
词根词缀记忆/谐音联想记忆 补充/纠错
词根ab 相反 + norm 规则,准则 + al …的 …………
词根记忆[根] ab 反+ normal 正常的不正常的
abnormally adv .不正常地
词性拓展记忆 / 词形拓展记忆
对比记忆 / 类比记忆 / 形近词记忆
formal / normal / abnormal / informal
formal a.正式的;形式的
normal a.正常的,普通的;正规的,标准的
abnormal a.反常的,不正常的,不规则的
informal  …………
normally / enormous / deformation / abnormal
词根记忆 / 词缀记忆
abnormal a 异常的,反常的(ab离开+normal正常的)
norm=rule, norm,表示”规则,规范”
norm n 规范,行为准则
normal a 正常的(norm+al=有规范的=正常的)
abnormal a 异常的,反 …………
abnormal behavior 异常行为
abnormal profit 非正常利润
abnormal spoilage 异常变质
abnormal depreciation 非正常折旧
abnormal phenomena 异常现象
abnormal mentality 异常心理
abnormal psychology 变态心理学
abnormal situation 异常情况
abnormal climate 异常气候
Normally, enormous deformation is abnormal.
That is simply abnormal.
Is the child abnormal in any way?
The patient's behavior is highly abnormal, showing signs of psychosis.
An abnormal heartbeat can be a serious medical concern.
Her complexion turned abnormal due to the extreme cold.
Abnormal weather patterns have been linked to climate change.
The test results were abnormal, indicating a possible health issue.
His reaction to stress was abnormally aggressive.
Abnormal growth in crops is often a sign of nutrient deficiency.
The child's speech patterns were considered abnormal by the therapist.
Scientists are studying abnormal cell division to understand cancer better.
The painting's colors appear abnormal under certain lighting conditions.
Once there is an abnormal situation, the State Grid Taizhou Electric Power Company will jointly carry out visits with the Bureau of Economy and Information Technology and the Tax Bureau of Taizhou to implement timely measures.
If the power generation is abnormal, it will be repaired immediately to ensure the normal operation of the photovoltaic power station," said a villager.
It is the world's first and currently the only true dual-chamber leadless pacing system that treats people with abnormal or slow heart rhythms.
Another key exhibit will be Aveir DR, the world's first dual chamber leadless pacing system that treats people with abnormal or slow heart rhythms.
另一个关键展品将是Aveir DR,这是世界上第一个双腔无引线起搏系统,用于治疗心律失常或缓慢的患者。
According to National Enterprise Credit Information Publicity System, two subsidiaries of Missfresh in Beijing and Shanghai were listed in the abnormal management directory on Aug 1 and 3.
We still don't know when the world can be normalized, on the heels of COVID-19, but we expect months of abnormal conditions," said Vincent Clerc, CEO of Ocean and Logistics at A. P. Moller-Maersk.
A.P.穆勒-马士基集团"海洋与物流业务首席执行官文森特·克莱尔(Vincent Clerc)表示:"我们仍然不知道世界何时能恢复正常,因为新冠病毒的影响仍在持续,但我们预计异常状况还会持续数月。
"China's measures to adopt AI-enabled robots to detect abnormal health parameters in staff and students have helped them to either resume work or return to school.
To lend a helping hand to medical workers who are overloaded with work diagnosing and treating the COVID-19 patient, the company collected medical data on more than 1,000 confirmed COVID-19 patients as quickly as possible, which was then labeled by professional doctors -- defining normal elements and categorizing abnormal ones.
Jessie Zheng, chief risk officer responsible for data and information security across Alibaba's platforms, said the company has made efforts to prevent and control risks not only by identifying counterfeit goods and malicious complaints but identifying abnormal transactions.
It will also watch for the safety of passengers and operators under both normal and abnormal conditions, said Feng Hao, a researcher at the Institute of Comprehensive Transportation at the National Development and Reform Commission.
"If the staff find abnormal conditions like high body temperature and heart rate, they'll immediately quarantine the animal," Xu said.
According to him, the company's deep learning AI cloud platform, in partnership with doctors, analyzed more than 11 million pieces of monitoring data of people's heart rates last year and found that 18,000 were abnormal, helping users identify health problems that may have gone unnoticed for a long time.
Internet of vehicles sensing technology will also detect dangerous driving behaviors such as emergency braking and abnormal parking to ensure driving safety, said the report, adding that the car-sharing platform will automatically send any traffic violation alert to users via SMS.
Defective parts in the fuel pumps of some of the vehicles may cause abnormal abrasion, and lead to fuel disruption and unintended engine stop in extreme cases, the administration said.
It also admitted 70 infants with abnormal chromosome conditions were born due for different reasons and insurance was provided for these families.
Diagnosed with polycystic ovaries, which causes abnormal hair growth, Kaur's growing up years were plagued by bullying and self-doubt.
The rise in imported iron ore prices in the past couple of months was abnormal and the industry must be sober-minded about the oversupply of imported iron ore in the long term, said Jin Wei, head of the association, at a meeting held in Beijing on Saturday.
As for the root cause of such an atypical recovery, we think the answer may be in the abnormal shocks to the economy — first the COVID-19, then the Russian-Ukrainian conflict, followed by scorching summer temperatures in China and resulting drought conditions.
Plans should be formulated in advance for abnormal market fluctuations while strengthening risk management in the process of implementing structural policies so as to enhance policy implementation and make ensuing policies play their proper role.
