
词根词缀记忆/谐音联想记忆 补充/纠错
词根direct( v.管理,指导;(at,to)指向) …………
联想记忆direct有指导指示的意思做动词,所以director是指导者,董事长,经理 → director n. …………
词性拓展记忆 / 词形拓展记忆
对比记忆 / 类比记忆 / 形近词记忆
rector / erector / director / corrector
rector n.校长;院长;教区牧师n.(Rector)人名;(英)雷克托
erector n.安装工;建立者;[解剖] 竖立肌
director  …………
CEO: chief executive director 总经理
a regional director 地区主管
director producer 制片人
music director 乐队指挥
project director 项目主管
director general 局长
associate director 副主任、总干事长
music director 音乐总监
Executive Director 执行董事
assistant director 助理董事
outside director 外部董事
managing director 总经理
board of directors 董事会
personnel director 人事主管
operation director 运营总监
director of studies 研究主任
casting director 选角导演
course director 课程主任
electronic director 电子控制器
board directors 董事会董事
director general 总干事
outside directors 外部董事
choir director 合唱团指挥
founding director 创始董事
workshop director 车间主任
finance director 财务总监
scenarist director 编剧导演
montage director 蒙太奇导演
stage director 舞台导演
interim director 临时董事
film director 电影导演
entertainment director 娱乐总监
art director 艺术总监
movie director 电影导演
artistic director's office 艺术总监办公室
funeral director 丧葬承办人
We could write a letter to the director.
I was promoted to editorial director.
She works as PA to the managing director.
The director is known for his innovative storytelling techniques.
She was appointed as the director of the marketing department.
The director's latest film has received critical acclaim.
The director called for a brief meeting before the shooting starts.
He stepped down from his directorial role due to personal reasons.
The director worked closely with the actors to bring their characters to life.
The director's vision for the movie was meticulously planned and executed.
She has been directing plays at the local theater for over a decade.
The director's cut of the movie features additional scenes not seen in the theatrical release.
After the success of his first film, the director was offered several high-profile projects.
The director has the most to lose.
As Germany's most important trading partner for seven consecutive years, the Sino-German economic relationship sustains millions of jobs in both countries, said Jens Hildebrandt, executive director of the German Chamber of Commerce in China (North China).
中国(华北)德国商会执行主任Jens Hildebrandt表示,作为德国连续七年最重要的贸易伙伴,中德经济关系为两国提供了数百万个就业机会。
The system allows the company to release information about power supply issues and remind clients to pay electricity bills in batches via voice or video calls, said Yao Jian, deputy director of the Control Center at State Grid's power supply company in Kunshan, a county-level city of Suzhou.
Ge Junbo, an academician with the Chinese Academy of Sciences and director of the cardiology department of Zhongshan Hospital Affiliated to Fudan University, said that early, comprehensive management of hypertension, hyperlipidemia and hyperglycemia is vital to the protection of patients' hearts and kidneys.
Xie Ling, managing director of the Southwestern China region at CBRE, a United States-based commercial real estate company, said the display industry in Sichuan, which is mainly located in the Chengdu Plain Economic Zone, is taking the lead globally.
That requires even more investment," said Martin Kaufung, director and CFO of Flender Ltd, China.
这需要更多的投资,”中国Flender有限公司董事兼首席财务官Martin Kaufung表示。
In this edition, we invited Kitty Fok, managing director of IDC China, to share her views and insights about the prospect of the IT research industry, the Chinese economy, and more.
The power transmission capacity has risen significantly over the past decades, with coverage expanding from seven to 20 provinces and regions nationwide, said Zhang Xinwei, director of the trading department at Xinjiang Power Exchange Center.
Wang Xiaoguang, director of the Beijing Rongzhi Corporate Social Responsibility Institute, said fulfilling social responsibilities will not only help companies meet expectations from both the government and society, but also significantly contribute to the companies' growth and competitiveness.
According to Wen Tiejun, executive director of China Academy of Rural Construction, from Southwest University, rural revitalization is becoming the most important mission for the whole society.
UK companies are expected to increase investment in China in 2024, said China-Britain Business Council China Managing Director Tom Simpson.
中英商务委员会中国区董事总经理Tom Simpson表示,预计英国公司将在2024年增加在中国的投资。
"We have signed cooperation agreements with a slew of large companies including Inspur Group and South Korea's SK Group, as well as some universities such as the Tsinghua University," said Xia Haitao, director of Changyi's investment promotion center.
This is an opportunity for Aldi," said Roman Rasinger, managing director of China with German retailer Aldi.
这对Aldi来说是一个机会,”德国零售商Aldi中国区董事总经理Roman Rasinger表示。
Zhu Wei, deputy director of the Communication Law Research Center at the China University of Political Science and Law, said that in order to better regulate the emerging sector, online secondhand platforms should increase investment in after-sales services, carry out third-party identification aimed at some used goods with high value, and promote insurance coverage options for secondhand items.
Henry, who is also director of the Queensland Alliance for Agriculture and Food Innovation, said: "When we plant the macadamia trees, it takes as long as eight years to produce crops, and many more years to produce an economic yield of nuts.
Ju Kechang, Shein's director of supplier management, said the company has benefited from its unique business strategy, which relies on reducing purchase quantities, shortening the production cycle and swiftly introducing products to test market responses.
Guangzhou boasts a well-established supply chain system that has fostered multiple industry clusters, including textiles and garments, leather goods, cosmetics, and daily chemical products, said Liu Hang, business director of Temu.
All the 37 provincial and municipal-level key projects have commenced, leading to a well-organized order of project advancement, said Sun Zhaoxing, director of Changyi's development and reform bureau, emphasizing the city's focus on swiftly advancing key projects and fully utilizing advanced production capacity.
John Williams, managing director of International SOS (China), highlighted the significant growth in the overseas market demand from Chinese clients, particularly those involved in the Belt and Road Initiative in the past decade.
国际SOS(中国)董事总经理John Williams强调,中国客户的海外市场需求显著增长,尤其是过去十年参与“一带一路”倡议倡议的客户。
Huang Lingli, deputy director of the General Administration of Customs' commodity inspection department, said these goods include industrial parts, chemicals, yarns, cables and electronic components.
Wilo is very confident about the Chinese economy, and has a long-term commitment to the Chinese market and will enlarge its investment in China, said Grant Rong, director of government and public affairs at Wilo China Ltd, in an exclusive interview with China Daily Website on a roundup of 2023 and outlook for 2024.
伟乐中国有限公司政府和公共事务总监Grant Rong在接受《中国日报》网站关于2023年综述和2024年展望的独家采访时表示,伟乐对中国经济非常有信心,对中国市场有着长期的承诺,并将扩大在中国的投资。
As a wide range of products, from laptops to refrigerators, and even mini-excavators, are now standard in the realm of cross-border e-commerce, digital trade and new technologies in this field will continue to bolster China's foreign trade, said Lin Meng, director of the Modern Supply Chain Research Institute at the Beijing-based Chinese Academy of International Trade and Economic Cooperation.
