
词根词缀记忆/谐音联想记忆 补充/纠错
词根de 坏 + tri=trit 磨擦 + m …………
谐音记忆de(弟弟)tri(戳)men (人)弟弟戳了别人是有害的
词根记忆 / 词缀记忆
detrimental a 有害的(detriment损害,危害)
personal a 个人的(person人)
continerta a 大陆的(contonent大陆)
exceptional a  …………
detrimental to 对…有害
be detrimental to 对…有害
Your decision could be detrimental to the future of the company.
This policy will be detrimental to the peace process.
Lisa argues that watching too much TV is detrimental to a child's intellectual and social development.
Smoking is detrimental to your health.
Prolonged exposure to noise pollution can be detrimental to hearing.
A sedentary lifestyle is detrimental to physical fitness.
Overuse of pesticides can be detrimental to the environment and wildlife.
Constant criticism can be detrimental to a child's self-esteem.
Lack of sleep is detrimental to cognitive function and emotional well-being.
Consuming excessive amounts of sugar is detrimental to dental health.
The policy change had a detrimental effect on small businesses.
Chronic stress is detrimental to overall health and can lead to various diseases.
Neglecting regular exercise is detrimental to maintaining a healthy weight.
Foreign Ministry spokesman Geng Shuang said in a news briefing on Tuesday that moves that leverage political power to intervene in 5G development and cooperation are detrimental to the 5G progress.
We believe in free markets, and global market uncertainty is detrimental to business activities.
Though better quality often comes at a higher cost, it does not deter Ngu as he believes clients' complaints about bad products will be more detrimental to the sustainability of a business.
Decoupling and severing ties are highly detrimental and may lead to significant economic risks.
Although import competition may inevitably lead to negative impacts on specific regions and demographics, potentially reducing the welfare of these vulnerable groups, the view that free trade is more beneficial than detrimental to the US is universally acknowledged in academia.
Decoupling and severing ties is highly detrimental and may lead to significant economic risks.
"(These US moves) are aimed at undermining prosperity and stability in Xinjiang and containing China's development, and are detrimental to international trade rules and market order," Wang said.
China is as the world's largest semiconductor market, and artificially constraining the trade and economic cooperation between the Chinese and US semiconductor industries is detrimental to both sides, He said.
In addition to stressing that broadening the concept of national security is detrimental to normal economic and trade interactions, Wang highlighted that implementing unilateral and protectionist measures goes against market rules and the principles of fair competition, ultimately harming the security and stability of global industrial and supply chains.
The implementation of unreasonable export controls by the US will have a significant detrimental impact, said Tu Xinquan, dean of the China Institute for WTO Studies at the University of International Business and Economics in Beijing.
From an economic standpoint, Dewit said, decoupling the US and Chinese economies could be detrimental for both countries.
"Such practices are also detrimental to global telecom cooperation," Bai said.
Gao said the WTO ruling again proved that the United States had for some time been breaching WTO rules, abusing trade remedy measures and refusing to fulfill its international obligations, which is detrimental to a fair and just international trading environment.
The US has set up trade barriers and impeded fair competition, which is detrimental to the advancement of EV technology and the development of the whole industry.
American industry leaders are expressing concerns that restricting the sale of semiconductors to China could be detrimental to the US.
However, the surge in NEVs' popularity has led to a new wave of competition that has forced many to engage in a price war, which analysts say is detrimental not only to carmakers themselves but also the sector as a whole.
Wang Fengying, a deputy of the National People's Congress and also president of Great Wall Motor, proposed that local governments should prevent protectionism, which is detrimental for the sector's overall development.
Sources said such behavior has been detrimental to the image of the two brands as a result "Peugeot and Citroen cars depreciate in value much faster than the other European brands.
Sweden's decision to ban Chinese telecommunications giants Huawei and ZTE from a planned 5G spectrum auction is baseless and detrimental to global technology cooperation and will further delay the deployment of 5G networks in local markets, experts said.
Companies that supply the chip sector with sophisticated and expensive equipment plan to warn the Trump administration against a proposal to blacklist China's top chipmaker Semiconductor Manufacturing International Corporation, arguing it would be "detrimental" to US industry.
"We urge the department to carefully consider the immediate and long-term detrimental impacts to US industry, economic and national security that may result from the addition of SMIC to the Entity List," said the group, which boasts 2,400 members worldwide.
"The Indian government's decision will not only harm the legitimate rights and interests of Chinese investors, but will also be detrimental to Indian customers and the overall investment environment in the country.
"Omu Kakujaha-Matundu, a lecturer and economist from the University of Namibia, told Xinhua that Washington's Huawei ban is not in line with international trade practices of fair market access and is also detrimental to the introduction of technological advancement anywhere in the world.
Yang said there have been controversial IPO cases that were feared to be detrimental to investors' confidence where big shareholders and relevant entities seemed to have engaged in financial fraud or inflated IPO prices, to make quick money from the listings.
On the other hand, if regulatory authorities have a very low tolerance for default or bankruptcy, that will have a detrimental effect on the healthy development of the financial industry.
"Although stagflation will be detrimental to all risk assets, we think Chinese equities are better positioned," said Zhou Ping, Neuberger Berman's director of quant investment in China.
But such a practice would be detrimental to the international status of the US capital market, and harm the image of the US government in many countries, including its European allies, Dong said.
Specifically, the Finance Ministry has allocated 2.4 billion yuan in subsidies for fertilizers, pesticides and other agricultural sprays to improve the yields of autumn grains such as corn and soybeans, while strengthening their resistance to detrimental environmental factors.

六级Then, one day, I came across a book, called In Praise of Slowness, and realized that being busy is not only detrimental, but also has the danger of turning life into an endless race.


2018年6月六级真题(第一套)听力 Section B

考研They could even be detrimental, satisfying a need to have "done our bit" without ever progressing onto bigger, bolder, more effective actions—a kind of "moral licensing" that allays our concerns and stops us doing more and asking more of those in charge.


2019年考研真题(英语二)阅读理解 Section Ⅱ

六级Perhaps worse, the detrimental effects of an unhealthy diet and insufficient exercise are not limited to your body.


2019年12月六级真题(第一套)阅读 Section A

考研All these are beneficial, not detrimental, to consumers.


