
词根词缀记忆/谐音联想记忆 补充/纠错
词根ac 表加强+count 计算+ancy 抽 …………
accountancy / accountant / account / account
accountancy management 财务管理
accountancy professional 会计学专业
accountancy information 会计信息
Eric's preparing his exams in accountancy.
Tom works in accountancy.
Accountancy is the practice of recording, classifying, summarizing, interpreting, and communicating financial information.
She decided to pursue a degree in accountancy to enhance her career prospects.
The role of accountancy in ensuring corporate transparency cannot be overstated.
After years of working as an accountant, he opened his own accountancy firm.
Good knowledge of accountancy software is essential for modern accounting practices.
The principles of accountancy form the foundation of financial reporting.
He excelled in his accountancy exams, demonstrating a strong grasp of financial concepts.
The accountancy profession demands high levels of accuracy and attention to detail.
Many businesses rely on external accountancy firms for their auditing needs.
Studying accountancy not only involves numbers but also understanding business operations.
- Accountancy giant KPMG was fined 5 million pounds (about 6.5 million US dollars) over an audit misconduct of Co-operative Bank in 2009, revealed a statement issued Wednesday by the Financial Reporting Council (FRC), an independent British regulator for auditors, accountants and actuaries.
A separate survey by accountancy company KPMG found that with such an overwhelming number of ticket options available, only 34 percent of travelers in Britain believed they had bought the best value ticket for their last journey.
"In being outward looking and opportunity focused, China is creating new opportunities for business and for the accountancy profession - fresh and exciting challenges for professional accountants across China and around the world," she said.
ACCA became the first global accountancy body to establish its presence on the Chinese mainland in 1988, following a successful meeting with the newly created organization for the profession, the Chinese Institute of Certified Public Accountants, a key partner of ACCA ever since.
"Speaking at the same event, Graham Stuart, minister for investment at the UK Department for International Trade, said: "Trade overall between China and the UK is already at record levels, over 59 billion pounds ($76.8 billion) a year with British exports to China, including those of the accountancy profession, up by more than 60 percent since 2010.
The company is ranked 20th in the world listings of accountancy networks by revenue.
Reanda International established a UK presence in 2016, when the British accountancy firm Grunberg& Co joined its network.
The ACCA has recently identified the drivers that are most likely to shape the practice of accounting and the role of the accountancy profession from 2020 onward.
"At this crucial time, developing accountancy professionals with a global vision has become a major issue for enterprises operating in the Belt and Road countries.
Chen Kangping-led JinkoSolar uses tech and the Belt & Road Initiative to excel in photovoltaic panelsCould accountancy and solar energy possibly have anything in common?
Although the Chinese system of auditing, accountancy and financial advisory differs from that in Europe, Zhongshen Zhonghuan will take full use of the active linkage with Mazars and other member firms to provide professional support to clients worldwide, and further achieve a win-win situation," said Philippe Castagnac.
Guangshen, a State-owned company, has joined forces with a group that includes Hong Kong Metro Operator MTR, accountancy firm Deloitte and WSP Parsons Brinckerhof.
But they also intend to look outward, said a study released by accountancy firm Grant Thornton in collaboration with China Daily UK and the China Chamber of Commerce in the UK, or CCCUK, in late February.
The number of Chinese businesses in the UK with an annual revenue of at least 5 million pounds ($7 million) rose to 838 in 2020, up from 795 the year before, said the Tou Ying Tracker, an annual analysis of China-UK enterprises produced by accountancy company Grant Thornton UK in collaboration with China Daily UK and the China Chamber of Commerce in the UK, or CCCUK.
A research report from accountancy firm PwC shows that AI has a role to play in talent identification and selection, pre-game preparation, in-game activity, post-game analysis, improving media and experience as well as boosting management and operations of sports institutions.
Nearly 30 experts from the accounting standards setting departments, accounting regulators, and accountancy profession of all 11 CAREC countries including China, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, and Georgia attended the first workshop.
"Promoting the connectivity of accounting infrastructure should be a due part of the "Belt and Road" cooperation, and an unshirkable duty for the accountancy profession, he said.
Ada Leung, director of ACCA Greater China, said that ACCA is one of the pioneers in exploring the impact of the BRI on China, the global economy and the development of the accountancy profession.
The accountancy profession will have a powerful role to play, functioning as a "super connector" to help development of the Belt and Road Initiative and global trade in the short and long term, according to an industrial insider.
With the BRI firmly established, ACCA — a global professional accountancy body — and other international players have recently hosted their third BRI forum, this year titled "Technology Development and the Accounting Profession".
"Technologies are already having a lasting impact on the accountancy profession," Brand said.
"We believe the accountancy profession has a significant role to play in the success of the BRI.
Trade conflicts, rising raw material costs and high investment spending have weighed on the profit margins of international carmakers during the third quarter (Q3) of 2018, a report published on Tuesday by the German branch of the accountancy Ernst & Young (EY) found.
The accountancy's report noted that vehicle deliveries by German carmakers were down by 2.3 percent and were hence slightly above the global average.
By improving fans' viewing experience of sporting events, boosting training efficiency for athletes and being virtual umpires and assistant coaches, AI has the potential to inject new vitality into the entire chain of sports training and participation, according to a report from accountancy firm PwC.
Speaking to Xinhua, Omar Rachedi, professor at the Department of Economics, Finance and Accountancy at the ESADE business school in Madrid pointed out that the RMB has been "increasing its share as international currency, and over the last two years, it has almost doubled.
He said that the ACCA can provide world class accountancy training to support the Chinese company's global development strategy.
A new report from the ACCA showed the emerging trend that large accountancy firms are all investing in machine learning to explore possibilities, for instance in auditing and compliance.
International financial institutions such as banks, insurers, securities and fund firms, as well as professional service organizations covering the fields of accountancy, audits, assessments and credit are welcome to set up regional headquarters or affiliated agencies in Beijing.
A global association of accountancy professionals expects China to play a more significant role in promoting globalization and in developing international financial standards and regulatory frameworks.
"In being outward-looking and opportunity-focused, China is creating new opportunities for business and for the accountancy profession-fresh and exciting challenges for both professional accountants across China and across the world," Brand said.
ACCA was the first global accountancy body to establish its presence in the Chinese mainland in 1988.
ACCA is also revising curriculum of some of its courses, to ensure its members continue to be valued and sought-after accountancy professionals globally.
Song Li, 54, a Chinese client of Good Hope whose son, aged 23, studies for MBA medical engineering accountancy in Miami, Florida, considered an immigration-oriented investment programs two years ago.

四级I've got a second interview with that big foreign accountancy firm in the city center.


2017年6月四级真题(第一套)听力 Section B

四级I might just have to review a few accountancy terms.


2017年6月四级真题(第一套)听力 Section B

六级It was the need to accommodate employees with young children that motivated accountancy firm Wright Vigar to begin promoting teleworking recently.

正是为了照顾有年幼子女的员工,促使会计师事务所Wright Vigar最近开始推广远程工作。

