
词根词缀记忆/谐音联想记忆 补充/纠错
谐音晒的 → 晒得很热 去棚子里避避署 → sh …………
谐音记忆晒的 → 晒的花都谢了,“脱落”了
词性拓展记忆 / 词形拓展记忆
shrewd / shed / shred / shroud
cabin / cottage / but / shed
cabin → 多指建造粗糙的简陋小木屋,也指旅客或船员住的船舱。现在也指节假日游游者的简便住房。
cottage → 指穷苦人住的乡间小茅屋。现在也指雅致的小住宅 …………
bicycle shed 自行车棚
shed blood 流血
shed light on/upon 照亮,阐明
shed crocodile tears 猫哭老鼠;假慈悲
shed some light on 让我们了解一下
shed light on 阐明
shed light on sth. 了解某事
shed light upon 照亮
sheds some light on 让我们了解一下
shed out 流出,流出
shed tears 流下眼泪
shed blood 流血
shed some light on sth. 对某事有所了解
factories shed workers so fast 工厂很快就解雇了工人
shed new light on 重新认识
quay shed 码头棚
shed weight 卸下的重量
shed leaves 落叶
shed crocodile tears 流下鳄鱼的眼泪
Harry shed his clothes onto the sofa.
The neon light shed a soft glow on her face.
The cows are in the shed.
She shed tears when she heard the sad news.
He shed his old beliefs after a life-changing experience.
The garden shed was filled with gardening tools.
They decided to shed some excess staff to cut costs.
The snake shed its skin as it grew larger.
After a long day, he shed his work clothes and relaxed in his pajamas.
The company shed its reputation for poor customer service.
The sun shed its warm rays on the frosty morning.
She shed a new light on the situation with her insightful analysis.
The ship shed its anchor and set sail.
His speech at the 2023 Techo TVP Developer Summit shed light on the digital transformation of software development in this field.
他在2023年Techo TVP开发者峰会上的演讲阐明了该领域软件开发的数字化转型。
Official data from the Ministry of Commerce shed light on the investment dynamics.
Zhu Chuanlu, a partner lawyer specializing in taxation law at Beijing Zhonglun W&D Law Firm, said the ministry's decision to impose a fine and suspend an auditing firm's operations suggests that foreign auditors, when reviewing and auditing their clients, should "shed more light on the quality of the company, instead of focusing just on the size of it", particularly against the backdrop of guarding against systemic risks.
北京中伦律师事务所(Beijing Zhonglun W&D law Firm)税法专业合伙人律师朱传禄(音)表示,中国审计部决定对一家审计公司处以罚款并暂停其业务,这表明外国审计师在审查和审计其客户时,应该“更多地关注公司的质量,而不仅仅关注公司的规模”,特别是在防范系统性风险的背景下。
JD's layoffs came after media reported tech behemoths Tencent and Alibaba are preparing to shed tens of thousands of jobs this year in one of their biggest layoff rounds.
Currently, more than 3,900 sq m of warehouse and rain shed roofs at Qingdao Port's fully automated terminal have been equipped with photovoltaic facilities, which can churn out 800,000 kilowatt-hours of power.
The difficulties China Evergrande is facing may shed any light on other Chinese real estate developers who must likewise abide by the principle that "houses are for living in, not for speculation".
Meituan, which is backed by tech giant Tencent Holdings, has shed about $160 billion in market value since its February high.
"The research shed light on China's cataract patients' need for more disease education, and the industry's expectations for more innovative treatment solutions," said Wang Liping, vice-president of Australia & New Zealand, China Mainland, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, and Taiwan Region for Johnson & Johnson Surgical Vision.
Its aim was to delve into the latest travel trends in the theme park sector and shed light on where the industry is headed in the coming years, said Dai Bin, president of the academy.
"Inspired by the theme "Lighting up the Future," the event will shed light on issues related to intelligent networks, the foundation for digital services, among others.
The survey, launched by Johnson & Johnson Vision, is a comprehensive, large-scale global eye health survey conducted to shed light on people's understanding of the importance of eye health.
com has seen its price shed more than 40 percent.
When the benchmark Shanghai Composite Index shed 7.72 percent on Feb 3-the first trading day after the unexpectedly extended Spring Festival-Zoy also saw its price drop by the daily limit of 10 percent to close at 21.32 yuan.
The papers shed more light on why the company collapsed and how Thomas Cook management battled to save the group including Thomas Cook airlines and retail shops.
Experts predict the bank will shed at least 3,000 jobs in London, where it employs around 7,000 people.
The two Hong Kong listed subsidiaries, Future Land Development Holdings Ltd, plunged by 23.86 percent and S-Enjoy Service Group shed 23.72 percent during the last hour of trading on Wednesday.
Its US dollar bond due by 2023 shed a 27 percent on Wednesday, hitting a record high.
A digital subtraction angiography cath lab was established in the Baicheng municipal hospital of northeastern Jilin province earlier in May, which shed light on China's primary hospitals that are struggling with interventional therapies due to financial, technical and operational difficulties.
To do so, it plans targeted and regional initiatives, designed to shed light on the strengths and excellences present in both economies and contribute to building synergies between these.
Some people saw the busy production plant on the assembly line, and they could not help but shed tears.
