
词根词缀记忆/谐音联想记忆 补充/纠错
词根ad-加强语气,强化词根含义 + -her- …………
词根记忆ad(增加)+here(在这) → 一定要在这加强=adherence[坚持] …………
词根记忆 / 词缀记忆
adherence n 粘附,坚持(adhere+ence)
adhere v 粘着,依附(ad增加+here=粘上)
adherence n 粘附,坚持(adhere+ence)
adherent n  …………
adherence to 遵守
in adherence to 遵守
Eric's adherence to the old habits is much to be regretted.
Tom was noted for his strict adherence to the rules.
Tony's rigid adherence to the rules made him unpopular.
The success of the treatment depends heavily on the patient's adherence to the medication schedule.
Maintaining a healthy diet requires strict adherence to nutritional guidelines.
The project's success was due in part to the team's adherence to the original plan.
Adherence to ethical standards is crucial for professionals in every field.
The school emphasizes the importance of adherence to its code of conduct.
Regular exercise and adherence to a sleep schedule can significantly improve mental health.
The study found a direct correlation between patient adherence and recovery rates.
Adherence to safety protocols is mandatory in all manufacturing facilities.
The political party's adherence to its core values has won them widespread support.
In scientific research, strict adherence to the scientific method is essential for producing reliable results.
But the real challenge and the unmet need in the community is some bodily intolerance for statins and medication adherence.
Moreover, in the context of the transformation and modernization of the global aviation industry, China's adherence to the concept of green development also well matches Airbus' objectives.
Brent Neidig, chief officer of USANA and managing director of USANA China, said the company is deeply impressed by China's support of foreign enterprise development in the country, as well as its adherence to the opening-up policy, and will continue to invest "vigorously" in the country to make more contributions to the national agenda of safeguarding people's health.
USANA首席执行官兼USANA中国区董事总经理Brent Neidig表示,公司对中国支持外国企业在华发展以及坚持对外开放政策印象深刻,并将继续“大力”在华投资,为保障人民健康的国家议程做出更多贡献。
As China enters a new phase of dual-circulation development pattern and promotes higher-level opening-up, its adherence to improving the business environment and its innovation-driven strategy are providing stronger impetus to increase foreign investment, experts said.
This is a result of the bank's long-term adherence to a steady, prudential, comprehensive and proactive culture of risk management.
Zhang Jingchuan, head of National Pharmacy Management at Bayer Pharmaceuticals China, said that in terms of patient management, a "care plan" differs from traditional treatment frameworks which are considered passive - patients go to see the doctor only when they are ill. On the other hand, a care plan uses internet-enabled technology to interact with patients, monitor their drug treatment adherence, and adjust treatment plans as appropriate.
The State Council, the country's Cabinet, has declared its commitment to ensuring foreign-invested enterprises fully engage in government procurement activities in strict adherence to the law.
But the ground rule is adherence to the country's laws and regulations to ensure data security, he added.
The innovation and improvement of those rules requires not only adherence to some existing mechanisms and rules, but also introduction of new ones, he said, adding to innovate and improve the rules also requires strengthening bilateral mechanisms among participating economies while actively expanding multilateral mechanisms among more participants, as well as paying attention to both the roles of international treaties and global practices.
Openness, non-discrimination and adherence to multilateral rules are important guarantees for the healthy operation of the market economy and global supply chains, said a former senior official of the World Trade Organization.
Prudent monetary policyAside from the efforts to stabilize the commodity and food prices, there is no monetary basis for price hikes thanks to China's adherence to not resorting to the "flood-like stimulus," Fu Linghui said.
Although having a short-term impact on social and economic activities, China's adherence to the policy is not only a responsible decision for the core interests of its people, but also benefits the global economic recovery, Lan said.
The fact that the Boao Forum for Asia is being held as scheduled reflected China's adherence to the concept of openness, solidarity and win-win cooperation, he said.
He urged new progress in building the area, and underscored adherence to the target of relieving Beijing of functions that are not essential to its role as the capital when building the city and making plans for bringing in projects.
"The Chinese government's adherence to improving the business environment and its innovation-driven strategy impresses us the most," he said.
Article 11 Where, in adherence to the prohibition order, a citizen, legal person or other organization of China suffers significant losses resulting from non-compliance with the relevant foreign legislation and other measures, relevant government departments may provide necessary support based on specific circumstances.
Confronted with rising elements of trade protectionism and unilateralism, Gu said, the CIIE, as a state-level platform, also demonstrates China's adherence to globalization in favor of exchanges and win-win cooperation.
"The FTA reflects the two countries' firm adherence to the principle of peace and development, determined support to multilateralism, and joint efforts to safeguard trade and investment liberalization and facilitation, to build a community with a shared future for mankind, despite the rising complexity and uncertainties in the international community," it said.
The vessel is the world's first large offshore project designed in adherence to the latest rules and regulations of the Det Norske Veritas, said Pan Yongquan, vice-manager of the large project team of marine industrial products at Dalian Shipbuilding Industry.
"The new vessel is the world's first large offshore project designed in adherence to the latest rules and regulations of the Det Norske Veritas," said Pan Yongquan, vice-manager of the large project team of marine industrial products at Dalian Shipbuilding Industry.
