
词根词缀记忆/谐音联想记忆 补充/纠错
词根a+chieve(祈福)+ment(名词后缀 …………
词性拓展记忆 / 词形拓展记忆
affect school achievements 影响学校成绩
academic achievement 学术成就
major engineering achievement 主要工程成果
achievements of art 艺术成就
sense of achievement 成就感
remarkable achievement 显著的成就
signpost achievements 标志性成就
a staggering achievement 惊人的成就
brilliant achievements 辉煌的成就
a sense of achievement 成就感
make tremendous achievements 取得巨大成就
remarkable achievements 显著的成就
have the sense of achievement 有成就感
make greater achievement 取得更大成就
make significant achievements 取得重大成就
self achievement 自我成就
have sense of achievement 有成就感
impressive achievement 令人印象深刻的成就
academic achievements 学业成就
a strong sense of achievement 强烈的成就感
absorb the achievements of foreign cultures 吸收外国文化的成果
lifetime achievement 终身成就
application of scientific and technological achievements in production 科技成果在生产中的应用
sectional achievements 分段成果
boast of one's achievement 夸耀自己的成就
turn laboratory achievements into mass production 将实验室成果转化为大规模生产
draw from past and foreign achievements 借鉴过去和国外的成就
add new splendor to its achievements 为其成就增添新的光彩
mutually beneficial cooperation, effectiveness, achievement sharing and common development 互利合作、实效共享、共同发展
sport achievements 体育成就
transfer of scientific and technological achievements 科技成果转移
Eric rated the achievement high.
Tom uncorked bottles of champagne to toast the achievement.
His greatest achievement was winning the Nobel Prize in Physics.
She considers raising her children as her most significant achievement.
The completion of the project within the deadline was a remarkable achievement.
The athlete's Olympic gold medal is an outstanding achievement in his career.
The company's achievement of a 20% increase in revenue last year is impressive.
Her dedication to charity work is a notable achievement in itself.
The successful launch of the satellite marked a significant achievement in space exploration.
Learning a new language fluently can be a personal achievement that boosts confidence.
The architect's innovative design for the skyscraper was a remarkable achievement in modern architecture.
Overcoming a life-threatening illness can be a profound achievement, both physically and mentally.
Cooperation between IBA and CGN Nuclear Technology Development on proton therapy is an important achievement of win-win cooperation between Belgium and China, and will benefit more cancer patients in China, IBA said.
"State Grid Taizhou Electric Power Company took the lead in visiting and investigating enterprises, supporting the development of the new energy industry with practical actions, and accelerating the achievement of the country's "dual carbon" goals.
Lei said that this recognition from his alma mater is an honor and the most important achievement of his life.
Zeiss said it would like to further contribute to local scientific research and innovation, achievement transformation, and talent cultivation in China.
The achievement showcases Chinese suppliers' prowess in advanced manufacturing and their important position in Apple's supply chains.
This achievement marks Knight Dairy as the first dairy company to go public on the Beijing Stock Exchange, receiving substantial support from the autonomous region's financial regulatory authority and the Baotou government.
This listing is a major achievement in Inner Mongolia's capital market development and stands as an exemplary case of local enterprise success in Baotou.
This has increased the villagers' participation and sense of achievement in rural revitalization, laying a solid foundation for building a harmonious countryside with civilized manners, good family traditions and hospitable folk customs.
By inspiring and engaging more partners, it actively encourages the pursuit of sustainable development, making new contributions to the achievement of the UN's 2030 SDGs and the building of a community with a shared future for mankind, said the company.
By inspiring and engaging more partners, it actively encourages the pursuit of sustainable development, making new contributions to the achievement of the UN's SDGs on schedule and the building of a community with a shared future for humanity.
↳The large patent holder attributed the achievement to its long-term commitment to research and development.
China Energy Investment Corporation (China Energy), the world's largest coal-fired power generation giant, has announced a significant achievement in its installed clean and renewable energy capacity.
The cooperation and licensing agreement, the third licensing agreement signed between F-star and Takeda within one year, further demonstrates the great potential of F-star's multi-antibody platform and is another achievement of China's biopharmaceutical internationalization innovation model, Sino Biopharm said.
Sino Biopharm表示,此次合作和授权协议是F-star与武田在一年内签署的第三份授权协议,进一步展示了F-star多抗体平台的巨大潜力,也是中国生物制药国际化创新模式的又一成果。
It also represents a new achievement for Chinese capital, technology and management in countries related to the Belt and Road Initiative, which is significant in helping Jordan achieve energy independence, ensure energy security, create jobs and improve people's well-being, the statement said.
