
谐音记忆谐音:阿伯(ab)扫(so)路(lu)特(te)累(ly)。因为阿伯特别努力的扫路,所以他绝对(absolu …………
it is absolutely essential for ... to 这是绝对必要的
becomes absolutely essential for ... to 对于
But absolutely could you do that. Yeah?
This must be kept absolutely secret.
I absolutely agree with you.
I love it. Absolutely love it.
Absolutely! I completely agree with you.
The weather was absolutely perfect for a picnic.
She's absolutely exhausted after the marathon.
He's an absolutely brilliant musician.
The answer is absolutely correct.
I can't tolerate any absences, it's absolutely essential everyone is present.
She was absolutely stunned when she received the news.
His performance was absolutely mesmerizing.
There's absolutely no doubt that he'll win.
We must follow the rules absolutely; there's no room for exceptions.
"It's absolutely critical and also very clear that Rio Tinto would not be what it is today if it hadn't been for China's significant industrial development of the past few decades," he said.
It is absolutely the opposite," Markus Heyn, member of the Bosch board of management and chairman of Bosch Mobility, told China Daily at the IAA Mobility 2023 being held in Munich from Tuesday to Sunday.
恰恰相反,”博世董事会成员、博世移动董事长Markus Heyn在周二至周日于慕尼黑举行的IAA Mobility 2023上对《中国日报》表示。
"Strengthening Africa's healthcare infrastructure and capabilities is absolutely essential for the continent's future social and economic development, especially in the wake of COVID-19," said Sergio Pimenta, IFC vice-president for Africa.
国际金融公司非洲副总裁Sergio Pimenta表示:“加强非洲的医疗基础设施和能力对非洲大陆未来的社会和经济发展至关重要,尤其是在新冠肺炎之后。”。
"We see the potential for our business in China to be absolutely huge," Smith said, adding that Sandpiper has nearly doubled the number of employees in Beijing over the past year and is working to expand its team in Shanghai as well.
"China is absolutely an essential market for Devialet.
The number will absolutely grow after winter and benefit the tourism industry in the neighboring areas of Beijing's Tongzhou district, where the resort is located.
"The artificial intelligence technologies we invented are now demonstrating impressive results in both biology and chemistry, delivering valuable and absolutely novel therapeutic assets with a high probability of clinical success.
BOAO, Hainan -- China has embraced tremendous changes in the past two decades and has presented huge market potential with its endeavor to pursue high-quality development and promote regional connectivity, said Jens Eskelund, managing director of Maersk China Ltd. "China joining the World Trade Organization (WTO) in 2001 was absolutely transformative," he told Xinhua in an exclusive interview on the sidelines of the annual conference of the Boao Forum for Asia.
"China is absolutely one of the key growth markets for retail and we now have more than 1,700 retail stations in China.
"There is absolutely no evidence that TikTok poses a threat to US national security," Gary Hufbauer, a former US Treasury official and nonresident senior fellow at the Peterson Institute for International Economics, told Xinhua earlier.
The market is absolutely promising and potential.
"The actions we have announced today, however unpalatable, are absolutely necessary to bring cash burn down to more sustainable levels," Cathay Chairman Patrick Healy told reporters.
"It is absolutely vital that people in this country do have access to the best technology available but that we also do absolutely nothing to imperil our relationship with the United States, to do anything to compromise our critical national security infrastructure, or to do anything to imperil our extremely valuable cooperation with Five Eyes security partners," Johnson said.
"China is absolutely one of the most important international markets for United Airlines," said Jake Cefolia, senior vice president of worldwide sales for United.
cn, that we call our digital flagship store, and we have two stores on Tmall and JD's platforms, as they are absolutely unmissable in China.
China is absolutely on top of the worldwide agenda of the company, which started its business in the country in 2012 and has two products for three indications so far, Wan said.
The progress that has happened in healthcare is absolutely incredible.
"It's absolutely a great job and (we have) fantastic people here.
It is something that we are absolutely pushing forward as fast as we can," said Dash.
- Huawei founder and CEO Ren Zhengfei said Monday that there are "absolutely no backdoors" in Huawei's equipment and the company is willing to sign no-backdoor agreements with other countries.
"Greengart said: "From Apple's perspective [opening up the App Store] is absolutely not what they want, but Apple does this already with the Mac.
"The NCSC is respected the world over, their advice is that we can manage and minimize any risk Huawei might pose to telecoms infrastructure and (British Prime Minister) Theresa May is absolutely right to act on that advice," James wrote on Twitter.
"The company's supply of high-quality iron ore is consistent with the environmental policy of China and with environmental controls, said Jacques, adding he was "absolutely not concerned" about the company's ability to continue providing high-quality products to customers in China in a profitable way.
We are absolutely confident in the growth potential of the China market.
"When I first visited China and created the first subsidiary with 10 people in a small apartment in 1997, I knew that one day, China and L'Oreal China would be something immense and absolutely great, and China would be the number one business for L'Oreal worldwide," Agon said.
"The NBA is always looking to innovate, and we are absolutely thrilled to expand our partnership with Alibaba," said NBA China CEO Derek Chang.
We absolutely respect others' IP," Ren noted.
