
a desirable ideal rather than an achievable reality 理想而非现实
have achievable goals 有可实现的目标
The goal of doubling sales in a year is achievable with the right strategy and team effort.
Achieving a perfect score on this exam may be challenging, but it's not unachievable if you put in enough dedication and practice.
Completing a marathon within four hours is an achievable target for experienced runners.
By working collaboratively, we believe that our project's deadline is achievable.
It's achievable to reduce carbon emissions by 50% within the next decade through sustainable practices and technology innovation.
With consistent practice, becoming fluent in a new language is definitely achievable.
Our company aims to achieve zero workplace accidents by implementing strict safety protocols and employee training.
Passing all courses with straight A's this semester might seem daunting, but with hard work and commitment, it is achievable.
Losing ten pounds in two months can be considered an achievable weight loss goal, provided you stick to a healthy diet and exercise routine.
Winning the championship title is an ambitious but achievable objective for the team if they maintain their focus and teamwork throughout the season.
For us, responsible digital innovation will serve as a fundamental driving force for our development in the country, helping us address consumer needs and make better everyday health more achievable, inclusive and sustainable," said Alence Li, chief digital and marketing officer at Haleon China.
Carbon neutrality is both achievable and profitable for corporations in pursuit of long-term development, according to German pharmaceutical company Boehringer Ingelheim.
Water's freezing point is fixed at 0 C, so the team at Birmingham used other substances to create a flexible range of temperatures achievable.
The revenue of its consumer products including smartphones and personal computers might grow to $100 billion in three years and to $150 billion in five years, Yu Chengdong, CEO of Huawei's consumer business group, said Thursday, adding that their team could make these goals achievable.
"China's 2019 GDP growth target at 6-6.5 percent is reasonable and achievable, and we've seen a robust start for the Chinese economy this year such as stabilizing corporate capital expenditures," Bill Winters, group chief executive of SCB, told Xinhua on the sidelines of the just-concluded China Development Forum 2019.
Chinese nationals like to be involved in businesses' decision-making processes, prefer a faster working pace, and want more opportunities to explore international markets, all of which are becoming more achievable in local companies, said the head of human resources for a multinational healthcare company, who declined to be named.
We are concerned about how to turn our value proposition of sustainable development into achievable results in day-to-day operations.
[Photo by Huang Jiexian/For China Daily]With profitability appearing achievable last year, ofo Inc is planning a simultaneous expansion at home as well as overseas markets this year, said Dai Wei, the bike-sharing startup's founder and CEO.
Nevertheless, some other experts are more cautious and believe a target of around 5 percent, the same as this year, would be more achievable and reasonable in 2024.
"This is a high-quality development path," Cai said, adding that such progress would not have been achievable without the improving business environment of China and preferential policies by Xiamen.
"This is a high-quality development path," he said, adding that such progress would not have been achievable without the improving business environment of China and preferential policies by Xiamen.
Yang Weimin, a senior economist, said China's annual GDP growth target of around 5 percent is definitely "achievable" as the economy has shown signs of improvement.
Nattaporn is upbeat about China's growth outlook this year, saying that China's growth target of around 5 percent set for 2023 is achievable and China has sufficient policy tools to address downward economic pressures.
China has set an economic growth target of around 5 percent for 2023, which officials and analysts believe is a pragmatic and achievable goal.
"The number is achievable," given the economy's promising outlook, Xingchen Yu, emerging markets strategist at UBS Chief Investment Office, told Xinhua.
China's growth target of around 5 percent for 2023 is reasonable and achievable, as it conforms to the nation's economic trends and will foster high-quality development, the country's top economic regulator said on Monday.
Target: More efforts urged to support firmsChina has set its GDP growth target at around 5 percent for this year, which analysts said is "pragmatic" and "achievable".
"It is achievable and has left room for (coping with possible) risks.
A growth target of 5 percent, as we see, is achievable, if sought with good efforts and skill.
Shanghai has set a GDP growth target of above 5.5 percent for 2023 and experts say the fulfillment of this "achievable goal" will support China's sustainable development in the long term.
Sun said 5.5 percent is a comparatively high figure considering Shanghai's economic scale, but the city's high development standards and its economic fundamentals indicate such a goal is achievable.
China's development path is closely linked with other countries, Ojiambo said, noting that China's infrastructure development through the Belt and Road Initiative, its digital transformation through technology and innovation, its low-carbon energy development path, good education and quality jobs for the next generation are all achievable for the SDGs.