Confirmation of this achievement came after domestic energy company China Petrochemical Corp started drilling the Yuejin 3-3 well in the Xinjiang Uygur autonomous region on Monday.
"China's achievement in developing a robust public health system has been remarkable over the past years and vaccine use in the country has expanded largely.
The plan will also promote the achievement of McDonald's global 2050 carbon-neutral goal and help accelerate the development of green and low-carbon agriculture.
"This flight is a remarkable achievement that shows our aircraft's capability, and we are excited to continue working toward our next goals all the way to EASA certification in 2025," said AutoFlight President Omer Bar-Yohay.
AutoFlight总裁Omer Bar Yohay表示:“此次飞行是一项了不起的成就,显示了我们飞机的能力,我们很高兴能够继续朝着我们的下一个目标努力,一直到2025年获得欧洲航空安全局认证。”。
Temu plans to reach total sales of $30 billion in five years, an achievement that Shein, a Chinese company which created a successful business model by selling fast fashion clothing at ultralow prices, took 10 years to attain.
That in itself is a sort of achievement, which seems to suggest the impact of Washington's restrictions on Huawei's sales has started to wane amid the Chinese company's progress in finding new growth streams, experts said.
He called Qatar an important part of the Belt and Road Initiative, and Lusail Stadium, some 20 kilometers north of Qatar's capital, Doha, an achievement that will help expand cooperation with countries and regions that participate in the BRI.
"This certification achievement will be shared throughout our operations worldwide so that this leading-edge practice can be replicated," he added.
Shanghai-based Jala Group has successfully developed a super yeast ingredient after nearly a decade of research and development, and the achievement hopes to help the Chinese company exploit the nation's cosmetics market with an expected value of over $100 billion.
Located a 40 minute-drive from downtown Abu Dhabi, the project includes two warehouses and a power station, and the advanced completion of the project was "an achievement of cooperation between construction workers from both sides".
"This is a good achievement, benefiting from the economic performance and front-loading macro policy support in the first two months," she added.
"Speaking of China's policies and measures in such fields as opening-up, common prosperity, innovation and green transformation, Zhang said, "China's great efforts to continuously open up its financial sector, as well as achievement in this regard, is well recognized.
"Under the circumstances of the on-going COVID-19 pandemic, which is still infecting globally and is affecting supply chains around the world at an unprecedented speed and scale and flooding, the achievement of this milestone is even more significant and meaningful", said Zhang Rongwang, CNOOC Gas & Power Group vice president.
A major project of the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor, the first all-steel radial truck/bus tire plant in Pakistan, kicked off production recently, marking a milestone in the South Asian country's tire manufacturing industry and another achievement under the Belt and Road Initiative.
As the first insurance technology company in China to focus on catastrophe risk management, the Group's subsidiary China Re Catastrophe Risk Management Co. , Ltd. successfully developed the China Earthquake Catastrophe Model 3.5, which is the only scientific research project in China's insurance industry featured in the 13th Five-Year Plan Scientific and Technological Achievement Exhibition.
"Another factor showing our DE&I achievement is the cultural diversity.
Based on such a large scale of fleet in China, any effort and achievement will greatly contribute to the country's carbon peaking and carbon neutrality goals," he said.
"The achievement of jointly building landmark projects like the China-Israel Changzhou Innovation Park and the China-Israel (Shanghai) Innovation Park showcases that economic relationship is a keyword for the collaboration between the two countries," Hanan said.
This has drawn wide attention in the National 13th Five-Year Science and Technology Innovation Achievement Exhibition this October.
Nick Varney, chief executive of Merlin Entertainments, said the official start of construction is a great achievement for Merlin Entertainments and this continues Merlin's ambition to bring more memorable experiences to families and visitors in China.
梅林娱乐首席执行官Nick Varney表示,正式开工是梅林娱乐的一大成就,这延续了梅林为中国家庭和游客带来更多难忘体验的雄心。
Industry experts said the launch of the crawler crane is a historic achievement for the country's crane industry, making China the first country capable of independently developing 4,500 ton-level moving cranes.
"The China-Europe Railway Express freight train service is not only a marked achievement of BRI cooperation, but will also help facilitate China's new dual-circulation growth paradigm, especially in China-Europe freight train-based integrated freight sectors such as warehousing, freight forwarding, and regional connectivity-related infrastructure projects," Feng said.
Q3: One big achievement China has made is eradication of absolute poverty.
Lyu Jun, general manager of the intelligent business center at China Baowu called the product's launch a milestone achievement.
