
谐音记忆a(额)ddi(滴)tion(神)na(呐)lly(哩) → 怎么还有啊? → 此外,而且 → a …………
Additionally, the software includes a built-in help system for easy navigation.
She speaks French fluently, and additionally, she knows sign language.
The package includes a free trial period, and additionally, you can cancel at any time.
He not only completed the assignment on time, but additionally, he exceeded expectations with his creativity.
The restaurant offers a vegetarian menu, and additionally, they have gluten-free options.
The new model has improved fuel efficiency, and additionally, it comes with a longer warranty.
The company provides health insurance to its employees, and additionally, they offer a gym membership discount.
The training program not only teaches technical skills, but additionally, it focuses on soft skills development.
The hotel has a swimming pool, and additionally, there's a spa for relaxation.
The smartphone has a high-resolution camera, and additionally, it supports fast charging technology.
Additionally, the personalized intelligent agent customization capabilities for GLMs are now live.
Additionally, by adopting new OLED display technology, products from this new production line will have lower energy consumption and longer life span, which could better meet the usage demands of medium-sized IT products, BOE said.
Additionally, the concept of environmental, social and corporate governance, commonly known as ESG that was proposed by the United Nations, has become a key objective that all companies should adhere to while achieving their sustainable development goals, as well as the mainstream consensus of the international community.
Additionally, compliance with laws and regulations, credible management and high-quality services while participating in the BRI will help demonstrate the good image of Chinese enterprises and the country to local and international communities, and win the support of more countries.
Additionally, more than 56 percent of Chinese companies are attracted by the UK's stability and transparency in the political, legal, and regulatory environment.
Additionally, the transition from manual to automated production has ensured higher production efficiency and cost-effectiveness, and propelled China to a leading position in this regard, Wang said.
"Additionally, the joining of the new team members furthers A&M's expertise in fast-growing sectors including auto, advanced manufacturing and healthcare," it added.
"Additionally, China's policies to promote green transformation further provide space of development for foreign enterprises, offering new trade growth points and driving the high-quality development of industrial chains. "
Additionally, we will consolidate resources to foster tourism promotion, while highlighting the distinctive tourism attractions of China to draw in global visitors.
Additionally, the CAC ordered the livestreaming platform cc.163.
Additionally, a joint venture will be established for autonomous technology solutions for the region.
Additionally, it is in the process of drafting tailored guidance policies for each strategic emerging industry and setting up specialized funds.
Additionally, 16 Chinese mainland TMT enterprises, or 24 percent of the total number of IPObound enterprises, opted to list in Hong Kong or overseas, netting 4.1 billion yuan, or 5 percent of the total proceeds.
Shell said its core businesses have grown considerably in China in recent years, including the Changbei onshore gas project in Shaanxi province, developed in collaboration with China National Petroleum Corp. Additionally, the company works with CNPC and China National Offshore Oil Corp to develop onshore and offshore oil and gas resources in China and overseas while also being a leading supplier of liquefied natural gas in China.
Additionally, we are exploring educational areas beyond languages, including mathematics.
Additionally, the geological storage potential is estimated to be around 12.1 to 41.3 trillion tons, serving as an important pathway for achieving deep carbon dioxide emissions reduction," Yong said.
Additionally, concerns arose about users in the comments section luring minors into unhealthy relationships, engaging in sexual solicitation, and recruiting minors for questionable online gaming companionships.
Additionally, 23 percent of the thousands of new developers and entrepreneurs from around the world who joined the App Store in 2022 came from China.
Additionally, 23 percent of the thousands of new developers and entrepreneurs from all over the world who joined the App Store in 2022 came from China.
Additionally, the company faced questions about its right to sell images of the national flag and national emblem on its website.
Additionally, JD Logistics, JD's logistics arm, operated over 1,600 warehouses as of June 30, which covered an aggregate gross floor area of over 32 million square meters, including warehouse space managed under the JD Logistics Open Warehouse Platform.
