
词根词缀记忆/谐音联想记忆 补充/纠错
词根young 年轻 + -ful表形容词→  …………
young / youthful / juvenile / adolescent
young → 强调年龄小,处于生长的前期。
youthful → 褒义或贬义均可用。指具有青年人的外貌或 …………
Nobody can remain youthful forever.
Mary has very youthful skin.
I was full of youthful idealism.q
The youthful energy in the room was contagious, making everyone feel活力四溢,让每个人都感到振奋。
She has a youthful appearance that belies her true age.她拥有显得比实际年龄年轻的外表。
The movie captures the carefree spirit of youthful summers.这部电影捕捉了无忧无虑的青春夏日精神。
He retained his youthful enthusiasm for life well into his eighties.他八十多岁仍保持着对生活的青春热情。
The brand's new collection aims to appeal to the youthful market.该品牌的新系列旨在吸引年轻市场。
Her playful, youthful style made her designs stand out in the fashion industry.她那玩味十足、充满青春气息的设计风格使她在时尚界脱颖而出。
The band's music is characterized by its exuberant, youthful sound.乐队的音乐以其充满活力、青春洋溢的声音为特点。
Despite his youthful mistakes, he went on to become a successful entrepreneur.尽管年轻时犯过错误,他后来还是成为了成功的企业家。
The youthful innocence in her eyes touched the hearts of the audience.她眼中那份青春的纯真打动了观众的心。
The project aims to empower youthful creativity by providing access to arts education.该项目旨在通过提供艺术教育机会来激发年轻人的创造力。
Jiang Nanchun, founder and chairman of Focus Media, a Chinese offline advertising solutions provider, said at a recent forum that China's rising middle-income group appears to be afraid of getting old, and are keen to stay youthful, fit and good-looking for extended periods of time.
Being a loyal fan of Chinese rock'n' roll bands like Beyond and Tang Dynasty, Tao championed their cause, in the process injecting a youthful musical gene into the Jiangxiaobai brand.
Yet, her zeal to join the ranks of youthful peers who have secured well-paying jobs, has not diminished in the face of stiff competition.
At its latest Milan fashion show catwalks, Prada appeared to be embracing a more youthful look, including for "young sexy men", in the words of Miuccia Prada.
Manufacturing is seen as the path to guaranteeing more sustainable growth and creating structural reforms and decent jobs for the continent's largely youthful population.
Bilibili's website and app features more youthful content and offer abundant features to attract younger audiences, such as providing bullet screen function to allow real-time comments to shoot across the whole screen.
His youthful approach is the right image for a brand such as San Pellegrino, which is just as much about lifestyle as taste.
He urged entrepreneurs from China and ASEAN to seize the opportunity to expand their mutually beneficial cooperation and work together to promote regional economic growth and inject more youthful energy into building a closer China-ASEAN community with a shared future in the months to come.
When it comes to headwinds facing the global economy, Okonjo-Iweala said World Bank research shows that the long-term growth potential of both developed and developing countries, as well as emerging market economies, is declining due to some structural factors like demographics, and called for more efforts to harness areas where there is productivity growth and where more youthful labor can help the global economy.
Guo Yanjun, director of the Institute of Asian Studies at China Foreign Affairs University, said the RCEP spans a region with a youthful population, so it is imperative socially and economically to empower youth with digital skills.
Women's demand for outdoor, fitness products on riseFull of youthful energy, Hu Rongfeng is a sociology senior at a top university in Beijing who can bust some killer jazz dance moves as well as urban dance styles from the likes of K-pop girl bands.
For example, snack brands Luxihe Taosu and Dim Sum Bureau of Momo have featured guochao — a consumption trend wherein younger consumers prefer products with Chinese cultural elements — while traditional noodle restaurants like Wuyebanmian, or Wuye Noodles, and Chen Xiang Gui have upgraded their stores to better cater to youthful consumers.
Founded in 2006, Bear Electric develops and produces a series of unique and creative small household electrical appliances mainly destined for kitchens and increasingly attractive to a youthful demographic.
成立于2006年的Bear Electric,主要开发和生产一系列独特且富有创意的小型家用电器,主要面向厨房,并越来越受到年轻人群的青睐。
"What I bring is experience, and what they bring is youthful energy and vigor.
The Kicks revolutionizes the compact crossover segment with its fresh, youthful design and spacious, comfortable interior.
[Photo provided to China Daily]The new Audi A3, with comprehensive enhancements, continues to lead the compact premium car segment and accelerates Audi's youthful brand strategy.
For more youthful audiences, Ximalaya launched a column in which epidemic-related knowledge is recorded by celebrities.
More responsibility to be given to youthful talent on bigger projects of importanceChina's central authorities have released a slew of measures to encourage young talented scientists to shoulder more of the nation's research responsibilities and to reduce the pressures they face in obtaining job promotions and dealing with unnecessary administrative affairs.

高考It took a few youthful and daring businessmen to get the ball rolling.


2019年高考英语全国卷3 阅读理解 阅读C 原文

六级Of course, youthful idealism is often courageous, and no one likes to give up dreams.


2016年6月六级真题(第三套)阅读 Section A

六级But over the next few decades labour forces in rich countries are set to shrink so much that inflows of immigrants would have to increase enormously to compensate: to at least twice their current size in western Europe's most youthful countries, and three times in the older ones.



六级Of course, youthful idealism is often courageous, and no one likes to give up dreams.



六级But over the next few decades labour forces in rich countries are set to shrink so much that inflows of immigrants would have to increase enormously to compensate: to at least twice their current size in western Europe’s most youthful countries, and three times in the older ones.



四级Although April did not bring us the rains we all hoped for, and although the Central Valley doesn’t generally experience the atmospheric sound and lightning that can accompany those rains, it’s still important for parents to be able to answer the youthful questions about thunder and lightning.


