
词根词缀记忆/谐音联想记忆 补充/纠错
词根guid(同guide,意为“指导”) +  …………
谐音记忆我在指导( guidance )鬼( gui )跳舞( dance ) → guidance n.指导,指 …………
词性拓展记忆 / 词形拓展记忆
vocational guidance 职业指导
career guidance 职业指导
visual guidance 视觉引导
staff guidance 工作人员指导
guidance system 制导系统
guidance counselor 指导顾问
parental guidance 部分不适合儿童观看的
psychological guidance 心理辅导
guidance and support 指导和支持
face to face guidance 面对面引导
emphasize guidance to and support of arts education 强调对艺术教育的指导和支持
guidance plan 指导计划
guidance of public opinion 舆论引导
expert guidance 专家指导
job guidance 工作指导
employment guidance 就业指导
too much guidance 指导太多
window guidance 车窗导向装置
Under his father's guidance, Eric learned how to swim.
Tom's had no context. He's been completely without guidance.
You should not do anything under the guidance of instincts.
The guidance counselor provided invaluable advice to students on choosing their career paths.
She followed the doctor's guidance carefully and recovered quickly from her illness.
The GPS gave us clear guidance on how to reach our destination."
Her mentor's guidance helped her navigate the challenges of starting a business.
The guidance system in the aircraft automatically steers it towards the runway.
The teacher's guidance was instrumental in shaping the students' critical thinking skills.
The government offers financial guidance to first-time homebuyers.
He sought the guidance of an astrologer before making any major decision.
The app provides step-by-step guidance for learning a new language.
Her parents' guidance played a crucial role in her moral upbringing.
Technical teams of State Grid Anyang Power Supply Co have therefore checked the status of power lines and equipment of the substation area, provided electricity demand consulting services based on local load capacity and offered free safety guidance to users, said the power supplier.
In order to ensure a secure and reliable power supply for local enterprises engaged in the upcoming order booms, technicians from State Grid Laiwu Power Supply Co have taken a series of proactive measures such as safety checks and user guidance.
In addition, tailored assistance and guidance are also provided to staff members, enhancing the overall awareness of safe power usage among employees, said Chunfeng Miaomu Seedling Co. To date, State Grid Anyang Power Supply Co. has completed more than 20 inspections of electricity use for seedling companies, helping solve 17 cases related to power usage.
Meanwhile, from a policy perspective, clearer policy guidance is needed on how to define, cluster and approve digital innovative products, as well as improve the reimbursement process.
With six rounds of on-site services and professional guidance, the Suqian unit ensured the smooth operation of the substation on Oct 16 in Longheng, leading to "many thanks" from Qiu.
The professional team also extensively inquired about the electricity needs of the enterprise, providing guidance on more rational and economical electricity usage.
Electric workers also paid regular visits to know the actual power needs from farmers and business owners, and check the equipment status to provide guidance on power use and resolve problems.
But less than half of the Chinese employees are using generative AI under the guidance of their employers, which means that there is much room of related training services, said Ni.
"The employment landscapes are quite disparate, and venturing into unfamiliar markets has posed significant challenges to employee management and localization efforts," said Wang Xiangwei, an HR business partner at China International Marine Containers (Group) Co Ltd. "Therefore, having authoritative and reliable support and guidance is imperative for us.
In an era where more business processes are becoming digital, paired with the workforce moving away from traditional workspaces, the need to accelerate and scale talent is driving a global trend of the augmented-connected workforce, a strategy for optimizing employee value that uses intelligent online applications and workforce platforms to provide guidance and support the workforce's experience, well-being and performance, US market research consultancy Gartner Inc said in its latest report on the Top 10 Strategic Technology Trends for 2024.
在一个越来越多的业务流程正在数字化的时代,再加上劳动力从传统工作场所转移,加速和扩大人才规模的需求正在推动全球增强互联劳动力的趋势,这是一种优化员工价值的战略,使用智能在线应用程序和劳动力平台来提供指导和支持劳动力的体验,美国市场研究咨询公司高德纳公司(Gartner Inc)在其关于2024年十大战略技术趋势的最新报告中表示。
"We finished our fourth quarter and full fiscal year strong, delivering on the higher end of our full-year guidance.
"The discovery provides important guidance for exploration in similar basins and facilitates the growth of our reserves and production of unconventional oil and gas," he said.
The discovery provides important guidance for exploration in similar basins and facilitates the growth of our reserves and production of unconventional oil and gas, he said.
They provide guidance for safe electricity use based on the company's needs.
They also provided guidance to customers on how to handle new energy business online, allowing customers to quickly learn the information on new energy policies and gain the benefits of photovoltaic power projects.
Additionally, it is in the process of drafting tailored guidance policies for each strategic emerging industry and setting up specialized funds.
The company has focused on creating the Yuguangqu support plan, tailor-made an electricity guide for rice and shrimp farmers, and provided on-site guidance to solve power supply problems.
It is estimated that nearly 3 million rural families have benefited from the platform since its launch on Jan 1, 2020 under the guidance of government organs, such as the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, and the All-China Federation of Supply and Marketing Cooperatives.
Issuing such guidance with 31 detailed measures is the Chinese government's latest step to boost support for private firms as a part of the country's larger driver to revive the economy amid downward pressures.
Since Wednesday, the team of eight newcomers, under the guidance of their respective "master", has put its hands on real concrete structures and "blueprints of buildings for real lives", instead of "sitting and looking at a screen all the time".
GSI successively overcame technical difficulties in building the vessel, including cutting and welding of crack resistant steels and automatic welding of crack resistant steel robots, under the guidance of a large container ship expert group from CSSC, according to the statement.