Additionally, the company aims to further expand its sales networks in the region to sustain robust growth.
Additionally, generative AI technologies and large-scale natural language models can also be employed in human resource management to optimize talent acquisition processes and streamline employee engagement initiatives, he added.
Additionally, H3C upgraded AMPHA, the Advanced Management Platform for HPC and AI, to optimize heterogeneous computing power scheduling, facilitating accelerated intelligent innovation.
Additionally, the devices come with an impressive battery life, enabling users to stay connected all day.
Additionally, he hopes that more Australian enterprises and associations will participate in the CIIE.
Additionally, robust consumption concerning healthcare, sports and social interaction, as well as younger generations' cultural and domestic consuming desires, are also encouraging commercial property operators, Lo added.
Additionally, the center has a close relationship with cultural and tourism bureaus in various provinces and cities across the country.
Additionally, they will strengthen the digital infrastructure and build a global 5.5G evolution pioneer network, providing a strong engine to achieve the national digitalization goals outlined in Saudi Vision 2030.
Additionally, the company plans to establish four design centers in China, the US, Japan and South Korea, to provide more professional solutions to different markets.
Additionally, in 2022 China Mobile increased the internet access rate for primary and secondary schools to 99.7 percent, benefiting 106,000 schools.
Additionally, the company is exploring the development of low-carbon products such as blue hydrogen and blue ammonia.
Additionally, over 50 of its brick-and-mortar stores in China will partner with its "ambassadors" to launch more than 60 community activities.
Additionally, in Nanping, a lower-tier city in Fujian province, the construction of a comprehensive school comprising a middle school and a primary school has recently kicked off, with an investment of some 640 million yuan ($91.7 million) by local SOE Nanping Wuyi New Area Investment and Development Group Co Ltd. "China needs to bring into full play the pivotal role of investment and continue to support investment in infrastructure projects to address weak links essential for people's livelihoods.
Additionally, the Group has also signed contracts for around 21.3 million square meters of reconstruction projects, an increase of approximately 2.3 million square meters from the end of last year, mostly in important cities in the Greater Bay Area.
Additionally, the province registered 6.62 million private enterprises and individual businesses, five times as many as in 2012 and accounting for more than 90 percent of all of its market entities.
Additionally, nine Chinese mainland TMT enterprises, or 13 percent of the total number of IPO-bound enterprises, opted to list in Hong Kong and overseas, and these listings netted 4.7 billion yuan, or 3 percent of the total proceeds.
Additionally, Zhou posted that a provincial-level official once served him cigarettes and that he drank tea worth 200,000 yuan per 500 grams.
"Additionally, we have seen an increase in demand for hybrid working in northern China.
Additionally, over 100 JD autonomous vehicles have been deployed to Shanghai to facilitate last-mile deliveries of customer orders and protective equipment to makeshift hospitals, communities and delivery stations during the citywide lockdown.
Additionally, over 100 JD autonomous vehicles were sent to Shanghai to facilitate the last-mile delivery of customer orders and personal protective equipment to makeshift hospitals, lockdown communities and delivery stations.
Additionally, eight Chinese mainland TMT enterprises, or 11 percent of the total number of IPO-bound enterprises, opted to list in Hong Kong and overseas, and these listings netted 37.2 billion yuan, or 25 percent of the total proceeds.
The division's ophthalmology business additionally benefited from growth in market share and the launch of Eylea™ prefilled syringes, with total Eylea™ sales up 18.7 percent (Fx& portfolio adj.
该部门的眼科业务还受益于市场份额的增长和Eylea™预充注射器的推出,Eylea TM的总销售额增长了18.7%(Fx和投资组合调整。
Additionally, Vale seeks to reduce its absolute Scope 1 and 2 emissions by 33 percent by 2030 and achieve neutrality by 2050, in line with the Paris Agreement, leading the evolution toward low-carbon mining.