"China's robust economy is a major factor for our achievement, as the country has largely brought COVID-19 under control, and maintained growth amid the pandemic," he said.
"Lenovo was a key contributor to this major achievement.
The WS-23 study was the first publicly published scientific achievement.
Sun Da, deputy head of the National Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine, said the market approval of the three Chinese patent drugs for treatment of COVID-19, including Huashi Baidu Granule, represented the recognition of the clinical efficacy and accumulation of scientific data of TCM in the treatment of COVID-19, and marked another achievement of TCM development.
It also launched an artificial intelligence-enabled diagnostics tour in November, where the AI-enabled tool automatically collected information on classroom teaching and teacher-student interactions and provided real-time early warning of behaviors that may affect the achievement of teaching goals in the classroom.
Industry experts such as Zhang Shule interpreted the full-year flat revenue and profit surge as a commendable achievement, and attributed Baidu's strong financial performance to a recovery in its search engine business, healthy growth of its app, and new artificial intelligence and cloud computing businesses.
The firm's overseas investment outlook is based on what is widely regarded as the biggest achievement last year-China-fostered multilateral international cooperation.
This is a major achievement of Wanda Group's second "Five-Year Plan" for green building and energy conservation.
"The project is a great achievement and is of strategic significance to the nation," said Abdelaziz Djerad, prime minister of Algeria.
"The delivery of the 500th A320 family aircraft, an A320neo, assembled in Tianjin, is an important achievement of Airbus in China.
The CAP1400 R&D is the latest achievement in China's nuclear power technology development and industrial innovation.
The cooperation marks an achievement made during the China-Russia Year of Scientific and Technological Innovation, a platform for the two nations to promote fast-track collaboration in fields including advanced technology and biosecurity.
The extraordinary achievement is largely attributable to the company's go-global plan initiated in 2012, just three years after Babybus' founding.
The achievement highlights Huawei's resilience amid challenges and the company's technological advances, said Xiang Ligang, director-general of the Information Consumption Alliance, a telecom industry association.
But that order is not the biggest achievement for Damon during the epidemic.
Such an achievement is phenomenal, considering that the app made its debut in 2016.
And BeiGene's achievement could inspire many other Chinese drug companies to confidently go global.
As an eWTP institution, the secretariat is responsible for the daily operations, international cooperation, training and exchange programs, achievement displays and the release of rules and models, according to company officials.
"As AI chips sit in the core of computing technology stacks, this achievement provides another powerful option for enterprise customers to leverage AI computing capabilities powered by Huawei," said Charlie Dai, principal analyst at Forrester, a business strategy and economic consultancy.
An artificial intelligence (AI) project got the World Internet Leading Science and Technology Achievement Prize at a meeting on October 20 during the sixth World Internet Conference in Wuzhen, Zhejiang province.
The company attributed the achievement to initiatives to cater to a broader user base, such as "using simpler interfaces for first-time or less-frequent users".
"This great achievement combines quality, technology, resources and market and is an essential milestone for Yili's 'Dairy Silk Road', building a 'Dairy bridge' across the Pacific Ocean and restructure the dairy industry landscape with the theme of 'World Integrally Sharing Health'," Zhang said.
Simply by numbers, the Shanghai resort has done justice to its status of being the largest and latest: it clocked up 11 million visitors and achieved break-even in its very first year of operations, a remarkable achievement across Disney's recently-built facilities worldwide.
Together with an improvement in living standards, we see an astonishing achievement in the biggest high-speed railway network, the biggest highway network and the largest internet population in the world.
"Being the first airline to be named 'Airline of the Year' for the fifth time is a landmark achievement and, combined with three other major Skytrax awards, is testament to the tireless efforts of the entire Qatar Airways team.
To achieve this accolade for a fifth time is a remarkable achievement, and we congratulate them for this unique success.
We also follow the Bayh-Dole Act of the United States in working together with universities -- we make investments but do not seek any achievement from the partnerships, Ren added.
What's your biggest achievement in China so far?
