
词根记忆Air 天空 + Space空间 → airspace n.空域,领空 …………
词性拓展记忆 / 词形拓展记忆
open low-altitude airspace 开放低空空域
low-altitude airspace 低空空域
The airplane was denied entry into the airspace due to a security alert.
Air traffic control cleared the jet for landing in its designated airspace.
The country has closed its airspace following a military coup.
The drone operator must obtain permission to fly in controlled airspace.
Airspace restrictions around airports can cause flight delays.
The pilot must be aware of the altitude limits within the airspace.
The airspace over the city is heavily congested during rush hour.
The airline was fined for violating another country's airspace.
Emergency services requested a temporary closure of airspace for a rescue operation.
The airspace above the nuclear power plant is strictly monitored for safety reasons.
These weather balloons have no connection to any kind of airships spotted in the airspace of the United States, according to the statement.
Scan Global Logistics said airfreight rates remain high due to a lack of capacity as a result of airspace restrictions and the pandemic lockdown.
Scan Global Logistics表示,由于空域限制和疫情封锁导致运力不足,空运率仍然很高。
"I foresee that in the reform of the use of low airspace, you can produce the expected results.
"Hunan is the first province to pilot the reform of low-altitude airspace management and it plans to build dozens of new airports within the year.
The blimp's research and development started in August 2018, aiming to meet tourist demand for sightseeing air tours, he said, adding that the project is also a result of the government's favorable policies for general aviation business and low-altitude airspace tourism.
EHang and the Llíria City Council also are expected to co-develop a modernized and integrated AAV command-and-control platform in Llíria for low-altitude airspace and air traffic management, which will integrate government demands for AAVs in smart city management.
Covered with a long strip of land with abundance of sparsely populated areas and free airspace, Norway has built a network of small-sized airports starting in the 1960s, connecting most territories throughout the country.
Brunei on Wednesday barred all Boeing 737 MAX 8 aircraft from flying over its airspace.
The Civil Aviation Authority of Singapore (CAAS) is temporarily suspending all Boeing 737 MAX flights in its airspace on Tuesday days after a plane crash in Ethiopia.
Restricted by the airspace conditions along the southeastern coast of China, the overall daily utilization rate of its aircraft is not high, Che said.
Recent reforms passed in China will help open lower-altitude airspace in the coming years, handing flight control from the military to civil aviation authorities.
His proposal suggested the government and airlines strengthen the management of airspace resources.
Yet, the annual growth rate of airspace resources in China was only about 2 percent, and this lack of adaptability had an impact on the safety, services and operational efficiencies of the civil aviation market.
Wang suggested that the related agencies should do more research into the problems, and promote more detailed and refined management methods of airspace resources.
The drone arrived at the airspace above a base station at the simulated emergency site after a 30-minute flight.
"The government has not fully opened up low-altitude airspace and laws and regulations related to drones need to be improved," she said.
In June, SF obtained the country's first airspace approval for logistics drones.
The airspace covers five towns of Nankang district in the city of Ganzhou, eastern Jiangxi province.
"As the Chinese aviation authorities are loosening their grip on low-altitude airspace, market demand for private airplanes in China will also rise, and we should be prepared for that", said Hong.
Clearly, to support the development of this country, there is a growing need to improve China's airspace.
It will build new civil airports, bringing the total to more than 500 by 2020, and support the opening of its low-altitude airspace.
"Control of China's airspace remains one of the biggest obstacles to the growth of business aviation.
The Freedoms of the Air are a set of commercial aviation rights that grant a country's airline privileges to enter and land in another country's airspace.
Strategic initiative to speed up growth of innovative technologies in sectors like eVTOLShenzhen has put in place a comprehensive plan to foster the development of various industries operating in the airspace just above ground level.
One challenge is that Russia has closed its airspace to US carriers, and flights to China with route diversions from Russia take longer and inflate costs.
Gao said that, since the operating environment, airspace structure and air traffic control command of Chinese aviation are quite different from those of foreign countries, targeted training and examinations will be conducted for international pilots after they join the company to help them adapt to the new operating environment and improve their technical level, communication skills and thinking perspectives.
Low-altitude public airway network is a key part of China's multidimensional transportation system, and it is an inevitable trend to further opening-up of the low-altitude airspace in order to achieve better development of low-altitude economy.
Drone operators have to complete airspace application, airway plan and risk assessment by themselves, keeping a lid on low-altitude development and low-altitude economy.
At present, Sichuan, Hunan, Hainan and Jiangxi provinces are pushing forward the reform of low-altitude airspace management, giving support to the large-scale utilization and commercialization of drone application.
The government is putting more efforts to support a batch of leading companies to develop drone logistics, and release more low-altitude airspace resources, said Li Jian, former deputy head of the Civil Aviation Administration and a member of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference.
