
词根词缀记忆/谐音联想记忆 补充/纠错
词根ag 表加强 + grav 重 + ate 使… → …………
联想记忆谐音,唉(a),割肉(ggra),喂它(vate),想到挖肉补疮的,最后一个都好不了,所以是加重 …………
词性拓展记忆 / 词形拓展记忆
对比记忆 / 类比记忆 / 形近词记忆
degenerate / deteriorate / aggravate
degenerate v. 衰退,堕落,蜕化 ; a. 堕落的 ; n. 堕落者
deteriorate v. (使)恶化,(使)变坏
aggravate vt. 加重(剧),使恶化;激怒,使恼火
provoke / irritate / aggravate
provoke 指激起某人强烈的愤怒,以致令人作出反应。
irritate 通常指因受到不愉快的刺激而失去耐性,变得烦燥或恼怒。
aggravate 口语用词。指因长时间的反复言行而引起不快、烦躁或恼怒。 …………
be aggravated with sb. 对某人生气
be aggravated at sth. 因某事而生气
Grief aggravated his illness.
Don't aggravate me.
It could aggravate protectionism.
He deliberately exacerbated the situation by making irresponsible comments.
The new policy has unintentionally aggravated the financial problems of many citizens.
His constant complaining began to aggravate the team's morale.
The headache was so severe that it had aggravated her migraine.
Her illness was exacerbated by the stress of the job interview.
The child's behavior was exacerbated by a lack of discipline at home.
The cold weather seemed to aggravate his arthritis.
His arrogance often aggravated conflicts with his colleagues.
The rainy season has aggravated the already flooded streets.
The noisy neighbors have been aggravating our peace and quiet.
Sustained economic growth will ensure sufficient consumption capacity, despite the COVID-19 pandemic having aggravated negative emotions in the short term," said a research report of China Securities.
Some media stories have reported that since the third quarter of 2019, the "cash crunch" for these firms has been aggravated in the primary market.
Aggravated by various indirect effects on the economy of tourism, catering, retail, and logistics, the total losses reached about 300 billion yuan.
"He added that irregular working hours and constant stress can result in social isolation, disturbed sleep patterns and family tensions, which can further aggravate the symptoms and make people even more volatile.
Li Chang'an, a professor at the Academy of China Open Economy Studies, which is part of the University of International Business and Economics in Beijing, said that liquidity stress has become a severe challenge for many private enterprises, as difficulties and costs in obtaining loans and issuing bonds have aggravated over the past three years.
Supporting real estate will be less efficient after the appearance of the inflection point in the real estate cycle, and the effect of supporting investment through policy financing may damage the supply and demand balance and eventually lead to aggravated overcapacity.
Ultimately, economists look to these types of structural reforms to strengthen China's growth prospects, and less to short-term reflationary measures which would only aggravate the risk of asset and debt bubbles.
Among manufacturing investment, infrastructure investment and real estate investment — which constitute the main body of China's total investment — the latter two should be the main targets to stimulate investment because they will not bring capacity expansion and aggravate the problem of oversupply.
The imbalance between economic recovery and epidemic prevention and control has aggravated the disruption of global supply chains, diverted flows of goods and services and led to higher costs in international trade.
These huge profits amplified undersupply, revealed the fragility of supply chains and aggravated inflation.
According to Tu Xinquan, dean of the China Institute for WTO Studies at the University of International Business and Economics in Beijing, the additional US tariffs on Chinese products have put heavy burdens on US companies and aggravated inflation levels in the country.
But on the other hand, a weakening yuan could inflate import costs, aggravate the pressure of imported inflation and narrow the room for monetary easing, said Zhang, who is also chief economist of PwC China.
But in anticipation of a supply shortage, demand of storing certain commodities in advance will also rise, which will likely aggravate the imbalance between supply and demand, said Fu.
If they raise prices of their products or services, it may have an impact on downstream consumption, aggravate inflation and crimp the global economic recovery, experts said.
Noting that China is to tackle emerging challenges and risks in both immediate and long terms, and that international market volatility might aggravate the disruptive impact of risks, Hu said efforts in forestalling and fending off risks remain crucial to ensure stability.
The large-scale upgrade and expansion of existing infrastructure not only failed to solve current problems, but also aggravated the congestion of the lines.
The rapid increase in domestic and foreign demand has further aggravated the up trend of prices, he said.
On the other hand, reductions in tax and fees cause decline in government revenue, which may further aggravate the grassroots governments' pressure to equate revenues with expenditure, and even indirectly strengthen their dependence on "land finance"-a fiscal strategy in which local governments generate revenue through land grant premiums and land tax revenues.
Shanghai meets five-year plan goals despite pandemicDespite market complexities and uncertainties, which have been aggravated by the COVID-19 pandemic, Shanghai has managed to meet the goals in its 13th Five-Year Plan (2016-20), with the city's annual GDP estimated to top 3.9 trillion yuan ($596 billion) by the end of this year, the municipal government announced on Thursday.
Li Jiahui, an analyst with SMM, was quoted by Global Times as saying the lockdown merely aggravated an already fraught price situation as supplies in both domestic and overseas markets have been tightening consistently for a while now.
The camp came at a time when the unexpected pandemic aggravated the uncertainty of the entrepreneurial environment, which not only brings new challenges and pressures to the education industry, but also breeds new opportunities and growthThis is the first time the Guanghua School participated in the camp, where it will leverage its top teachers and courses to help entrepreneurs.