China's economy has continued to recover, and the ability to effectively respond to abnormal fluctuations in market prices has significantly increased, with sufficient supply of products, services, important commodities and energy, said Liu.
The country's trademark examination work is facing challenges in fields such as increasing applications, higher examination standard requirements from new-tech development, abnormal patent applications, and malevolent trademark registrations.
Since May, the State Council and the National Development and Reform Commission have been issuing orders to ensure commodity supply and keep their prices stable, including by screening for abnormal transactions and seriously dealing with price speculation and hoarding in accordance with the law.
The guidelines called for strengthening monitoring and early warning to maintain a reasonable level of live pig production capacity, and effectively control abnormal changes in production and sales.
The regulation of futures and spot markets will be better coordinated and targeted measures will be taken when appropriate to screen abnormal transactions and malicious speculations.
It is not difficult to predict that the Chinese economy is still recovering, if one compares the economic indicators with those in the fourth quarter of last year or makes comparisons after deducting abnormal fluctuations, he said.
"Frankly, I hope that in the future it will not be perceived as abnormal.
If there is any abnormal noise, the system will give an alarm," said Wang Kankan, director of digitalization at Hefei Midea Laundry Appliance Co Ltd.
Due to COVID-19, the volume of China's outbound air passengers had been in an abnormal state in 2022.
Therefore, many industry insiders generally believe that this round of chip shortages is "abnormal", and is not caused by a huge gap between supply and demand.
The NDRC said analysis attributed the recent sharp rise in iron ore prices and abnormal fluctuations to factors such as market speculation.
The meeting underscored work on addressing abnormal price fluctuations.
Share prices of key steel enterprises have also soared in recent days, even as market analysts issued warnings about abnormal price fluctuations.
The scenic spots are mainly mountainous vistas, open scenic spots, public parks and other outdoor tourist venues, which have been operating without any abnormal epidemic situation, according to a State Council news conference on March 18.
Song Yu, chief economist of Beijing Gao Hua Securities Co Ltd, said the idea of "keeping property prices stable" can be interpreted as a measure to prevent abnormal price swings.
Applications are helping to deliver more efficient and accurate patient diagnosisA doctor in a white coat sits in front of a computer screen displaying a lung CT scan, labeling the medical image - defining the normal elements and categorizing the abnormal ones.
"Acupuncture adjusts human body from an abnormal status to a healthy status.
"It is absolutely abnormal that iron ore has become more expensive than in 2008, when oil prices and shipment costs were much higher than now," he said.
Of these patients, 60.5 percent have light proteinuria despite having normal renal functions, and the presence of abnormal quantities of protein in the urine may indicate damage to the kidneys, the institute analyzed.
Through a smart screen, traffic can be monitored in real-time across the city and if anything abnormal happens, the platform can judge whether it is a traffic accident, routine traffic jam or other events, so it can allocate policemen or adjust traffic lights to deal with the problem, a policeman named Fu Yuxin from the bureau told local media.
It also has the world's first in-cabin cloud doctor service, so it can look out for the well-being of the driver and passengers, protecting them from consequences that may result from abnormal health conditions.
With several patented technologies, 5G remote driving can recognize abnormal traffic conditions such as road closures and assist the vehicle in navigating around these conditions safely and efficiently.
After long-term use of the vehicle, a thermal runaway of the power battery may occur when the bottom of the vehicle is affected by an abnormal impact or several jolting.
Volkswagen Group China CEO Stephan Woellenstein said the current dumbbell-shaped pattern in the electric car segment is abnormal.
The faulty integrated electronic brake system of the recalled vehicles may detect an abnormal sensor signal, and as a result, may significantly reduce braking performance.
Due to defective charging control programs in the engine control computer, the battery might suffer abnormal deterioration and the engine may not be re-started after shutdown in some circumstances, which will pose safety risks, said the administration.
The spring damper in the transmission will suffer from abnormal shocks because of the defect in the software of the engine's ECU, which might lead to a suspension of power output in extreme cases, the administration noted.
This may lead to abnormal noise or vibration of the vehicles, the Japanese automaker said.
The defects with drive shaft may bring abnormal noise from the chassis or keep the vehicle from being able to accelerate, resulting in safety risks, the regulator said.
