
词根词缀记忆/谐音联想记忆 补充/纠错
谐音梆!的声巨响 → bang 突然巨响
联想记忆梆的一声 → bang n.砰的一声,巨响;猛击,猛撞 v.发出砰的一声;猛撞,猛击 …………
词性拓展记忆 / 词形拓展记忆
Big Bang n. 宇宙大爆炸;创世大爆炸
with a bang 成功地;大大地;砰地一声;热气腾腾地
bang on 飞中目标;了不起
bang into v. 偶尔遇见;撞上
bang for the buck 花最少钱得到最大的效果 (俚语)
bang up 砰地摔下,弄坏
bang out 匆匆做出
bang away 苦干,坚持不懈的做
get a bang out of... 从...得到快感
The Big Bang Theory 生活大爆炸(电视剧)
Big Bang 大爆炸
bang for your buck 帮你的钱
bang into 撞击,撞击
bang against 撞击,撞击
bang for one's buck 一掷千金
Liu Bang 刘邦
the big bang theory 生活大爆炸
with a bang 砰的一声
bang on 砰的一声
get a bang out of ... 从...
go over with a bang 砰的一声过去
bang one's head against a brick wall 把头撞在砖墙上
bang out 爆炸,爆炸
trim bangs 修剪刘海
bang away 砰的一声巨响
give sb. a bang 给某人一击
close with a bang 砰的一声关上
1.I heard four or five loud bangs.
2.NASA is developing a series of robotic probes that will get the most bang from a buck.
3.The program went with a bang.
He slammed the door bang! 他用力把门摔上,砰的一声!
The fireworks went off with a loud bang.
She hung up the phone with a bang.
The cannon fired with a deafening bang.
The car hit the wall with a sickening bang.
The baby fell on the floor with a thud, but luckily it was just a bang and no harm done.
He gave his boss an angry bang on the desk.
The fireworks display ended with a bang of color and light.
She dropped her book with a bang, scattering papers everywhere.
The door opened with a bang as he stormed out.
Danish luxury audio brand Bang & Olufsen has unveiled its latest products Beolab 8 in China, as part of its broader push to explore the Chinese market where more local consumers are spending on a first-class audio-visual experience.
"The China market has maintained a strong growth momentum each year, driven by both existing products and new product launches," said Arnaud De Schuytter, president of Bang & Olufsen Asia-Pacific.
Bang&Olufsen亚太区总裁Arnaud De Schuytter表示:“在现有产品和新产品发布的推动下,中国市场每年都保持着强劲的增长势头。”。
The Beolab 8 is a prime speaker that features advanced acoustics, high-quality materials and various stand options, Bang & Olufsen said.
Bang&Olufsen表示,Beolab 8是一款顶级扬声器,具有先进的声学效果、高质量的材料和多种支架选择。
Bang &Olufsen has been targeting design and music lovers, with a particular focus on two distinct customer segments in China: the younger careerists and the individuals with very high net-worth.
For the varied needs of these groups, Bang & Olufsen has different product lines to offer, the company said.
The survey, with a sample size of over 2,000 consumers across different age groups and regions in China, found that consumers are increasingly looking for local alternatives with "more bang for the buck" as Chinese product quality and safety improve.
L'Oreal has long been betting on beauty technology, and aims to nurture fledgling businesses through initiatives like the Big Bang Beauty Tech Startup Challenge launched three years ago in China.
欧莱雅长期以来一直押注于美容技术,并致力于通过三年前在中国发起的Big Bang美容技术创业挑战等举措来培育新兴企业。
Danish luxury audio brand Bang & Olufsen sees big growth opportunities in China, its biggest single overseas market, as more local consumers are spending on a first-class audio-visual experience, a senior company executive said.
丹麦豪华音频品牌Bang & Olufsen的一位高级管理人员表示,随着越来越多的中国消费者开始投资一流的视听体验,该公司看到了其最大海外单一市场中国的大增长机会。
The remarks came as Bang & Olufsen is working to better resonate with Chinese consumers by upgrading its local stores and operations, as well as expanding its digital presence on e-commerce and social media platforms.
这番言论发表之际,Bang & Olufsen正努力通过升级其在中国的门店和运营,以及扩大在电商和社交媒体平台上的数字影响力,以更好地与中国消费者产生共鸣。
"We see so much affinity for the Bang & Olufsen brand and products in China-and a big potential to grow our business even more," Schuytter said, adding the company has been implementing a strategy since April 2020, which includes an increased focus on China where it wants to build a strong foundation for growth.
Schuytter表示:“我们在中国看到了对Bang & Olufsen品牌和产品的极大喜爱,以及进一步发展业务的巨大潜力。”他补充说,自2020年4月以来,该公司一直在实施一项战略,其中包括对中国市场的更多关注,旨在在这个市场打下坚实的增长基础。
The senior executive said Bang &Olufsen has been targeting design and music lovers, with a particular focus on two distinct customer segments in China: the younger careerists and the very high net worth individuals.
这位高级管理人员表示,Bang & Olufsen一直以设计和音乐爱好者为市场目标,特别关注中国两个特定的客户群体:年轻的职业人士和非常富有的个人。
For the varied needs of these groups, Bang & Olufsen has different product lines to offer.
为了满足这些不同群体的需求,Bang & Olufsen 提供了不同的产品线。
In July, Bang & Olufsen announced Chinese musician and actor Lay Zhang as its first global brand ambassador in China.
今年7月,Bang & Olufsen宣布中国音乐家兼演员张艺兴成为其在中国的首位全球品牌大使。
Bang & Olufsen also selected China as the first market to launch its first true wireless earphones with adaptive active noise cancellation, Beoplay EQ, in July.
Bang & Olufsen 还选择中国作为首款搭载自适应主动降噪功能的真无线耳塞式耳机 Beoplay EQ 的首发市场,该产品于 7 月上市。
"The entry of luxury audio brands such as Bang & Olufsen into the TWS earphones sector will help further grow the market," Xiang said.
“Bang & Olufsen等高端音频品牌进入TWS耳机领域将有助于进一步扩大市场,”Xiang表示。