Some Europe-Asia flights have to bypass airspaces, which raises costsIncreasing fuel costs and airspace closures due to the Ukraine conflict are expected to deal another blow to the global airline industry, which has yet to recover from huge losses resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic, analysts said.
"The airspace of Russia serves as part of the shortest North Pole flight route between Asia and Europe," said Zou Jianjun, a professor at the Civil Aviation Management Institute of China.
"The closure of the airspace is expected to cause longer flying time and increase flying costs of airlines, and is likely to result in higher flight ticket prices.
The flight was two hours longer than usual as the aircraft had to bypass Russian and Ukrainian airspace, according to VariFlight, a China-based civil aviation data service provider.
Air France suspended services to Russia and flights over Russian airspace on Sunday and has changed its flight plans for China, South Korea and Japan.
Before the airspace restrictions, about 600 daily flights that departed from or arrived in Europe flew over Russian airspace.
For example, the number of flights over Kazakhstan airspace on Monday was double the usual figure, according to travel data provider Cirium.
"Chinese airlines are relatively less affected by airspace closures at the moment compared with their European counterparts," said Qi Qi, an aviation industry analyst and writer for Carnoc, a major civil aviation website in China.
"Currently, flights operated by Chinese carriers can fly to Europe over Russian airspace.
Meanwhile, the closure of airspace and cancellation of flights have also had an impact on cargo transportation, adding more pressure on the global supply chain.
The directive instructs airline operators on what revisions will need to be made before the MAX returns to flying, although it does not specify when China will lift a ban on the MAX in its airspace.
Opening more airspace, general airports key to sector's expansion, say expertsBurgeoning consumer demand in the general aviation sector for business travel, flight sightseeing tours and individual entertainment flying will keep growing in the years ahead, and that demand is expected to drive the growth of the general aviation sector in China.
The further growth of the general aviation sector also requires speeding up the process of opening low-altitude airspace, more general aviation airports, and a good flying environment, industry experts explained.
"There are more than 20 pilot training schools in China now, and the number of airports, airspace and route resources are quite tight.
Planned development of infrastructure, airspace and expertise expected to bolster air transportation in ChinaBusiness jets and helicopters are finding increased use in China, thanks to the burgeoning demand for air travel for passenger and commercial purposes, experts said.
According to the CAAC, during the first phase, from now until 2020, a balance needs to be struck between supply and demand by boosting infrastructure, airspace and expertise, to make China a global leader in air transportation.
China is planning to build a three-level service system for flights in low-altitude airspace to meet the needs of the country's general aviation development, the Civil Aviation Administration of China announced on Friday.
It also makes clear the five tasks required to draft related regulations and to improve aerial information services, communication monitoring in low-altitude airspace and other flight scheduling management.
"The current low-altitude flight service is unable to meet the needs to effectively develop and utilize low-altitude airspace, which is why such reform is necessary," he said.
To support such fast development, China has opened up access to low-altitude airspace step by step and put forward a series of reform policies since 2010.
In 2010, the State Council issued a document on measures needed to reform low-altitude airspace management, including categorizing airspace at different altitudes, setting up test cities and formulating regulations.
In 2014, the government stipulated that airspace below 1,000 meters was accessible to general aircraft and in 2016, another State Council document set the goal of opening up airspace below 3,000 meters, beginning in test cities like Shenyang, Guangzhou and Changchun.
China is gradually opening up its low-altitude airspace for personal use, and it is seen as a market with significant potential for flying cars.
China is gradually opening up its lower-altitude airspace for civilian use, and is thus seen as a market with big potential for flying cars.
Personal mobility concepts include flying vehicles capable of escaping big-city congestionThe sky's the limit for carmakers; many of them are exploring the fast-emerging urban air mobility market, which utilizes airspace for short- and medium-distance connections, especially above and between large cities.
John Zeng, managing director of LMC Automotive Shanghai, said it is a good choice that it first targets the North American market, where there is less regulation of airspace and a smaller population than in China.
They will also co-develop a modernized and integrated AAV command-and-control platform in Lliria for low-altitude airspace and air traffic management, which will integrate the government demands for AAVs in smart city management.
According to a statement published on Wednesday by the Ministry of Justice, the new regulations are tasked with strengthening the management of civilian drones and their operators, stipulating flight airspace, streamlining approval procedures, and improving supervision and emergency response mechanisms.
Chen Zhijie, an academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering and a top researcher on air traffic and airspace management, said on Wednesday that there are more than 1 million registered civilian drones on the Chinese mainland and they fly nearly 20 million hours each year.
"China is a responsible country that has been strictly abiding by international law and respecting the sovereignty and territorial integrity of all countries, and has no intention of violating the territory and airspace of any sovereign country," the committee said.
The straying of a Chinese civilian unmanned airship into US airspace was purely accidental and was caused by force majeure, and it didn't pose any threat to US personnel or security interests, the statement said, underlining China's responsible response to the incident.