"Zhu Keli, founding director of the China Institute of New Economy, said: "Through joining hands with local partners, MNCs are able to quickly integrate into the local market and gain more business opportunities.
"Flora Zhu, director of China corporate research at Fitch Ratings, said: "China is the world's second-largest pharmaceutical market and the demand for high-quality drugs, where the global pharmaceutical companies have a competitive edge, is strong and will continue to grow, driven by China's aging population, increasing disposable incomes, growing health awareness and rising medical insurance coverage.
惠誉评级中国企业研究总监Flora Zhu表示:“中国是世界第二大制药市场,在中国人口老龄化、可支配收入增加、,健康意识的提高和医疗保险覆盖率的提高。
"It is important to note that even with the recent economic challenges, our growth outlook for China remains quite strong compared to its rating peers," said Jeremy Zook, director of Asia-Pacific Sovereign Ratings at Fitch Ratings, at "Fitch on China conference" held in Shanghai late last month.
惠誉评级亚太主权评级主管Jeremy Zook在上月末于上海举行的“惠誉中国会议”上表示:“值得注意的是,即使面临最近的经济挑战,与评级同行相比,我们对中国的增长前景仍然相当强劲。”。
However, some emerging markets overseas, including Southeast Asia, Latin America and the Middle East, have enormous growth potential in the demand for e-commerce shipping and development of logistics infrastructure," said Eric Chen, executive director of consultancy Frost & Sullivan in China.
然而,海外一些新兴市场,包括东南亚、拉丁美洲和中东,在电子商务航运和物流基础设施发展的需求方面具有巨大的增长潜力,”咨询公司Frost&Sullivan中国执行董事Eric Chen表示。
"Through upgrades, our breeding area is expected to save more than 100,000 yuan ($14,008) in labor costs per year, and annual output can grow by 5 percent, with an increase of 400,000 yuan in annual output value," said a director of Allen Bay's comprehensive breeding area.
The company has deep roots in the country, continually investing in and promoting local collaboration and expanding its presence in the China market," said Ingrid Zhang, president and managing director of Novartis China.
诺华中国总裁兼董事总经理Ingrid Zhang表示:“该公司在中国有着深厚的根基,不断投资和促进当地合作,并扩大其在中国市场的影响力。
Meanwhile, I believe the project will bring immeasurable benefits to our county," said Chen Feng, deputy director of the standing committee of the People's Congress of Haiyan.
The A330 series of Airbus accounts for more than half of the wide-body aircraft in operation in China, Li Min, senior marketing director of Airbus China, recently told media in Guangzhou, Guangdong province.
Isabel Ge Mahe, vice-president and managing director of Apple Greater China, told China Daily at the sidelines of the ongoing first China International Supply Chain Expo in Beijing that in the past decades of cooperation between Apple and Chinese suppliers, the trend of localization of intelligent manufacturing equipment has been very obvious.
苹果大中华区副总裁兼董事总经理Isabel Ge Mahe在正在北京举行的首届中国国际供应链博览会间隙告诉《中国日报》,在过去几十年苹果与中国供应商的合作中,智能制造设备的国产化趋势非常明显。
This presents a unique opportunity for us to support our clients in effectively navigating these challenges," said James Dubow, managing director and head of A&M North Asia.
这为我们提供了一个独特的机会,可以支持我们的客户有效应对这些挑战,”a&M北亚区董事总经理兼主管James Dubow表示。
"As China and other Asian countries enter a next economic cycle of quality growth, businesses need to reposition themselves to improve efficiencies, innovation and ultimately returns," said How Jit Lim, managing director and leader of performance improvement in China.
“随着中国和其他亚洲国家进入下一个高质量增长的经济周期,企业需要重新定位,以提高效率、创新并最终获得回报,”中国董事总经理兼绩效改善主管How Jit Lim表示。
We continued to provide consumers with more savings and better service through increased investments," said Zhao Jiazhen, executive director and co-chief executive officer of PDD.
"To my understanding, the products must be researched and developed based on people's needs; in the meantime, there must be constant efforts made in digging deep into cultural resources," Shan Jixiang, former director of the Palace Museum, told the Beijing News.
Guo Jianchen, director of the media center with Hengyuanxiang Group, said: "The rejuvenation of a brand is not only rooted in its cultural origin, but also driven by the development of the times.
"In the future, vehicles will surely become smarter and more digital-savvy," said Gao Weize, a regional general director of Tesla.
China's future development will be propelled by a number of primary drivers, including industrial modernization, energy transition and decarbonization, along with the transformation of domestic consumption, said Zhao Jinping, former director of the department of foreign economic relations at the Development Research Center of the State Council.
Roy Lu, director of the Gasgoo Auto Research Institute, said Lei has for long been seeing automobiles as part of Xiaomi's AI-enabled internet of things or IoT ecosystem, and invested in Chinese EV startups such as Nio and Xpeng Motors via Shunwei Capital, a venture capital firm.
Gasgoo汽车研究所所长Roy Lu表示,雷长期以来一直将汽车视为小米人工智能物联网或物联网生态系统的一部分,并通过风险投资公司顺为资本投资了Nio和Xpeng Motors等中国电动汽车初创公司。
Sunac must capitalize on the window period of debt resolution and should not let its guard down," said An Xinhua, director of Beijing Loyalty & Talent Law Firm.
In the future, Sunac can get back on track by resuming normal operations as soon as possible, said Liu Shui, director of corporate research at the China Index Academy.
In addition, Baidu said in a statement that the company appointed Xu Ran, CEO of Chinese e-commerce giant JD, as an independent director of the company's board, effective from Jan 1, 2024.
Jason Juang, managing director of HP Greater China, said: "HP has been in China for 40 years.
Zhang Peng, director of visuals product management at Lenovo, said the display technology in the 3D era will shift from being "clear" to "real", leading to the next wave of device innovation and growth.
The overall surgical success rate was a high 98.3 percent, which is consistent with international pivotal clinical trials and real-world studies, said Leo Tam, senior director of the business unit of transcatheter aortic valve replacement (TAVR) at Edwards Lifesciences China.
Edwards Lifesciences China经导管主动脉瓣置换术(TAVR)业务部门高级主管Leo Tam表示,总体手术成功率高达98.3%,这与国际关键临床试验和现实世界研究一致。
The growth is mainly indicated by an increase in flight frequencies between regional and hub airports, as well as the enhanced connectivity of various regional airports, said Liang Nan, director of the transport department of the CAAC.
However, Wang JingJing, executive director of global health industry innovation center under Beijing Tsinghua Industrial R&D Institute, said personalized healthcare develops on the back of data and algorithm technologies, and connectivity of data under the framework of laws and regulations is crucial for successful development of personalized healthcare products.
We are determined to lead the transition to carbon neutrality and no plastic," said Florian Vernay, global communications and sustainability director of Unilever Home Care.
我们决心领导向碳中和和无塑料的过渡,”联合利华家庭护理全球传播和可持续发展总监Florian Vernay说。
"China, now the biggest overseas market for Muji in terms of both sales revenue and profit, is an important market for Muji's global business," Nobuo Domae, president and representative director of Muji, told China Daily in an interview on the sidelines of the sixth China International Import Expo that concluded earlier this month.
