
词根词缀记忆/谐音联想记忆 补充/纠错
词根ac-加强 + com-共同 + pli-满 …………
词性拓展记忆 / 词形拓展记忆
artistic accomplishments 艺术成就
feel a sense of accomplishment 有成就感
navigational accomplishment 航行成就
Drawing and singing were among Mary's many accomplishments.
Eric's accomplishments are extraordinary.
Winning the Nobel Prize was the pinnacle of her scientific accomplishments.
Finishing my first marathon was a major accomplishment for me.
The team's accomplishment in securing the business deal was celebrated with a party.
Learning a new language fluently is an impressive accomplishment.
Her greatest accomplishment as a teacher was seeing her students succeed.
The completion of the bridge was seen as a monumental accomplishment for the city.
Graduating with honors from such a prestigious university is no small accomplishment.
Writing and publishing a book has always been a lifelong accomplishment for him.
The athlete's accomplishment of breaking the world record brought pride to the nation.
Establishing his own company from scratch was a significant personal accomplishment.
The accomplishment by the company, a unit of State-owned China State Shipbuilding Corp, demonstrates its strengths and good judgment, industry experts said.
With a maximum designated speed of 100 km/h, the accomplishment of Line 6 will facilitate urban trips in the city and bring convenience to residents as the urban rail line is linked to the local railway station, the builders said.
The project was another accomplishment reflecting the comprehensive strategic partnership and "unbreakable" friendship between the two countries, he said, adding it was achieved by close cooperation, mutual trust and mutual assistance.
The accomplishment comes amid the country's move to optimize its energy structure, according to the top executive of the company, which is a subsidiary of State Grid Corp of China, the nation's largest power provider by generating capacity.
In 2019, the company supplied 119.594 million tons of refined oil to the domestic market to support China's accomplishment of its goal of reducing air pollutants.
It was also nominated as an aluminum extrusion products supplier for the BMW Group, marking the group's accomplishment as a supplier to European luxury automobile brands.
I feel a sense of accomplishment when my guests are happy," he says.
This collaboration not only inspired me, it also gives me a great feeling of accomplishment," Wang said.
It’s a place that anybody can come and achieve a marvelous accomplishment, no obstacle, wide open, while it is now more difficult in New York.
The largest industrial investment in Greater Springfield in generations, the new railcar manufacturing complex was honored as the state's engineering accomplishment of the year earlier this month by the American Council of Engineering Companies of Massachusetts.
The largest industrial investment in Greater Springfield in generations, the new rail car manufacturing complex was honored as the state's engineering accomplishment of the year earlier this month by the American Council of Engineering Companies of Massachusetts.
As a professional who has taken leadership positions in multiple companies, James Dubow, managing director and head of Alvarez & Marsal (A&M) Asia, has outlined two important principles for managing people in a way that reinforces employee empowerment, accomplishment and contribution.
Hydropower plants built by Chinese companies have helped provide residents in remote areas in Laos with access to electricity, contributing to the accomplishment of the country's socio-economic development targets, according to Lao officials.
This accomplishment is seen being made in the context of a sharp dip in the nation's real estate investment growth rate over the previous two years.
"These small appliances that enable automation at home are very popular in counties, as they are easy to operate, help improve the quality of life and provide a stronger sense of accomplishment," he said.
"This was a good accomplishment and a testimony to the willingness of both sides to work patiently and pragmatically on the relationship," said Midgely.
"Despite economic shocks from international geopolitical tensions and COVID-19 outbreaks, China's GDP exceeded 121 trillion yuan ($17.55 trillion) in 2022, posting a 3 percent year-on-year growth, according to a report on the accomplishment of major targets set by the 2022 Government Work Report, Xinhua News Agency reported on Thursday.
China will also strengthen cooperation with countries along the Belt and Road in areas including poverty reduction, health and education, and initiate more "small but beautiful" projects to enhance local people's sense of accomplishment, Chen said.
This represents "an unprecedented economic accomplishment by all means at the worldwide level," said Moatasem Rashed, a veteran economic consultant for the Egyptian Federation of Investors Associations.
"He noted that China has developed as a significant player over the past decades, becoming "the major trading partner for most of the world now," which is not only "a remarkable accomplishment," but also "a huge benefit for the world.
"One of the key factors behind this centenary accomplishment is the strong leadership of the CPC, which has successfully united people to strive together for a common goal and generated tangible benefits for the world's supply chain and a large number of foreign companies' fiscal sheets," said Wang Shouwen, vice-minister of commerce.
"One of the key factors behind this centenary accomplishment is the strong leadership of the CPC, which has successfully united people to strive together for a common goal," said Leon Wang, executive vice-president of AstraZeneca International, who also acts as the company's China unit president.
"The dual roles give me a sense of accomplishment, yet with greater responsibility," said the 35-year-old.
This accomplishment was made possible after overcoming numerous technical challenges.
The first commercial flight of the C919, China's self-developed large passenger aircraft, is "a huge accomplishment" and "a very significant step forward" for China, said Ljubo Jurcic, a prominent Croatian economist and former economy minister, told Xinhua on Monday.
克罗地亚著名经济学家、前经济部长卢博米尔·朱尔西奇(Ljubo Jurcic)在周一接受新华社采访时表示,中国自主研发的大型客机C919完成首架商业飞行是“一项巨大的成就”,也是中国航空工业向前迈出的“非常重要的一步”。
"I now have a great sense of accomplishment with my dunguan skill. "
"Our products sell well abroad, which gives me a sense of accomplishment and pride," Bai said, adding that she often hears from salespeople that the blankets were praised by the foreign customers.
It gives me a sense of accomplishment.
"CIFTIS creates new business opportunities for global trade in services, and offers a platform for the accomplishment of scientific and technological achievements.
They help to relieve work pressure, cultivate a sense of accomplishment and bring family members together," Pan said.
She said some activities in the summer camp can increase kids' attention span, improve their judgment and enhance their self-confidence and sense of accomplishment.
Tracey's current job with a leading online education startup involves linking a large group of teachers and students, which, she said, gives her a sense of accomplishment.
He said working as a luthier gives him a sense of accomplishment.
This accomplishment is due largely to timely and strict measures implemented by many countries in the region, Xu said.
The progress marks a major accomplishment for China, which has evolved from being a follower into 3G, then barely catching up with leading countries in 4G, and now finally being able to pioneer 5G applications around the world, experts said.
"It is widely divergent from the common choices of flowing into offline schools years ago, as the online education companies can offer teachers a generous return in salary, social reputation and a sense of accomplishment," said Wu, who is now an English teacher at Xueersi Online School, the online subsidiary of education giant TAL Education group.
Automated external defibrillator (AED) machines tailor made for young patients produced by Suzhou Jousing Medical Technology Co Ltd are expected to gain national approval by the end of the year-an accomplishment which would not be possible without the experimental policy introduced by the China (Jiangsu) Pilot Free Trade Zone Suzhou Area, said the company's chairman Sun Jianyan.
"Working as a luthier gives me a sense of accomplishment," said Jiang Hexi, a 37-year-old luthier at Queshan-based Henan Hao Yun Musical Instrument.
"There is no doubt about the accomplishment (of this year's target)," said Xia Haijun, president of Evergrande Group, at the company's half-year results meeting.
It is the first major accomplishment since the Shanghai studio's transformation toward EV design in 2021, while it just demonstrates design trends and will not be mass produced.
Expanding the NEV charging infrastructure to the corners of the vast countryside is also a great accomplishment.
He said the accomplishment, which is a result of concerted teamwork, has been hailed as a "Chinese miracle".
We strive to gamify some process to help users gain a sense of accomplishment and fun," he added.
"This is our third new drug application approval in the past five months for our internally developed products, a tremendous accomplishment for a young biotechnology company like BeiGene and validation of the team's hard work," said John V. Oyler, the company's chairman, co-founder, and CEO.
With the theme of "Economic Resilience and Financial Accomplishment", the forum has attracted about 400 experts and professionals in the finance industry from home and abroad.
But it gives you a strong sense of accomplishment.
One accomplishment of the meeting is China will set up a committee under the State Council, China's Cabinet, to oversee financial stability and development.

