, as well as growing demand for customized and high-end products, offer good opportunities for manufacturing companies to seek new growth points," said Zhou Mi, a senior researcher at the Chinese Academy of International Trade and Economic Cooperation.
LIU: Against the backdrop of the global pandemic, China has made progress while ensuring stability and constantly stepping up to a new level, demonstrating the strong resilience and great vitality of its economy.
The robust resilience and enormous potential of China's consumer sector are demonstrated by the booming holiday economy.
Zhang Xiqiang, CEO of Nestle Zone Greater China, said since January, consumption levels have returned to nearly 90 percent of that in the years before the COVID-19 pandemic and he is very optimistic about returning consumption capacity given the resilience and vitality of the Chinese economy.
I remain confident that our clear strategy, operational resilience, healthy liquidity and continued investment in innovation will ensure we can deliver long-term sustainable growth and improved profitability," Yang said.
• The Chinese market has presented strong resilience and potential.
"We have a good business there, good bottling partners and there was some resilience to the business in the quarter.
AstraZeneca will also continue to work with its partners to explore innovative medical product development pathways in China to help the growth and adoption of new and original Chinese medicines, in line with the strengths of the Chinese market and economic resilience.
In addition, they have demonstrated strong resilience in facing these mounting challenges.
Specifically, Huawei will maintain heavy investment in research and development, ensure high-quality products and services in its output, leverage a diverse business portfolio, cultivate strong business resilience for growth, and press ahead with organizational transformation, Xu said.
Chinese sellers have shown strong resilience amid global economic uncertainties and the COVID-19 pandemic, said Cindy Tai, Amazon vice-president and head of Amazon Global Selling Asia, emphasizing that cross-border e-commerce is playing a substantially vital role in stabilizing China's foreign trade.
亚马逊副总裁兼亚马逊全球销售亚洲区负责人Cindy Tai表示,在全球经济不确定性和新冠肺炎疫情的影响下,中国卖家表现出了强大的韧性,并强调跨境电子商务在稳定中国外贸方面发挥着至关重要的作用。
Sun Liancai, senior vice-president of Beijing Alliance PKU Management Consultants Ltd, said the restructuring of Sinosteel will strengthen the industrial chain resilience of China Baowu and boost the latter's steel production capacity and facilitate its goals of producing 200 million metric tons of crude steel annually by 2025.
com, highlighted the resilience of China's foreign trade merchants, saying China-made commodities are playing an increasingly important role in ensuring the stability of global industrial and supply chains.
But given the global economic slowdown, companies now have the time, or must make some, to improve their resilience.
Foldable smartphones are still the fastest-growing smartphone product category this year, and the strong growth defies current economic headwinds as the high-end phone market shows resilience and a steady demand, said the report.
"This demonstrates the strength and the resilience of the real economy," said Tian Lihui, a finance professor with Nankai University.
Foreign companies are investing in China mainly due to its market potential, expanding domestic demand, the country's strong economic resilience and dedication to continued opening-up, said Yang Changyong, a researcher at the Academy of Macroeconomic Research at the National Development and Reform Commission.
CIC further enhanced the resilience and quality of the total portfolio by optimizing portfolio construction and its investment footprint.
Luo Zuoxian, head of intelligence and research at Sinopec Economics and Development Research Institute, said the resilience and potential of the Chinese economy will continue and State-owned energy companies will embrace new opportunities in the years to come.
"This year … we plan to showcase solutions built on Microsoft technologies — both by local partners seeking to have a greater global impact and international partners seeking opportunities in China," Hou said, adding the company's booth will particularly highlight innovation around sustainability, industry transformation and healthcare aimed at empowering efficiency, resilience and better outcomes.
""For Lenovo, these results prove that our strategic foresight, operational resilience, and consistent investment in diversified growth engines, have prepared us well for challenging times.
Germans should "step away from China-bashing and look at ourselves a bit self-critically," BASF Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Martin Brudermueller said on Wednesday, calling on the government in Berlin to come up with a more comprehensive "resilience strategy.
巴斯夫首席执行官Martin Brudermueller周三表示,德国人应该“远离对中国的抨击,有点自我批评”,并呼吁柏林政府制定更全面的“恢复力战略”。
"China's ever-improving economic foundations and technological innovation capabilities have enabled it to demonstrate its strong resilience and flexibility in the face of risks," Hou said, adding that the company will increase its local workforce to over 10,000 next year by adding about 1,000 new jobs.
Looking ahead, the resilience, potential, vitality, and long-term sustainability of the Chinese economy remain unchanged.
Jacques Guglielmi, vice-president and general manager of North Asia, and Asia-Pacific Commercial at Ingredion, said: "With this investment, we are positioned for customer success in a world where supply chain resilience and sustainability are more crucial than ever.
Ingredion北亚和亚太商业副总裁兼总经理Jacques Guglielmi表示:“有了这项投资,我们将在供应链弹性和可持续性比以往任何时候都更重要的世界里为客户的成功做好准备。
