
词根词缀记忆/谐音联想记忆 补充/纠错
词根seem(似乎好像)+ ing(表形容词,“ …………
对比记忆seem vi.好像,似乎
seeming a.表面上的
seemingly adv.看上去, …………
seemingly innocent 无伤大雅
seemingly unaware 似乎不知道
a seemingly endless journey 似乎永远走不完的路
Seemingly there is nothing we can help.
He is seemingly ageless.
This is a seemingly endless journey for us.
She seemed genuinely interested in what I had to say.
The weather seems to be improving, let's hope it stays that way.
He seemed to have forgotten all about the meeting.
The house appeared seemingly untouched by time.
Her smile seemed forced, as if she was hiding something.
The solution to the problem seems straightforward, but it's actually quite complex.
They seemed like an ideal couple, but eventually they divorced.
The child seemed oblivious to the danger around him.
His explanation of the concept seemed convoluted and confusing.
The project is progressing seemingly without any issues.
The inspiration came from Wang's personal experience as a globe-trotter, a lifestyle seemingly requiring an unlimited number of styles without repeating herself on various occasions.
Ren said Huawei invests about $3 to 5 billion annually in basic theoretical research, working together with universities to study seemingly useless science.
The shortage of traffic, in turn, discouraged content curators from joining games, thus forming a seemingly vicious circle.
But companies can go very deep into respective industries despite their (seemingly small) size.
The education sector, which traditionally relies on offline schools and institutions, is moving online seemingly overnight.
"The administration doesn't need congressional approval to ban an entity, but it sets a dangerous precedent to do so without clear and extensive justification of wrongdoing, seemingly on a whim or as a personal bargaining chip," wrote Scott Galloway, a professor of marketing at the New York University Stern School of Business, in his blog.
The seemingly unorthodox behavior is paying off.
"The extraordinary efforts made by the seemingly ordinary people are empowering us to play our part in the battle, giving us the confidence to win the battle," Guo said.
This is a seemingly valid point though people living in China (including me) might take the names for granted.
After a failed initial public offering by the shared workplace company WeWork, multinational conglomerate SoftBank came to the rescue with a seemingly odd idea: pay Adam Neumann, the man who created the mess, $1.7 billion to walk away.
Every management model is a double-edged sword, as evidenced by the seemingly democratic management mode adopted by foreign enterprises where every individual voice is respected, but it may result in low efficiency, especially slow decision-making during a crisis.
Gao Chen, a 30-year-old Chinese woman, has been leading a team in India for Vmate, an app owned by a subsidiary of internet giant Alibaba, to discover talented people and shoot short videos of them doing seemingly ordinary things-dancing, singing, joking or making handicrafts-in ways that grab attention.
Today's seemingly unlimited amount of information - online news, social media, daily emails and a lot of other open data and shared information - makes knowledge management applications a must-have tool, judging by their growing popularity with Chinese netizens.
The court filing said JD is "vicariously liable" for Liu's behavior as his alleged actions happened while he was "seemingly" at work-related activities, and the assault and battery began in the presence of two other JD employees.
In the digital era, advances in technology call for new skills seemingly overnight," it said.
Traveling with children can be a challenge, especially during the holiday hustle and bustle when parents are entangled with bags of baby products, irregular feeding needs and the seemingly endless crying of their babies.
So while the challenges around environmental degradation are high, if you look at the history of China in terms of being able to tackle seemingly insurmountable problems, we remain quite optimistic that the Chinese government and people will be able to address these problems and move forward," said Stephen P. Groff, vice-president for East Asia, Southeast Asia and the Pacific at the Asian Development Bank, in an exclusive interview with China Daily on Thursday.
Now that China is seemingly taking the lead in the latest round of retail upgrade, our business here is likely to ride that wave," he said.
"I could see the wall stretch seemingly endlessly in both directions," he said in a recent interview with China Daily.
I could see the wall stretch seemingly endlessly in both directions, up and down hills and mountains, and no hurdle seems to have been too high for the builders.
Such practices bring into sharp focus the challenges foreign firms face in India, despite the country's seemingly vast and promising consumer market.
The latter embody a certain spirit that could inspire millions of people to overcome the seemingly insurmountable odds created by the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the economy.
Innovative exporters best COVID woes and protectionismOver the last few years, Wu Dazhi, president of the Guangzhou Leather& Footwear Association, has seen China's foreign trade companies undergo a remarkable makeover, which, he said, encapsulates the amazing resilience of the Chinese business spirit in the face of a plethora of seemingly insurmountable odds.
These workers are dubbed "modern-day Yugong" for their daily efforts in controlling sand and transforming the desert into an oasis, achieving a seemingly impossible task through dogged persistence.
Though seemingly less severe than the Delta variant, Omicron is still a dangerous viral strain and can cause serious symptoms, especially among the elderly and unvaccinated.
The seemingly rapid growth rate last year should be compared to the pre-COVID readings in 2019.
In today's highly connected and digitalized society, where good or bad news can seemingly go viral in a split second, the perception of a company's brand and reputation can change overnight.
Yet, few may have recognized the Chinese government has already taken a series of seemingly separate but actually integrated steps this year to clear some long-standing hurdles to consumption expansion.
"With positives and challenges seemingly hanging on either side of a balance, policymakers, economists and business leaders have stressed the need for stepping up policy efforts to boost domestic consumption.
"The world community is more fragile and more divided than ever, seemingly lacking the spirit and the political tools to find the necessary answers to common challenges.
At the same time, the education level of China's labor force has notably improved, and the bottom line is changing from a simple, seemingly unlimited supply of labor source to a comprehensive advantage in human resources.
Despite a clear shift to more services and innovation-based development in recent times, an upgrade to the industrial chain is seemingly retaining the robust role manufacturing plays, especially in the southern province of Guangdong.
Increasing amounts of aquatic products cultivated in clear, fresh water from melting snow are being exported to consumers around the world from a seemingly unlikely place, Northwest China's Xinjiang Uygur autonomous region.
He attributed the success of this seemingly impossible adventure to China's remarkable transportation network.
Ever since the concept of the metaverse started gripping the global tech industry last year, some of my colleagues and friends have been worrying that children will become increasingly addicted to such a seemingly omnipotent virtual world.