高考It's an amazing accomplishment and one we cannot achieve without generous support from individuals, corporations, and other social organizations.


2017年高考英语全国卷1 阅读理解 阅读A 原文

四级Research is converging ( ' , 汇聚) on the conclusion that great accomplishment and even genius is typically the result of years of passion and dedication and not something that flows naturally from a gift.

研究正在趋同(',汇聚) 结论是,伟大的成就甚至天才通常是多年激情和奉献的结果,而不是天生的礼物。


四级Research is converging on the conclusion that great accomplishment and even genius is typically the result of years of passion and dedication and not something that flows naturally from a gift.


2016年12月四级真题(第二套)阅读 Section B

四级Student tutors feel upset when their teachable agents fail, but happy when these virtual pupils succeed as they derive pride and satisfaction from someone else's accomplishment.


2018年6月四级真题(第三套)阅读 Section C

六级The example of Rembrandt's painting suggests that a distinction should be made between effort and accomplishment.



六级You diligence is worthy of encouragement, but effort does not equal accomplishment.



六级The example of Rembrandt's painting suggests that a distinction should be made between effort and accomplishment



六级Too often, the list is seen as the accomplishment for the day, reducing the immediate guilt of not working on the tasks at hand by investing energy in the list, says Pikle.



四级Research is converging (汇聚) on the conclusion that great accomplishment and even genius is typically the result of years of passion and dedication and not something that flows naturally from a gift.

研究正在趋同(汇聚) 得出的结论是,伟大的成就甚至天才通常是多年激情和奉献的结果,而不是天赋使然。