Dongfeng Honda said it had received 20,742 complaints nationwide as of January, but claimed in February that the lubricant level problems would not cause abnormal wear or shorten the lifespan of its engines.
Dongfeng Honda itself said it received 20,742 complaints nationwide by January, but claimed in February that the lubricant level problems would not cause abnormal wear or shortened the lifespan of its engines, despite warning lights being illuminated on the car dashboard.
There could also be abnormal noise or a steering booster power decline when the wheel is turned, and in some cases the steering booster may fail to work, the company said.
While big data can be used for driving behavioral studies and car performance evaluation, accidents can be alerted and prevented when certain parameters of cars go abnormal, Ding said.
Thanks to the support of powerful artificial intelligence algorithms, "she" quickly learned how to find problems in processes and data and detect abnormal documents far more efficiently than human employees.
It is important to carry out and expand farmer training and capacity building projects all over the world, using scientific and technological research and development to help farmers quickly respond to the problems encountered in agricultural production, including how to combat climate change, abnormal weather, and other challenges.
Diseases caused by pneumococcus may leave serious sequela-an outcome or condition that follows from an illness or disease-such as hearing loss, discordance of limbs and abnormal behavior, said Gao Junhong, an official at the Malianwa health service center.
The network is able to detect abnormal movements at centimeter level in real-time, and millimeter level in post-analysis.
The technology is designed to help staff members at locations with high-density passenger flow, such as train stations, bus stations, metro stations and airports, to rapidly identify people who may have abnormal body temperatures without close physical contact, improving passing efficiency and controllability in open places.
In densely populated places such as hotels and restaurants, shopping malls, and public transport stations, 5G infrared thermal imaging temperature measurement can detect body temperatures at a distance of 10 meters, identify abnormal individuals in time and support contactless temperature-based prescreening.
Developed by Kuang-chi Technology, a company based in Shenzhen, the helmet is designed to help accurately spot people with abnormal temperatures in crowds in a short time, which makes it useful in the fight against the novel coronavirus epidemic, said Zheng Ruopeng, a chief researcher at the company.
Infrared thermometer lenses for abnormal temperature inspection, 5.0 neutral borosilicate glass tube for vaccine storing, flat sheet ceramic membrane for medical wastewater treatment…they are just a handful of equipment the company is working on.
Infrared thermometer lenses, an equipment used for screening inspections on people and selecting those who have abnormal temperature, are useful to reduce the risk of cross-infection in public places, according to the group.
Those with abnormal body temperatures will be sent to hospital.
The 5G technology will enable real-time monitoring of location and routes for forklifts and pallets, and provide preemptive alerts to deal with any abnormal situations.
He added that the country will strengthen the full coverage of supervision in the field of foreign exchange, enhance cross-border RMB supervision, promptly detect and handle abnormal situations, and crack down on illegal activities.
The CSRC will strengthen the monitoring of trading behaviors of key investors, crack down on abnormal trading, stock price manipulation and other irregularities, and formulate plans to punish and prevent financial fraud.
The Beijing bourse said on Monday it has strengthened supervision of abnormal trading behavior such as price manipulation.
The NAV of products will fluctuate significantly under such circumstances while the odds of receiving abnormal gains are the same.
Experts from Guotai Jun'an Securities explained that most of the losses were reported by quantitative funds that seek abnormal profits based on the benchmark IC 500 index.
The team and the Dalian Commodity Exchange held a meeting to analyze the iron ore market operations, probe abnormal trading behaviors in the iron ore futures and spot market, and study works on enhancing regulation.
It is necessary for the financial institutions to analyze the transaction characteristics of virtual-currency speculation, increase technological input, and improve models for monitoring abnormal transactions, the central bank said.
The State Administration of Foreign Exchange, China's foreign exchange regulator, said in a statement after its annual meeting last week that it would keep a close watch on external shocks and strengthen its monitoring of the forex market to prevent any abnormal risks from cross-border capital flows.
"We should prevent risks from abnormal cross-border capital flows and pay closer attention to external shocks from the COVID-19 pandemic," SAFE said.
The international market's confidence in Hong Kong remains undiminished, he noted, as its financial market has been running smoothly, the linked exchange rate regime remains stable, and there have been no abnormal financial outflows.
The bank said it will stay in communication with relevant market players, continue to negotiate with them about the abnormal market performance on Monday, and relay the latest developments to clients in due course.