"Our collaboration with Falcon Aviation Services is a major milestone in the advancement of advanced air mobility in the UAE and the broader region of Middle East and Africa," said Mark Robert Henning, managing director of AutoFlight Europe.
AutoFlight Europe董事总经理Mark Robert Henning表示:“我们与Falcon Aviation Services的合作是阿联酋以及中东和非洲更广泛地区先进空中交通发展的一个重要里程碑。”。
In the collection, the founder, creative director and fashion designer of the Feng Chen Wang brand marries her signature constructed designs with innovative methods of engineered artistry to create technical apparel with elements of traditional sportswear.
The REC's task is to help businesses enter the Chinese market as efficiently and quickly as possible, and we work at all levels to achieve this," said Veronika Nikishina, general director of the Russian Export Center, which was participating in the CIIE for the sixth consecutive year.
REC的任务是帮助企业尽可能高效、快速地进入中国市场,我们在各个层面都在努力实现这一目标,”俄罗斯出口中心总主任Veronika Nikishina说,该中心已连续第六年参加CIIE。
Su Qiang, president and managing director of General Mills China, said the CIIE has become a premier venue for launching new products and technologies, as well as a booster for transforming exhibits into actual sales.
Yuki Kusumi, representative director and president of Panasonic, said China is one of the most important overseas markets for Panasonic, while highlighting that the company will continue to increase investment in the world's second-largest economy.
松下代表董事兼总裁Yuki Kusumi表示,中国是松下最重要的海外市场之一,同时强调该公司将继续增加对世界第二大经济体的投资。
Li Yonggang, technical director of Qualcomm China's marketing department, said the company unveiled a 5G prototype at its booth during the inaugural CIIE in 2018, when 5th-generation mobile network technology was not yet commercially available in China.
"We are firmly optimistic about the development opportunities in China," said Steven Hung, managing director of Asia Symbol, a subsidiary under RGE Group (Royal Golden Eagle), a resource-based company with headquarters in Singapore.
“我们对中国的发展机遇持坚定乐观态度,”总部位于新加坡的资源型公司RGE集团(皇家金鹰)旗下子公司亚洲符号董事总经理Steven Hung表示。
Huawei has overtaken Apple in the Chinese market, and will gradually consolidate this position, which is an inevitable trend," said Xiang Ligang, director generalxa0ofxa0thexa0Informationxa0Consumptionxa0Alliance in an interview.
During the design phase of the Colombo Port City project, the overall goals for environmental protection, energy efficiency, resource conservation and emissions reductions were established, said Xiang Nan, assistant managing director of CHEC Colombo Port City Co, a CHEC subsidiary.
In addition, developing the international air freight business will help enterprises boost long-haul freight capacity and further improve cross-border delivery efficiency, said Yang Daqing, deputy director of research at the China Federation of Logistics and Purchasing.
SENJ, Croatia — The presence of a Chinese team at the 50th International Senj Summer Carnival is proof that Chinese builders have close ties with the local community, said Viktor Samarzija, director of the Senj Tourist Board, in a recent interview.
克罗地亚森杰——森杰旅游局局长Viktor Samarzija在最近的一次采访中表示,中国团队参加第50届森杰国际夏季狂欢节证明了中国建筑商与当地社区有着密切的联系。
As Senj's tourism director, Samarzija extended his welcome to Chinese tourists.
Lai Shixian, executive director and co-CEO of Anta Group, said, "Over the past 16 years, Anta has donated more than 2.2 billion yuan ($301.4 million) to philanthropic programs and humanitarian aid.
Cheng Xiangshuai, deputy general manager and finance director of the photovoltaic unit, said the company is developing the business under the innovative business model of "photovoltaic plus inclusiveness plus digital technology".
"Mats Granryd, the Director General of GSMA, said "5G is driving digital transformation across industries and opening up enormous opportunities.
GSMA总干事Mats Granryd表示:“5G正在推动各行业的数字化转型,并带来巨大机遇。
Trading in shares of the group and its affiliated companies was suspended on Thursday, with the company announcing that Xu, its board chairman and executive director, is subject to mandatory measures in accordance with the law due to suspected illegal activities.
Yan Yuejin, director of the Shanghai-based E-house China Research and Development Institution, said as a result of the recent setbacks, the likelihood of Evergrande not being able to reach an offshore debt restructuring agreement with its creditors and the risk of its liquidation have increased.
Xu, board chairman and executive director of China Evergrande Group, is under investigation for suspected illegal activities and has been subjected to lawful enforcement measures on Thursday following the suspension of the company's shares from trading that day.
xa0Xu Jiayin, board chairman and executive director of China Evergrande Group, is under investigation for suspected illegal activities and has been subjected to lawful enforcement measures, the company said in a notice to investors published on the Hong Kong Stock Exchanges' website on Thursday.
"Just a few days ago, HarmonyOS 4 had about 50 million users, and the figure has now surpassed 60 million, with about 1.2 million new users added every day," Yu Chengdong, the company's executive director and CEO of its consumer business, said during a product launch event held on Monday in Shenzhen, south China's Guangdong Province.
“就在几天前,HarmonyOS 4拥有约5000万用户,现在这个数字已经超过6000万,每天新增约120万用户,”该公司执行董事兼消费者业务首席执行官余承东周一在中国南方广东省深圳市举行的产品发布会上说。
Ongoing ticket sales indicate that traveler confidence remains high and there is every reason to be optimistic about the continuing recovery," said Willie Walsh, IATA's director general.
国际航空运输协会总干事Willie Walsh表示:“持续的机票销售表明,旅行者的信心仍然很高,完全有理由对持续的复苏持乐观态度。”。
"The fast-growing Chinese market is an important growth engine and key strategic market for Swire Coca-Cola, and the company will continue to increase its investment in the country," said Karen So, managing director of Swire Coca-Cola.
The system can't meet consumers' fast-growing demand for high-tech products and cold chain logistics services covering the transportation of fresh commodities and medicines," said Yang Daqing, deputy director of research at the China Federation of Logistics and Purchasing.
Xiang Haina, marketing director of Duolingo Asia-Pacific, said: "Duolingo's steady user growth is intricately tied to our business model.
"Our goal is to achieve global leadership in sustainability management for Anta Group's supply chain by 2030, with a 2.5 percent annual water reduction and a 5.5 percent annual carbon reduction for core suppliers," said Wu Yonghua, executive director and co-CEO of Anta Group.
"We will continue to grow our core brand and franchises through our combined efforts, and deepen our emotional connection with Chinese consumers by keeping ahead of new trends, tracking changing consumer performances and behaviors, and staying closer to what consumers need," said John Hsu, managing director of the Walt Disney Co China.
“我们将通过共同努力,继续发展我们的核心品牌和特许经营权,并通过紧跟新趋势,跟踪不断变化的消费者表现和行为,更接近消费者的需求,加深我们与中国消费者的情感联系,”华特迪士尼公司中国区董事总经理John Hsu说。
"Oliver Treneman, a representative of London Gateway and park development director at DP World London Gateway, extended a warm welcome to Chinese companies entering the London Gateway logistics park, which occupies nearly 1 million square meters and that is expanding its development of warehousing and distribution facilities.
“伦敦门户代表、DP World London Gateway园区开发总监Oliver Treneman热烈欢迎中国企业进入伦敦门户物流园区,该园区占地近100万平方米,正在扩大仓储和配送设施的开发。
