
词根词缀记忆/谐音联想记忆 补充/纠错
词根af 加强 + fili 子女 + ate 使… → …………
谐音记忆affiliate(我费力爱他) → 舔狗 → 使隶属于 → affiliate v. 使附属,使隶属,使 …………
词性拓展记忆 / 词形拓展记忆
high school affiliated to ... 隶属于…的高中...
middle school affiliated to ... 附属中学...
associate company subsidiary affiliate 联营公司附属公司
affiliate company 附属公司
be affiliated with 隶属于
affiliated organization 附属组织
affiliated middle school 附属中学
It's an affiliate of the big company.
If we affiliate, we will have a better chance to win.
It's an affiliate of the Red Cross.
I joined an affiliate marketing program for the e-commerce website and earn a commission for every sale I refer.
As an affiliate, my blog promotes their products and I receive a percentage of the revenue generated from clicks.
The company offers an attractive affiliate program, which incentivizes partners to actively promote their brand.
She earns a good income as an affiliate, recommending fitness gadgets on her social media channels.
He signed up for an affiliate program, and now he gets paid for promoting travel packages to his followers.
Many bloggers participate in affiliate programs, embedding links to recommended products in their content.
The affiliate program allowed me to diversify my income streams by promoting relevant products to my audience.
As an affiliate, I need to disclose any sponsored content or affiliate links to maintain transparency with my readers.
The company's affiliate network helps them reach a wider audience and convert potential customers into loyal buyers.
She decided to join an affiliate program after researching and finding it to be a low-risk, high-reward opportunity.
Ge Junbo, an academician with the Chinese Academy of Sciences and director of the cardiology department of Zhongshan Hospital Affiliated to Fudan University, said that early, comprehensive management of hypertension, hyperlipidemia and hyperglycemia is vital to the protection of patients' hearts and kidneys.
Domestic brands are gaining popularity among Chinese consumers, especially the post-90s and post-00s generations, who have a growing sense of national pride and confidence in Chinese culture, along with the rapid development of the Chinese economy, said Wang Yun, a researcher at the Academy of Macroeconomic Research, affiliated with the National Development and Reform Commission.
The result, currently the highest efficiency record in the world for a perovskite/silicon tandem cell, has been confirmed by the US National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL), which is affiliated with the Department of Energy, it said.
Li Peijia, Bank of China's senior analyst and team leader of finance researchers, said Evergrande's embattled debt position, though worrying, could be eased if its large number of physical assets and affiliated companies are handled smartly.
Trading in shares of the group and its affiliated companies was suspended on Thursday, with the company announcing that Xu, its board chairman and executive director, is subject to mandatory measures in accordance with the law due to suspected illegal activities.
By the end of 2022, JD Logistics operated approximately 90 bonded warehouses, international direct-mail warehouses and overseas warehouses, covering an aggregated floor area of nearly 900,000 sq m. In addition, Jiangsu Jingdong Cargo Airlines Co Ltd, also known as JD Airlines, an affiliate of JD Logistics, received approval from aviation authorities to put its self-owned air cargo fleet into operation and boost its long-haul freight capacity last August.
Nonetheless, continued growth in demand for large LNG and liquid petroleum gas carriers is expected in the years ahead, said Bao Zhangjing, vice-president of the China Institute of Marine Technology and Economy, a research institute affiliated with CSSC.
With the optimization of COVID-19 response measures, the confidence of both consumers as well as market entities has been further boosted, said Wang Yun, a researcher at the Academy of Macroeconomic Research, which is affiliated with the National Development and Reform Commission, the country's top economic regulator.
In late July, The Laundress, a high-end fabric care brand affiliated with global consumer goods giant Unilever, unveiled its Asia R&D center in North China's Tianjin municipality.
7月下旬,隶属于全球消费品巨头联合利华的高端面料护理品牌The Laundress在中国北部天津市推出了其亚洲研发中心。
Tech heavyweight Alibaba Group Holding Ltd said on Sunday it is considering whether or not to participate in its affiliated company Ant Group's share repurchase plan that values the fintech company at 567.1 billion yuan ($78.5 billion).
