
词根词缀记忆/谐音联想记忆 补充/纠错
词根ab 加强 + und 溢出;波动 + ant …的 …………
联想记忆ab(表示强调) + un(UN联合国)+d(打击;攻打)+ant(蚂蚁) → 联合国打蚂蚁 物资相当充足、 …………
abundant / plentiful / ample
abundant → 着重某物极为丰富有或大量的供应。
plentiful → 普通用词,指某物的数量多得称心如意,不过剩,但较少用于描写抽象之物。
ample → 指某物不仅满足了需要而且有余。 …………
词根记忆 / 词缀记忆
abundant a 丰富的(ab加强+und+ant=[多得]象波浪一样=丰富的)
und = wave,表示”波动”
abundant a 丰富的(ab加强+und+ant=[多得]象波浪一样=丰富的)
abundance n 丰富,富裕
be abundant in 丰富
abundant in 丰富的
have abundant energy 有充沛的能量
abundant resource 丰富的资源
abundant material supplies 丰富的物质供应
vast territory with abundant natural resources 幅员辽阔,自然资源丰富
enchanting water and abundant fish 迷人的水和丰富的鱼
We have an abundant supply of fruit.
Life was abundant and good.
I have ever had abundant love experiences.
The garden was abundant with colorful flowers, creating a vibrant atmosphere.
She has an abundant supply of knowledge in various fields, making her an invaluable resource at the office.
His generosity is abundant, always sharing his time and resources with those in need.
The forest was abundant with wildlife, from deer to birds and insects.
The farmer's harvest was abundant this year, thanks to the favorable weather conditions.
Her smile was abundant with warmth and kindness, instantly putting people at ease.
The library's collection of books was abundant, catering to diverse reading interests.
The company's resources were abundant, allowing them to invest in new projects and expand their operations.
The tropical rainforest is abundant in biodiversity, supporting countless plant and animal species.
The chef's creativity in the kitchen was abundant, resulting in a menu filled with unique and delicious dishes.
Specifically, Zhang said Singapore owns advanced medical resources, efficient management, abundant talent resources, a comprehensive medical product administration system, a developed infrastructure and an efficient logistics system.
In response to the green energy transition worldwide, the company said it would step up natural gas output in the years to come while making good use of its abundant renewable energy resources in its oil and gas fields.
Leveraging the abundant solar energy resources, the photovoltaic industry not only ensures increased income for local farmers but also drives local economic development, the company said.
At Skechers, the Chinese partners have a very high degree of autonomy and flexibility, leaving abundant leeway for managers who really understand Chinese consumers and the Chinese market.
China has abundant CBM resources, with those at depths within 2,000 meters exceeding 30 trillion cubic meters and deep CBM accounting for about one-third of this total, CNOOC said.
China has abundant CBM resources, with that at depths within 2,000 meters exceeding 30 trillion cubic meters and deep CBM accounting for about one-third of this total, said CNOOC.
Hung said one of the group's more significant development strategies is to combine the world's most competitive and abundant natural resources with China's vast market.
Apart from relieving local residents from the daily drudgery of fetching water from nearby collection points to meet their basic needs, the new water supply project will likely stimulate the growth of local service-related businesses and attract both domestic and international companies to invest in water treatment plants and food processing business in Rwanda as the country has abundant water resources, making it an attractive destination for such investments, said Zhou Lisha, a researcher with the Institute for State-owned Enterprises at Tsinghua University.
Serving as a main artery in Brazil's national grid, it transmits abundant hydroelectric resources from the Amazon Basin in the northern part of the country all the way to southeastern regions such as Sao Paulo and Rio de Janeiro, spanning 81 cities in five states and benefiting 22 million people.
Zoucheng city located in the southwest of Shandong province is known for its abundant underground water resources.
According to the company, Bangladesh is endowed with abundant solar and wind resources, while the South Asian country also has an immense power demand.
Liaocheng city is in an area with abundant solar and wind energy resources, making it suitable for large-scale development and construction of new energy facilities.
Moreover, the company is leveraging China's robust capabilities and abundant talent pool for its business worldwide.
She added that the company is developing different bricks in the overall ecosystem to prepare for the airports of tomorrow and ensure abundant access to green hydrogen, at the right price.
Responding to the green energy transition worldwide, the company said it would step up natural gas output in the years to come while making good use of its abundant renewable energy resources in its oil and gas fields.
Saudi Arabia has mature infrastructure and experience in manufacturing, while the country's abundant sunlight could also support its transition from an oil giant to a solar energy producer, he said.
The pumped storage power station with the largest installed capacity and regulated storage capacity in the world's ultra-high altitude area (above 3,500 meters), which kicked off construction on Saturday in Northwest China's Qinghai province, will further tap the abundant clean energy resources in local regions, said its operator China Three Gorges Corp. With a total installed capacity of 2.4 million kilowatts, it is estimated to replace about 4.63 million tons of standard coal once operational and reduce carbon dioxide emissions by about 26.64 million tons per year, it said.