Additionally, NeoGenomics will support Genetron Health on trials outside of China based in any of the following locations: the US, Asia-Pacific region including Japan, Europe, Middle East and/or Africa.
此外,NeoGenomics将支持Genetron Health在中国以外的任何地点进行试验:美国、亚太地区,包括日本、欧洲、中东和/或非洲。
Additionally, its revenues from social networks and fintech and enterprise services, respectively, reached 29 billion yuan and 41.9 billion yuan in Q2, up 9 percent and 40 percent year-on-year.
Additionally, active members of the coffee house have reached 17 million, a 4 percent increase over the previous quarter and 71 percent over the previous year.
Additionally, for every 100 million yuan invested, AGF investments reduced 45,000 tons of solid waste, 796 tons of air pollution and 1.64 million tons of wastewater.
Additionally, there had been keen competition in China's intimate wear market, which continued to undergo structural adjustments in sales channel diversification, product quality and mix of products.
Additionally, sales of small kitchen appliances from online channels reached 107.93 million units during the first six months of this year, up 25.4 percent on a yearly basis, according to the consultancy.
Additionally, it will resume service to Seoul, and will fly to Singapore via Hong Kong.
Additionally, as the pet economy booms in China, the public is pursuing more scientific ways of raising pets as well as attaching equal emphasis to pets' health," Qureshi said.
Additionally, the company will initiate a strategic partnership with Chinese hospitals and strengthen academic exchanges with Chinese healthcare professionals to improve their clinical research capabilities.
Additionally, the test requires no special equipment to conduct, and can be stored and transported at room temperature, according to Wang Jihua, president of the company headquartered in Guangzhou.
Additionally, as the government is making healthcare more broadly available and increasing the focus on making innovative medicines available, this will accelerate the importance of China overall.
Additionally, the power and influence of the PR department in a company are generally limited.
Additionally, the project could result in the development of new genomics tools and technologies that are more affordable and broadly available to the scientific community.
During the report period, CFLD additionally raised 63.26 billion yuan, of which 52.99 billion yuan (84 percent) was contributed by non-property programs.
Additionally, Haier made it into a new category – the IoT ecosystem brand.
Additionally, 79,750 young children unintentionally ingest kerosene.
Additionally, 206 million units of the company's smartphones were sold across the globe, an increase of 35 percent year-over-year.
Additionally, monitoring and modifying the systems on the package sorting assembly line in service centers helps manage energy saving.
Additionally, Migu will become the official marketing partner of the NBA China Games.
This overseas study additionally highlights the advantages of Hanfor in the asset management industry.
Additionally, the three most outstanding participants will be awarded with Scholarships to study in China so as to specialize in their skills and gain more knowledge and technical expertise.
Additionally, we will step-up our ambitions regarding the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, energy efficiency and use of renewable energy as sustainability is at the core of everything we do.
Additionally, we will continue to strengthen our relationships with collaborators and expand China’s clean and green energy market.
Additionally, Chinese mobile phone maker Vivo Mobile Communication Co, headquartered in Dongguan, has become an official sponsor of the 2018 World Cup.
Additionally, JPMorgan's markets franchise will continue to invest in systems and platforms in an effort to provide better access and liquidity to China's maturing capital markets.
Additionally, overall e-commerce sales rose by 27 percent.
Additionally, building trust is essential to the successful adoption and use of AI.
Additionally, as China's reach extends, with initiatives like the Belt & Road, companies like ourselves that have global reach and expertise can offer a differentiated service characterized by support that connects across regions, and spanning multiple sectors.
They include IPO of prominent Chinese companies, capital increase of Chinese blue chip, and A-Share companies additionally issuing D-Shares as well.
Additionally, Bohai Capital's subsidiaries have innovated their business models and effectively utilized their abundant customer and business resources in regions as Asia, Africa and Europe.