The latest data need to be compared with the records in March and December of last year to check for abnormal boosts.
"Abnormal fluctuations in the financial market cannot be ignored," said the official, highlighting that financial markets are highly sensitive to external shocks and the cross-sector risk contamination should be prevented.
Unlike some developed economies that restarted quantitative easing and other "abnormal" measures, economists said Chinese policymakers are striking a balance between controlling the total money supply and improving the efficiency of the monetary policy transmission system.
The efficiency of quantitative easing and other "abnormal" monetary policy is also limited, according to the Chinese central bank, which suggested a need to enhance policy coordination and take structural reforms to strengthen growth.
The SSE also disclosed that during the first trading month of the STAR Market, it strengthened supervision on illegal trading and dealt with eight cases of abnormal trading behavior on the new board.
China stepped up efforts last year in preventing abnormal financial volatility and properly handling local government debt risks.
If abnormal fluctuations in the companies' stock prices are spotted after the filing of the M&A plans, the stock exchanges could ask the firms to update the insider list, the CSRC said.
But some delayed their listing over the last two years due to abnormal volatility in the stock market in 2015.
In addition, the exchange also raised the intraday trading limit on a single index futures contract by non-hedging accounts from 20 lots to 50 lots, with anything above seen as abnormal trading.
Looking ahead, emerging industry stocks are worth investing in, while investors are suggested to avoid purchasing stocks which have seen abnormal surges in recent weeks, Founder Securities said.
"Application scenarios are important to the development of the payment sector, and also a strength for payment firms over traditional financial institutions," said Qu Xiangjun, a global senior partner at McKinsey& Co. Huifu has employed big data analytics technology to detect abnormal transactions, identify high-risk merchants and generate real-time business intelligence reports, through a system dubbed "Ask Me" that is tailored to internet-based loan services.
They need to "refuse to conduct abnormal transactions that could severely influence normal market orders," she noted.
Abnormal financial conditions, inability to generate sustainable profits and questionable authenticity of application documents were among reasons for rejections.
Economists and experts predicted that the Chinese monetary policy might have a tight bias this year, influenced by the world's major central banks that might gradually withdraw the abnormal monetary easing since the global financial crisis as the global economy shows signs of recovery.
Abnormal financial conditions, inability to generate sustainable profits and questionable authenticity of application documents were among the reasons for the rejections.
Abnormal financial conditions, inability to generate sustainable profits and questionable authenticity of application documents were among the reasons for the recent rejections.
According to the CSRC circular, companies rejected in IPO applications were questioned over abnormal profit data, unreasonable proposals for uses of funds to be raised, unclear relations among actual controllers and income outlooks that contradict with fundamentals amid cyclical downturns.
The PBOC also dismissed concerns over strengthened government supervision of abnormal cross-border capital flow, saying that the monitoring will not disrupt normal and legal use of cross-border capital.
The central bank-run Financial News said on June 10 that the "abnormal market swings" of June 2013 won't happen again-a reference to a record cash crunch four years ago.
"The main role of the factor will be redressing the abnormal changes in the foreign exchange rate of the yuan due to irrational market sentiment," said Chen Jianheng, an analyst at China International Capital Corp. As seen in the yuan's rate against the dollar since April, the deviation between the yuan's closing rate and its central parity rate has been widening, with the closing rate most of the time weaker, said Chen.
With China experiencing a surge in respiratory illnesses this winter, authorities have also highlighted the significance of ports' disease control measures, such as conducting regular surveillance of COVID-19 variants and strengthening the testing of travelers who report abnormal health conditions.
"It can effectively monitor excessive and abnormal fluctuations of gas and carbon monoxide concentrations, as well as abnormalities in underground work and electricity usage," he said.
Local governments are encouraged to launch cognitive screening services for the elderly and guide those showing abnormal results to higher-level hospitals.
Until the long-term international monitoring arrangements are established, Japan must not start the ocean discharge process, he added, concluding that whenever abnormal data emerges or the control system fails, the discharge must be suspended immediately.
Monitoring data falsification, abnormal operation of air pollution control facilities and nonobservance of the government's instructions for emergency air pollution reduction are some of the major violations that were found.