Under the guidance of financial regulatory authorities, Ant has been conducting business rectification since 2020.
Under the guidance of financial regulatory authorities, Ant has been conducting business rectification proactively since 2020, and now it has completed the related work on rectification, the company said, adding it will further enhance its compliance governance.
Zhu said that a set of 14 volumes of teaching materials for the Asian Games was jointly written by the public security department, traffic police department, Asian Games organizing committee, Asian Games command center and scholars from the Zhejiang Institute of Communications to provide specific guidance for transportation services during the Games.
Proper guidance should be given to the private sector for its healthy and high-quality development, and private firms should take the initiative to pursue high-quality development.
He Yaqiong, Director of the Department of Consumer Goods Industry of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, said the ministry is making continuous efforts to strengthen industrial policy guidance by issuing the Guidance on the High-Quality Development of Chemical Fiber Industry, publishing and revising the Normative Conditions for Recycled Chemical Fiber (Polyester) Industry and Interim Measures for the Administration of the Announcement on the Normative Conditions of the Recycled Chemical Fiber (Polyester) Industry, promoting high-quality, high-efficiency, high-value recycling of waste resources such as waste textiles and bottle flakes, and promoting the structural adjustment and industrial upgrading of the recycled chemical fiber (polyester) industry.
The project will provide reference and guidance for subsequent oil and gas field development and large-scale emission reductions of coastal high-emission enterprises, while opening up a new road of carbon reduction and environmental protection, said Lin Boqiang, head of the China Institute for Studies in Energy Policy at Xiamen University.
Maquet believes that China's ambition to peak carbon dioxide emissions by 2030 and achieve carbon neutrality by 2060 has also given foreign companies like Veolia guidance for development, presenting multinational corporations with numerous opportunities.
Launched on Jan 1, 2020, the platform is under the guidance of the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, the National Rural Revitalization Administration, and the All China Federation of Supply and Marketing Cooperatives.
"Under the guidance of Chinese construction instructors, I have learned how to tie steel bars," said Felix Aberto, who lives in a nearby village and was among the first group of Angolan workers hired by CREC4 Municipal Engineering.
“在中国建筑老师的指导下,我学会了如何系钢筋,”Felix Aberto说,他住在附近的一个村庄,是CREC4市政工程公司雇佣的首批安哥拉工人之一。
At the guidance of Chinese staffers, he learned to read the Chinese project drawings and worked as a competent CREC4 builder, he said.
In a separate statement, Ant said: "Under the guidance of regulators, we are focused on steadily moving forward with our rectification work and do not have any plan to initiate an IPO.
Through providing actionable guidance and training, the partnership will help Mexican enterprises expand their business online through digital transformation and will support SMEs to get better access and more opportunity to participate in the global digital market.
Since mid-April, on receiving guidance on contagion prevention, efforts to restore normalcy in business have been consistent and thorough across the city, said Wu Jincheng, director of Shanghai Commission of Economy and Informatization.
Under the guidance of the "One-Four-Five" strategy, China Re Group adhered to the general tone of "making progress while ensuring stability",and insisted on the operational policy of "stabilizing growth, adjusting structure, controlling risk, and increasing profitability", achieving a good opening of high-quality development for the 14th Five-Year Plan.
In September, Pan Jianwei, a renowned quantum physicist from the University of Science and Technology of China, said, "With the active participation of leading enterprises and guidance from the government, an industrial chain that covers the equipment, network, safety and standards of quantum communication has been basically formed in China.
By offering more guidance and convenience, I hope we can better serve the SMEs to go global," Ren said.
Yuan Linjiang, Party secretary and chairman of China Re, gave a speech on the "One-Four-Five" strategic guidance for the company's high-quality development.
Luxury parka maker Canada Goose announced on Thursday that it has, with the guidance of the Shanghai Consumer Council, updated and optimized its return and exchange policy for products sold on the Chinese mainland.
In a statement published on the company's Weibo account, Canada Goose reiterated its commitment to the 14-day free exchange policy it has always had, provided more detailed solutions for product quality issues and published detailed after-sales guidance.
Luxury parka maker Canada Goose on Thursday announced that it has, with the guidance of the Shanghai Consumer Council, updated and optimized its return and exchange policy for products sold in the Chinese mainland.
In the statement published on the company's Weibo account, Canada Goose reiterated its commitment to the 14-day free exchange policy it has always had, provided more detailed solutions for product quality issues and published a detailed after-sales guidance.
The plan will provide technological and innovative services for enterprises and public welfare organizations, which often lack financial and technological support, operational guidance, communication channels and volunteer services.
Next, a joint working group will perform the duties of guidance, coordination and supervision, and continue to implement the group's bankruptcy and restructuring plans and other related risk management work, the statement said.
US companies operating in China will receive guidance on how to further involve in the dual-circulation development paradigm and promote sustainable development as outlined in China's 14th Five-Year Plan (2021-25).
Under the guidance of the Shanghai Association for Science & Tech, L'Oreal China will also set up a special award called For Girls in Science in the city's science and technology innovation competition targeting the youth.