Additionally, the private sector has become a bigger contributor to China's economy after a significant structural adjustment.
Additionally, a national emissions trading scheme is expected to be launched later this year.
Additionally, he says many young entrepreneurs that he met had great ideas, passion and belief in the future - the key ingredients for economy growth.
Additionally, it has showrooms in Beijing and Shanghai, where corporate customers can visit and place orders.
Additionally, higher incomes have stimulated the consumption of meat proteins.
If it is required to purchase the tendering documents at any other place, postage charges of RMB 50 Yuan shall be payable additionally, and in such cases the purchase price for such tendering documents shall be remitted into the account of the agent and the scanned copy of remittance evidence shall be sent to email address of the tendering agent and the purpose of remittance, name of entity, contact person, address and telephone number, email address , etc.
Additionally, Hisense will offer its technical expertise and products throughout the 2018 FIFA World Cup while also engaging in a joint R&D initiative with FIFA to further push the boundaries of display technology.
Additionally, leisure agriculture and rural tourism in Beijing experienced growth in both visitor numbers (up nearly 24 percent) and income (up nearly 13 percent).
Additionally, positive macro-level policy information has not been promptly communicated to investors during the ongoing economic recovery, influencing their judgment.
Additionally, the report said the city's fixed asset investment surpassed 860 billion yuan last year.
Additionally, it is also appropriate to support the trustworthy, safe and responsible use of digital technologies, including artificial intelligence.
Additionally, the government's decision-making consultation processes should further engage participation from foreign companies, and fully consider the potential impact of policy changes on foreign businesses.
Additionally, sectors such as semiconductors, circuit boards and machine tools are considered strong areas in Taiwan.
Additionally, the favorable policies that the expo has offered, including an early bird discount for those who sign up before Jan 30, have also boosted registration figures.
Additionally, the agreement encourages economic and technological cooperation between the two countries in such sectors as agriculture, textiles, logistics and tourism, as well as among small and medium-sized enterprises, the ministry added.
Additionally, State-owned equity must be better mobilized to raise SOEs' valuation levels and scale up the country's fiscal revenue.
Additionally, the list updated three restricted technologies related to crop hybrid advantage utilization, bulk material handling technology and laser radar systems, the official said.
Additionally, import tariffs on foods for special medical purposes and other related products will be reduced, the commission said, adding it will better safeguard people's health with high-quality supplies.
Additionally, import tariffs on special medical formula foods and other related products will be reduced, the commission said.
Additionally, global trade value is expected to decrease due to the current decline in commodity prices, according to information released by the Ministry of Commerce.
Additionally, the services sector in China is showing signs of increased market confidence, as some enterprises anticipate improvements in the economic landscape and a rise in customer numbers, according to the report.
Additionally, the government should conduct research at the grassroots level to identify other important reasons for the sharp decline in the marriage and birthrate of young people, and provide strong support and subsidies at various levels to help reduce the opportunity cost of childbirth and the cost of child care.
Additionally, the park also launched a project to build more such parking lots along 13 roads.
Additionally, pursuing peaceful development and creating a favorable external environment also align with China's goal of high-quality development.
Additionally, efforts will be made to reduce trade costs and barriers, enhance cross-border trade supervision services, and improve the mobility and convenience of cross-border funding.
Additionally, a strong emphasis on industrial and supply chain collaboration will pave the way for more partnerships, she said, adding that it is important to maintain the stability and smoothness of the global supply chain and oppose unilateral measures and decoupling.

四级Additionally, they should be allowed to teach, and be rewarded for doing it well.



高考Additionally, group exercise creates a community feel and the shared common goal motivates participants to work hard.


2015年高考英语福建卷 阅读理解 阅读E 原文

六级Additionally, those affected by inadequate health and social care are too vulnerable to launch the protests that have addressed other forms of discrimination.


2018年12月六级真题(第二套)听力 Section C