Financial regulators imposed a 7.12 billion yuan ($984.1 million) fine on Ant Group, an affiliated company of Alibaba Group Holding Ltd, on Friday for violations of laws on corporate governance, consumer rights and business activities.
Chinese regulators on Friday announced a fine worth 7.12 billion yuan ($984.1 million) against Ant Group, an affiliated company of Alibaba Group Holding Ltd, for violation of laws and regulations.
"China and New Zealand's industrial complementarity will continue to increase their trade in both goods and services from a long-term perspective, as China, a huge consumer and a manufacturer, needs to import many agricultural goods and commodities from New Zealand," said Zhao Ying, a researcher at the Beijing-based Institute of Industrial Economics, which is affiliated with the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences.
"It is not an easy process as we want to find an amine absorbent that is energy-efficient, highly stable and endurable," said Xu Dong, director of the carbon neutrality center of the Guodian Institute of New Energy Technology, which is affiliated with China Energy.
The company has been actively coming up with more renewable power generation capacities affiliated with the Hunutlu Power Plant, against the backdrop of the global green energy transition.
Ma Lin, director of the dermatology department of Beijing Children's Hospital Affiliated with Capital Medical University, said that AD may affect the young sufferers’ growth and development, sleep and cognitive function, which poses a serious disease burden to the child sufferers and their parents.
It has also carried out cooperation with a research institute affiliated with the Civil Aviation Administration of China to prove that the company's products are compliant with related standards.
Of the total, exports of traditional Chinese medicines edged up 3.43 percent year-on-year, reaching $1.45 billion, while the exports of Western medicines and medical equipment reached $13.79 billion and $11.05 billion, dropping 18.93 percent and 44.53 percent on a yearly basis, respectively, according to the chamber, which is affiliated to the Ministry of Commerce.
At the fifth meeting of the China-France Entrepreneurs Committee, an affiliated event to French President Emmanuel Macron's visit to China, representatives from China and France signed a cooperative agreement for the Wanhua Chemical's Penglai Industrial Park seawater desalination project.
The control rate of asthma in urban regions is only 28.5 percent, and the rate is lower in rural areas due to the huge gap in medical resources, said Shen, who is also director of the department of respiratory and critical care medicine at the Second Affiliated Hospital with Zhejiang University School of Medicine.
"Early diagnosis of diseases, from cancers to the seasonal flu, means the best chance for timely and successful treatment," said Ouyang Ping, director of the health management center at Nanfang Hospital Affiliated with Southern Medical University in Guangzhou, Guangdong province.
CITS Overseas Economic Cooperation Co Ltd was established in 1994 and is affiliated with the former CITS Group.
Power Construction Corp of China, known as PowerChina, also transferred the ownership of its 30 affiliated hospitals and clinics to China General Technology (Group) Holding Co Ltd in January, a move in response to the government's call to divest assets that are not within its main line of businesses.
Affiliated to China National Petroleum Corporation, Kunlun Digital is an IT solution provider with more than 20 years of experience in the petroleum and gas industry.
Its affiliated agencies work with many of the world's biggest corporations, including more than 60 percent of Fortune Global 500 and FTSE100 companies.
Jiangsu Jingdong Cargo Airlines Co Ltd, an affiliate of JD Logistics, received permission from the Civil Aviation Administration of China on Wednesday.
These two companies are affiliated with the Beijing-based tech giant ByteDance and the deal has been unconditionally approved by market regulators.
Li Jing, director at the allergy department of the First Affiliated Hospital of Guangzhou Medical University, said: "Apart from mites themselves, their secretions, excreta and stumps also trigger allergic reactions.
In early May, China's fourth-largest carrier Hainan Airlines announced that by displaying boarding passes of the 12 domestic carriers affiliated with the HNA Group, consumers can enjoy discounts on performance tickets and fitness cards for certain places in Chongqing, Dalian of Liaoning province, and Shaanxi's Xi'an.