Stress, staying up late, insomnia and dieting, among many other factors, are the main reasons that can aggravate hair loss.
Yuan Ming, an analyst at Nanhua Futures, said: "In the short term, the Dow Jones industrial average may have further space to explore, which may aggravate further downside pressure on the oil market.
Their anxiety was aggravated by their being unaware of legislation they can resort to for help.
The participation of CATL in the South Korean market will aggravate the already fierce competition in the country.
This will further aggravate the decline in sales, insiders said.
The crisis was later aggravated by such accidents as a rare winter storm in Texas that cut chip production and a fire at a key Japan factory that would shut the facility for a month.
Byton has been facing cash flow problems since 2019, and the COVID-19 aggravated the situation and pushed the startup to the brink of bankruptcy in 2020.
Authorities relax regulations and extend subsidies to spur production and salesChina is revving up efforts to increase the market share of new energy vehicles and help the fledgling sector overcome challenges including falling sales aggravated by the coronavirus pandemic.
The ex-auto tycoon was served a fourth arrest warrant by prosecutors over new allegations of aggravated breach of trust.
He was arrested in Tokyo in November and faces charges of financial misconduct and aggravated breach of trust over allegedly failing to report around $82 million in salary and temporarily transferring personal financial losses onto Nissan's books during the financial crisis.
Prosecutors are in discussions with the Supreme Public Prosecutors Office and others and plan to make a decision soon on whether to prosecute Ghosn on further charges of aggravated breach of trust, the newspaper said, citing sources involved in the case.
"The primary task for vehicle makers in the coming months would be to ensure reasonable stock levels," he said, though he warned the effort would aggravate carmakers' sales performance.
In real on-road driving, they spewed many times the allowed amounts of the harmful gases - which the World Health Organization says aggravate asthma and bronchitis symptoms are linked to cardiovascular and respiratory disease.
Less-than-optimistic market expectations have led to the A-share market's prolonged correction and aggravated fluctuations in recent times, analysts at HuaAn Securities said.
This indicates that net US debt held by foreign entities will continue to worsen, which may be aggravated by the Fed's continued interest rate spikes.
This indicates that the US' net overseas debt situation will continue to worsen, and it may get aggravated by the continued interest rate spikes by the US Federal Reserve.
The bullish performance continued this year, with prices of yuan-denominated gold spiking over 16 percent during the first 10 months of 2023 despite soaring interest rates and aggravated systemic financial risks worldwide.
From an external perspective, however, cutting interest rates further may inevitably aggravate the downward pressure on the renminbi in the short term unless the cut can immediately improve market expectations and brighten economic prospects, said Guan, who had served as head of the Balance of Payments Department at the State Administration of Foreign Exchange in the past.
However, Zhongrong's credit event should be treated as a warning about potential financial risks that may arise if the country's property market troubles aggravate, they said.
On the heated discussions among investors on the implementation of T+0 trading, the CSRC said the time is not ripe for introducing such a mechanism in the A-share market now, for it would not be conducive to fair trading and may aggravate retail investors' disadvantageous position.
As explained by CITIC Securities' Chief Economist Ming Ming, this cut will aggravate the inverted interest rates between China and the United States, which may result in capital outflow from the Chinese bond market.
For investors, using leverage can not only amplify returns but aggravate losses, and brokers will also need to manage liquidity risks when they lend to clients.
But PBOC Deputy Governor Liu Guoqiang had suggested in an earlier news briefing that investors should keep a rational attitude toward the ups and downs of the renminbi exchange rate at a time of aggravated global market volatility and refrain from betting on "one-sided" trends in the currency market.
China's monetary policy is expected to stay accommodative for the rest of the year to shield the domestic economy against risks of a global recession aggravated by sharp increases in interest rates led mainly by the United States, officials and economic analysts said.
Liu Linan, head of Deutsche Bank's Greater China Macro Strategy, said that recent fluctuations in the renminbi's foreign exchange rate have reflected the changes in the renminbi's cross-border flow and its repricing, which have been aggravated by the latest pandemic outbreak and the different monetary policies adopted by central banks.
The monetary policy report showed the central bank's emphasis on coping with risks, including policy adjustments by overseas central banks, global inflationary risks aggravated by geopolitical tensions, and a surge in local COVID cases.
Internal conflicts in Western countries will aggravate, to further tear societies apart.
"Some financial holding companies have maintained barbaric growth to rampantly expand their business in the financial industry or even used financial institutions as their cash machines, which built up risks and aggravated risk exposure.
Meanwhile, the fund said that the US dollar's value has been overestimated by 8 to 16 percent, which is expected as one of the reasons in the near term that could aggravate trade tensions and result in faster tightening of global financing conditions.
To be fair, the jitters of Chinese investors are aggravated by the government's ongoing efforts to deleverage and tackle financial risks, as well as the macro data for May, which suggest industrial output, investment and retail sales all grew slower than expected.
The pressure has been aggravated by the deleveraging drive, with the one-month Shanghai Interbank Offered Rate climbing for 22 days in a row to a two-year high.

六级” In countries like India, that call could become a tool to aggravate an already tense political situation and stress already undernourished populations.



六级The increasing popularity of the scooter has aggravated the problem, providing more water vehicles to compete for the same space.


