
词根词缀记忆/谐音联想记忆 补充/纠错
词根ab 加强 + ound〔= und〕溢出;波动 → …………
谐音记忆a一 + bound帮,一帮 → 就是很多,大量存在 → abound vi.(in/with)充满,富于 …………
词性拓展记忆 / 词形拓展记忆
abound with sth. 充满某物
abound in sth. 大量的
abound in 丰富的
abound with 到处都是
Natural resources abound in our country.
Streams abound with fish.
Various urban legends and myths about him abound.
The forest was abundant with wildlife, including deer, rabbits, and birds.
The library's collection of books abounds with knowledge on various subjects.
Fresh fruit abounds in the local markets during summer.
His garden abounds in colorful flowers that attract butterflies.
The area is abundant in natural resources like oil and minerals.
Her creativity abounds in every piece of art she creates.
Opportunities abound for students to participate in extracurricular activities.
The small town has a vibrant community where friendships abound.
The garden abounds with the sweet fragrance of roses in springtime.
His vocabulary abounds with words from different languages he has studied.
More US-listed Chinese mainland companies are likely to seek a dual primary listing on the Hong Kong bourse in the future, given that uncertainties abound in overseas capital markets and the audit oversight is further tightening in the United States, industry experts said.
In their overseas operations in nearly 20 countries, including Angola, Ethiopia, Mongolia, Indonesia, Bangladesh and Costa Rica, challenges abound, according to Song Heng, a CREC4 publicity official.
Hu Houkun, deputy chairman of Huawei Technologies Co, said opportunities abound in digital transformation and the company predicted that by 2025, 97 percent of all large companies will use artificial intelligence.
Hu said opportunities abound in the digital transformation space and Huawei predicts by 2025, 97 percent of all large companies will use AI.
Wherever the majority of the local population is turning into middle-income earners given to wanderlust, opportunities abound, he said.
This is the engine fueling future growth and a bluesea market-meaning opportunities abound for each and every industry player to take a share," said Liu Bo, general manager of Juhuasuan.
Discussions abound as to whether the cryptocurrency could pose a challenge in a country where mobile-based digital payments have become ubiquitous thanks to the rise of Alibaba-backed Alipay and Tencent's WeChat Pay.
I think in the service industry the opportunities in China abound, especially in the online-offline combined business model, " Tan told Bloomberg TV.
In the past, all sophisticated surgical implants were imported from the United States and Europe, where medical instrument giants abound.
"We believe opportunities abound in the future for China's gold market.
For instance, in coal mines, which have traditionally struggled with internet connectivity issues, new developments abound in the coal-rich Shanxi province.
Benefits to be reaped abound as China strives to transform and upgrade traditional industries while cultivating and spurring the growth of strategic emerging industries.
From manufacturing, brand marketing to cultural derivatives, Chinese elements abound both on and off the field of the FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022, the Shanghai Securities News reported on Monday.
Reasons abound for MNCs' focus on China, experts said.
Collaborative opportunities abound in realms from science and technology, cross-border logistics, to chemicals and education, according to experts attending the Fifth International Forum on the Belt and Road Initiative and Global Governance at Fudan University in Shanghai.
Fueled by the highly transmissible Delta variant, the recorded global COVID-19 death toll has risen close to 5 million, and health risks abound, holding back a full return to normalcy, noted IMF Economic Counsellor Gita Gopinath.
First, about the challenges, which seem to abound: loss of steam on the exports front due to reopening of developed economies; resurgence of COVID-19 cases due to the Delta variant; recent heavy rains that wreaked socioeconomic havoc in certain key parts of the country; structural problems like a slowdown in population growth; high housing prices; low-income groups facing difficulty due to struggling small businesses whose hiring is at lower levels; surge in raw material prices that hurt the manufacturing sector; and offline consumption like travel that cannot simply be moved online.
China's consumption recovery will sustain, no matter what-that's the consensus among experts who are pleased that positives abound too: the overall employment situation is stable; the mass vaccination has helped anchor consumer confidence; surging industrial profits bode well for household income; policies supportive of consumption may come to fruition; and new forms of online consumption are becoming popular.
But challenges and uncertainties abound in the lead-up to such events.
Decarbonization options abound in different industries, Wu said.
Group's monthly disposable income nearly 50 percent higher than averageAs consumption is set to drive China's economic growth in the coming decade, discussions abound as to what will characterize the next generation of shoppers.
Volatility may still haunt A-shares, but structural opportunities in sectors like consumption and upstream industrials abound, especially as the recent market correction has made valuations more reasonable, asset managers said.