Professor Wang Hua, director of the department of dermatology at Children's Hospital Affiliated with Chongqing Medical University, said that despite much progress in AD treatment in recent years, the lack of patient awareness about the disease often causes illness relapses and delays, while the lack of standardized treatment is increasing the burden of the disease.
"Besides, more than 10 airlines affiliated to the group need to coordinate well with each other, and the group should consider reducing the loss due to operating a large number of wide-body aircraft," he said.
TCM plays a crucial role in fighting the pandemic," said Fang Bangjiang, head of the TCM experts at the Shanghai New International Expo Center makeshift hospital and director of the emergency department of Longhua Hospital Affiliated with the Shanghai University of TCM.
Meanwhile, 64 medical staff from Shanghai Zhongye Hospital affiliated to China Minmetals Corporation have been working in a makeshift hospital from April 7 to 11.
Lu Shun, one of the country's leading experts in lung cancer and director of the department of oncology at the Shanghai Chest Hospital Affiliated with Shanghai Jiao Tong University, said there have been therapies in this disease area but their control of metastasis in the brain is insufficient and there exists an unmet clinical need.
Meanwhile, Hong Kong Air Cargo, an affiliate of HNA, also grabbed growing business opportunities that occurred before the Spring Festival this year, and it put major transport capacity resources into high-yield routes.
The ITS business affiliated to Siemens Mobility operates in more than 40 countries and has an annual revenue of 600 million euros ($677 million).
The traffic division of Siemens is a world leader in intelligent traffic services and solutions with a history of more than 100 years, while the ITS business, which is affiliated to Siemens Mobility, operates in more than 40 countries and has an annual revenue of 600 million euros ($679.2 million).
China Petroleum and Chemical Corp said on Monday that the company's first proton exchange membrane (PEM) hydrogen production demonstration station was launched and put into use in its affiliated Yanshan Petrochemical.
The world's recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic, especially in tourism and other service sectors, will create growth momentum for infrastructure in the post-pandemic era, said Zhao Ying, a researcher at the Beijing-based Institute of Industrial Economics, which is affiliated with the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences.
The special fund was jointly launched by the Shanghai Anti-cancer Foundation, Huashan Hospital Affiliated with Fudan University, and Fudan University Shanghai Cancer Center.
Its affiliated company Dada Now recently started providing unmanned delivery services for Sam's Club, a membership warehouse club owned by Walmart.
Guo Yifeng, deputy director of the dermatological department of Xinhua Hospital Affiliated with Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine, said that a key negative impact brought by the disease to adolescent sufferers is that it affects their appearance and makes them less confident in socializing.
At least five subsidiaries affiliated with the Guangzhou Pharmaceutical Holdings Limited, a company that entered the Fortune Global 500 with traditional Chinese medicine as its major business, will go public within the next five years, said a senior company executive.
Chinese app developers have secured a higher share of downloads in the global market in recent years, especially in countries and regions involved in the Belt and Road Initiative, and their influence is expected to grow in the next decade, said Zhao Ying, a researcher at the Beijing-based Institute of Industrial Economics, which is affiliated with the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences.
Affiliated to Kuaikan World (Beijing) Technology Co, kuaikanmanhua.
China's top market regulator on Saturday ordered Tencent Holdings Ltd and its affiliated companies to relinquish exclusive rights to music labels.
To restore market competition, Tencent and its affiliated companies must end their exclusive music copyrights within 30 days and stop charging high prepayment and other copyright fees, according to an online statement released by China's State Administration for Market Regulation (SAMR).
The market regulator said Tencent and its affiliated companies must not engage in exclusive copyright agreements with upstream owners of such rights, and existing agreements should be relinquished within 30 days of the regulatory notice.
"In another new development in the field of women's health in Shanghai, the Society of Breast Cancer affiliated with the China Anti-cancer Association on July 10 announced that 20 demonstration centers for breast-conserving surgeries for breast cancer patients will be established at large hospitals within this year.
