
词根词缀记忆/谐音联想记忆 补充/纠错
词根void (vac van 均表示empty …………
谐音记忆vo i d 我爱的(不爱我) → 我爱的人不爱我,感觉很空虚
词性拓展记忆 / 词形拓展记忆
词根记忆 / 词缀记忆
void a 空的,n.空虚
uac uan uoid = empty,表示”空”
vacuum n 空虚,真空(vac+uum表名词)
vacuous a 空虚的,无意义的
vacant a 空的,空闲的
vacate v 弄空,退出(v …………
be void of 缺乏…
a void agreement 无效协议
null and void 无法律效力
void and vain 虚无缥缈
fill the void 填补空白
void marriage 无效婚姻
null and void 无法律效力的
void of 缺乏
be void of 无效
vanish into the void 消失在虚空中
emerge out of the void 走出空虚
This report is void of new ideas.
He went into the the dark void bravely.
The election was declared void.
The function 'printMessage' returns void, meaning it doesn't return any value.
In C++, the 'void*' type is used to point to data of unknown or generic type.
The 'main' function in most programming languages is declared as 'void', indicating it doesn't return a specific value.
The 'void' keyword in Java is used to specify that a method does not return a value.
In C#, a method declared as 'void' can't have a return statement with an expression.
Void contracts in law are legally unenforceable; they hold no binding power.
When you call a subroutine that returns void, you don't assign its result to a variable.
In art, the 'void' often represents emptiness or the absence of form.
In Buddhism, 'void' or 'emptiness' refers to the concept that all phenomena lack inherent existence.
The philosophical concept of 'void' in existentialism denotes the absence of inherent meaning in life.
China's first independently designed offshore carbon dioxide injection well will not only facilitate the government's ambition to achieve carbon neutrality by 2060, but also fills a void in China's offshore CO2 storage technology, industry experts said.
As such, Lululemon successfully fills the void of combining 'athletics' with 'leisure' by performance and versatility," he said.
It also released the commercial version of the China Typhoon Catastrophe Model 2.0, filling a void in the domestic market.
The Find X5 Series, with the highest priced at 6,799 yuan ($1,077) in China, came as Chinese smartphone vendors are working hard to fill the void created by the exit of Huawei Technologies Co from the premium phone segment, after the latter faced US restrictions.
Find X5系列在中国的最高售价为6799元人民币(1077美元),与此同时,中国智能手机供应商正在努力填补华为技术公司在高端手机领域面临美国限制后退出所造成的空白。
It also gives full play to its strength in fresh seafood offerings, something that is iconic of the Freshippo system which debuted in 2016 and largely fills the void of wholesale chain outlets by Western brands.
The move came as Huawei Technologies Co's smartphone business was crippled by US government restrictions, and most of the void in the high-end segment of the Chinese smartphone market has been filled by US tech giant Apple Inc. Liu Bo, vice-president of Oppo, said at an online product launch event on Thursday that in terms of organizational structure, Oppo and OnePlus teams must be fully integrated to form a combination of dual brands and dual flagship handsets, and to make concerted efforts to grow the high-end business.
In China, most of the void in the ultra-premium segment has been filled by Apple, with domestic companies including Oppo, Vivo and Xiaomi failing to make a mark in this price segment, according to another market research company International Data Corp. Well aware of the situation, Chinese brands are all ramping up resources to better resonate with consumers.
根据另一家市场研究公司国际数据公司(International Data Corp.)的数据,在中国,超高端市场的大部分空白已经被苹果填补,而包括Oppo、Vivo和小米在内的国内公司在这一价格区间尚未取得突破。深知这一局面,中国品牌正在加大资源投入,以更好地吸引消费者。
"Duan said the smart technology fills a void and demonstrates CTCE's endeavor to meet China's strategic call for intelligent construction and high-quality development during the 14th Five-Year Plan period (2021-25).
Instead, consumers are simply viewing it as an excuse to party and shop in the void between Singles' Day and the Year of the Pig. "
He got to know different platforms by doing unpaid-invoice exchanges, and he would like to fill that void in the Hong Kong market.
Working as a Groupon-Facebook mashup, Pinduoduo fills in the void of a niche e-commerce segment, which even established players like Alibaba and JD have failed to tap into, said Jason Yu, general manager of Kantar Worldpanel for China.
"Between slightly cheap domestic brands like Anta and expensive ones from abroad such as Nike and Adidas, there was a void to fill and it was the best shot for Skechers," said Megan Zhang, vice-president of marekting and store development of Skechers China.
The LST service helps Alibaba fill the void of connecting smaller-scale business entities, after the internet giant tapped into high-end shopping chains like Intime Retail Group Co Ltd and Bailian (Group) Co Ltd. Alibaba also plans to revamp 10,000 LST shops into Tmall Co-branded stores this year, which features a deeper level of cooperation from sourcing to use of data.