A representative of the customers, Wang Hongwen, director of Cargo Move Ltd, praised the team at Crystal Logistics in his speech and expressed appreciation to their attention to detail, efficiency, reliability, care and precision.
John Bunten, executive director of engineering of global workplace and enterprise services at MSD, said, "We are dedicated to a healthy, comfortable working environment for our employees, aiming at 30 more workplaces to be awarded green certificates in the coming one to two years.
默沙东全球工作场所和企业服务工程执行总监John Bunten表示:“我们致力于为员工提供一个健康、舒适的工作环境,目标是在未来一到两年内,再有30个工作场所获得绿色证书。
Shan Jizhong, senior director of MSD China R&D, said: "The Beijing R&D center was established in 2011.
"By integrating local resources, we have strengthened technical research and launched a series of innovative products and solutions for air conditioning in the overseas market," said Li Jinbo, director of Midea's innovation research institute for household air conditioners.
"Over the recent quarter, we saw a positive shift in consumer sentiment, leading to a rise in demand across various product sectors," said Zhao Jiazhen, executive director and co-chief executive officer of PDD Holdings.
PDD Holdings执行董事兼联席首席执行官赵表示:“在最近一个季度,我们看到消费者情绪发生了积极转变,导致各个产品行业的需求上升。”。
Their international development also plays a role in determining the level of foreign-related legal services and international competitiveness of this city," said Ye Bin, the director of lawyer affairs at the bureau.
China's fast-growing exhibition economy, ongoing green transformation, domestic companies' willingness to expand global market and the tangible benefits generated by the mega Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership pact offer many opportunities, said Wendy Wen, managing director of Messe Frankfurt (Hong Kong) Ltd. Highlighting that businesses from industries such as auto parts, new energy vehicles, new materials, metallurgy, trade in services, garment and textile are seeing surging demand to expand sales and reinforce their brand awareness via participating in various business exhibitions, Wen said Messe Frankfurt will deploy more resource and technology solution to hold trade fairs in both the Chinese mainland and the Asia-Pacific next year.
法兰克福展览(香港)有限公司董事总经理Wendy Wen表示,中国快速增长的展览经济、持续的绿色转型、国内企业扩大全球市场的意愿以及大型区域全面经济伙伴关系协定带来的实实在在的利益提供了许多机会,温表示,新能源汽车、新材料、冶金、服务贸易、服装纺织等行业的需求激增,通过参加各种商业展会来扩大销量和提高品牌知名度。法兰克福展览将部署更多的资源和技术解决方案,明年在中国大陆和亚太地区举办贸易博览会。
Rosa Qiao, managing director of Ikea Supply China, said: "The strategic location of Ikea Distribution Centre Foshan helps us to better serve Ikea stores in Southern China, including Hong Kong, China and Macao, China; reduce lead-time while increasing availability; and further lower the total logistics cost.
宜家供应中国区董事总经理Rosa Qiao表示:“宜家配送中心佛山的战略位置有助于我们更好地为宜家在中国南方的门店提供服务,包括中国香港和中国澳门;在增加供应的同时缩短导入时间;并进一步降低总物流成本。
Amazon Ads continuously offers high-quality content and creative services for Chinese companies going abroad, and helps Chinese brands reach overseas consumers via various video streaming and media platforms, such as Prime Video, Twitch and Freevee, said Yang Tong, director of account management for Amazon Ads Asia-Pacific.
亚马逊广告亚太区客户管理总监杨彤表示,亚马逊广告不断为中国海外公司提供高质量的内容和创意服务,并帮助中国品牌通过Prime video、Twitch和Freevee等各种视频流媒体平台接触海外消费者。
Yan Yuejin, research director of Shanghai-based E-House China Research and Development Institution, said "The resumption of trading for China Evergrande sends a highly positive signal to the industry.
The increase in logistics and transportation costs accompanied by lowering the threshold of free shipping services could be offset in the short term through the rise of overall sales revenue as well as the return of old users and an influx of new users, said Cui Lili, director of the Shanghai University of Finance and Economics' Institute of E-commerce.
China has attracted several international companies, including ExxonMobil, BASF and Aramco, to invest in China, either through joint ventures or wholly owned projects, said Wang Lining, director at the Oil Market Research Department of the Economics and Technology Research Institute of China National Petroleum Corp.
Isabel Ge Mahe, vice-president and managing director of Apple Greater China, said in an interview that "over the past 30 years, Chinese suppliers have grown very fast and become an indispensable, and particularly important part, of our supply chain".
苹果大中华区副总裁兼董事总经理Isabel Ge Mahe在接受采访时表示,“在过去的30年里,中国供应商发展迅速,成为我们供应链中不可或缺的、特别重要的一部分”。
Isabel Ge Mahe, vice-president and managing director of Apple Greater China, said in an interview that "Over the past 30 years, Chinese suppliers have grown very fast and become an indispensable and particularly important part of our supply chain.
苹果大中华区副总裁兼董事总经理Isabel Ge Mahe在接受采访时表示:“在过去的30年里,中国供应商发展迅速,成为我们供应链中不可或缺的、特别重要的一部分。
Shu Wei, general contracting director at Haiyang Shiyou 122, said the company has resolved several world-class technical challenges in the construction of the FPSO, from equipment system design to high-precision construction, achieving several technological breakthroughs, with its precision control reaching advanced international levels.
Chinese smartphone companies are viewing the development of in-device LLMs as an important aspect to build a high-end image, said Lu Yanxia, research director at IDC China.
Ye Hong, deputy director of the marketing department of the games' organizing committee, and Paul Lu, general manager of the marketing department of Intel China, attended the ceremony.
The smart air solution, based on decades of hardware technology iteration, is an important strategic measure to meet users' demand," said Zhang Hao, research and development director of Midea's home central air conditioning.
EVE Energy Malaysia director Joe Chen said that relying on EVE's domestic advantages and operational experience, the firm will build a cylindrical battery production base in Malaysia to support the production of electric two-wheelers and power tools in Malaysia.
EVE能源马来西亚总监Joe Chen表示,凭借EVE在国内的优势和运营经验,该公司将在马来西亚建立一个圆柱形电池生产基地,以支持在马来西亚生产电动两轮车和电动工具。
Lu Yanxia, research director at IDC China, said the success of LLMs depends highly on the support of computing power.
As of April, the station had generated profit of 10.12 million yuan, and after the money had been dived, each of the 34 villages set up charitable positions, such as street cleaning jobs, and hired impoverished local residents, who will each receive a stipend, according to Guo Mu, director of the Banner's development and reform commission.
In China, Starbucks hit the highest number of 90-day active users the company has ever had, with over 20 million Starbucks Rewards customers, said Chief Executive Officer & Director of Starbucks Corp Laxman Narasimhan during Q3 2023 Earnings Call.
星巴克首席执行官兼董事Laxman Narasimhan在2023年第三季度电话财报会议上表示,在中国,星巴克创下了该公司有史以来最高的90天活跃用户数,拥有超过2000万名星巴克奖励客户。
Hezlinn Idris, managing director and group CEO of Petronas International Lubricants, also expressed optimism about China's fast-growing auto market, particularly its new energy vehicle sector.
马来西亚国家石油国际润滑油公司董事总经理兼集团首席执行官Hezlinn Idris也对中国快速增长的汽车市场,特别是新能源汽车行业表示乐观。
Yu Hongfu, director of Sany Group and president of Sany Heavy Industry, said: "In response to the country's carbon peak and carbon neutrality goals, we will continue to implement our digitalization strategy and low-carbon strategy, to bring better products to clients.