Amid the market boom, Schuytter said Bang & Olufsen has been engaging with design and music lovers in the world for almost 100 years, based on its core capabilities of design, craftsmanship and beautiful sound, to easily differentiate the company's products from rivals.
在市场繁荣的背景下,Schuytter表示,Bang & Olufsen几乎凭借其设计、工艺和美妙音质的核心能力与世界上的设计和音乐爱好者接触了近一个世纪,这使得公司的产品能轻易地从竞争对手中脱颖而出。
Since 1982, Bang & Olufsen has made it possible for customers to experience sound in every room, being first in the world to bring home integration to the market with BeoLink.
自1982年以来,Bang & Olufsen 让顾客能够在每个房间体验声音,成为世界上首个推出家庭集成系统的品牌——BeoLink。
This innovative product allows customers to enjoy their music collections anywhere in their home, and it has developed into a system that Bang & Olufsen said can blend into customers' lives and provide them with an environment that suits their mood.
这款创新产品使客户能够在家中任何地方享受他们的音乐收藏,而且Bang & Olufsen表示,它已经发展成为一个能够融入顾客生活的系统,营造出符合他们心情的环境。
"Since its founding in 1925, Bang& Olufsen has been pushing the boundaries of audio technology," Schuytter said.
"Aware of the changing market demands, Bang& Olufsen always wants to bring the innovative audio-visual products to our customers by combining cutting-edge technologies and new concepts. "
We are getting the most economical solution to get the most bang for our buck,” Kail told China Daily on Wednesday.
Simple designs from Muji and northern European brands such as COS in fashion and Bang & Olufsen in electronics have become increasingly popular in China, especially among the country's growing middle class.
Even though the sportswear sector is tough to crack, Particle Fever has started with a bang as loud as a starter's pistol.
"If the merger is successful, we will become the largest ophthalmic medical group in the world," said Aier Chairman Chen Bang.
Chen Bang, chairman of the board of Aier Eye Group, described the purchase as "an important milestone" in the firm's development.
Chinese Commerce Minister Wang Wentao met with the South Korean Minister of Trade, Industry and Energy Bang Moon-kyu in San Francisco, the United States on Tuesday, according to a statement released by the Ministry of Commerce on Thursday.
"I was surprised to see what China achieved in the past 10 years," said Chan Young Bang, founder and president of KIMEP University in Almaty, Kazakhstan and former economic advisor to the Kazakhstan president, who delivered a speech at the Think Tank Parallel Session of the forum, and spoke highly of China's economic achievements in the New Era.
It also rolled out its Big Bang project that aims to support and incubate high-tech startups in China.
The company had also initiated the Big Bang Beauty Tech Startup Challenge three years ago in China, and co-supported the second edition with The Oriental Beauty Valley.
Global consulting firm AlixPartners said in a report that domestic consumers are increasingly looking for local alternatives with "more bang for the buck" as Chinese product quality and safety improve.
It once hosted Dongyang county, which was first established by Liu Bang, emperor Gaozu of the Han Dynasty, in the early Western Han Dynasty.
More at-home dining occasions, a practice gradually formed amid the COVID-19 pandemic, have led to sales spikes in leading cooking sauces such as Chu Bang and Haday, said the report.
He said popular multiplayer online games published in China, such as PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds Mobile (PUBG) and Mobile Legends: Bang Bang, are staples of regional esports tournaments.
他说,像《绝地求生》(PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds Mobile,简称PUBG)和《无尽对决》(Mobile Legends: Bang Bang)这样在中国出版的流行多人在线游戏,已经成为地区电子竞技比赛的固定项目。
Since 2017, online games company Moonton, based in Shanghai, the developer of Mobile Legends: Bang Bang, has been organizing regional tournaments, while Alisports pioneered the WESG in Shanghai in 2016 and brought the Southeast Asian edition to Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, two years later.
自2017年以来,总部位于上海的网络游戏公司Moonton(《Mobile Legends: Bang Bang》的开发商)一直在组织区域赛事;而阿里体育则在2016年于上海首办WESG,并在两年后将东南亚区的比赛带到了马来西亚的吉隆坡。
Chen was astounded to see a white sensor box on its roof, which guided the blue vehicle to stop bang in front of him.
The Bang & Olufsen Advanced Sound System ensures the music unfolds exactly how it was recorded in the concert hall.
And if the decision is to list, will an overseas float produce a bigger bang for the buck or a domestic public issue?
"I believe that HKEX is in the middle of what I call the big bang of finance," said Aguzin.
Because of China's financial services market opening up, 2020 will be remembered as a year of financial reform, at least on a par with the famous London "big bang" of 1986.
However, while their dispute in all likelihood will end with a relative whimper rather than a bang, there is no indication of when that might arrive.