"The successful operation of the HMC for ten years is an important achievement of the win-win cooperation between AVIC and Airbus," said Gu Haicheng, vice-president of AVIC and chairman of the HMC Board.
"As we are still a relatively new brand in China, the biggest achievement is to have made such an impact on piracy in such a short space of time," Pfeiffer said.
"This achievement is a testament to our continued commitment to the Chinese helicopter industry and the strong spirit of cooperation that exists between us and our Chinese partners," she said.
"This achievement is a testament to our continued commitment to the Chinese helicopter industry and the strong spirit of cooperation that exists between us and our Chinese partners," she said in Qingdao.
It is a remarkable economic miracle and financial achievement created by all.
Four Chinese enterprises were awarded by Energy Foundation China, a global non-governmental organization, for their distinguish achievement in cutting carbon emission.
The achievement was lauded by Wan Gang, vice-chairman of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, who said earlier that, "On the whole, we have met the goal of 'occupying a place' in the major fields of science and technology, which lays a sound foundation for China to be an innovation powerhouse.
What has been your company's biggest achievement in China?
This is an amazing achievement.
That alone is an impressive achievement.
Beyond just the size and scale of the market that has developed, another great achievement is the amount of innovation that is now coming out of the Chinese market.
“It’s a great achievement for us and, at the same time, it allows the two parties to refer customers to each other and also develop the markets together,” Chan said.
Ketsadasak said that the Laos' strategy of "Battery of Southeast Asia" goes well with the China-proposed Belt and Road Initiative, and Nam Ou cascade hydropower project is a great achievement of the Belt and Road Initiative.
The SageMaker, a tool developed by AWS, was selected on the world-leading achievement list at the award ceremony for World Leading Internet Scientific and Technological Achievements on the first day of the fifth World Internet Conference (WIC) in Wuzhen, East China's Zhejiang province, on Nov 7.
"The biggest achievement of Yonyou is to provide services to millions of corporations in these 30 years.
This is also our largest achievement of this visit.
Besides being the vice chairman of the Shanghai Association of Enterprises with Foreign Investment, Mak also helms the Jing’an District Association of Enterprises with Foreign Investment and is a board member of the China chapter of the world’s largest nonprofit educational organization Junior Achievement.
The joint venture, which was announced on Wednesday, is also seen as a major achievement in optimizing the country's freight transportation structure.
Huang Min, deputy-general manager of CRC, said the new venture is another significant achievement in CRC's efforts to promote diversified ownership and will enhance its backbone role in the country's logistics sector.
The biggest achievement is the significant improvement in Chinese people's living standards.
The achievement breaks the seven-year dominance of Samsung Electronics Co Ltd and Apple as the top two vendors in terms of smartphone shipments.
Lifting hundreds of millions of people out of poverty in the span of just a few decades-that's an achievement that no other nation in the history of the world can match.
This is another achievement for Cirrus Aircraft after its SR series general plane retained its title of having the world's most popular four-to-five seat airplane for sixteen consecutive years, said AVIC.
What's your biggest achievement in China as the group CEO?
The company's biggest achievement is being the first to penetrate the market and become the leader in the high-end segment.
Another achievement has been in brand recognition, where Pirelli has quickly become a brand known for technology with an Italian touch.
The best achievement would be to be considered Chinese in China.
And I would say that's really the biggest achievement.
Considering the size of the country and the total population, this is an achievement unparalleled worldwide.
Urbanization: A huge achievement has come via China unlocking the power of cities for sustainable development.
"At Jushi, I not only gained a lot of technical expertise but also learned many administrative skills including planning, productivity and goal achievement," he continued, noting that the company also provides training courses for its staff, including English training as well as leadership and teamwork training.
Since then, people from all walks of life have been considering participation in the development of Xiongan so as to take a share of its achievement.
"The Elkem's listing today is the achievement of many years of specialization and full integration to create a global worldwide leader in silicones," said Michael Koenig, chief executive officer of China National Bluestar and chairman of the board of Elkem ASA.
The company reported 18 billion yuan ($2.83 billion) in revenue last year, up 80 percent from a year earlier, but the achievement was eclipsed by the 300 percent growth in 2014 and 100 percent in 2015.