With the launch of more supportive policies and public welfare projects, the doctor shortage is expected to be improved," said Miao Changhong, a professor at Zhongshan Hospital Affiliated to Fudan University.
The first batch of hospitals, including Tianjin Medical University Chu Hsien-I Memorial Hospital, the First Affiliated Hospital of Sun Yat-sen University, and the First Affiliated Hospital of Anhui Medical University, were recognized as the national demonstrative continuous glucose monitoring centers.
China's carbon neutrality pledge highlights the importance of decarbonization in China's energy industry, said Zhao Ying, a researcher at the Beijing-based Institute of Industrial Economics, which is affiliated with the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences.
Co-led by OrbiMed and Redview Capital, the round also attracted investors including Valliance; Travis Global Ltd, which is an affiliate of Orchid Asia; Summer Capital; and Yingke PE.
本轮融资由OrbiMed和Redview Capital共同领投,还吸引了Valliance、Travis Global Ltd(Orchid Asia的关联公司)、Summer Capital和Yingke PE等投资者参与。
Dang Guangfu, director of the Ophthalmology Department at First Affiliated Hospital of Shandong First Medical University, said: "It is critical that patients seek their ophthalmologists' professional advice in choosing the best treatment solution and lens option to acquire clear sight.
According to the survey, over 95 percent of Disneyland guests said they would choose accommodations in Shanghai or neighboring areas, while 83.7 percent said they would choose affiliated hotels in or near the theme park or adjacent four-to-five-star hotels.
The joint venture shall engage the affiliate of Fosun Pharmaceutical Industrial as the contract sales organization to provide marketing and sales services for the COVID-19 vaccine product in China.
Zhao Ying, a researcher at the Beijing-based Institute of Industrial Economics, which is affiliated with the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, said both China's new vehicle market and the used-car segment will see stable growth in the long term.
Supported by a favorable policy environment, the chemical business in China remains attractive for foreign companies despite the impact of COVID-19, due to the huge consumption potential of the domestic market, said Zhao Ying, a researcher at the Beijing-based Institute of Industrial Economics, which is affiliated with the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences.
ChemChina is a State-owned enterprise established on the basis of companies affiliated to the former Ministry of the Chemical Industry of China.
Song Jia, director of the machinery innovation center affiliated with the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission, said that anticompetitive measures are "not aimed at tripping over one leading firm but made for the overall development of the industry and for industrial innovation".
"The collaboration marks a significant expansion into auto making for Baidu, which is in need of a new platform to showcase its accumulated cutting-edge technologies, such as autonomous driving, intelligent connected vehicles and artificial intelligence, as well as to promote its technology upgrades," said Jiang Zheng, an expert at the research and development center affiliated to Guangzhou Automobile Group.
It is made for the overall development of the industry and for industrial innovation," said Song Jia, director of the machinery innovation center affiliated with the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission.
Authorities aim to better regulate online economy, guide its healthy developmentChinese authorities have officially opened an anti-monopoly probe into e-commerce giant Alibaba Group and will summon its affiliate Ant Group for a meeting about financial regulations, the latest moves to strengthen antitrust practices and prevention of the "disorderly expansion of capital".
Feng Hao, a researcher at the Institute of Comprehensive Transportation affiliated with the National Development and Reform Commission, said high-speed freight trains, new special trains for standardized containerized freight, cold chain logistics, and cross-border passenger and freight transportation, will be the next growth point for China's railway transport equipment sector, apart from regular and maglev high-speed trains, high-power locomotives, railroad trucks and urban rail transit vehicles.
To that end, the company inked a strategic collaboration in September with the First Affiliated Hospital of Xi'an Jiaotong University to cooperate in the e-hospital realm.