"There are indeed challenges in terms of fulfilling this year's GDP growth target, but it is still achievable through efforts," said Liu Shijin, deputy director of the Committee on Economic Affairs of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference.
Despite difficulties and challenges as well as destabilizing factors, China has the conditions, capability and confidence to achieve this year's targets and tasks, the official said, adding that this year's economic growth target of around 5.5 percent is achievable through hard work.
China might set the annual economic growth target at "around 5.5 percent" for 2022, a level that is achievable amid mild policy easing and will help anchor market expectations, said a leading economist.
"This would be well above our estimate of China's long-term growth potential of around 5.5 percent, but is quite achievable from such a low base in 2020," Fitch analysts Brian Coulton and Pawel Borowski wrote in the report.
Despite challenges and mounting uncertainties ahead, Feng said, the "around 5 percent" GDP growth is achievable this year.
Home prices in 70 designated cities in China reported slower or negative growth in April from a year ago, but industrial experts believe market stability remains achievable in the coming months as the current COVID-19 resurgence is being effectively contained and policies aimed at supporting rational demand will gradually take effect.
Wang Guoqing, director of the Lange Steel Information Center, said the new guideline has set practical and achievable goals.
Now, many people have the achievable dream of buying a Mercedes-Benz or a BMW, something that would have been unthinkable a few years ago.
The numbers are both huge and achievable, said Joseph Jacobelli, an independent energy analyst and executive vice-president for Asia business at Cenfura Ltd, a global renewable energy company.
Zhang Hong, deputy secretary-general of the association, said at a media conference on Monday that reducing coal's share of China's primary energy consumption is achievable given that it had already dropped 1.7 percentage points year-on year for the first nine months of 2019.
But Schwanen of Oxford University doubts that such low prices will be achievable early on, even in today's business environment replete with money-losing companies that value growth over profit.
Fewer cities reported price hikes in new and pre-owned homes in June from the previous month, suggesting that the target of stabilizing land and home prices is achievable, said experts.
Abiding by the principle that housing is for living in, not for speculation, as well as having policies tailored to meet cities' varied requirements, the stabilization of land prices and housing prices is achievable, said Mao.
sustainable economic development on a global scale is achievable with sustained efforts, sharp focus, visionary policy and imaginative project implementation-that's the takeaway for umpteen businesses participating in, and benefiting from, China-led Belt and Road Initiative, experts said.
Joseph Jacobelli, an independent energy analyst and Asia-Pacific CEO of clean energy producer Joule Power, said he believed the government's target of 5 percent curtailment rate by 2020 or sooner is achievable.
"But once a few new generation reactors are commissioned then the pace of development should accelerate and China's plan to have its nuclear power capacity to reach as much as 150 GW in total by 2030 as part of Beijing's push to boost clean energy consumption is perfectly achievable, he added.
"Automakers will certainly work to meet whatever standards are eventually adopted, but these draft requirements will be extremely challenging even in California and may not be achievable in all the states that currently follow California's program," the group said.
It's not being said that hydrogen fuel-cell technology isn't an environmentally friendly and achievable solution for future mobility, it is.
"The Chinese government has announced clear plans to raise NEV sales to 20 percent of the automotive market by 2025, and 50 percent by 2035, and as time goes on, these look more and more achievable," London-based commodity researcher CRU Group reported earlier this month.
Thanks to business generated by the highly-profitable Chinese joint venture between BMW and the local firm Brilliance, the CEO said that a pre-tax margin of 10.8 percent was achievable during the same period.
The target of 600,000 units is surely achievable and executable when calculating at the current growth rate," Zheng said.
"Defusing debt risks doesn't mean paying off all debts, but rather, it aims at avoiding the manifestation of systemic risk through debt restructuring, and that's an achievable goal," he said.
As easing mortgage burden boosts consumer spending, and buoyed infrastructure investment offsets subdued real estate development, the country's domestic demand is set to recover further, especially in the fourth quarter of the year, keeping the annual economic growth target well achievable, they added.
We think that a growth of 5 percent is possible and achievable thanks to the reopening of the economy," said Luca Paolini, chief strategist at Pictet Asset Management.
The country's target to "win the tough battle to end poverty" in time, however, is achievable, especially as policymakers have noted that the key is to close the gaps in China's social protection coverage, in order to help protect workers and households from the distress caused by job and income losses, and also to boost private consumption.

四级Even though they see going to college as a fairly achievable goal, a majority—52 percent—think that young people do not need a four-year college education in order to be successful.


2017年12月四级真题(第三套)阅读 Section C

四级It’s something we can offer that’s achievable.