六级The fundamental fix—reshaping how care is delivered and how doctors are paid in a wasteful, abnormal system—is likely to be achieved only through trial and error and incremental ( ' , 渐进的) gains.

在一个浪费、不正常的系统中,重塑医疗服务提供方式和医生报酬方式的根本解决方案很可能只能通过反复试验和渐进式(“,渐进的) 利润。


六级This is the process whereby helpers provide reassurance to clients that what they are experiencing is not abnormal or atypical(非典型的), but is a normal reaction shared by others when facing such circumstances.

这是帮助者向客户保证他们所经历的不是异常或非典型的过程(非典型的), 但这是其他人在面对这种情况时的正常反应。


六级The fundamental fix—reshaping how care is delivered and how doctors are paid in a wasteful, abnormal system—is likely to be achieved only through trial and error and incremental gains.


2016年6月六级真题(第二套)阅读 Section B

六级This is the process whereby helpers provide reassurance to clients that what they are experiencing is not abnormal or atypical (非典型的), but is a normal reaction shared by others when facing such circumstances.

这是一个帮助者向客户保证他们所经历的不是异常或非典型的过程(非典型的), 但这是其他人在面对这种情况时的正常反应。


四级Imagine a person who is about the right weight, but does not eat very nutritious (有营养的) foods, who feels OK but exercises only occasionally, who goes to work every day, but is not an outstanding worker, who drinks a few beers at home most nights but does not drive while drunk, and who has no chest pains or abnormal blood counts, but sleeps a lot and often feels tired.

想象一下,一个人的体重差不多,但吃的东西不是很有营养(有营养的) 食物,感觉还可以,但只是偶尔锻炼,每天上班,但不是一个出色的工人,大多数晚上在家喝几杯啤酒,但醉酒后不开车,没有胸痛或血计数异常,但睡得很多,经常感到疲劳。

