
Chemotherapy is often used as an adjuvant to surgery for cancer patients.
Hormone therapy can be an adjuvant treatment for menopause-related symptoms.
The use of immunotherapy as an adjuvant in cancer treatment is showing promising results.
Radiation therapy sometimes serves as an adjuvant to chemotherapy in treating breast cancer.
The adjuvant effects of probiotics on digestive health have been well-documented.
Adjuvant therapy for Alzheimer's disease is still an area of ongoing research.
An adjuvant vaccine can enhance the immune response to the primary vaccine.
In some cases, physical therapy is used as an adjuvant to traditional medical treatments.
Adjuvants in skincare products can help boost their moisturizing and anti-aging properties.
An adjuvant drug might help manage side effects from the main medication.
The supplemental new drug application for the drug in combination with chemotherapy as perioperative treatment and subsequently, monotherapy as adjuvant therapy for the treatment of adult patients with resectable stage IIIA-IIIB non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) has been approved by the National Medical Products Administration, the company announced Tuesday.
Radical surgery in combination with chemotherapy is a way to prevent recurrence, but chemotherapy alone, as preoperative neoadjuvant or postoperative adjuvant therapy, has limited clinical benefits and can only raise patients' 5-year survival rate by approximately 5 percent.
In the vaccine field, GSK will continue to showcase its blockbuster products, including a shingles vaccine, which showed 100 percent protective efficacy in Chinese adults aged 50 and above as shown in the latest research data, and a bivalent HPV vaccine, the only HPV vaccine using the AS04 innovative adjuvant system.
Chinese clinical-stage biotech Clover Biopharmaceuticals and Nasdaq-listed Dynavax Technologies Corp, a biopharmaceutical company focused on developing and commercializing novel vaccines, announced on Wednesday a commercial supply agreement of Dynavax's CpG 1018TM advanced adjuvant for use in Clover's protein-based COVID-19 vaccine candidate, SCB-2019 (CpG 1018/Alum).
周三,中国临床阶段生物技术公司Clover Biopharmaceuticals和纳斯达克上市生物制药公司Dynavax Technologies Corp宣布了一项商业供应协议,Dynavax将为其先进的CpG 1018TM佐剂提供给Clover,用于其基于蛋白质的COVID-19疫苗候选产品SCB-2019 (CpG 1018/Alum)。
CpG 1018 is the adjuvant used in an adult hepatitis B vaccine approved by the United States Food and Drug Administration and the European Commission.
CpG 1018是美国食品药品监督管理局(FDA)和欧洲委员会批准的一种成人乙型肝炎疫苗的佐剂。
It will produce and provide to GSK various types of HPV vaccine antigens, which will be combined with GSK's patented adjuvant to develop new HPV vaccines for worldwide commercialization, including in Europe and the United States.
This vaccine will combine the innovative antigen detection method developed by Prof Xia Ningshao's team at Xiamen University, with GSK's proprietary adjuvant AS04, which leverages this antigen technology.
It will produce and provide to GSK various types of HPV vaccine antigens, which will then be combined with GSK's patented AS04 adjuvant to develop new HPV vaccines for worldwide commercialization, including in Europe and the United States.
The newly approved indication, for patients suffering from locally advanced or metastatic urothelial carcinoma with PD-L1 high expression whose disease progressed during or following platinum-containing chemotherapy or within 12 months of neoadjuvant or adjuvant treatment with platinum-containing chemotherapy, is the first in a solid tumor indication.