The second change is absolutely e-commerce.
Therefore, we intend to do more clinical research and look for more scientific partnerships in China, and we will absolutely increase our investment," he said.
"We've adopted a different, humorous interpretation of history involving the mysterious legends of Shanghai, which our guests absolutely love," Sweet said.
It felt so far away and so different to anything else that I knew at the time, that when the teacher asked whether we could imagine living in China one day, absolutely no one in the classroom expected this to be possible.
"AI can alleviate mundane tasks performed by the human workforce so that we can focus more on complex work that ultimately provides a greater level of professional fulfillment, which is absolutely positive," he said.
"It absolutely is something this company does not want to do.
Frank Slevin, House of Fraser’s chairman, said facing up to the need for closures was “a very difficult decision” but said “it is absolutely necessary if we are to continue to trade and be competitive”.
“We are absolutely delighted to have five great corporate strategic investors joining China Materialia,” said Min Zhou, chief executive of China Materialia.
"It is not yet clear exactly when any appointment for Theo's replacement will be made, but it is absolutely clear that Theo will continue in the meantime to drive the co-operative's strategy and business, with special emphasis on China," said Wilson.
"We are absolutely convinced the quality is high.
I think it's going to be absolutely central.
Internet is absolutely beneficial to the pharmaceutical industry to connect physicians and patients for better disease communication, management and treatment," said Hodge.
"I think it absolutely is a good opportunity for us.
But it is not absolutely essential for foreign companies to have a Chinese brand name.
"If, indeed, we are going to succeed in being able to transform the nature of the Ghanaian economy, and move it from an agrarian-based economy producing raw materials to an industrial, value added economy, Atuabo (gas plant) is absolutely critical," he said.
That's when you realize they are absolutely the most valuable assets of the company," he said.
The reform of the multilateral trading system is "an absolutely central consideration" for the 13th WTO ministerial conference in February, he said.
I'm absolutely looking forward to seeing China play an important role," Schussel said, adding that global trade has proved resilient in the face of multiple shocks amid rising protectionism and trade tensions.
Striking a balance in this dynamic relationship is absolutely essential.
"The fact that an economy the size of China is growing at 5 percent to 6 percent is absolutely significant," the economist said.
Compared with major economies, such as Europe, the United States and Japan, China's fiscal and monetary policy space is absolutely larger, which is an advantage for the government to leverage in expanding domestic demand and boosting economic growth this year.
The impact of China on the world's economy is of the utmost importance and should absolutely not be underestimated, "especially for economies like those in Italy and Germany, which are major exporters," he said, adding "it's the same for Europe in general.
"Absolutely, livestreaming poses an increasing competition to the likes of Alibaba and JD.
On the other hand, more Chinese enterprises have realized that it's absolutely a priority to shift from Chinese speed to Chinese quality, and continue investing in brand-building even at the most difficult time, she added.
As the Chinese government has absolutely no pressure to achieve its growth target of over 6 percent this year, the difficult problems accumulated over the past years will be beginning to be cleaned up one by one this year, according to Zhang Zhiwei, chief economist at Pinpoint Asset Management.
""I absolutely do feel an additional burden.
Tax revenues have shrunk quite substantially," Gaspar said, calling such fast and strong fiscal actions "absolutely necessary" to help contain the pandemic and to avoid a financial crisis.
In terms of e-commerce, China "is absolutely way ahead of the rest of the world," and that "is enhanced by its scale and its different cuisines," said the INAC official.
"At a time when the Chinese economy has emerged from the turmoil of the COVID-19 pandemic, it is absolutely vital to understand the opportunities and also the potential challenges facing British companies going into 2021," he said.
"A China strategy-and a digital strategy-are going to be absolutely critical for success in the future,"Alibaba President Michael Evans said on Wednesday.
That's where cooperation among all the creditors is absolutely necessary," said Stiglitz.
"As the northeastern grid consumes a lower level of power, nuclear service for district heating is absolutely an effective idea for addressing both the load issue and the decarbonization mandate from China's central government," said Wei Hanyang, a power market analyst at BloombergNEF.
During a State Council executive meeting chaired by Chinese Premier Li Keqiang on Wednesday, two new nuclear power plants were approved to start construction, and are required to be constructed and operated in an "absolutely safe" manner.
A short-distance trip will absolutely become the first choice among people who want to travel for the upcoming Mid-Autumn Festival holiday starting from Sept 10 to 12 in China, as the National Health Commission on Thursday suggested that the public stay put in their respective regions to reduce cross-city traffic flow and cut infection risks of the COVID-19 outbreak, China News Service reported on Friday.
Lingerie is absolutely essential in every woman's wardrobe.
"Absolutely nothing of what is speculated is true.
