
词根词缀记忆/谐音联想记忆 补充/纠错
词根nitro(硝石)+gen(产生):硝石产生 …………
谐音记忆拿戳针 → 气球里充满氮气会飘起来,拿针戳一下,氮气就出来了 → nitrogen n.氮 …………
nitrogen dioxide 二氧化氮
nitrogen oxide 氮氧化物
nitrogen cycle 氮气循环
nitrogen monoxide 一氧化氮
The light is full of gaseous nitrogen.
Oxygen and nitrogen are all gases.
Nitrogen is a key component of proteins and nucleic acids in all living organisms.
Farmers often use fertilizers rich in nitrogen to boost crop yields.
The atmosphere contains about 78% of nitrogen gas.
Nitrogen fixation is the process by which atmospheric nitrogen is converted into a form usable by plants.
Lightning can cause nitrogen in the air to combine with oxygen, forming nitric oxide.
Ammonia, NH3, is a common compound of nitrogen used in many household cleaning products.
Nitrous oxide, also known as laughing gas, is used as an anaesthetic in dentistry.
The excessive use of nitrogen-based fertilizers can lead to water pollution due to leaching.
Nitrogen oxides contribute to the formation of smog in urban areas.
In chemistry, nitrogen can form multiple bonds, making it versatile in compound formations.
Powered by environmentally friendly liquefied natural gas, the vessel can significantly reduce emissions of nitrogen and sulfur oxides.
According to the China Nitrogen Fertilizer Industry Association, China produced 80.23 million tons of methanol in 2022, as the largest methanol producer and consumer in the world.
The ship's design meets the requirements of the latest emission standards of nitrogen oxides and sulfur oxides, and also the hazardous substances list in the EU regulation on ship recycling.
The drive system of the 49,900-metric-ton oil and chemical tanker is a methanol hybrid that can reduce carbon emissions by up to 75 percent, nitrogen emissions by 15 percent, and sulfur and particulate emissions by 99 percent, said Zhou Xuhui, vice-president of GSI.
The green benefits are also massive, as the use of nuclear energy heating in the area has so far reduced emissions of carbon dioxide by 180,000 metric tons in equivalent, nitrogen oxide by 2,021 tons, sulfur dioxide by 2,138 tons and soot by 1,243 tons, it said.
After completion of the 7,000 photovoltaic power generation sites nationwide, they are expected to generate about 480 million kWh of solar power, helping cut about 500,000 tons of nitrogen dioxide pollutants.
According to SPIC, the use of nuclear energy heating is expected to cut emissions of carbon dioxide by 180,000 tons, emissions of soot by 691 tons, emissions of sulfur dioxide by 1,188 tons and emissions of nitrogen oxide by 1,123 tons.
Backed by Anta‘s nitrogen technology, these types of shoes are lightweight, rebound and wear-resistant.
Some of China's standards are even more stringent than Europe including emissions from coal-fired power plants, limits on sulfur dioxide and nitrogen dioxide, as well as sewage discharge.
The vessels were built and delivered by two Shanghai-based shipyards under CSSC - Hudong-Zhonghua Shipbuilding (Group) Co Ltd and Jiangnan Shipyard (Group) Co Ltd. LNG is a particularly clean source of power which can reduce emissions of sulphur and fine particles by 99 percent, nitrogen oxides emissions by 85 percent and carbon dioxide emissions by about 20 percent when compared with fuel.
With an average life span of 25 years, the station can reduce 3,800 tons of carbon dioxide, 116 tons of sulfur dioxide and 56 tons of nitrogen oxide.
The Chinese firm is responsible for building all the facilities and installing equipment including natural gas condensate and re-injection nitrogen devices within the plant, and providing all provisional operation and maintenance, debugging and performance-testing services.
The company's pollutant emissions continued to decline, and chemical oxygen demand emissions, ammonia nitrogen, sulfur dioxide and nitrogen dioxide emissions decreasing by 5.7 percent, 13.6 percent, 8.5 percent and 7.6 percent, respectively, compared with that in 2018.
