
词根词缀记忆/谐音联想记忆 补充/纠错
词根ab 离去 + rupt 破,断裂 → 断开 → 突 …………
steep / abrupt / sheer
steep → 指坡度向上逐渐增加的斜陡坡,强调险峻,暗示难于攀登。
abrupt → 着重指地形突然起伏,形成尖角状。
sheer → 指自始至终近于垂直的陡峭,不仅仅很难爬上去,甚至于不可能攀登。
词根记忆 / 词缀记忆
abrupt a 突然的(ab离开+rupt=断开=突然断开=突然的)
rupt=break, 表示”断裂”
rupture n 破裂,断绝(rupt+ure)
abrupt a 突然的(ab离开+rupt=断开=突然断开=突然的)
bankru …………
abrupt change 突变,突变
Excuse me for my abrupt question.
My new alarm clock announced the abrupt arrival of morning.
Different factors could have worked in concert to account for their abrupt disappearance.
The storm hit suddenly, catching everyone off guard.
She announced her engagement abruptly, without any prior warning.
The actor's exit from the show was abrupt and unexpected.
The temperature dropped abruptly, necessitating warm clothing.
His decision to quit his job was an abrupt one, leaving no room for discussion.
The party ended abruptly when the power went out.
Her mood changed abruptly from joy to sadness.
The baby fell asleep abruptly after a long day of play.
The news of the war was received with an abrupt sense of shock.
The teacher's teaching style was abrupt, leaving students confused at times.
"The US government has always claimed it advocates the free flow of information, but the abrupt intervention in TikTok is such a big irony that it's literally a slap in the face," Lu said.
Supply chains are already under strain due to record demand and abrupt changes in factory speed can cause snags.
"This means that monetary policy should remain accommodative to keep debt-servicing costs low and prevent abrupt tightening of financial conditions," Kang said.
Many EAP countries can use monetary policy to support economic recovery in the near-term but must remain alert to the risk of abrupt global financial tightening, he said.
Many EAP countries can use monetary policy to support economic recovery in the near-term but must remain alert to the risk of abrupt global financial tightening, he added.
"As long as the economic recovery is on track with no abrupt market movements leading to systematic risk and financial instability, we believe the debt cleanup and credit tightening will continue going forward, at least at the local government level," said Wang Shengzu, co-head of Investment Strategy Group Asia of Goldman Sachs Consumer and Wealth Management Division.
"China's macro policies will be in line with the needs of sustaining stable and sound economic development, and there will be no abrupt turnarounds," Yan Pengcheng, an official with the National Development and Reform Commission, said earlier this month.
"China's macro policies will be in line with the needs of sustaining stable and sound economic development, and there will be no abrupt turnarounds," Yan Pengcheng, an official with the National Development and Reform Commission, told a press conference.
The video also showed that the robot which can move more than 1.5 meters per second is capable of restoring its balance within two steps in the wake of an abrupt kick and can even slightly sidestep in advance upon sensing whether a human intends to lift a foot or not.
Experts urge cautious approach to avoid sudden overheating, abrupt downturnWith the rise in China's new home prices slowing and investment in property contracting, industry experts have issued calls for stronger supportive measures to restore real estate to healthy development.
The US side is completely ignorant that its abrupt interference will affect the legitimate rights and interests of related companies, as well as their employees, from all over the world, according to the statement.
The dramatic fall forced Ming Tong Commercial City to make an abrupt turn in 2017 to focus on cosmetics following a thorough market investigation and survey.
A demo clip played at the booth showed that the lanky, futuristic robot was capable of restoring balance within two steps in the wake of an abrupt kick and could even slightly sidestep in advance after sensing a human's foot-lifting intention.
The new CEO has vowed to accelerate a sweeping strategy shift, including preparing the trucks unit to access capital markets, following the abrupt departure of predecessor Matthias Mueller last month, who steered VW through the scandal.
To put it another way, China's overcapacity in 2012 should be mostly attributed to the lack of effective demand brought on by the abrupt change in macroeconomic policy from loosening to tightening.
The sharp reduction in public expenditures caused by the bond repayment peak and refinancing difficulties may bring an abrupt end to the economic structural transformation of developing countries over the past decade, said the report.
In an interview with the Xinhua News Agency at the end of last year, Yi Huiman, chairman of the China Securities Regulatory Commission, also stressed that efforts will be made to avoid any abrupt ups and downs in the market.
"Effective communication will be critical in coming weeks and months to avoid abrupt financial market responses," Ell said.
This would require financial regulators to avoid sudden policy tightening or abrupt measures, they said.
"This shift, however, will not be sharp or abrupt," said Lu Ting, chief economist in China with Nomura Securities.
Carsten Fritsch, a commodity analyst at Commerzbank AG, said that Tuesday's gold price slump was abrupt and brutal, although the previous price increase was also sudden and sharp.
Firms in sector see prices decline 1.1% on average as investors pull backThe abrupt craze for listed blockchain companies which swept the market in the previous session and sparked a surge in prices showed signs of cooling off as investors pulled back at the same time as A-share benchmark indexes ended at their lows for the day on Tuesday.
The administrative order of cutting loan values and restricting number of borrowers and creditors on the P2P platforms has caused difficulties in the sector as some well-established players with normal operations begin to feel the liquidity pressure and worry about the abrupt changes in their capital chain.
The abrupt resignation on Monday of World Bank Group President Jim Yong Kim could provide the US administration with an opportunity to appoint a chief more attuned to its priorities, but some experts are questioning if picking the institution's leaders that way is tenable.
For many Chinese investors, diversification is simply important because any abrupt economic downturns in one geographical zone will not create a big loss in their overall portfolio.
Wang Yongli, vice-chairman of the China International Futures Co Ltd, said at the same forum held by the university's international monetary institute that it is tolerable to see the yuan's exchange rate float between 6 and 7 per dollar this year, and that maintaining currency stability is the priority rather than an abrupt freeing of the exchange rate.
China's currency, the yuan, is convertible for trade purposes under the current account, while the capital account, which covers portfolio investment and borrowing, is still largely controlled by the state due to concerns over abrupt capital flows in and out of the country.
The results of official and private surveys indicate that China's manufacturing activities were easing expansion, and jitters over tightening policies are already palpable on the financial markets, stoking sentiment of an abrupt end to tightening.

考研The music is abrupt and seemingly disconnected, as in the last piano sonata.



考研Transitions should connect one paragraph to the next so that there are no abrupt or confusing shifts.