China business continued to recover in line with expectations and it is clear the company has abundant opportunity ahead, said Chief Financial Officer and Executive Vice-President of Starbucks Corp Rachel Ruggeri.
星巴克首席财务官兼执行副总裁Rachel Ruggeri表示,中国业务继续恢复,符合预期,很明显,公司未来有充足的机会。
Experts also said Southeast Asian countries have abundant labor resources and strong consumer demand.
David Chao, Invesco's global market strategist for the Asia-Pacific, excluding Japan, said Chinese equities provide very attractive valuations and the government has abundant policy tools available to accelerate the economy as domestic inflation remains low.
景顺亚太地区(不包括日本)全球市场策略师David Chao表示,中国股市提供了非常有吸引力的估值,在国内通胀保持低位的情况下,政府有充足的政策工具可以加速经济发展。
We believe abundant opportunities will undoubtedly rise in the years ahead," Read said.
However, the total quantity of mines in Jiangxi is not abundant, while lithium mining in Sichuan is challenging due to the mine locations in remote areas with high altitudes and a lack of infrastructure.
Fully battery-powered, the train will make full use of the abundant solar energy resources in Jujuy.
To tackle the problem, the China Energy Taizhou power generation plant undertook in-depth research in 2019, which showed that a vast number of chemical, ship-manufacturing and food companies in Jiangsu had abundant market demand of approximately 1 million tons of CO2 per year.
"Furthermore, considering that countries alongside the BRI have abundant scenarios for CCUS, we propose to establish demonstrative cooperation projects to accomplish technological breakthroughs and innovative applications," Zhao said.
China has abundant wind energy resources in deep-ocean areas.
The accelerated digital transformation will create abundant opportunities for companies such as Huawei, Wang said.
"Meanwhile, the Ministry of Commerce released a new report at the expo that said given the strong resilience, great potential and abundant vitality of China's consumer market, its long-term fundamentals remain unchanged.
"Manwaring said: "China has become the largest market for IMAX globally in regards to the theater network and this has provided consumers with abundant access to meet the pent-up demand.
It will take better advantage of the abundant clean energy in the western parts of China while benefiting the energy-hungry eastern regions, the company said.
With an annual green hydrogen production capacity of 30,000 tons, the project will take advantage of the abundant solar and wind resources in the region to produce green hydrogen which will be used in the nearby coal processing demonstration project in the city of Ordos to further reduce carbon emissions.
With an abundant variety of commodities, convenient and fast logistics, and a good business environment, Yiwu is often referred to as "the world's supermarket.
With a total investment of $417 million, it is the first nonfossil power station in the country, which is endowed with abundant petroleum and natural gas.
Over the past four decades of reform and opening-up, while having made remarkable economic achievements, China has provided Rio Tinto and other foreign companies with abundant growth opportunities.
Australia is the largest iron ore supplier for China due to its abundant resources and relative proximity, accounting for 67 percent of China's total imports in January-July, said Zhu.
With abundant cash flows, the industry concentration of major companies will gradually rise this year, said Zheng Jingwen, a senior analyst at Shanghai International Shipping Institute.
China Petrochemical Corp, or Sinopec, the world's largest refiner by volume, has discovered abundant flows of natural gas and crude oil at Shunbei oil and gas field in the Tarim Basin of Northwest China's Xinjiang Uygur autonomous region.
As part of the massive west-to-east electricity transmission project in the country, the project exploits the abundant hydropower resources in Yunan, as well as Guizhou and Sichuan provinces, and transfers electricity eastward to South, Central and North China.
The abundant community resources have drawn the attention of Chinese companies, said Guo Xin, a marketing professor at Beijing Technology and Business University.
With the approach of the busy season, SF will provide abundant capacity and timely transport services and help transport lychees from China to different regions worldwide," said Gao Ling, director of business development at SF International.
They have built a complete environmental and social impact evaluation system and set up professional risk control processes, highlighting the advantages of abundant capital and strength.
The approach is suitable for enterprises with abundant cash flow and no urgent financing needs.
With continuous improvement in the management structure, stable financial management and abundant cash flows, the company is capable to balance well between innovation and risk control, to ensure long-term development as a leading company while the pharmaceutical industry is undergoing transformation, she added.
Under the agreement, China can help consume excess hydropower from Laos between June and October when local hydropower resources are abundant, while China can also provide stable power supply to the northern parts of Laos during the dry season, said YNIC.
"The solar panel deploys the latest technology to ensure Kenya can harness its abundant solar energy resources to bridge the electricity gap," Borothi said.