Careful planning and checks are therefore absolutely imperative.
Under the guidelines, prevention and control measures in workplaces should be reinforced, while meetings should be reduced or conducted via teleconference systems if absolutely necessary.
"We will continue to be absolutely positive about domestic travel in China, given that 11 percent of GDP growth here is related to tourism and the government is pushing ahead with tourism-related projects," he said.
"The intention is absolutely not to make it for the elite," said Stephenson.
We are absolutely delighted to hold the series here in China.
"A gradual acceleration of reactors approvals is expected as nuclear energy is absolutely key to cut the nation's reliance on fossil fuel power generation," said Joseph Jacobelli, an independent energy analyst and Asia-Pacific CEO of clean energy producer Joule Power.
"It is absolutely abnormal that iron ore has become more expensive than in 2008, when oil prices and shipment costs were much higher than now," he said.
"We are absolutely optimistic that a deal can be reached - we have to be!
"We are happy to see consumers becoming more sophisticated and valuing quality and efficacy over price, which is absolutely positive to us.
"Today you have enough legitimate platforms inside China to buy authentic products… and that absolutely plays to the strategy of the government and the international brands who have made all the investment here," he said, projecting that growth will reach low-to-mid teens this year.
"They absolutely don't think about what they are going to do with it in the future.
"With a population of 1.4 billion, it is absolutely normal to see high housing prices in Beijing and Shanghai," he said, adding that the biggest problem in the country's ongoing urbanization process was unbalanced public resource distribution, and there was huge potential in the country's urbanization efforts.
The forum has broadened its discussions in recent years as topics related to China are considered "absolutely necessary", said Zygmunt Berdychowski, chairman of the Economic Forum Program Council.
It is well-decorated; has a cozy sofa, dim lighting; plays soothing music; and the aroma of its essential oils, believe me, is absolutely therapeutic - they all immerse the five senses, helping my whole body to relax.
I am absolutely convinced, and have been for more than a decade, that China's commitment to clean energy is sincere, and China indeed has become a leader in trying to pave the way for getting off of carbon dioxide emissions," said Chu.
"With our open hybrid platform, which includes RHEL operating system Red Hat OpenShift and the Ansible automation platform, we are absolutely in a good space to help companies go on that journey," Andriesse said.
The main difference is that the human in the driver's seat is not a driver, but a "safety supervisor" who only touches the steering wheel when absolutely necessary.
"My son absolutely loved the ride.
China is absolutely at the center of Mercedes-Benz's next wave of electric offensive starting from 2025, chairman of the board of management of Mercedes-Benz Ola Kaellenius told the German magazine Automobilwoche.
This is something that I absolutely want to see us develop, and I want to make sure that we are set up to access the Chinese ecosystem digitally.
"We are absolutely convinced that technology can make a difference to create a better world for tomorrow," he said.
Noting that the development of EVs is "absolutely important" for the two major economies, Hawes, head of the British Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders (SMMT), said "road transport is a major contributor of that transition" in the global ambition to achieve the net zero goal.
Absolutely," Barra said on a conference call with reporters.
"I'm absolutely, positively surprised with the reception of the brand, especially by younger generations," Pichler said.
"Economies of scale are absolutely critical for both issues.
"This is absolutely about making sure that we're doing this with San Francisco.
Facing fluctuations in the Chinese new energy market, Wieland noted that the long-term trend of electrification is absolutely right, and that he believed the sales of electric cars and hybrids will continue growing.
At the same time, quality and service are also absolutely necessary," said Xue Ruixiang, a sales manager with Changan Automobile.
"Electrification is absolutely part of our future," said Popham.
In his first reaction to his appointment, Senard moved to reassure investors of his faith in the Renault-Nissan-Mitsubishi alliance, calling it "absolutely essential".
"China is an absolutely critical market for us, and we are really excited about recent development of our business in China," said Michael Kerr, the company's vicepresident.
"China is absolutely essential to Ford's profitability and growth," said Jim Farley, Ford's executive vice-president and president of global markets.
"Therefore, we think that the Chinese government is absolutely right to redefine the overall rules of industrial policy in general and the automotive policy specifically," Becker continued.
It is absolutely right and we are strongly supporting this," Becker said.
It is absolutely crystal ball gazing," said Manohar Bhat from South Korean giant Kia Motors, which is expected to soon unveil an electric vehicle exclusively for the Indian market.
"We absolutely deplore any use of our products to cause harm," DJI said, adding its drones are designed for "civilian use" and it "refused to customize or enable modifications that would enable the products for military use".
None of the experts in the industry can assert that their projections are absolutely correct, but it is always helpful to see the issue from another perspective, he said.

