
词根词缀记忆/谐音联想记忆 补充/纠错
词根a 在…,…的 + kin 亲属 → 同族的 → a …………
akin to 类似于
be akin to 类似于
Eric is near akin to us.
Lisa painted flowers and birds pictures akin to those of earlier feminine painters.
We speak a language akin to French.
The situation is akin to trying to find a needle in a haystack.
Her love for adventure was akin to that of a true explorer.
His arrogance is akin to disrespect towards his colleagues.
The new policy is akin to the previous one, with only minor adjustments.
Her artistic talent is akin to a gift from the gods.
The feeling of homesickness can be akin to a physical pain.
His passion for music is akin to an obsession.
The complexity of the problem is akin to solving a Rubik's Cube blindfolded.
Her laughter was akin to the sound of a bubbling brook, soothing and refreshing.
The level of competition in this industry is akin to a fierce battle.
They would be akin to the ultra-large liquefied natural gas-powered container ships that French shipping enterprise CMA CGM Group began taking delivery last year.
它们将类似于法国航运企业CMA CGM集团去年开始接收的超大型液化天然气动力集装箱船。
Quguangguang works with Zhihu, a Chinese Q&A forum akin to Quora, and TiGeek, a content-sharing platform, to focus on offline content interactions and to present activities held at Quguangguang by showcasing the application of technology in daily life.
Leshi's parent firm LeEco started as a video-streaming service provider, akin to Netflix Inc, but grew rapidly into a tech heavyweight with a presence in smartphones, TVs, cloud computing, sports and electric cars.
The quick service restaurant giant is teaming up with US-based consumer staples giant Cargill Inc for the new product, which comes with high-quality protein such as soy, wheat, and special peas to create a taste akin to that of real chicken.
The three private companies, namely Hengtong Group Co, Beijing Sinonet Science & Technology Co Ltd, and Akin Technology, took a combined 85 percent stake in the new operating company.
"Fierce competition among local players in the mid-to-affordable premium market has forced key local players to continuously improve their offerings and roll out advanced features that are more akin to premium level smartphones," said James Yan, research director at Counterpoint.
Founded in 2004, LeEco started as a video-streaming service provider, akin to Netflix Inc, but grew rapidly into a tech heavyweight with a presence in smartphones, TVs, cloud computing, sports and electric cars.
Akin to a medical doctor determined to stop the bleeding in a patient and ensure a stable supply of oxygen, Dubow's job is to stem a struggling company's poor cash flow, ensure that payments are made on time and that it's able to ride it out.
Known for its business akin to Amazon's Kindle Store, China Literature boasted 9.6 million literary works from 6.4 million writers as of June.
This virtual representative can conduct livestream shows 24 hours a day, exhibiting movements and expressions akin to a human being.
This technological boom had few parallels in countries worldwide in recent decades, akin to the First Industrial Revolution and its significant changes in various aspects of social, economic, political and cultural life.
Businesses' budding cross-border ties will be akin to those between 'brothers'Carpets, saffron and pine nuts are all over Ali Azghar Faiz's Chinese social media outlet.
Shen would access workout sessions online via Xiaohongshu, a Shanghai-based social media site somewhat akin to Instagram.
For the younger generation, at a time when traditional culture is becoming popular, "new Chinese style" is akin to a national badge — worthy of being discovered, worn proudly, taken seriously, encouraged and patronized.
- The recently concluded 2023 China International Fair for Trade in Services wowed attendees with a range of innovations in Traditional Chinese Medicine, including robots capable of acupoint-massage treatments akin to human hands, and a 24/7 hotline offering bilingual TCM consultations for English speakers.
- 刚刚闭幕的2023年中国国际服务贸易交易会中,一系列关于中医药的创新成果令人瞩目,其中包括能够模拟人手进行穴位按摩治疗的机器人,以及为英语使用者提供24小时全天候双语中医咨询服务的热线电话。
Such scenes have become increasingly typical in pet shops across China, where consumers are willing to spend decent money on pet-related services, including pet grooming, hygienic care and even something akin to makeovers.
Compared with current lidar (a light detection and ranging system akin to radar) systems made by Mitsubishi Electric Corp of Japan in operation at Daxing, the latest Chinese independently developed product by Beijing ZKYA Technology Co Ltd has 10 times higher resolution.
The livestreaming is considered a long-term trend in the fitness industry and users are exhibiting increasing demand for online fitness content, Zhu said, adding that Keep aims to cultivate a batch of trainers into star fitness leaders akin to internet celebrities like Li Jiaqi, a top-tier livestreaming host who endorses beauty products.
Released on Aug 25 for the Chinese Qixi Festival that is akin to Valentine's Day, "Love You Forever" helped drive China's box-office total for that day to over 520 million yuan, a record high single-day figure this year.
It was akin to salespersons talking to consumers face-to-face.
"This shift also positions Chinese vendors to be at the forefront in the industry potentially, akin to their role in the smartphone industry," he added.
Now the entrepreneur likely sees vehicles more akin to both sofas and living rooms.
It can run up to 1,000 kilometers on a single charge, features such things as a lidar (a light detection and ranging system akin to radar) and has a computing capacity of 1,024 TOPS that enable it to drive itself under certain conditions.
A boom of autonomous cars would likely prompt vehicles to evolve to be more akin to rooms on wheels: sleeper cabins in trains, or private offices, Zimmer added.
According to analysts, the scenario is akin to the competition seen in 2015 when major players such as Didi Chuxing, Uber Technologies Inc, Shenzhou Zhuanche and Yidao Yongche, poured billions of dollars on subsidies.
It is akin to us needing a regulated data banking system.
These projects are independent and closed systems, akin to "isolated information islands".4.
The central bank said that fossil fuels are akin to high carbon emission projects.
"This suggests that the overall clinical consequences of Covid-19 may ultimately be more akin to those of a severe seasonal influenza, which has a case fatality rate of approximately 0.1 percent, or a pandemic influenza similar to those in 1957 and 1968 rather than to a disease similar to SARS or MERS, which had a case fatality rate of 9-to-10 percent and 36 percent, respectively," said the article.
Such a situation, if it happens, would be akin to that seen in some emerging markets that have experienced hyperinflation and a sharp devaluation of their currencies, Li said.
Dong said this model is akin to a dual-class structure because it functions in much the same way, giving decision-making power to the management, instead of substantial shareholders.
China Daily reported earlier this month a package of measures to further restrict ICOs-an activity to raise funds akin to an initial public offering, and cryptocurrency trading both domestic and overseas, is being prepared by the People's Bank of China, the central bank and other financial regulators.

四级Where once retirement was seen as a brief reward after a long struggle through some miserable job, it is now akin (近似) to being cast aside.

退休曾经被视为在经历了长期的痛苦工作后的短暂回报,现在类似于(近似) 被抛弃。