As part of the cooperation, the company will donate 1 million yuan ($152,800) to support academic activities and digital capability development between the First Affiliated Hospital of Xi'an Jiaotong University and Gannan People's Hospital, as well as enable local patients to get free online consultations from the Gannan branch of the First Affiliated Hospital of Xi'an Jiaotong University.
The nuclear sector has been witnessing rapid development, which will not only improve the country's energy mix but also bolster domestic economic development, Xiao Xinjian, an industry expert with the Energy Research Institute affiliated with the National Development and Reform Commission, said earlier.
Earlier this month, Codemao announced that it has finished its series D funding round led by a fund affiliated to Baring Private Equity Asia.
The guideline, authored by Ren Donglin, director of Department of Integrative Medicine Anorectal Surgery and director of Pelvic Floor Center at the Sixth Affiliated Hospital of Sun Yat-sen University, and compiled by more than 20 experts from anorectal departments across the country, included diagnosis, treatment and prognostic standards of hemorrhoid disease, so as to guide the clinical work and provide a reference for standard treatment of patients.
In addition to showcasing Ferrero's classic brands, the Danish cookie brand Kjeldsens, which was acquired by a Ferrero affiliated company last year, is also participating in the CIIE as an important new member of Ferrero, which helps to add a synergistic effect to form complementary advantages, according to De Felip.
The company, which is an affiliate of China's agricultural conglomerate New Hope Group, raked in about 74.79 billion yuan during the period, an increase of 31.4 percent year-on-year.
With an investment of about 367 million yuan ($55 million), the Meizhou ingredient liquid extraction base, affiliated to the company's subsidiary Guangzhou Wanglaoji Great Health Industry Corp, covers an area of 177 mu, or 118,000 square meters, and will be used to extract ingredient liquid for "liangcha" beverage products, which originate from a traditional Chinese medicine believed to have cooling properties.
A team of 51 ambassadors and senior diplomats from Africa visited on Thursday a vaccine research and manufacturing base affiliated to China National Biotech Group, the vaccine and bioscience unit of China National Pharmaceutical Group (Sinopharm), to speak with the company's executives and researchers on the development and clinical trials of its COVID-19 vaccines.
Established in 2011, Shanghai Oriental Information Technology Services is a State-owned enterprise affiliated to the Shanghai Municipal Publicity Ministry.
Xian Janssen, a pharmaceutical subsidiary of healthcare group Johnson & Johnson, signed a memorandum of understanding with the First Affiliated Hospital of Xi'an Jiaotong University in Shaanxi province on Thursday to establish a novel model of internet-based, patient-centric healthcare services in China.
Shi Bingyin, president of the First Affiliated Hospital of Xi'an Jiaotong University, said that the strategic partnership will allow both sides to establish an e-hospital that combines the hospital's medical expertise with innovative digital solutions from businesses.
Under the agreement, the trucks will be delivered over the next three years with initial three units shipped to Australia later this year, said Yang Zhe, who is affiliated with the order.
The plaintiffs said they are not affiliated with WeChat or its parent company, Tencent Holdings.
Zhang Li, director of the e-commerce research institute affiliated to the Ministry of Commerce, said cross-border e-commerce has become an important channel for China's foreign trade.
Bao Zhangjing, vice-president of the China Institute of Marine Technology and Economy-a research institute affiliated with CSSC-said over 70 percent of orders received by Chinese shipbuilders so far this year were made by domestic shipowners including China COSCO Shipping Corp, China National Petroleum Corp and China Merchants Group.
In addition to its significant anti-tumor activity, the drug demonstrated a favorable safety and tolerability profile," saidxa0Li Jianyong, professor and director of thexa0department of hematologyxa0and director of the Pukou chronic lymphocytic leukemia center at thexa0First Affiliated Hospitalxa0ofxa0Nanjing Medical University.
Guangzhou Wanglaoji Great Health Industry Corp, affiliated with Chinese pharmaceutical giant Guangzhou Pharmaceutical Group, announced on Wednesday that it would distribute 200 million yuan ($28.23 million) of consumer vouchers to promote the development of the Rosa roxburghii Tratt industry and poverty alleviation in Guizhou province.