To be sure, job challenges remain this year, but positive factors also abound.
Han of Knorr-Bremse said opportunities abound in China thanks to well-developed high-speed railway networks, and a fast-growing metro market, so the company will enhance its partnership with CRRC and China State Railway Group Co, the country's largest rolling stock manufacturer and railroad operator, during the 14th Five-Year Plan period (2021-25).
"In a quaint courtyard, where tea and flowers abound, nestled the Grand Canal's serene banks.
Controversies abound for the metaverse today, which I believe will also continue for a long time, but it is vital to understand that the buzzword goes far beyond creating a virtual world.
The trend, tracked between Feb 4 and Tuesday, was led by first-tier cities such as Shenzhen and Guangzhou in South China's Guangdong province, where GDP reading is among the highest nationwide and job opportunities abound.
Official data on services trade for the first 11 months of 2020 showed prospects for growing business abound for both domestic and global players.
While opportunities abound, challenges lie in the limited capacity expansion in the short term to meet the sudden pickup in demand, said Christopher Pollard, CEO of DB Schenker China, a logistics firm.
“虽然机会多多,但短期来看,要满足需求的突然增长,在扩大产能方面存在挑战。”全球物流公司DB Schenker中国区CEO克里斯托弗·波拉德(Christopher Pollard)表示。
China's social media platforms abound with self-mocking posts by people born in the 1990s showing their receding hairlines.
On the other hand, opportunities abound in overseas markets, said Bao.
Livestreaming sites abound, but the choice of platforms requires more than intuition or pure preference.
Examples of similar strategies abound, and sales have been brisk.
Another aim of Optics Valley is to retain the city's many university graduates, over 1 million every year, who used to flock to first-tier cities like Beijing and Shanghai where new industries abound, Wang said.
Companies in the baby and maternity business remain largely optimistic about prospects in China but said they need to roll out more customized products as challenges abound, according to industry experts attending the ongoing International Children Baby and Maternity Products Industry Expo.
In developed cities like Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou, where entrepreneurs, businessmen, film stars and other high-net-worth celebrities abound, demand for personal bodyguards has spiked in the past few years.
Reasons abound as to why the cat economy is flourishing in China.
Avenues abound, from messaging apps and chat rooms to short video apps, Q&A destinations and e-commerce platforms.
The market is promising but challenges abound, experts said.
"Geopolitical and economic uncertainties abound, while technology restrictions and trade barriers continue to have an impact on the world.
Such futuristic scenes abound at other sites too.
The ultimate goal of EAST, located at ASIPP in Hefei, is to create nuclear fusion like the Sun, using deuterium abound in the sea to provide a steady stream of clean energy.
"Examples abound, with the European Union imposing heavy fines on Google for three years in a row, and the United States doubling down on legislation and oversight on web giants.
Uncertainties will abound in the capital markets next year, including tightening liquidity, geopolitical conflicts and an increasingly noticeable trend of de-globalization.
"Uncertainties abound in overseas capital markets in recent years and supervision is tightening in the US over time," said Paul Cheung, EY China TMT consulting leader.
Downside risks still abound in global stock markets, and volatility may take weeks or months to wane, in light of market performances during previous crisis events, said Zhu Haoyuan, head of Asia Pacific analytics at US-based investment research firm MSCI.
"The steady expansion of fundraising is unlikely to take a heavy toll on market liquidity and structural opportunities will abound," Liu said, citing that global capital is expected to continue adding exposure on A-share assets-one of the most attractive asset categories globally.
"Overseas investors have shown preferences for A-share market listed technology, consumption and finance companies, which abound in the Shenzhen stock exchange.
Meanwhile, as the market's investor structure, which is dominated by retail investors, may make short-term stock price performance deviate from the true value of listed firms, long-term investment opportunities abound, she said.
Although uncertainties abound in the world and international financial markets are likely to become more vulnerable, the Chinese economy, with its great resilience, potential and capability to cope with external headwinds, will maintain a sound momentum for the long term, Wang said.
Bao further said shares included in MSCI indexes and held by foreign capital mainly abound in financial and consumer sectors at present.
Although external uncertainties abound, the economy will remain running within a reasonable range as the country's industrial restructuring and upgrade as well as opening-up continued apace, the State Administration of Foreign Exchange (SAFE) said on its website.
Heightened activity of overseas institutional investors in China also appears to suggest that profit opportunities abound in the A-share market, given its current relatively low PE ratio against a background of stable economic growth, market people said.

考研As the economy picks up, opportunities will abound for aspiring leaders.



考研Opportunities for misinterpretation, error, and self-deception abound.