LNG is a particularly clean source of power that can reduce emissions of sulfur and fine particles by 99 percent, nitrogen oxide emissions by 85 percent and carbon dioxide emissions by up to 20 percent, said Xavier Leclercq, vice-president of CMA Ships.
It is expected to reduce carbon dioxide emissions by up to 164 million tons, sulfur dioxide emissions by 1.82 million tons and nitrogen dioxide emissions by 460,000 tons.
According to Wang Yilin, chairman of CNPC, chemical oxygen demand and ammonia nitrogen emissions, sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides decreased by 7.9 percent, 7 percent, 7.6 percent and 7.2 percent respectively year-on-year in 2018.
As a result, the emission of dusts, sulfur dioxide (SO2) and nitrogen oxides (NOx) - the main pollutants from burning coal - are respectively two, two and 19 milligrams per cubic meter, even much lower than China's emission standards for gas turbines, which are five, 35 and 50 milligrams per cubic meter.
Electricity generated by clean energy from CGN increased 20 percent to 211.9 billion kilowatt-hours in 2017, the equivalent of 66.13 million tons of standard coal, thus reducing carbon dioxide emissions by 160 million tons, and nitrogen oxide and sulfur dioxide emissions each by 320,000 tons, it said.
It makes the carrier more environment-friendly, as the liquefied gas produces 30 percent less nitrogen oxides and 15 percent less carbon dioxides than the usual fuel.
Electricity generated by clean energy from CGN increased 20 percent to 211.9 billion kilowatt hours in 2017, the equivalent of 66.13 million tons of standard coal, thus reducing carbon dioxide emissions by 160 million tons, and nitrogen oxide and sulfur dioxide emissions each by 320,000 tons, it said.
The nitrogen oxides emissions of the renovated ship have been reduced by more than 80 percent, said the administration.
Volvo, which is owned by China's Geely, will not develop any new diesel cars because the cost of reducing nitrogen oxide emissions is too great, according to the company's chief executive.
While diesel cars produce less carbon dioxide than petrol cars, they create far more nitrogen oxide, which is damaging to health.
As a result, the scale of development and utilization of renewable energy in the country was equivalent to 753 million metric tons of standard coal last year, reducing 2.07 billion tons of carbon dioxide, 400,000 tons of sulfur dioxide and 450,000 tons of nitrogen oxide.
Total emissions of chemical oxygen demand and ammonia nitrogen will see an 8-percent drop, and that of oxynitride and volatile organic compounds will be reduced by more than 10 percent from the 2020 level, said the plan.
The firm has since extended its portfolio to products targeting fluorine, total nitrogen and phosphor.
For nitrogen oxide emissions control, we have low NOx burners, whereas sulfur dioxide emissions are controlled by a flue-gas desulfurization system," Hassan said.
In September, its PM2.5 level fell to 18 micrograms per cubic meter, while concentrations of inhalable particulate matter — sulfur dioxide, nitrogen dioxide and carbon monoxide — had all turned first-class by national standards on air quality.
The project can also reduce emissions of ash and nitrogen oxide by 30,000 tons and 137.05 tons, respectively, per year.
The world's number one container liner company is one of the company's clients and about 80 percent of the company's orders are from overseas, said Li Hao, director of international operation department of Guangzhou Shipyard International Co Ltd, a subsidiary of China State Shipbuilding Co Ltd. More than 60 percent of the company's existing orders are high-tech, high value-added methanol dual fuel or LNG dual fuel new green ship types, which can reduce emissions of carbon, nitrogen oxides and sulfur thus greatly reducing environmental pollution, the report said.
Additionally, there should be a reduction of over 10 percent in both nitrogen oxide and volatile organic compounds emissions compared to levels recorded in 2020.
Electrification in the steel sector, like the deployment of the electric arc furnace, which heats material by means of an electric arc, can also significantly enhance the energy efficiency of the steel industry, and reduce emissions of major air pollutants, such as nitrogen dioxide, by more than 80 percent by 2060.