With China's property market now seemingly heading for an era of weaker demand, housing market speculation and an excessive inflow of funds naturally no longer represent the sector's top issues to be remedied.
The seemingly complicated rules rolled out in Shanghai recently can effectively ensure houses in this megacity are allocated to families that desperately need their own accommodation.
The seemingly complicated rules rolled out in Shanghai recently can effectively ensure houses in this megacity be allocated to families with rigid needs.
But with China largely flattening the COVID curve since late March, the resort saw such a dramatic bounce-back in tourist numbers that an empty suite at a seemingly prohibitive price tag of 3,000 yuan ($439.5) per night became hard to get.
Steaming, stir-frying, boiling, charcoal grilling, and braising, Cantonese cuisine, one of the four major Chinese cuisines, has been using a variety of seemingly simple methods to keep the natural flavors of the ingredients for hundreds of years.
As waves lap at the seemingly floating towers, electricity is generated by harnessing powerful winds that rotate the giant blades of these fans installed on sea.
"The previous seemingly utopian model has already been subject to skepticism over its ability to turn a profit, making investors wary of shared bikes.
Some female pet-owners, exasperated by the seemingly never-ending wait, got into cat-fights, while others indulged in slanging matches on learning the cups were in short supply.
The imposition of an exorbitant 25 percent tariff on the importation of China-origin art will seriously impair strong American competition for Chinese works of art, enhancing the already seemingly one-way traffic of Chinese art back to China.
Unexpected connections can occur between seemingly unrelated things in this world.
Israeli President Isaac Herzog recently delivered a speech that made global headlines, as the speech was partly written by ChatGPT, the seemingly omnipotent artificial intelligence chatbot that has taken the world by storm in the three months since its launch.
As Wandering Earth II, the sequel to China's most successful sci-fi epic, is well received in cinemas, the seemingly omnipotent industrial robots, a recurring presence in the film, offer a glimpse into the country's plan to be a global innovation hub for robotics.
"Technologies like AI deepfakes — the manipulation of videos and images to create seemingly realistic but fabricated content — have had a huge impact on society.
""But bosses do not want their brands to remain silent during the pandemic, especially when others are seemingly have a good time in the limelight," she said.
But as the worst of the epidemic is seemingly over in China, it has witnessed signs of recovery.
Horizontal surfaces on the dashboard and the seemingly floating center console convey a sense of openness for the occupants of the four individual seats.
"Like many other domestic companies, we faced seemingly insurmountable competition from foreign brands in the printing industry then, with their high standards, advanced technology and established presence," said Shi, now 49.
Unlike NFTs, the virtual Dionysus bag, which was resold at an astronomical price, cannot be traded outside of the Roblox platform, making it seemingly a vanity investment for a superfan.
The Chinese Academy of Sciences has been crowned for nine consecutive years, and continued to hold a seemingly unassailable lead in share in 2020, more than twice that of its nearest competitor, Harvard University.
"It is especially the case when cutting-edge technology is being used in more and more scenarios with faster-than-expected speed,"Zhang said, adding that technologies like AI deepfakes-the manipulation of videos to yield seemingly realistic, but fabricated, images and sounds-have had a huge impact on society.
I spent nearly six hours wandering the expo's four pavilions, encountering booths for cloud-based agriculture-monitoring technology, AI-driven physical fitness software, intelligent transportation technology and a seemingly endless number of virtual reality displays.
"But such a seemingly booming scene of 'luxuriant foliage' is, in fact, very dangerous, and it can be upended in an instant, because it is not supported by 'deep roots' under the ground," he said, referring to the lack of homegrown core technologies such as high-end chip manufacturing techniques.
Experts call for united efforts to deal with potential challenges linked to super-fast 5GWhile 5G technologies seemingly bring up endless possibilities, this new era of pervasive connectivity will also pose new risks in cybersecurity.
Li Xunlei, chief economist of Zhongtai Securities, said China has managed to register a seemingly perfect economic growth curve over the past two decades via counter-cyclical adjustments.
Currency faces pressure amid Fed rate hikes, slowing economic reboundChinese authorities are closely watching renminbi exchange rate movement and would take further action to defend the currency if it depreciates too rapidly amid the seemingly unfinished US rate hike cycle, experts said on Thursday.
Concerns over China's economic recovery pace have thus emerged, resulting in the seemingly sluggish performance of the Chinese yuan, Zhu said.
Despite the seemingly roundabout business process, a total of 14 securities firms, including industry leaders such as Huatai Securities and CITIC Securities, have started distribution businesses for personal pension funds-based mutual fund products.
So, how come the PBOC has chosen the seemingly risky rate cut at a time when the Fed is in its most aggressive rate hike cycle in decades?
On top of decreasing bond prices, elevated inflation in the US has offset the seemingly high nominal yields on US Treasuries, said Yang Jinghao, chief economist at Concat Data Technology (Hangzhou) Co Ltd. Apart from China shunning potential market losses, Ye from the Bank of China Research Institute said the country's pared US debt holdings will also help diversify and optimize its overseas asset allocation.
While Wednesday's rate hike brought the US federal funds rate to a range between 1.5 percent and 1.75 percent, more increases are seemingly in the pipeline as the Fed sees the funds rate at the 3.4 percent level by the end of this year.
Multi-year growth will digest the "seemingly high valuation today", she said, adding that many sub-sectors actually remain reasonable in valuation, like lithium and some select battery names.
These have indicated that seemingly scary risks like commodity-driven inflation can be translated into emerging investment opportunities and will not hurt some long-term market trends.
Indeed, due to physiological and psychological features, women in general have a stronger tendency to avoid losses and are more likely to be satisfied with seemingly ordinary but stable returns.
"People who were hanging onto gold for protection took some of that off the table and seemingly have now moved back into risky assets for the time being," David Mazza, head of ETF products at Direxion Investments, was quoted as saying in explaining the recent large amount of withdrawals in gold backed ETFs.
The decrease followed a debt growth slowdown in 2017 and, although seemingly marginal, provides evidence that the country's debt-driven period has ended.
Analysts attributed the optimism to the light of monetary policy at the end of the dark, seemingly endless tunnel of corporate debt, as the total outstanding debt financing instruments reached 9.19 trillion yuan ($1.39 trillion)Fears of corporate debt defaults that bedevilled market sentiment for long, are receding.
Second, they craved grains such as sorghum rice and corn meal, and third -- a seemingly unattainable dream at that time -- was to have rice and flour on the table at any time, with a meal of meat regularly.