"Solar resource is abundant in the port area and available sunshine duration can reach 1,260 hours annually," said Wang Peishan, a senior technician at the fully automated terminal of Qingdao Port.
Tu Xinquan, dean of the China Institute for WTO Studies at the University of International Business and Economics in Beijing, said ASEAN countries have long been important trade partners and investment destinations for Chinese businesses due to their levels of growth and abundant resources.
The most abundant of them are cerium, yttrium, lanthanum and neodymium.
Hydropower is considered more stable than other sources of renewable energy, and regions with abundant hydropower sources can become key players, said Luo Zuoxian, head of intelligence and research at the Sinopec Economics and Development Research Institute.
"China has abundant uranium resources scattered in many types of deposits.
"China is Hilton's second largest market with abundant tourism resources, diverse consumer groups and a booming urban economy.
We integrate international advanced technology into China's industrial chain to promote internal circulation and embrace the dual-circulation development pattern with abundant scientific research and industrial strength," Huang said.
In addition to the market size, Amazon also sees that China's e-commerce industry is taking the lead in innovation and has abundant new business models.
"Provincial-level regions with abundant solar and wind resources, such as Gansu, Qinghai, Inner Mongolia, Ningxia and Xinjiang, should take the lead in developing clean energy in China.
With a total investment of more than eight billion yuan ($1.24 billion), the project will also take advantage of abundant local natural gas from China National Petroleum Corp's Tarim oil field, it said.
Dai said the company will step up development of renewable energy in its oil and gas fields, seeing abundant solar and wind resources.
With a total investment of more than eight billion yuan ($1.24 billion), the project will also take advantage of abundant local natural gas from China National Petroleum Corp's Tarim oilfield.
The company announced it has established a livestreaming supply chain department, which is poised to offer abundant overseas products, bonded warehouses, cross-border logistics, Customs clearance and luxury products authentication.
China Petrochemical Corp, or Sinopec Group, said on Monday it has discovered abundant natural gas in its Zhongjiang gas field in Sichuan province.
The company has deep insights into the service modes of hardware-based internet, abundant experience in the integration of hardware and software, an actively connected and mature ecosystem, ample cash reserves, as well as strong support from Mi fans, 21st Century Business Herald reported.
"It's normal but with the moderate rate of customer loss, it shows clients are aware of highly competitive edges of online education in classes accessible, abundant teachers, and satisfactory services," Wong said.
"Tencent has chosen regions with sufficient green energy to build its data centers, such as Huailai in north China's Hebei Province that has abundant wind electricity, or Qingyuan in south China's Guangdong Province that has abundant hydro power.
Industry insiders said that compared with rivals such as Google Translate, U-Dictionary offers a better product experience with comprehensive explanations and abundant language choices.
In addition, we also provide abundant language learning content," Liu said.
China is the only country in the world that ticks all 41 industrial categories under the United Nations' industrial classification standard, with abundant application scenarios.
China Petrochemical Corp, or Sinopec Group, has discovered abundant flows of natural gas and crude oil at an exploration well in northwestern China's Xinjiang Uygur autonomous region, the company said on Monday.
Compared with rivals like Google Translate, U-Dictionary offers a better product experience with comprehensive explanations and abundant language choices.
与谷歌翻译等竞争对手相比,U-Dictionary 提供了更优质的产品体验,拥有全面的解释和丰富的语言选择。
"Online education companies like Youdao have great advantages in going global, as they can leverage their abundant experience and technologies in the huge domestic market further into the overseas market," said Jiang Han, senior researcher at market consultancy Pangoal.
"China's internet companies, which possess a large number of users and abundant capital, have encountered some development bottlenecks, such as facing difficulties in making profits continuously," said Zhang, adding that they hope to find new business growth points and that developing autos in collaboration with traditional automobile makers is a good choice.
Gu Fan, general manager of product management and go-to-market strategy at Amazon Web Services China, said China is at the forefront of machine learning, with abundant data and application scenarios that cover online payments and intelligent manufacturing.
Zhang Boyang, chairman of the Jiangsu province-based company, said the 1,469-meter tunnel is being built through a mixture of cohesive soil, gravel, sandy soil and fine gravel that has a high underground water level and abundant surface water.
According to the company, the Durango region has abundant wind resources and is capable of producing 400 million kilowatt-hours of power each year.