The benchmark Shanghai Composite Index shed 25 percent last year, according to Shanghai-based market tracker Wind Info.
The move, amid a difficult time for some car- and bicycle-sharing counterparts, has shed some new light on the car-sharing industry.
With an offering price of HK$15.60 ($2), the company's share price shed 3.97 percent on its first trading day to close at HK$14.98.
The Hong Kong-listed company has shed nearly 40 percent in market value so far this year.
Before the trial started, AT&T lawyers said the Time Warner deal may have been singled out for government enforcement but Judge Richard Leon of the US District Court for the District of Columbia rejected their bid to force the disclosure of White House communications that might have shed light on the matter.
He showed how it is possible to shed daylight on the prayer hall through a system of reflectors installed between the inner and outer part of the dome.
Peter Zhang, Greater China CEO of Aon Hewitt, said that this year's winners proactively have shed off rigidness that is characteristic of large companies, and have created a more empowered, autonomous, open, innovative and collaborative culture within their companies, which have contributed to their success in the human resources sector.
Ethiopia hopes the completion of similar irrigation projects will help shed the image of Africa's second most populous nation at 100 million as being a perennial drought-prone nation.
In the eyes of Rinnert, the 13th Five-Year Plan (2016-20) has laid a solid ground for Chinese companies to embark on technological breakthroughs and shed over-capacities through the supply-side structural reform, guidelines that are in line with what his company could offer.
It is hence unsurprising that both companies have now decided to shed their once lucrative Chinese assets at a similar timing, leaving people wondering whether their dominance over the past two decades has inevitably faded.
Of all the 35 third-tier cities, new home prices shed 0.5 percent on month but retreated 1.5 percent on the year.
Besides, Gaballah believed the conference would provide an ideal opportunity to shed light on the environmental problems and climate damage facing African countries, which have contributed little to global warming.
Koo's speech shed light on the economic challenges China now faces, reminiscent of Japan's experience in the 1990s when the bursting of the real estate bubble led to a decline in asset values and an increase in liabilities for both businesses and individuals.
He stressed that new measures introduced in this regard will shed more light on bringing greater convenience for residents' consumption.
More importantly, the holiday tourist boom has shed light on the resilience and strength of the world's second-largest economy and will factor in the nation's overall economic recovery efforts this year, Xu said.
Hang Seng Index in Hong Kong shed 11 percent.
To shed the image of an old-fashioned heavy-industry base, the "rust-belt" region has been seeking to upgrade its industries by fostering innovation.
Reflecting on the commitments of China and Japan to achieve carbon neutrality by 2060 and 2050 respectively, experts shed light on the strategies and pathways for achieving net-zero emissions developed by the two countries, while enterprise representatives shared best practices related to the matter.
Meanwhile, Hang Seng Index and Shenzhen Component Index have both shed by more than 20 percent compared with the same period last year, while and the Shanghai Composite Index is down by over 10 percent.
What makes Bridgewater's performance outstanding is that during the same period, the local benchmark, the Shanghai Composite Index, shed as much as 6.63 percent, with comparable global indexes abroad not faring much better either.
The upcoming 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China is expected to map out a blueprint for China's economic development for the next five years and beyond and shed light on the country's strategic solutions to improve growth quality with a focus on addressing unbalanced and inadequate development, experts said.
The benchmark Shanghai Composite Index shed 1.44 percent on Tuesday to close at 2886.43 points.
As if in anticipation of a sustained boom in infrastructure, an index tracking A-share infrastructure construction companies provided by China Securities Index Co Ltd grew by 7.16 percent to 4666.12 points from the beginning of the year to Feb 18, even though the benchmark Shanghai Composite Index shed 4.09 percent during the same period.
He said that the key for more targeted special spending is to shed more light on the high-quality growth of the manufacturing sector; on tackling difficulties for medium, small and micro businesses; and on technological innovation.
Li Baodong, secretary-general of the BFA, said this year the forum will shed light particularly on issues regarding innovative development, inclusive growth and global cooperation amid efforts to facilitate global development via joint efforts.