“这艘新船是世界上首个按照挪威船级社(Det Norske Veritas)最新规则和规定设计的大型海上项目,”大连船舶重工集团大型项目团队副经理潘永泉表示。
"Reflecting China's adherence to the principle that 'houses are for living in, not for speculation', the draft opinions are aimed at providing financial support to the establishment of a long-term mechanism to support the real estate market, which combines home renting and purchase," said Zeng Gang, director of the Shanghai Institution for Finance & Development.
However, quite a few achievements have been seen in the sector, such as the consistent improvement of the long-term mechanism of the real estate market, the adherence to "housing is for living in, not for speculation", continued efforts taken to stabilize home prices, land prices and market expectations, local property measures to promote stable development of property markets, and progress in government-subsidized property and long-term rental housing.
Li Congrong, vice-president of the company, said the firm has established a strong presence with significant growth in the industry since it was set up about four years ago, thanks to its adherence to innovation to meet middle-end, high-quality senior care service demand in China.
The annual central economic work conference held in December called for a long-term mechanism to maintain the sound development of the real estate market and adherence to the principle that "housing is for living in, not speculation".
Furthermore, Gao emphasized that AI development must respect sovereignty, noting that when providing AI products and services to other countries, strict adherence to their respective laws is essential.
China's central bank's adherence to a relatively prudent monetary policy is unique and responsible, said Chen Dong, head of Asia macroeconomic research at Pictet Wealth Management, according to a report by International Finance News on Thursday.
Experts: Adherence to standards will expand coverage, maintain stabilityFinancial industry officials and experts highlighted the significance of responsible consumer finance to better control risks and maintain financial stability at a recent financial inclusion forum.
A bailout fund of 10 billion yuan will be established for listed privately owned enterprises, especially those that are in line with the optimization and upgrading of the economic structure and with good prospects in terms of market orientation and adherence to laws.
During China's National People's Congress which opened on March 5, the central government underscored a continued adherence to GDP growth targets.
In a statement released on Tuesday, Gabonese Foreign Minister Regis Onanga Ndiaye reiterated Gabon's firm adherence to the one-China principle, opposing any words or actions that undermine China's sovereignty and territorial integrity.
Sri Lanka's Foreign Ministry spokesperson stressed the country's adherence to the one-China principle on Monday, recognizing the People's Republic of China as the only legitimate government representing the entire nation.
In the Pacific, the government of Kiribati, in a statement, reiterated its adherence to the one-China principle.
Samiu Kuita Vaipulu, Deputy Prime Minister of Tonga expressed the country's steadfast adherence to the one-China policy, supporting China's pursuit of peaceful reunification.
The goal of regulatory policies is to curb irregular market operations and encourage adherence to the law, said Xiao.
He underlined the adherence to the guidance over community-level governance through Party building, and asked for further integration and classified implementation of the major measures in the education campaign.
All related departments should enforce rigorous adherence to their discretionary power over administrative penalties and scale up rectification of arbitrary and unwarranted fines, it was stated at the meeting.
These issues encompassed failures to fully implement CPC Central Committee decisions, inadequate risk awareness, insufficient security measures resulting in inadequate risk prevention and control mechanisms, weak adherence to strict Party governance, corruption risks among leading officials, violations of guidelines for improving Party and government conduct, and weaknesses in leadership, talent and grassroots Party organizations in some areas.
Zhao called for adherence to the correct political orientation in legislative work.
He reiterated his country's adherence to the one-China principle and support for China's efforts in safeguarding its sovereignty and territorial integrity.
While developing countries should make their due contributions, developed nations should take the lead in reducing emissions and fulfill their financial commitments, Li said, calling for adherence to the principle of common but differentiated responsibilities.
Ganesh Shah, secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Nepal (Maoist Centre), said he was impressed by the CPC's adherence to putting the people at the center of its development philosophy, emphasizing the concept of common prosperity for all people, and promoting harmonious social development.
Li stressed that China prioritizes development and reiterated the country's commitment to the policy of opening-up and adherence to market-oriented reform.
China's adherence to the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence and its commitment to promote a new type of international relations based on deepening and expanding global cooperation through a commitment to equality, openness, cooperation and expanding the convergence of interests with other countries provides a clear perspective of China's attitude to the issue of international interactions.
The meeting's participants urged strict adherence to the CPC Central Committee's eight-point decision on improving Party and government conduct, and underlined the need to take stringent action against hedonism and extravagance.
Urging strict adherence to the central Party leadership's eight-point decision on improving Party and government conduct, the meeting pledged stringent actions against practices of hedonism and extravagance and severe punishment for those who continue to violate Party discipline and rules despite repeated warnings and prohibitions.
In a speech titled "Continue to Promote the Reunification of the Motherland" in January 1995, Jiang stressed that adherence to the one-China principle is the basis and premise for peaceful reunification.
He reiterated China's commitment to the path of peaceful development, adherence to the fundamental national policy of reform and opening-up, and the country's firm pursuit of an opening-up strategy with mutual benefit and win-win results.