考研But even if you accept Friedman’s premise and regard corporate social responsibility( ' , CSR) policies as a waste of shareholders’ money, things may not be absolutely clear-cut.



考研But even if you accept Friedman's premise and regard corporate social responsibility policies as a waste of shareholders' money, things may not be absolutely clear-cut.


2016年考研真题(英语一)阅读理解 Section Ⅱ

六级a basis for explaining human genetic diversityan aid to understanding different populationsan explanation for social and cultural differencesa term to describe individual human characteristicsmodern genetics research is likely to fuel racial conflictsrace is a poorly defined marker of human genetic diversityrace as a biological term can explain human genetic diversitygenetics research should consider social and cultural variablesit is absolutely necessary to put race aside in making diagnosisit is important to include social variables in genetics researchracial categories for genetic diversity could lead to wrong clinical predictionsdiscrimination against black people may cause negligence in clinical treatmentThey be more precise with the language they use.



六级Do all parents want the most success for their children? Absolutely, she said.



四级Jamming attacks are absolutely possible.



六级As long as it's impossible to produce something from nothing, costs are absolutely a barrier.


2018年6月六级真题(第一套)阅读 Section C

高考There is absolutely nothing you can do while this is going on but keep both eyes fixed on the sink until it's full.


2017年高考英语天津卷 阅读理解 阅读C 原文

高考It's an absolutely brilliant cartoon comedy.


2015年高考英语上海卷 阅读理解 阅读B 原文

高考As usual, the voice of Peter Sallis is absolutely perfect for the role of Wallace, and Gromit is so beautifully brought to life, he can express a huge range of emotions without saying a word.


2015年高考英语上海卷 阅读理解 阅读B 原文

六级I'm certain of it, absolutely, especially if it's difficult for a competitor to copy.


2016年6月六级真题(第一套)听力 Section A

高考Or, maybe all I would find was absolutely nothing! But something inside me was going to climb that mountain at all cost.


2018年高考英语天津卷 阅读理解 阅读表达 原文

四级And despite what you may believe about the limits of your own creative imaginations, we all have the potential to imagine the world in an absolutely new way.



六级Moreover, Krugman overlooks inflation: Prices have increased, six-fold since 1969, so, while corn futures(期货)did set a record of about $8 per bushel(蒲式耳)in late July, the inflation-adjusted price of corn was higher throughout most of the 1970s, reaching $16 in 19 Finally, Krugman conveniently forgets that concerns about global warming are the main reason that corn prices have skyrocketed since 200 Nowadays 40 percent of corn grown in the United States is used to produce ethanol (乙醇), which does absolutely nothing for the climate, but certainly distorts the price of corn — at the expense of many of the worlds poorest people.



六级a basis for explaining human genetic diversity an aid to understanding different populations an explanation for social and cultural differences a term to describe individual human characteristics The example of the disease cystic fibrosis underdiagnosed in people of African ancestry demonstrates that it is absolutely necessary to put race aside in making diagnosis it is important to include social variables in genetics research.



六级David Wallinga, for example, says, “ In previous guidelines, they’ve always been concerned with things like food security — which is presumably the mission of the USD You absolutely need to be worried about climate impacts and future sustainability if you want secure food in the future.

例如,David Wallinga说:“在以前的指导方针中,他们一直关注粮食安全等问题——这大概是美元的使命。如果你想在未来获得安全的粮食,你绝对需要担心气候影响和未来的可持续性。”。


六级And kids also need freedom because unacceptable art classes will absolutely eliminate the nature of kids.



六级To be absolutely safe, Juan asked his roommate, who was not a geology major, to listen to the speech.