Many shoppers opt to make less frequent, higher-value purchases in store, preferring to test products and receive guidance from staff before splashing out on bigger items.
Starting from the source, we must do a good job in popularizing science education and health guidance for women of childbearing age," he said.
The Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security said during a meeting that it will give administrative guidance to 10 major companies involved in the new form of employment in order to address prominent problems in the protection of workers' lawful rights and interests.
This research project, which is under the guidance of Beijing Municipal Health Commission and Beijing Municipal Science & Technology Commission, is beneficial to improving hospitals' clinical research quality, strengthening their innovative abilities, and promoting the construction of research-based patient rooms.
Backed by China's mature rice-planting methods and modern agricultural machinery in local areas, CR20G has been providing technical guidance and services to local farmers to effectively increase their income and ensure local food security.
With the 24/7 online consultation services provided by in-house medical teams and the authoritative guidance of external renowned doctors, users have been provided with a wide range of services, such as online consultations, prescription, medication guides, results interpretation and follow-up care available at home, he said.
Favorable policies have been issued frequently, especially under the guidance of the CAAC's 14th Five-Year Plan (2021-25), Shih noted, adding emerging businesses like short-haul transport, entertainment and emergency rescue are growing rapidly.
Foxconn founder and CEO, Terry Guo, said on social media that there was no guidance or interference from mainland authorities on the procurement process, and the purchase was purely a commercial transaction.
Didi said under the supervision and guidance of relevant departments, it will comprehensively sort out and investigate network security risks, and continue to improve the network security system and technical capabilities.
"Under the guidance of China's dual carbon target, we will further accelerate our pace of local innovation and make bigger contribution in China's remarkable journey of green development and industry transformation, together with our customers, partners, local community and government," said Gu.
"According to the Department of Health Quarantine of the General Administration of Customs, Chinese enterprises that send their employees overseas should enhance administration and guidance of employees, conduct epidemic analysis, and monitor employees' health conditions regularly.
The MOC said that it will lay emphasis in promoting the development of cross-border e-commerce, enhancing operational guidance, and enabling the pilot zones to play a leading role in driving the import of high-quality commodities.
The co-op is expecting earnings in the fourth quarter to come under further pressure and is providing guidance that its full year earnings are expected to be more toward the mid-point of the range.
"This is also in accordance with the 2021 energy guidance of the central government, which emphasizes innovation in energy infrastructure construction, digitalization in oil and gas fields as well as pipeline networks," she said.
Recognizing shifts occurring in Chinese online shoppers' consumption behavior because of the pandemic, a newly co-created "Online Sales Effectiveness" solution will enable brands to more accurately understand the input and output of sales campaigns in order to optimize for future online investment effectiveness, build shopping-driven models according to consumer segmentation and provide guidance on the timing of consumers' key decision-making points during the purchase cycle.
The company recently raised growth guidance from 5-8 percent to 8-12 percent for 2021, as China is expected to be one of the "main pulls" amid medical imaging equipment demand such as for X-ray machines and MRI scanners.
Every milestone created in China is inseparable from the government's policy guidance and support, and we want to actively participate in and promote its development," he said.
Aramco expects capital expenditure for 2021 to be around $35 billion, significantly lower than the previous guidance of $40-45 billion.
On March 1, the Ministry of Commerce said in a notice that it was working on a blueprint to offer guidance on stabilizing foreign investment during the 14th Five-Year Plan period.
The NYSE announced later Friday that it would suspend the trading of the ADSs issued by CNOOC starting at 4 am EST (0900 GMT) on March 9, citing US Executive Order 13959 and updated guidance provided by the Office of Foreign Assets Control under the US Department of the Treasury.
China's effective control of the pandemic, clear guidance for economic development and unwavering resolve to further open up its markets are among the factors reassuring overseas companies aiming to consolidate their presence in the country via further investment and localized efforts, said Zhang Yuyan, director of the Institute of World Economics and Politics.
Effective control of the contagion, clear guidance for economic development and the unwavering resolve to further open up the market are among the factors reassuring overseas companies aiming to consolidate their presence in China through further investment and localized efforts.
Next, under the guidance of the National Development and Reform Commission, ICC-NDRC will coordinate and organize relevant parties to work closely with EniGroup to jointly promote the implementation of the MoU.
An announcement from Ant Group on Sunday said that it accepted the requirements and will establish a special working group to deal with rectification and will follow guidance from the regulators during the entire process.
Mao Zhenbin, a senior official at the Department of Science, Technology and International Cooperation of the National Medical Products Administration, said: "The new regulations encourage the import of safe and effective cosmetics into China, and offer clearer guidance to MNCs.
The event was hosted by the Yicai Media Co Ltd under the guidance of the city's publicity department and the municipal administration of culture and tourism.