"Events and activities of the expo and summit will shed a highlight on the 30th anniversary of the establishment of dialogue relations of China and ASEAN, to enhance friendly exchanges and all-around cooperation," Jin Yuan, deputy head of the general office of China's Ministry of Commerce, said at a conference held in Nanning on Thursday.
Global financial hubs "should not become platforms and tools for governments to suppress and sanction other countries", Yi said, adding any "zero-sum game" mindset should be shed, as global financial communities have become intertwined with common interests.
The decision of China's policymakers to cut the RRR came as the country is scheduled to release key economic data next week, including GDP for the second quarter, which will shed light on the outlook for China's economy.
Its strong performance this year has shown how much the world needs China to realize a sound global economic recovery in 2021, noted a recent Bloomberg opinion piece that shed light on China's key economic indicators for November.
By 2 pm Tuesday, the average wholesale price of pork, a staple meat in China, went down 0.5 percent to 39.34 yuan (about $5.88) per kg, and that of eggs shed 0.1 percent to 7.77 yuan per kg.
Against such a background, Gu said, the hosting of the third CIIE in Shanghai early next month is of special importance, as it will shed a ray of hope over a gloomy sky, particularly since China is believed to be the only major economy to register positive growth this year.
Prices of baijiu liquor, pharmaceutical and food and beverage companies shed 20 percent to 30 percent on average in September.
"The chicken shed you see here houses 12,000 chickens, and on the other side there are more such sheds.
Having experienced both glory and decline, the province is now doubling down on technological innovation as a primary driver of growth, aiming to shed its image as an old-fashioned heavy industry base.
Wu, a fitness enthusiast for more than five years, said: "After-work hours have become an important time for me to shed some of the work stress.
Tan Jianrong, an academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, shed light on crucial aspects of the metaverse.
To assess the sustainability of the market rally of SOEs, Meng said investors can monitor SOEs' interim results, which are set to be released in August and could shed more light on their potential operating efficiency improvements, as well as any further policy guidance on SOE reforms and the valuation system with Chinese characteristics.
In particular, the country's newest catalog of industries for attracting foreign investment, which took effect on Jan 1, continues to encourage foreign investment in the manufacturing industry and has shed a spotlight on sectors including rare disease drugs, children's medicines and high-end medical devices, he said.
- A slew of listed Chinese internet giants have unveiled their financial performances in the third quarter of 2022, which shed light on the accelerated pace of industrial transformations in the country.
This shed light on the sector's potential to make steady progress and the optimistic outlook for the development of long-term rental organizations, said China's long-term rental enterprise Ziroom.
Japan's Nikkei dropped 2.94 percent while South Korea's Kospi shed 2.29 percent.
XI'AN -- The Xi'an Silk Road International Tourism Expo, which concluded on Sunday, has shed light on the strong recovery momentum in China's tourism sector in the post-COVID-19 era.
Data from the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development further shed light on this trend.
The growing migrant population has also shed light on the country's future urban living patterns, with a higher proportion of people opting for houses in major cities and their surrounding areas, including city clusters within the Yangtze River Delta region, the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region, as well as the Chengdu-Chongqing dual city cluster, said Xu Xiaole, chief market analyst with Beike Research Institute.
Guidelines will shed light on promoting industrial upgrading by continuously promoting green, low-carbon growth in a number of industries.
It shed another 9.38 percent on Monday and 1.67 percent on Tuesday to close at 64.8 yuan per share, the lowest in six months.
Now, gleaming skyscrapers shed light on the rivers day and night.
China on Monday opened the 3rd Digital China Summit in Fuzhou, capital of Fujian, to shed light on the country's achievements in applying digital technologies to promote economic and social development and aid the battle against COVID-19.
The aim is to help steel companies shed outdated capacity and give permission to those companies for new capacity at certain levels.
West Texas Intermediate for May delivery shed $55.9 to settle at-$37.63 a barrel on the New York Mercantile Exchange on Monday, a decline of nearly 306 percent.
It's unclear if such measures will be enough to calm the market's long-term fears, especially after the Dow shed more than 2,000 point Monday.