六级We have the ability to connect seemingly different threads to solve problems we've never seen before.


2018年12月六级真题(第二套)听力 Section C

高考This tension between what we feel we can have and " what we're seemingly able to have is the niggling suffering, the anxiety we feel.


2015年高考英语福建卷 阅读理解 阅读D 原文

考研The music is abrupt and seemingly disconnected, as in the last piano sonata.



高考News of immediate reward will seemingly take their readers to the very frightening scene without actual involvement.


2015年高考英语江苏卷 任务型阅读 题设

六级Even seemingly harmless details on a resume, it appears, can tap into recruiters' biases.



四级The brain is a seemingly endless library, whose shelves house our most precious memories as well as our lifetime's knowledge.



六级And, apparently, that day has come because seemingly routine operations such as knee replacements are now much more hazardous due to the looming threat of these infections.



四级The author's mother taught him a valuable lesson by pointing out lots of flaws in his seemingly perfect essay.



六级Think of something as seemingly benign as the cellphone: we have microfinance and text-based social networking at one end of the spectrum, and improvised explosive devices at the other.


2019年6月六级真题(第三套)阅读 Section B

高考The most successful office designs are like a good marriage-the well-designed office and the employees that occupy it are seemingly made for each other.


2015年高考英语上海卷 选词填空 原文

六级There is no essential difference between seemingly opposite opinions.



六级Indeed, the fouth generation is marginally worse off than the third James Jackson, of the University of Michigan, has found a similar trend among black Caribbean immigrants, Tells fears that Mexican-Americans may be fated to follow in the footsteps of American blacks-that large parts of the community may become mired(陷入)in a seemingly permanent state of poverty and Underachievement.



六级And how does it compare with the other, seemingly perpetual health scares we confront, like panic over lead in synthetic athletic fields?



四级And though our own world was seemingly self-contained, it impacted on the white world of Piedmont in almost every direction.



四级The brain is a seemingly endless library, whose shelves house our most precious memories as well as our lifetime’s knowledge.


2017年6月大学英语四级真题 (第3套)

四级The terms “global warming and “climate change are used by many, seemingly interchangeably.



考研This accounts for our reaction to seemingly simple innovations like plastic garbage bags and suitcases on wheels that make life more convenient: "How come nobody thought of that before? "