四级John Nielsen, AAA’s managing director of automotive engineering and repair, said tests suggest drivers may be overestimating their own abilities.

AAA汽车工程和维修部总经理约翰·尼尔森(John Nielsen)表示,测试表明驾驶员可能高估了自己的能力。


六级It is about the flashiness and the gadgets, said John Curran, managing director of research at Accenture.

埃森哲研究部总经理约翰·科伦(John Curran)说,这是关于浮华和小玩意的。


考研But the epidemic is "moderate" in severity, according to Margaret Chan, the organization's director general, with the overwhelming majority of patients experiencing only mild symptoms and a full recovery, often in the absence of any medical treatment.

但该组织总干事陈冯富珍(Margaret Chan)表示,疫情的严重程度为“中度”,绝大多数患者症状轻微,通常在没有任何治疗的情况下完全康复。

2010年考研真题(英语二)完形填空 Section Ⅰ

六级"This study shows the importance of so-called non-cognitive' or soft skills in contributing to children's positive peer relationships, which, in turn, contribute to their academic success,"said Kenneth Dodge, director of the Duke Center for Child and Fami

杜克儿童与家庭中心主任肯尼斯·道奇(Kenneth Dodge)说:“这项研究显示了所谓的非认知技能或软技能在促进儿童积极的同伴关系方面的重要性,而这反过来又有助于他们取得学业上的成功。”

2018年12月六级真题(第一套)阅读 Section C

高考The director, with whom Jack shared a dorm-room in the film academy, has already make four films.


2015年高考英语湖北卷 句子填空 原文

六级If you look at a lot of low-income communities in the United States, there are programs that are serving them, but they're primarily centered around ‘Let's get these kids' grades up,' and not around ‘Let's get these kids access to the same kinds of opportunities as more-affluent kids,' said Daniel Zaharopol, the founder and executive director of the program.

丹尼尔·扎哈罗波尔(Daniel Zaharopol)说,如果你看看美国的许多低收入社区,都有为他们服务的项目,但这些项目主要围绕着“让这些孩子的成绩提高”,而不是围绕着“让这些孩子获得与更富裕的孩子同样的机会”,该计划的创始人和执行董事。


六级According to Mark Saul, the director of competitions for the Mathematical Association of America, not a single African-American or Hispanic student—and only a handful of girls—has ever made it to the Math Olympiad team in its 50 years of existence.

据美国数学协会竞赛主管马克·索尔(Mark Saul)说,在数学奥林匹克队成立50年的时间里,没有一个非裔美国人或西班牙裔学生,只有少数女孩进入过该队。


六级We are very proud of our accomplishments under the Greenlist system and we believe that we will prevail in these cases, Christopher Beard, director of public affairs for SC Johnson, said, while acknowledging that this has been an area that is difficult to navigate.

SC Johnson公共事务总监克里斯托弗·比尔德(Christopher Beard)表示:我们为在绿名单制度下取得的成就感到非常自豪,我们相信我们会在这些情况下获胜,同时承认这是一个难以驾驭的领域。


六级It did not escape notice that a lobbying firm set up by Lynton Crosby, David Cameron's election campaign director, had previously acted for Philip Morris International.

它并没有逃过人们的注意,大卫·卡梅伦的竞选总监林顿·克罗斯比(Lynton Crosby)成立的一家游说公司此前曾为菲利普·莫里斯国际公司(Philip Morris International)代理过职务。


四级Director of Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation Chris Murray described it as an "urgent call to action".

卫生计量与评估研究所所长克里斯·默里(Chris Murray)将其描述为“紧急行动呼吁”。

2018年12月四级真题(第一套)阅读 Section A

六级Nick Perks, project director for Climate Solidarity, believes this sort of activity is where the future of environmental action lies.



高考The director agreed to add it to the playing list.


2019年高考英语江苏卷 阅读理解 阅读D 原文

四级The Director General of the International Labour Organization Juan Somavia notes that some countries have taken measures to address the effects of the global crisis.