Gasoline consumption climbed 3.7 percent in Q1, while diesel consumption shed 4.1 percent during the same period.
Kopi's daughter Priscilla planned to grow more rice on her father's farmland and build a shed to grow mushrooms.
The opening ceremony of the Hangzhou Asian Games, which marked the richest and most skillful use of augmented reality in history, has shed spotlight on the sustainable and digitally enhanced future of such gala events, according to the creative team.
The share prices of the three NEV makers have been sliding since Feb 9 and have shed more than $30 billion in value, according to a report by Securities Daily on Wednesday.
Shares of the Shanghai-listed automaker shed 1.28 percent to close at 9.29 yuan apiece Friday.
Kia's car sale at the local market shed 2.8 percent, with those for GM Korea and Renault Samsung posting a double-digit reduction.
Meanwhile, Chinese new energy vehicle makers are increasingly adopting domestic energy storage devices and motors, as they shed reliance on foreign suppliers to enhance their export competitiveness.
Revenue shed 4 percent over the year to 22.44 trillion won ($20.8 billion) in the March quarter, and net income tumbled 48 percent to 731.6 billion won ($680 million).
Revenue shed 1.5 percent over the year to 24.31 trillion won in the quarter, and net income plunged 48.2 percent to 913.63 billion won.
The results shed new light on the United States Justice Department's allegations in a civil lawsuit last month that Fiat Chrysler Automobiles has used illegal "defeat devices", software that helps evade emissions tests.
Companies in the automobile industry are increasingly turning to that wisdom as they try to shed light on such new tech trends as autonomous driving.
Starting in 2018, the company regularly polls around 1,000 residents in each of 17 select countries including China, the United States, Mexico and Germany to discover people’s sentiments toward science, and how the results could shed light on science education and actions from the private sector.
The outline, which was reviewed by lawmakers and political advisors at the annual "two sessions" that concluded earlier this month, shed light on a future where people lead a more digitalized life, and scientists blaze new trails in frontier areas such as next-generation artificial intelligence and gene technology.
The draft outline, which is under review by lawmakers and political advisors across the country at the annual "two sessions," shed light on a future where people lead a more digitalized life, and scientists blaze new trails in frontier areas such as next-generation artificial intelligence (AI) and gene technology.
The fight against COVID-19 has shed new light on the artificial intelligence-assisted medical sector, as AI is relieving the burden on medical staff and gaining increasing popularity.
The benchmark SCI has shed nearly 5 percent since the beginning of the year.
The benchmark Shanghai Composite Index shed 2.68 percent on Monday, while the Shenzhen Component Index slumped 3.5 percent to 8,479.55 points — the lowest since March 2019.
The benchmark Shanghai Composite Index dropped 1.42 percent to close below the 2,900-point level on Monday, while the Shenzhen Component Index shed 1.85 percent.
On Monday, the CSI 300 Index shed 0.65 percent to close at 3714.6 points, dragged by financials and real state companies after the index hit 3664.77 points on Friday morning, the lowest level since early November.
This month, the barometer has shed 3.4 percent while the Shenzhen Component Index slid nearly 3.5 percent.
The benchmark Shanghai Composite Index shed 0.26 percent on Wednesday while the Shenzhen Component Index closed 0.47 percent lower.
On Thursday, the onshore yuan jumped by 386 basis points against the US dollar to 7.1811 as of 16:30, after it shed 872 basis points against the greenback in a three-day weakening streak, according to market tracker Wind Info.
Meanwhile, the Shenzhen Component Index has shed 9 percent from this year's peak of 12,158 points.
The onshore and offshore USD/CNY levels have shed 4.1 percent and 4.63 percent so far this year, respectively.
Although the benchmark Shanghai Composite Index shed 1.1 percent on Tuesday, shares of A-share SOEs such as Sinotrans Ltd, China International Capital Corp Ltd and AVIC Industry-Finance Holdings surged by the daily limit of 10 percent.
The sub-index themed on "the valuation system with Chinese characteristics" compiled by market tracker Wind Info, shed 1.27 percent on Tuesday but is up more than 31 percent this year, while the SCI climbed 7.7 percent since Jan 1.
The benchmark Shanghai Composite Index shed 0.78 percent on Monday while the Shenzhen Component Index closed 1.17 percent lower.
The benchmark Shanghai Composite Index and Shenzhen Component Index shed 0.37 percent and 0.8 percent, respectively, on Monday.
As of 3 pm on Tuesday, the benchmark WTI crude shed 0.8 percent to linger around $67 per barrel, despite the fact that it managed to show a V-shape bounce to close 1.3 percent higher on Monday.