To further ensure the effective dissemination of its "Smart Drinking" ideas, Budweiser has also participated in the "Traffic Safety Experiential Course" public service program under the guidance of the traffic management bureau of the Ministry of Public Security.
As China and the ASEAN will continue to deepen cooperation under the guidance of the Strategic Partnership Vision 2030, Zhang said the recently signed RCEP, which aims to cut tariffs, further open markets and lower trade and investment barriers, will boost economic development and further integrate the regional market over the next decade.
China's private enterprises are receiving guidance and assistance from the National Medical Products Administration in an unprecedented way to reinforce the former's commitment to the research and development of COVID-19 test kits, industry insiders said.
To address today's uncertain global business and trade environment, she said UPS, also a three-time participant to the China International Import Expo, has launched a series of webinars around the Asia-Pacific region, including in China, to provide market insights and guidance to businesses on how they can navigate disruptions.
The center was established under the guidance of Liu Zhihong, director of the National Clinical Research Center of Kidney Diseases, Jinling Hospital, and academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering.
Products that have obtained BTD will receive closer guidance and various forms of support, including from senior FDA officials, to ensure patients are provided with new treatment options in the shortest amount of time.
"The macro-control policies in the past few years have effectively stabilized home prices, land prices and market expectations for residential properties, and we are going to stick to such guidance," Xia Haijun, president of Evergrande, said during the company's interim result conference.
Occupational diseases caused by long-term standing and repetitive work operations need professional health guidance, he said, adding they also look forward to more opportunities for communication and professional empowerment.
Jointly working with the Beijing Disabled Persons' Federation, Starbucks China will offer career guidance and roll out support for hearing impaired communities to broaden their opportunities in job searches.
"Following the government's guidance, we will fulfill our corporate responsibility to help increase the treatment level of the industry, and help consumers raise safety awareness and pursue beauty in a rational way," said Winston Wu, head of Corporate Affairs of Allergan Aesthetics China.
Favorable government policies, strategic guidance from academic research institutions and large enterprise support are also needed," Gao said.
Chalco said as the COVID-19 pandemic develops overseas, the company has hired local medical teams to provide guidance and support for workers at the Boffa project to ensure their security and well-being.
Despite a challenging quarter due to reduced economic activities in light of the COVID-19 epidemic in China, the company achieved its annual revenue guidance of over 500 billion yuan.
Between April 1 and Sunday, it had held 24 video conference trainings, offering guidance to healthcare professionals from Asia, Europe, Latin America and Africa, among others.
With the government's guidance, Fosun has deployed more than 3.92 million units of medical supplies-including surgical masks, protective suits and diagnostic reagents-to help contain the pandemic in countries confronting the deadly contagion.
In Wuhan, under the guidance and support of the local government, Walmart has actively participated in government-led projects, such as the "10-yuan low-price vegetable package" and "government reserved frozen pork" projects to support supplies and balance prices.
They are scheduled to work in Nigeria for 30 days and will provide necessary medical aid, guidance for outbreak prevention and control to CRCC's Chinese and Nigerian employees in the West African country.
They are scheduled to work in Nigeria for 30 days and will provide necessary medical aid and guidance on epidemic prevention and control to the railway's Chinese and Nigerian employees in the West African country.
The virus test kits of several Chinese companies-including BGI Group and Hunan province-based Sansure Biotech Inc-have also become commercially available in the United States, with updated guidance from the United States Food and Drug Administration issued on March 16.
Wang Peijun, chairman of the committee of the radiology branch under the Shanghai Medical Association, said even though computerized tomography imaging offers valuable guidance for COVID-19 detection, the nucleic acid test is still a gold standard for confirmed cases, as CT image shadows could be caused by other lung diseases.
Fonterra's key financial targets for 2020 are to meet its earnings guidance of 15-25 cents per share, achieve a gross margin in excess of NZ$3 billion, reduce debt so it is no more than 3.75 times its earnings and ensure capital expenditure is no more than NZ$500 million, said the CEO.
In accordance with guidance and recommendations from the World Health Organization, the Chinese government and local authorities, Airbnb has activated its extenuating circumstances policy to offer affected hosts and guests the option of canceling reservations without penalty.
RDPAC companies are leveraging digital healthcare tools to provide disease management services, medication guidance, online consultations, and drug deliveries to patients with life-threatening diseases such as cancer, kidney problems, and severe immunological diseases who are facing difficulties getting critical treatments and medications due to the epidemic.
An increasing number of foreign companies have gradually resumed activities in China as the Chinese authorities have been giving them targeted support and guidance.
The Chinese e-commerce giant also posted guidance for the first quarter of 2020, expecting the net revenues to grow at least 10 percent compared with the first quarter of 2019.
"As a result, we do not expect to meet the revenue guidance we provided for the March quarter.
Meanwhile, the local disease control center has strengthened the publicity and guidance of epidemic prevention and control among dairy enterprise employees.
Next, it is planning to offer psychological support, including psychological knowledge related to the epidemic, as well as guidance on self-psychological adjustment.