六级Why do local animal rights people bang on pots and pans



六级NASA is developing a series of robotic probes that will get the most bang from a buck.



六级It takes a certain type of person who will bang his head against the wall because you believe you'll find the solution.



六级Why do local animal rights people bang on pots and pans?



六级I spend most of my time studying the big bang theory and where our universe came from.


2018年12月六级真题(第一套)听力 Section A

六级I'm watching a comedy called The Big Bang Theory.


2019年12月六级真题(第一套)听力 Section A

六级So during the first few moments of the big bang, the universe was extremely hot and very small.


2018年12月六级真题(第一套)听力 Section A

六级Compared with all other options, it’s the biggest, easiest and most profitable bang for the buck.



六级“It takes a certain type of person who will bang his head against the wall because you believe you’ll find the solution.



四级The job was to end with a monumental bang when I became so poorly I could no longer function.



考研What the researchers found was at once both amazing and expected: the US National Aeronautics and Space Administration’s Cosmic Background Explorer satellite -- Cobe -- had discovered landmark evidence that the universe did in fact begin with the primeval explosion that has become known as the Big Bang (the theory that the universe originated in an explosion from a single mass of energy).



考研The existence of the giant clouds was virtually required for the Big Bang, first put forward in the 1920s, to maintain its reign as the dominant explanation of the cosmos.



考研If the small hot spots look as expected, that will be a triumph for yet another scientific idea, a refinement of the Big Bang called the inflationary universe theory.