He added that experts have introduced the "land-based ecological fishery," which is a rice-fishing cycle ecological planting and breeding system that uses water rich in nutrients such as nitrogen and phosphorus to irrigate rice fields.
The project will reduce coal consumption by 5,726 metric tons annually, and cut emissions of carbon dioxide by 14,000 tons, dust by 209 tons, sulfur dioxide by 60 tons and nitrogen oxide by 85 tons, it said.
It is then combined with nitrogen to produce ammonia.
Total emissions of chemical oxygen and ammonia nitrogen will see an 8 percent drop by 2025 compared with the 2020 level, and that of oxynitride and volatile organic compounds will be reduced by more than 10 percent from the 2020 level, the plan stated.
Fullcryo had already developed helium refrigerator models that could reach the low temperatures required to produce liquefied oxygen and liquefied nitrogen, neither of which is as low as those needed to liquefy hydrogen.
The project, designed to heat 242,400 sq m, would help reduce carbon consumption by 12,100 metric tons, soot by 2.09 million tons, sulfur dioxide by 14,000 tons and nitrogen dioxide by 850,000 tons.
SPIC said the use of nuclear heating is expected to cut annual emissions of carbon dioxide by 180,000 tons, soot by 691 tons, sulfur dioxide by 1,188 tons and nitrogen oxide by 1,123 tons.
It will replace about 800,000 tons of standard coal and meet the national minimum emission standards for nitrogen oxides, said Datang.
The station, with an annual power output of around 127,000 kilowatts to 147,000 kW, can reduce 91.2 metric tons to 105.6 tons of carbon dioxide, 116 tons of sulfur dioxide and 56 tons of nitrogen oxide, and boasts an average life span of 25 years.
The power helped these regions reduce the burning of standard coal by 18.02 million metric tons, and emissions of carbon dioxide, sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides by 48.67 million tons, 153,000 tons and 133,000 tons, respectively, according to the center.
The volume of the clean electricity the Three Gorges Dam generated in 2020 is equivalent to saving 34.39 million tons of standard coal and reducing emissions of carbon dioxide, sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides by 94.02 million, 224,000 and 212,000 tons respectively, a boon to China's efforts to build a clean, safe, efficient and low-carbon energy system and contributing to its green development initiatives.
Now production is efficient, said Aleksandar Milic, technical director of the plant, adding that in controlling emissions of sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxide and dust, the facility meets or even exceeds EU standards.
The power transmitted to the southern part of Anhui province is equivalent to the energy produced by about 16 million tons of standard coal, cutting emissions of carbon dioxide, sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxide by 43.2 million tons, 136,000 tons and 118,400 tons, respectively, according to the State Grid's Xinjiang branch.
One year later, an automatic sorting line and nine nitrogen gas packing lines were established.
Delivering on pledgesZhejiang Energy Group, which upgraded its power plants with the system, says emissions of sulfur dioxide are down 83 percent against national emissions standards, nitrogen oxides are down 50 percent and particulates 67 percent.
"Rapid technological improvements have allowed many Chinese labs to eliminate the presence of other elements that impact diamond quality, such as nitrogen molecules that make the stone look yellow and reduce its value," Sun said.
"Complementing each other through a circular economy model, they will mutually supply and prepare oxygen, nitrogen, hydrogen and shared construction materials, raising the credibility of company operations and decreasing construction and operation costs, thus achieving a win-win situation.
The Norway-based international certification agency said Chinese industry leaders' focus on decarbonization aligns with the government's new "Blue Sky" plan to tackle air pollution by reducing emissions of sulphur and nitrogen oxides and other pollutants by at least 15 percent from 2015 levels by 2020.
"Each gigawatt of nuclear capacity built in place of coal - about the size of one new nuclear power plant - will avoid the emission of around 8 million tons of carbon dioxide each year, as well as sulfur and nitrogen oxides and particulates.