Wang Ziyue, an analyst at research firm BloombergNEF, said Mexico is the second-largest wind power market in Latin America and enjoys abundant wind resources.
The project, located in Bashkortostan, enjoys a convenient geographical location, rich natural resources and abundant labor resources.
Building aluminum plants in a province with abundant hydropower could be more cost-effective and will ensure safe and low-cost electricity supply, said Zhu Yi, a senior analyst for metals and mining at Bloomberg Intelligence.
Under such circumstances, having abundant capital flow generated from sales would allow the developer to acquire better projects and further expand its business, Chen added.
As a key project of State Grid critical to the UHV ring grid in North China, the project adopted UHV AC technology which features long-distance large capacity transmission and will transmit abundant clean power from Zhangjiakou to the load center of Xiong'an New Area of Hebei province without burdening Beijing's 500 kV ring grid.
The long list of pledges includes goals such as making 95 percent of all ingredients in formulas bio-based, derived from abundant minerals or from circular processes, as well as using 100 percent recycled or bio-based sources for plastic packaging by 2030.
Didi's biggest advantage lies in the abundant use scenarios of self-driving technologies on its ride-hailing platform, the transportation data it has as well as the company's determination to invest in long-term growth, Cheng said.
Chen said the project will give full play to the abundant advantages of hydropower assets and rich mineral resources in Kalimantan and on surrounding islands.
The demand for co-working spaces will likely rise in the aftermath of the novel coronavirus outbreak as an innovative, efficient and flexible way of working and the abundant community resources have drawn the attention of Chinese enterprises, industry insiders said.
As the prices of VR hardware go down, and VR content becomes increasingly abundant and diversified, more people will buy and embrace professional VR goggles, Yuan added.
A string of investment plans announced by technology and retail giants in Hubei province indicated the tremendous development potential and vitality of the area, as it plays a vital role as a main transportation hub in the nation, along with having abundant natural resources, favorable industrial foundations and well-educated labor forces, industry experts said.
The information is extremely developed and complex, with useful or useless information abundant all around.
Zhou said his company has abundant know-how and experience in systems engineering, optoelectronics, sensors, equipment control, and data collection and analysis, all of which are essential in the effort to mitigate air pollution.
With this move, Laobaixing will leverage the abundant global resources of two investment firms for more innovation and growth, according to chairman Xie Zilong.
"Osinbajo, for his part, said that apart from the huge population, there are abundant opportunities in Nigeria's digital economy.
"The move shows that our abundant user base has started to pay off.
"While the domestic demand for refined oil products maintained steady growth, the market witnessed strong competition with abundant supply," the report said.
AirAG Technology Ltd, a company focusing on providing agricultural data service, has launched an e-commerce platform for agricultural products, based on its abundant and efficient collection of agricultural big data.
E-commerce giant pump primes Juhuasuan to cash in on abundant opportunitiesTimes are changing fast at e-commerce behemoth Alibaba Group Holding Ltd.
Therefore, in both the medical aesthetics sector and the traditional healthcare sector, we possess abundant product lines, and we are constantly embracing innovation.
Many investors entered the market with abundant capital but limited knowledge, resulting in poor business performances.
Groysman said CRCC's tremendous ability in quality control has been demonstrated by the company's Moscow underground rail projects, plus its abundant experience in overseas markets.
China has been a strategic partner and top buyer of abundant oil and gas resources from Russia and Central Asia.
"Livestreaming courses have abundant forms and each specific subject can be divided into different courses which will generate big amounts of revenue," he said.
"After 40 years of development, China has accumulated abundant experience in fields including industrial planning, enterprise management and technological research and development.
"China Southern Power Grid can leverage its VSC-HVDC technology to guarantee more stable water, wind, or solar power transmission in countries like Saudi Arabia and Laos, where there are abundant natural resources," said Han Xiaoping, chief researcher at china5e.
The HVDC, together with the alternating current systems, are used to transmit clean energy generated from Guangxi Zhuang autonomous region, Guizhou province, and Yunnan province, where there are abundant water and wind resources, to South China's Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area where there is a huge demand for electricity, which was largely reliant on fossil fuels.
The Chinese e-commerce business is a small part in the company's global layout and its competitive edge in China mainly lies in its abundant overseas products from its global e-store," said Yu Jian, general manager of shopper behavior specialist from Kantar Worldpanel China.