Starting Jan 27, a total of 138 medical professionals from 12 hospitals affiliated with the Beijing municipal government were sent to Hubei province to help treat COVID-19 patients there.
The team of 15 members were selected from the group's affiliated hospitals.
The 15-member team was selected from the group's affiliated hospitals.
"Liu's resignation as legal representative of most of the companies affiliated to JD does not mean that he will leave the company.
Foxconn Technology Group, the world's largest contract electronics manufacturer and a key Apple supplier, has also been facing staffing difficulties due to the epidemic, said a report issued last week by Depthpaper, which is affiliated to China Business Journal.
Major deals in 2019 included China-based steel maker Jiangsu Shagang Group acquiring a 24 percent stake in UK data center company Global Switch in a £1.8 billion deal, and the acquisition of London-based payment company WorldFirst by Alibaba affiliate Ant Financial in a deal valued at £550 million.
The National Vaccine and Serum Institute, an affiliate of CNBG that is developing a genetically engineered vaccine for the virus, has completed the gene sequence synthesis, and is taking the next steps, including construction of a recombinant plasmid and selection of engineering bacteria.
Shanghai GeneoDx Biotech Co Ltd, another affiliate of CNBG, has taken the lead in developing nucleic acid detection kits, which were offered to the centers for disease control and prevention at all levels for frontline detection.
The National Vaccine & Serum Institute, an affiliate to CNBG that is developing a genetically engineered vaccine for the virus, has completed the gene sequence synthesis, and is taking the next steps including construction of recombinant plasmid and selection of engineering bacteria.
Shanghai GeneoDx Biotech Co Ltd, an affiliate of CNBG, had provided the virus infection test kits for 1 million people's use by Feb 10, and is able to produce 4,000 packs of test kits daily with expanded capacity, which can be used on 200,000 people, statistics from Sinopharm showed.
There, MCNs act as third-party providers and are affiliated to multiple YouTube channels.
Shanghai GeneoDx Biotech Co Ltd, an affiliate of Sinopharm's subsidiary for vaccine and biological medicine China National Biotech Group Co Ltd, was one of the first three companies in China that has developed novel coronavirus infection test kits.
Besides, thousands of physicians and nurses affiliated to central SOEs have been working day and night taking care of patients in Hubei province, the center of the epidemic outbreak.
"Wu went further to allay fears that Kenya's Chinese funded Standard Gauge Railway (SGR) would not be constructed beyond Naivasha town where China Roads and Bridges Corporation (CRBC), an affiliate of CCCC is currently constructing an Inland Container Depot.
Samsung Electro-Mechanics Co, an electronic components maker affiliated with Samsung Electronics, said it will shut down one of its Chinese units that produces HDI, a type of printed circuit board used in electronic devices including smartphones and laptops, due to low profitability, a report by Yonhap news agency said.
Li Yinglu, a researcher at China Philanthropy Research Institute affiliated with Beijing Normal University, said people should be aware that since platforms usually do not examine applicants' information, donation fraud does occur.
Guangzhou Wanglaoji Great Health Industry Corp, affiliated with Chinese pharmaceutical maker Guangzhou Pharmaceutical Group,announced the establishment of the world's first industry standard on "liangcha" beverage products, which originate from a traditional Chinese medicine that is believed to have cooling properties.
"The disease is fatal in severe cases, and traditional medical solutions are mainly aimed to elevate platelet amounts to a safe level and reduce or avoid bleeding prove limited efficacy for some patients," said Chen Yu, executive director of the Hematological Department of the north campus of Ruijin Hospital Affiliated with the Shanghai Jiaotong University School of Medicine, during an event held by Novartis Oncology (China) at the ongoing China International Import Expo on Thursday.

六级Teenagers in Australia, similarly ,said that their mobile phones provided numerous benefits and were an affiliated part of their lives; some were so attached to their phones that the researchers considered it an addiction.