六级Director of the Advanced Tissue Biofabrication Center in the Department of Regenerative Medicine and Cell Biology at the medical university, Mironov now primarily conducts research on tissue engineering, or growing, of human organs.



六级David Mallen, associate director of the Council of Better Business Bureau, said in the last two years the organization had seen an increase in the number of claims companies were bringing against each other for false or misleading environmental product claims.

更好的商业局理事会副主任大卫·马伦(David Mallen)表示,在过去两年中,该组织发现,因虚假或误导性环境产品索赔而相互起诉的公司数量有所增加。


六级David Mallen, associate director of the Council of Better Business Bureau, said in the last two years the organization had seen an increase in the number of claims companies were bringing against each other for false or misleading environmental product cl

更好的商业局理事会副主任大卫·马伦(David Mallen)表示,在过去两年中,该组织发现,各公司因虚假或误导性环境产品而相互提出的索赔数量有所增加

2016年6月六级真题(第一套)阅读 Section C

高考"I thought it would be useful for him to learn Chinese at an early age" Joseph Stocke, the managing director of a company, says of his 2-year old son.

一家公司的董事总经理约瑟夫·斯托克(Joseph Stocke)谈到他两岁的儿子时说:“我认为他在很小的时候学习汉语会很有用。”。

2014年高考英语全国卷2 阅读理解 阅读C 原文

六级Essentially, I could not agree more with the authors, said Svante Pääbo, a biologist and director of the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology in Germany.



六级Essentially, I could not agree more with the authors,"said Svante Pääbo, a biologist and director of the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology in Germany.


2016年12月六级真题(第一套)阅读 Section C

四级And they all appear to be uninjured, said Jessica Verfuss, the emergency department’s Assistant Director.



四级And they all appear to be uninjured, said Jessica Verfuss, the emergency department's Assistant director.


2016年12月四级真题(第一套)听力 Section A

考研The decision of the New York Philharmonic to hire Alan Gilbert as its next music director has been the talk of the classical-music world ever since the sudden announcement of his appointment in 2009.

纽约爱乐乐团决定聘请艾伦·吉尔伯特(Alan Gilbert)担任下一任音乐总监,自2009年突然宣布任命以来,一直是古典音乐界的热门话题。


高考This new production of as you like it is helmed by the company's artistic director levan tsuladze.

这部新的《随心所欲》由该公司的艺术总监levan tsuladze执导。

2017年高考英语全国卷2 阅读理解 阅读A 原文

四级In some departments, either the chairman or the director of graduate studies serves for at least the first semester as a new student adviser.



考研As a description of the next music director of an orchestra that has hitherto been led by musicians like Gustav Mahler and Pierre Boulez, that seems likely to have struck at least some Times readers as faint praise.

作为一个由古斯塔夫·马勒(Gustav Mahler)和皮埃尔·布列兹(Pierre Boulez)等音乐家领导的交响乐团的下一任音乐总监的描述,这似乎至少在某些时候给读者留下了淡淡的赞誉。


六级I’m a social worker, a lobbyist and a special assistant to the executive director at the National Association of Social Workers.



六级I'm a social worker, a lobbyist and a special assistant to the executive director at the National Association of Social Workers.


2016年12月六级真题(第一套)听力 Section C

高考This production of Shakespeare's Richard III will be directed by the national's associate director, Wang Xiaoying.


2017年高考英语全国卷2 阅读理解 阅读A 原文

四级David Anderson, the executive director of higher education with the Association of American Publishers, told BuzzFeed News. "It helps students understand in a way that you can't do with print homework assignments."


2018年6月四级真题(第三套)阅读 Section B

六级Parking rates will be attracted about $400 monthly or $25 per day, according to Ari Milstein, the director of planning for Automation Parking Systems, which is the U.S. subsidiary of a German company.

根据自动化停车系统规划总监Ari Milstein的说法,停车收费每月约400美元或每天25美元。自动化停车系统是一家德国公司在美国的子公司。


六级According to social psychologist Brian Nosek, executive director of the Center for Open Science, the average data-sharing rate for the journal Psychological Science, which uses the badges, increased tenfold to % from 2013 to 2015.

根据社会心理学家、开放科学中心执行主任布赖恩·诺斯克(Brian Nosek)的说法,使用徽章的《心理科学》杂志的平均数据共享率从2013年到2015年增加了10倍,达到%。

2017年12月六级真题(第二套)阅读 Section B

六级If you look at who enters college, it now looks like America," says Hilary Pennington, director of postsecondary programs for the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, which has closely studied enrollment patterns in higher education.

比尔和梅林达盖茨基金会的后继课程主任Hilary Pennington说,如果你看看谁进入大学,现在看起来就像美国。


考研Ruth simmons joined Goldman Sachs's board as an outside director in January 2000: a year later she became president of Brown University.


2011年考研真题(英语二)阅读理解 Section Ⅱ

高考Bruce Pederson, the managing director of Bookcrossing, says, "the two things that change your life are the people you meet and books you read."

Bookcrossing的董事总经理布鲁斯·佩德森(Bruce Pederson)说:“改变你生活的两件事是你遇到的人和你读过的书。”

2016年高考英语全国卷2 阅读理解 阅读C 原文

六级Peter Orszag, Obama's Budget Director, recently called the US budget deficits unsustainable and he's right.

奥巴马的预算主管彼得·奥萨格(Peter Orszag)最近称美国的预算赤字不可持续,他是对的。


考研"The lesser prairie chicken is in a desperate situation," said USFWS director Daniel Ashe.

美国鱼类和野生动物局局长丹尼尔·阿什(Daniel Ashe)说:“小草原鸡正处于绝望的境地。”。

2016年考研真题(英语二)阅读理解 Section Ⅱ

高考In the months leading up to the 2016 Oregon Repertory Singers Christmas Concert, Naomi told the director she had a special one in mind: "melancholy flower".


2019年高考英语江苏卷 阅读理解 阅读D 原文

高考I first met Paul Newman in 1968, when George Roy Hill, the director of Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid, introduced us in New York city.


2017年高考英语全国卷2 阅读理解 阅读B 原文

六级Love, who is director of Weather and disaster risk Reduction at the World Meteorological Organization, says most of the deaths and economic losses were caused by weather, climate, or water-related extremes.


2016年6月六级真题(第二套)听力 Section C

六级When you see things like Ford moving new production from Mexico to Detroit, instead of the other way around, you know things are changing," says Gene Sperling, director of the National Economic Council.



高考Peter mcnaught, operations director at London underground, said: "It may not seem right that you can go quicker by standing still, but our experiments at holborn have proved that it can be true."