四级The findings shed light on normal age-related changes in mental function, which could aid in understanding the process of dementia ( ' , 痴呆), according to the researchers.

这些发现揭示了与年龄相关的精神功能的正常变化,这有助于理解痴呆症的发病过程,痴呆), 根据研究人员的说法。


四级Within two years, Leah shed the safety of her accounting job and made the switch complete.



四级The findings shed light on normal age-related changes in mental function, which could aid in understanding the process of dementia, according to the researchers.


2016年6月四级真题(第一套)阅读 Section C

六级The study's most striking findings shed light on the racial biases permeating the professional world.



四级It may shed light on people's desire to crack a secret.



六级The two embraced and shed many tears, recounting stories told to them about their parents.



四级The Centers for Disease Control, for example, found that fewer than one-fourth of overweight adults who were trying to shed pounds said they were combining exercise with their diet.



四级Since 2007 America has shed 5 million jobs.



四级It’s true that many animals shed tears, especially in response to pain.



四级Men not only cry for shorter periods than women, but they also are less inclined to explain their tears, usually shed them more quietly, and tend more frequently to apologize when they cry openly.



四级Frequency of crying varies widely: some shed tears at any novel or movie, others only a handful of times in their lives.



四级Crying is a nearly universal sign of grief, though some mourners report that, despite genuine sorrow, they cannot shed tears—sometimes even for years after their loved one has gone.



四级So the next time you reach a tissue box, or sob on a Mend’s shoulder, or shed tears at the movies, stop and reflect on why we cry and what it means to cry.



四级The findings shed light on normal age-related changes in mental function, which could aid in understanding the process of dementia (痴呆), according to the researchers.

这些发现揭示了与年龄相关的心理功能的正常变化,这可能有助于理解痴呆症的过程(痴呆), 研究人员表示。

