almonry distributed food and money to the poor in medieval times.
在中世纪, almery 分配食物和金钱给穷人。
The abbey's
almonry was a bustling place every morning as the monks prepared provisions for the needy.
修道院的 almery 每天早晨都很繁忙,僧侣们正在为有需要的人准备供给。
almonry keeper ensured that no one left the monastery gates without receiving some form of charity.
almery 管理者确保没有人离开修道院大门时没有得到某种形式的慈善帮助。
almonry's records detailed the quantity of bread and soup given to the homeless each day.
almery 的记录详细列出了每天给予无家可归者面包和汤的数量。
In times of famine, the
almonry became the lifeline for many families struggling to survive.
在饥荒时期, almery 成为了许多努力生存的家庭的生命线。
The generous
almonry of the cathedral attracted pilgrims from afar who sought both spiritual and material relief.
大教堂慷慨的 almery 吸引了远道而来的朝圣者,他们寻求精神和物质上的双重慰藉。
The practice of almsgiving through the
almonry was seen as an essential part of monastic life and Christian charity.
通过 almery 进行施舍被视为修道生活和基督教慈善的重要组成部分。
almonry's existence served as a reminder to the wealthy of their duty to help the less fortunate.
almery 的存在提醒富人有责任帮助那些不幸的人。
almonry not only provided for the physical needs but also offered prayers and blessings for those who received aid.
almery 不仅满足物质需求,还为接受援助的人提供祈祷和祝福。
During festivals, the
almonry doubled its efforts, ensuring even greater numbers of the destitute were cared for.
在节日期间, almery 加倍努力,确保更多的贫困者得到照顾。