Although labor costs are relatively cheaper in Southeast Asian economies, China's strong economic resilience, including the stability, openness and the high efficiency of its manufacturing and industrial sector, makes China a more practical choice for multinational companies to locate hub factories and expand business operations, according to Liu, the researcher with the Chongyang Institute for Financial Studies.
Hou Yang, Chairman and CEO of Microsoft Greater China, said industries are facing huge challenges brought by uncertainty across the world, and an increasing number of enterprises are finding that digital transformation and innovation are becoming the key to boosting business resilience and competitive advantage.
"With the new facility in Shandong, we are further completing Ingredion supply chain systems both in China and in the Asia-Pacific region," Guglielmi said, adding the company is investing for customer success in a world where supply chain resilience is more relevant than ever.
"China has strong economic resilience and great potential, and its sound long-term fundamentals will not change," said Wang Chunying, deputy head of the State Administration of Foreign Exchange.
Chen Jia, an independent researcher of international strategy, said: "After the COVID-19 pandemic broke out, China demonstrated excellent economic resilience and supply chain assurance capability.
"We saw a recovery in consumer sentiment in the second quarter especially during the 618 shopping festival; a reflection of the resilience of overall consumption," said Chen Lei, chairman and CEO of Pinduoduo.
Exports of China's State-owned enterprises are expected to maintain stable growth in the second half as a result of the country's vigorous economic resilience and efforts to ensure smooth operation of global supply chains, experts said.
Despite those companies having faced multiple challenges like COVID-19, they exemplified the resilience and ability to rapidly recover from the pandemic and adapt to new situations," said Frank Xu, managing partner of Deloitte Private China.
尽管这些公司面临着新冠肺炎等多重挑战,但它们体现了从疫情中快速恢复并适应新形势的韧性和能力,”德勤私人中国管理合伙人Frank Xu表示。
They also demonstrated strong resilience and shouldered corporate social responsibilities facing challenges brought by COVID-19," he said.
Zhang highlighted that the company is confident in its growth opportunities in the long term given its high-quality consumer base and the resilience of its diversified business model.
"In the long run, Alibaba has shown strong resilience to challenge and pressure in leveraging underlying internet technologies to upgrade its own business scenarios," said Chen Duan, director of the Digital Economy Integration Innovation Development Center at the Central University of Finance and Economics, while emphasizing the company's cloud business is expected to be a key growth engine and pivot apart from its core e-commerce unit.
"Following a relatively slow April and May, we saw signs of recovery across our businesses in June," Zhang said, adding the company is confident in its growth opportunities in the long term given its high-quality consumer base and the resilience of its diversified business model.
"China's top performance again proves its important role in global manufacturing and its remarkable industrial resilience amid the COVID-19 pandemic, as China led in the number of companies including those in metal, construction and coal mining," said Wang Peng, a researcher from the Beijing Academy of Social Sciences.
Despite sporadic disruptions caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, TOM Group demonstrated strong resilience and accelerated initiatives to expand its digital segment, maintaining a steady growth in total revenue.
Annabel Lin, managing director of China specialists and Asia-Pacific international growth at Google, said, "Over the years, we have seen that Chinese companies that have invested in building their brands are able to achieve sustainable, quality growth and find resilience during financially stressful times.
谷歌中国专家和亚太国际增长董事总经理Annabel Lin表示:“多年来,我们看到,投资打造品牌的中国公司能够实现可持续、高质量的增长,并在财务压力时期找到韧性。
China's air cargo sector displayed its resilience and dynamism during the nation's fight against the COVID-19 pandemic over the past two years, said Luo Renjian, a researcher at the Institute of Transportation Research, which operates under the aegis of the National Development and Reform Commission, the country's top economic regulator.
A: Since 2020, the Chinese production system has been critical to the world's economies in meeting the post-COVID crisis surge in demand, showing quite extraordinary resilience.
A: 自2020年以来,中国的生产系统在满足新冠肺炎危机后需求激增方面对世界经济至关重要,表现出了非凡的韧性。
Despite the protracted COVID-19 pandemic, the growth of the BRI continues to demonstrate strong resilience and vitality, injecting robust impetus into global openness and cooperation, Wei said.

六级Overwork and exhaustion are the opposite of resilience and the bad habits we acquire when we're young only magnify when we hit the workforce.


2018年12月六级真题(第一套)阅读 Section B

六级If you're trying to build resilience at work, you need adequate internal and external recovery periods.


2018年12月六级真题(第一套)阅读 Section B

六级The misconception of resilience is often bred from an early age, parents trying to teach their children resilience might celebrate a high school student staying up until 3am to finish a science fair project.


2018年12月六级真题(第一套)阅读 Section B

六级We often take a militaristic, "tough" approach to resilience and determination like a Marine pulling himself through the mud, a boxer going one more round, or a football player picking himself up off the ground for one more play.


2018年12月六级真题(第一套)阅读 Section B

六级If you really want to build resilience, you can start by strategically stopping.


2018年12月六级真题(第一套)阅读 Section B

六级What a distortion of resilience! A resilient child is a well-rested one.


2018年12月六级真题(第一套)阅读 Section B

六级Resilience Is About How You Recharge, Not How You Endure As constant travelers and parents of a 2-year-old, we sometimes fantasize about how much work we can do when one of us gets on a plane, undistracted by phones, friends, or movies.