伦敦地铁运营总监彼得·麦克诺特(Peter McNout)说:“如果你站着不动,速度可能会更快,但我们在霍尔伯恩(holborn)的实验证明了这一点。”

2016年高考英语上海卷 阅读理解 阅读D 原文

高考She told the director about her project with Steve.


2019年高考英语江苏卷 阅读理解 阅读D 原文

四级He is soon going to have an evaluation interview with his supervisor and the personnel director to discuss the work he has done in the past year.



四级Director of evening radio programs.



四级Well, I'm learning a lot of new things, but I wish the director would give me some feedback.



四级As the new sales director for a national computer firm, Alex Gordon was looking forward to his first meeting with the company's district managers.

作为一家全国性计算机公司的新任销售总监,亚历克斯·戈登(Alex Gordon)期待着与公司地区经理的首次会面。


四级"Antarctica creates a hostile environment," says the operation director for the British Antarctic Survey.


2019年6月四级真题(第二套)听力 Section A

四级John Nielsen, AAA's managing director of automotive engineering and repair, said tests suggest drivers may be overestimating their own abilities.

AAA汽车工程和维修部总经理约翰·尼尔森(John Nielsen)表示,测试表明驾驶员可能高估了自己的能力。

2017年6月四级真题(第一套)听力 Section A

六级There are good reasons it causes such anxiety," says Lisa Sohmer, director of college counseling at the Garden School in Jackson Heights, N.Y.

纽约杰克森海茨花园学校的大学咨询主任丽莎·索默(Lisa Sohmer)说。


六级Young people grow up without developing the skills to fix things around the house," says Richard Curtin, director of the Thomson Reuters/University of Michigan Surveys of Consumers

“年轻人在成长过程中没有发展出修理房子周围东西的技能,”汤森路透/密歇根大学消费者调查主任理查德·柯廷(Richard Curtin)说


六级When Stephen Covey, founder and director of the Leadership Institute, explored leadership styles in the past decade, he focused on the habits of a great number of highly effective individuals.

在过去的十年里,领导力研究所的创始人兼主任斯蒂芬·科维(Stephen Covey)在探索领导力风格时,重点关注了大量高效个人的习惯。


六级Ronald Lee, director of the Centre on the Economics and Demography of Ageing at the University of California, Berkeley, puts it briefly and clearly: "We don't really know what population ageing will be like, because nobody has done it yet.

加利福尼亚大学的老龄化经济学和人口统计学中心主任伯克利(Ronald Lee)简明扼要地说:“我们还不知道人口老龄化会是什么样的,因为还没有人做过。”


六级We're hearing things like, 'We don't know what the situation will be in six months so let's travel now' ", Ashley Toft, managing director of the U. K. tour operator Explore has been surprised to see an increase in last-minute bookings of high-priced trips to such places as India, Bhutan and Nepal.



六级According to Ashley Toft, managing director of Explore, what is changing now with regard to travels

根据Explore董事总经理阿什利·托夫特(Ashley Toft)的说法,现在旅行方面发生了什么变化


六级"It is about the flashiness and the gadgets,"said John Curran, managing director of research at Accenture.

埃森哲研究部总经理约翰·科伦(John Curran)说:“这是关于浮华和小玩意的。”。

2016年12月六级真题(第二套)阅读 Section B

六级Local director Elizabeth Walsh says they provide training and guidance to help unemployed workers find local job opportunities.


2016年6月六级真题(第一套)听力 Section C

四级Director of evening radio programs



六级“There are good reasons it causes such anxiety,” says Lisa Sohmer, director of college counseling at the Garden School in Jackson Heights, “It’s not just the actual writing.

杰克逊高地花园学校的大学咨询主任Lisa Sohmer说:“它引起这种焦虑是有充分理由的,这不仅仅是实际的写作。”。


六级“There are good reasons it causes such anxiety,” says Lisa Sohmer, director of college counseling at the Garden School in Jackson Heights, “It’s not just the actual writing.

杰克逊高地花园学校的大学咨询主任Lisa Sohmer说:“它引起这种焦虑是有充分理由的,这不仅仅是实际的写作。”。


六级’’ And Becky Kanis, the campaign’s director, commented : 'There is this sense in our minds that someone who’s on the streets is almost in their DNA different from someone who has a house.



六级“We are very proud of our accomplishments under the Greenlist system and we believe that we will prevail in these cases,” Christopher Beard, director of public affairs for SC Johnson, said, while acknowledging that “this has been an area that is difficult to navigate.

庄臣公共事务总监Christopher Beard表示:“我们为自己在绿名单制度下取得的成就感到骄傲,我们相信在这些情况下我们会获胜。”同时承认“这是一个很难驾驭的领域。”。


六级According to social psychologist Brian Nosek, executive director of the Center for Open Science, the average data-sharing rate for the journal Psychological Science, which uses the badges, increased tenfold to 38% from 2013 to 20 Funders, too, are increasingly adopting an open-data policy .

根据开放科学中心执行主任、社会心理学家Brian Nosek的说法,使用徽章的《心理科学》杂志的平均数据共享率从2013年到20年增加了10倍,达到38%


六级“If you look at a lot of low-income communities in the United States, there are programs that are serving them, but they’ re primarily centered around 'Let’s get these kids’ grades up’, and not around 'Let’s get these kids access to the same kinds of opportunities as more-affluent kids,’” said Daniel Zaharopol, the founder and executive director of the program.

该项目的创始人兼执行董事Daniel Zaharopol说:“如果你看看美国的许多低收入社区,都有为他们服务的项目,但它们主要围绕着‘让我们提高这些孩子的成绩’,而不是‘让这些孩子获得与更富裕的孩子相同的机会’。”。


六级“This study shows the importance of so-called 'non-cognitive’ or soft skills in contributing to children’s positive peer relationships, which, in turn, contribute to their academic success,” said Kenneth Dodge, director of the Duke Center for Child and Family Policy.

杜克大学儿童与家庭政策中心主任Kenneth Dodge说:“这项研究表明了所谓的‘非认知’或软技能在促进儿童积极的同伴关系方面的重要性,而这种关系反过来又有助于他们的学业成功。”。


六级Huw Price, the centre’s academic director and the Bertrand Russell professor of philosophy at Cambridge University, where Hawking is also an academic, said that the centre came about partially as a result of the university’s Centre for Existential Risk.

该中心的学术主任、剑桥大学伯特兰·罗素哲学教授休·普莱斯(Huw Price)表示,该中心的成立部分归功于该大学的生存风险中心。霍金也是剑桥大学的一名学者。


六级Anthony Atala, director of the Wake Forest Institute in North Carolina, belives failing organs will be repaired by injecting cells into the body.