六级Today's teenagers admire their parents and welcome parental guidance about important matters such as career choice—though certainly not Mom and Dad's advice on matters of personal taste, such as music or fashion.



六级Kapur points out that while the model adopted by many teachers when introducing students to new knowledge―providing lots of structure and guidance early on, until the students show that they can do it on their own―makes intuitive sense, it may not be the best way to promote learning.



高考For previous generations, college was decisive break from parental control; guidance and support needed help from people of the same age and from within.


2016年高考英语北京卷 阅读理解 阅读D 原文

六级The Department for Education's guidance says schools can charge only for board and lodging if the trip is part of the syllabus, and that students receiving government aid are exempt from these costs.


2019年12月六级真题(第三套)阅读 Section C

六级Within just the past five years, I have noticed parents returning to a belief that teenagers need the guidance of elders rather than the liberal, anything goes mode of child-rearing that became popular in the second half of the 20th century.



六级within just the past five years, I have noticed parents returning to a belief that teenagers need the guidance of elders rather than the liberal, "anything goes" mode of child-rearing that became popular in the second half of the 20th century.


2016年6月六级真题(第一套)阅读 Section B

四级After that, I did careers work in secondary schools like the careers guidance people.



六级Giving students detailed guidance and instruction.



六级Local director Elizabeth Walsh says they provide training and guidance to help unemployed workers find local job opportunities.


2016年6月六级真题(第一套)听力 Section C

四级There is, in our view, no real dispute here, we are all seeking the same thing, which is schools that better serve our children and our nation by encouraging students to tackle tough subjects under the guidance of gifted teachers.



四级I am sure I wrote essays in the later years of high school without my mother's guidance, but I can't recall them.



六级Under the guidance of counselors, these students are placed in classes with teachers who have had success in working with similar young people.



四级This guidance eliminated the need for customers to circle the parking lot endlessly, and avoided confrontation between those eyeing the same parking space.



四级“While there is truth to this guidance, it fails to take into account that the human body continues to fight against weight loss long after dieting has stopped.



四级I am sure I wrote essays in the later years of high school without my mother's guidance, but I can't recall them.



四级The academy’s guidance does not include specific recommendations for the dosing of play.



考研Now, in a shocking reversal, it’s the criminal who is considered victimized: by his underprivileged upbringing, by the school that didn’t teach him to read, by the church that failed to reach him with moral guidance, by the parents who didn’t provide a stable home.