四级Abundant information about cooking is available either online or on TV.



六级For almost five centuries a very large supply of cod ( ' , 鳕 鱼) provided abundant raw material for an industry which at its peak employed about 40,000 people, sustaining entire communities in Newfoundland.

近五个世纪以来,鳕鱼的大量供应,鳕 鱼) 为该行业提供了丰富的原材料,该行业在鼎盛时期雇用了约40000人,维持了纽芬兰的整个社区。


高考Many visitors were amazed by the complex architectural space and abundant building types.


2018年高考英语全国卷3 阅读理解 阅读C 原文

高考The Internet has made data abundant, all-present and far more valuable, changing the nature of data and competition.


2017年高考英语江苏卷 阅读理解 阅读C 原文

高考The road novel, the road movie, these are the most typical American ideas, born of abundant petrol, cheap cars and a never-ending interstate highway system.


2018年高考英语浙江卷 阅读理解 阅读C 原文

四级It is varied, abundant and nutritious.



六级It filled its stores with abundant supply of merchandise.



六级Some of the ventures focus on the Antarctic resources that are already up for grabs, like abundant sea life.



六级In America, white tailed deer are more numerous than ever before, so abundant in fact that they've become a suburban nuisance and a health hazard.



六级Based on the finding, the researchers suggest that the key to boosting your willpower is to believe that you have an abundant supply of it.


2018年12月六级真题(第二套)听力 Section B

六级For almost five centuries a very large supply of cod provided abundant raw material for an industry which at its peak employed about 40,000 people, sustaining entire communities in Newfoundland.


2016年6月六级真题(第三套)阅读 Section B

六级Hale wasn't just a writer, she was also a fierce social advocate, and she was particularly obsessed with an ideal New England, which she associated with abundant Thanksgiving meals that she claimed had a deep moral influence.


2018年6月六级真题(第一套)阅读 Section A

六级wine, bread, olive oil, and nuts are other staples of the region, and the Mediterranean Sea has historically yielded abundant quantities of fish.


2017年12月六级真题(第一套)听力 Section C

考研Here was abundant fuel and lumber.



四级Madonna and Michael Jackson are famous, but who would claim that their fans find life more abundant?



四级They value quiet forests, clear streams and abundant wildlife.



四级An early study gave participants abundant time to complete problem-solving and word-association ex-ercises.



考研Can we use the sun’s abundant energy to supply electricity, or at least to perform the functions which electricity or other types of power usually perform?