北卡罗来纳州威克森林研究所所长Anthony Atala相信,通过将细胞注射到体内,可以修复衰竭的器官。


六级Many do this by themselves because they have no other way to get to the schools,” says Dr. Richard Gallagher, director of the Parenting Institute at the New York University Child Study Center.

纽约大学儿童研究中心育儿研究所所长Richard Gallagher博士说:“许多人自己这么做是因为他们没有其他途径去学校。


六级“Broadband is available for as little as £15 a month, but many businesses fail to appreciate the hidden costs of such a service,” says Neil Stephenson, sales and marketing director at Onyx Internet, an internet service provider based in the northeast of England.

“宽带的价格低至£总部位于英格兰东北部的互联网服务提供商Onyx Internet的销售和营销总监Neil Stephenson表示:“每月15英镑,但许多企业没有意识到这种服务的隐藏成本。


六级Marketing director Jack O Hern explains that the company has a relatively young workforce, many of whom are parents: “One of the triggers was when one of our tax managers returned from maternity leave.

市场总监Jack O Hern解释说,该公司的员工相对年轻,其中许多是父母:“其中一个导火索是我们的一位税务经理休完产假回来。


六级Ronald Lee, director of the Centre on the Economics and Demography of Ageing at the University of California, Berkeley, puts it briefly and clearly: “We don’t really know what population ageing will be like, because nobody has done it yet.



六级"If you look at who enters college, it now looks like America," says Hilary Pennington, director of postsecondary programs for the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, which has closely studied enrollment patterns in higher education.

比尔和梅琳达·盖茨基金会(Bill&Melinda Gates Foundation)的中学后项目主任希拉里·彭宁顿(Hilary Pennington)说:“如果你看看谁进入了大学,现在看起来就像是美国。”该基金会密切研究了高等教育的招生模式。


六级"We're hearing things like, 'We don't know what the situation will be in six months so let's travel now' ", Ashley Tuft, managing director of the U. K. tour operator Explore has been surprised to see an increase in last-minute bookings of high-priced trips to such places as India, Bhutan and Nepal.

英国旅游运营商Explore的董事总经理阿什利·塔夫脱(Ashley Tuft)惊讶地发现,前往印度、不丹和尼泊尔等地的高价旅行在最后一刻的预订量有所增加。


六级Peter Orszag, Obama’s Budget Director, recently called the U. S. budget deficits unsustainable and he’s right.



四级What worries Richard Smith, the Skylab’s director, is the “big pieces” that will come through the atmosphere, Two lumps, weighing 2 tons each, and ten, weighing at least 1,000 pounds each, will come in at speeds of hundreds of miles an hour and if they crash on land they will dig holes up to 100 feet deep.



四级” says James Fozard, associate director of the national Institute on Aging.

”国家老龄化研究所副所长James Fozard说。


四级Gene Cohen, acting director of the same institute, suggests that people in their old age should engage in mental and physical activities individually as well as in groups.



四级“Nobody wakes up in the morning and says, 'Let’s be nicer,’” says Itsik Cohen, director of a consulting firm.

一家咨询公司的主管Itsik Cohen说:“没有人早上醒来会说,‘让我们变得更好’。”。


四级“Exercise by itself is a very tough way to lose weight,” says York Onnen, program director of the President’s Council on Physical Fitness and Sports.

“锻炼本身就是一种非常艰难的减肥方式,”总统体质和运动委员会项目主任York Onnen说。


四级“ While many good and useful claims are being made, it is clear there is a long way to go in ensuring shoppers are adequately informed about the environmental impact of products they buy,” said Consumers International director Anna Fielder.

消费者国际总监Anna Fielder表示:“尽管人们提出了许多好的、有用的主张,但很明显,要确保购物者充分了解他们购买的产品对环境的影响,还有很长的路要走。”。


四级“There are good calories and bad calories, just as there are good fats and bad fats, good amino acids (氨基酸) and bad amino acids, Lustig, director of the Weight Assessment for Teen and Child Health program at UCSF, said in a statement.

“有好的卡路里和坏的卡路里,就像有好的脂肪和坏的脂肪,好的氨基酸(氨基酸) 加州大学旧金山分校青少年和儿童健康体重评估项目主任Lustig在一份声明中说。


四级The food industry tries to imply that “a calorie is a calorie is a calorie, says Kelly Brownell, director of the Rudd Center for Food Policy and Obesity at Yale University.

耶鲁大学Rudd食品政策与肥胖中心主任Kelly Brownell表示,食品行业试图暗示“一卡路里就是一卡路里,就是一卡路里”。


四级Says Brindis, one of the report’s authors and director of UCSF’s Philip R. Lee Institute for Health Policy Studies: “We recognize that there are cultural and celebratory aspects of sugar.



四级"These digital products aren't just mechanisms for students to submit homework, they offer all kinds of features," David Anderson, the executive director of higher education with the Association of American Publishers, told BuzzFeed News.



四级Scott is delighted to get food advice from a physician who is program director of the nearby Mary and Dick Allen Diabetes Center, part of the St. Joseph Hoag Health alliance.



四级“We really want to link food and medicine, and not just give away food,” says Dr. Rita Nguyen, the hospital’s medical director of Healthy Food Initiatives.

“我们真的想把食物和药物联系起来,而不仅仅是送食物,”医院健康食品倡议的医学主任Rita Nguyen博士说。


四级“Most of the participants are people who are just walking by or are on the island for other reasons, or they just kind of happen to be there,” Alexandra Chasin, artistic director of Writing On It All,tells Smithsonian.



四级“The move to recapture a small part of the profits from an industry that pushes a product that contributes to diabetes, obesity and heart disease in poorer communities in order to reinvest in those communities will sure be inspirational to many other places,” said Jim Krieger, executive director of Healthy Food America.

美国健康食品执行董事Jim Krieger表示:“从一个在贫困社区推广导致糖尿病、肥胖和心脏病的产品的行业中夺回一小部分利润,以便对这些社区进行再投资,这一举措肯定会激励许多其他地方。”。


四级That comment, says Mothering Justice director Danielle Atkinson,“was meant to shame and relied on the familiar notion that a woman of color concerned about income inequality and programs that pro-mote mobility must by definition be a single mom, probably with multiple kids.



考研Almost immediately word flashed on the Internet and was picked up, half a world away, by John Hofsess, executive director of the Right to Die Society of Canada.

这个消息几乎立刻在互联网上闪现,并在半个世界之外被加拿大死亡权利协会执行主任约翰·霍塞斯(John Hofsess)发现。


考研Nancy Dubler, director of Montefiore Medical Center, contends that the principle will shield doctors who “until now have very, very strongly insisted that they could not give patients sufficient medication to control their pain if that might hasten death”.