That is the world's strictest, with sulfur dioxide discharged in gas waste less than 30 milligrams per cubic meter and nitrogen oxide less than 50 milligrams per cubic meter.
So removing the oxygen and filling the space with a chemically nonreactive gas — such as nitrogen — leads to higher reliability of the running of the machines.
According to official statistics, medium and heavy commercial vehicles account for 5 percent of the vehicle ownership in China, but their particulate and nitrogen oxide emissions account for 68 and 90 percent respectively in the country.
"Compared to the diesel bus, natural-gas buses can reduce the emission of particles by 80 percent and nitrogen oxide by 90 percent, according to the Chilean government.
Wolfsburg-based VW manipulated 11 million cars worldwide to meet limits for emissions of harmful nitrogen oxides under lab conditions.
Government pushes to make existing engines even cleanerBERLIN - German Transport Minister Andreas Scheuer announced on Friday that his government is preparing to unveil a new concept to lower nitrogen oxide emissions from vehicles affected by the "dieselgate" scandal.
The 55-year-old and another unnamed senior manager at the Volkswagen subsidiary are suspected of committing offenses of criminal fraud and "indirect false certification" in the marketing of diesel vehicles which were fitted with defeat devices to understate their actual Nitrogen Oxide (NOx) emissions.
The Audi CEO and another unnamed senior manager at the company are both suspected of committing fraud and "indirect false certification" in the European marketing of diesel vehicles, which were fitted with illicit defeat devices to understate their actual Nitrogen Oxide (NOx) emissions.
Both stand accused of criminal fraud and "indirect false certification" in the European marketing of diesel vehicles which had been fitted with illicit defeat devices to falsify Nitrogen Oxide (NOx) emission levels in test settings.
European Commissioner Elzbieta Bienkowska said the EU has had a "breakthrough moment" since Germany-based Volkswagen AG admitted in 2015 that it fitted diesel engines with software to cheat checks in the United States on smog-causing discharges of nitrogen oxides.
The function served to understate the levels of nitrogen oxide (NOx) emissions produced by the affected vehicles of the latest 1.6-liter "Euro6" diesel motor type.
The move will limit harmful nitrogen oxide emissions.
A revised policy in December outlined new vehicle emission limits on carbon monoxide, hydrocarbons, nitrogen oxides and particulate matter.
The West Virginia University's Center for Alternative Fuels, Engines and Emissions stopped short of accusing Fiat Chrysler of emissions cheating, but said on-road tests of Jeep Grand Cherokee SUVs and Ram 1500 pickups revealed nitrogen oxide levels at three to 20 times what is permitted by US clean-air rules.
Nitrogen oxide, or NOx, can cause smog and acid rain.
China will further push the green transition in steelmaking, nonferrous metals, construction materials and petrochemical sectors, to ensure an 8 percent drop in both total emissions of ammonia nitrogen and demand for chemical oxygen.
With a temperature of -196 C, which is the temperature range required for liquid nitrogen liquefaction, the technology can greatly improve losses in power transmission due to a resistance of zero, said the company.
Fertilizer and chemicals maker CF Industries jumped 6.3 percent to $51.05 after it said it expects better nitrogen fertilizer prices over the next few years.
Upon completion and after subtracting the emissions from burning natural gas, the project is expected to reduce annual carbon dioxide emissions by 595,700 tonnes, particulate matter by 3,700 tonnes, sulfur dioxide by 1,488 tonnes and nitrogen oxide by 4,442 tonnes, according to the statement.
Emissions of nitrogen oxides and volatile organic compounds will be cut by over 10 percent.
He said key sectors such as coal-fired power, steel and cement and the use of automobiles contributed over 80 percent of nitrogen oxide emissions, while sectors including industrial coatings and petrochemicals accounted for over 70 percent of volatile organic compound emissions.
Upon completion, the projects are expected to reduce 6,091 tons of dichromate oxygen demand, 5,787 tonnes of suspended solids and 761 tonnes of total nitrogen each year.

四级A third is certain basic chemicals such as carbon, oxygen and nitrogen.