Schellens said Fidea's ambitious move in relaunching the product line was not "beating against the current" but rather "actively filling the void" at the request of its distributors.
More efforts are needed from the government to fill the void when the market cannot adjust itself effectively in some fields.
To fill the void of around 100 bcm, the EU needs to grab much more spot liquefied natural gas than before, which inevitably leads to high prices and limited spot supply for other regions," said Li Ziyue, an analyst with BloombergNEF.
Bird migration routes are void of wind turbines as mandated by the State Oceanic Administration.
Jia Mo, an analyst at Canalys, a market research company, said it will be difficult for Honor to completely fill the void left by Huawei, as other players have already eaten into Huawei's market share.
The explosive growth is in part spurred by the COVID-19 outbreak, which has greatly raised people's awareness of health, filling a large void in China's basic and high-end medical services.
"We hope to attract high-value-added high-tech companies that are capable of achieving sustainable development, especially those that can fill the void in the Belarusian economy," said Li Haixin, director-general of the China-Belarus Industrial Park Development Co.
The Financial Times reported in April that Washington had urged South Korean officials to prevent its chipmakers from filling the market void if Micron was unable to sell its chips to China.
Financial Times reported in April that Washington has urged South Korean officials to prevent its chip makers from filling the market void if Micron was unable to sell its chips to China.
Shanghai Motor Vehicle Inspection Certification & Tech Innovation Center Co Ltd, a national lab for motor vehicle inspection, announced a strategic partnership on Wednesday with Humanetics Innovative Solutions, a world leader in producing crash test dummies, to jointly develop a testing system to fill the standardization void for automated vehicle testing.
"There is an affordability crisis" in the US market, said Hale, adding that Zotye will fill a void for good value at prices that Japanese and Korean manufacturers left as they moved upscale.
Hale 表示:“美国市场正面临一场可负担性危机”,并补充说,Zotye 将填补日本和韩国制造商在转向高端市场时留下的高性价比产品空白。
All Chinese smartphone brands are working hard to fill the void created by the exit of Huawei Technologies Co from the premium phone segment, after the latter faced US restrictions.
Also, it is naive to say that the void in the premium smartphone segment left by Huawei will be automatically filled by domestic brands.
The intensified competition came after the US government restrictions crippled the smartphone business of Huawei Technologies Co, leaving a void for its Chinese peers to fill.
The Luohan Academy, a think tank composed of renowned social science luminaries initiated by Alibaba Group Holding Ltd, attempted to fill the void by publishing its first white paper addressing how digital progress brings material benefits that outweigh challenges to developing economies.
Zeng Gang, director of banking research at the Institute of Finance and Banking of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, said it is necessary to address the regulatory void for financial holding companies, especially those that are controlled by industrial capital and local governments.
Global insurance company Allianz announced recently that it will expand its entertainment insurance business to the Chinese mainland and Hong Kong, in a bid to fill a void in the region's booming film and performance industry.
The relevant laws and regulations stipulate enforceability applies to interest rates at 24 percent perxa0year or lower, while those portions above 24 percent per year undertake risks and the parts which exceed 36 percent are invalid and void.
The financial industry's expansion, coupled with credit easing to bolster growth, has led to rising systemic risks, capital speculation and a surge of shadow banking, existing sometimes in a regulatory void.
In analysts' view, what's more worrisome is the explosive growth of the shadow banking sector and the off-balance-sheet wealth management products sold by the banks, raising concerns about illegal practices and leveraged speculation as many of them thrived in a regulatory void.
The opaque segments, with many investment products amid a regulatory void, have been seen as key sources of risk to the banking system.

四级She noticed there was a real void in quality STEM education at all levels of the public educational system.


2017年12月四级真题(第二套)阅读 Section A

四级We all know there exists a great void in the public educational system when it comes to exposure to STEM Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics courses.


2017年12月四级真题(第二套)阅读 Section A