四级Before you brush this argument aside as rubbish, or think of joy as an unaffordable luxury in a nation where there is awful poverty, low academic achievement, and high dropout rates, think again.



四级their students' academic achievement



六级The achievement gap between children from high- and lowincome families is 30-40% larger among children born in 2001 than those born 25 years earlier, according to Mr.



考研Some attributed virtually every important cultural achievement to the inventions of a few, especially gifted peoples that, according to diffusionists, then spread to other cultures.



考研Shakespeare’s life time was coincident with a period of extraordinary activity and achievement in the drama.



六级Psychologists are finding that hope plays a surprisingly vital role in giving people a measurable advantage in rounds as diverse as academic achievement, bearing up in tough jobs, and coping with tragic illness.



考研If the district finds homework to be unimportant to its students'academic achievement, it should move to reduce or eliminate the assignments, not make them count for almost nothing.


2012年考研真题(英语二)阅读理解 Section Ⅱ

高考David Brooks, author of the Social Animal: the Hidden Sources of Love,Character, and Achievement, appears to be the latest in a long line of writers who have failed to resist the temptation.


2015年高考英语湖北卷 阅读理解 阅读E 原文

四级In one the focus could be on building financial success and personal achievement, in another on creating a better work/life balance, still another on exploring and understanding options more fully, or becoming an independent producer, yet another on makin


2019年6月四级真题(第一套)阅读 Section B

考研But the article is actually quite optimistic, as it outlines a potential solution to this problem, suggesting that an approach can close 63 percent of the achievement gap between first-generation and other students.


2015年考研真题(英语二)阅读理解 Section Ⅱ

高考Research findings seem to indicate that the creation by a great artist is as permanent an achievement as the discovery by a great scientist.


2015年高考英语重庆卷 阅读理解 阅读E 原文

考研Achievement happens because you as a person embody the external achievement; you don‘t “ get” success but become it.



四级At the start of junior high, the math achievement test scores of the students with a growth mind-set were comparable to those of students who displayed a fixed mind-set.



六级By fifth grade, children with early attention difficulties had lower grades and reading achievement scores than their peers.


2018年12月六级真题(第一套)阅读 Section C

高考Picking up her "lifetime achievement" award, proud Irene declared she had no plans to retire from her 36-year-old business.


2019年高考英语全国卷2 语法填空 原文

考研This has created "a paradox" in that recruiting first-generation students, but then watching many of them fail, means that higher education has "continued to reproduce and widen, rather than close" an achievement gap based on social class, according to th


2015年考研真题(英语二)阅读理解 Section Ⅱ

考研They cite past research by several authors to show that this is the gap that must be narrowed to close the achievement gap.


2015年考研真题(英语二)阅读理解 Section Ⅱ

考研For years,studies have found that first-generation college students—those who do not have a parent with a college degree—lag other students on a range of education achievement factors.


2015年考研真题(英语二)阅读理解 Section Ⅱ

四级His great achievement was to combine an emotional spark with computer technology, and make the resulting product feel personal.



六级But a university degree unaccompanied by a gain in knowledge or skills is an empty achievement indeed.



四级It is a major achievement in eye surgery.



六级Lower reading achievement scores and grades in fifth grade contributed to reduced grades in middle school and thereby contributed to a 40% lower high school graduation rate.


2018年12月六级真题(第一套)阅读 Section C

六级The achievement gap between children from high- and low-income families is 30-40% larger among children born in 2001 than those born 25 years earlier, according to Mr. Reardon's research.



六级The list itself becomes the day’s achievement, allowing us to feel we’ve done something useful without taking on any real work.



四级The hope for further development and true achievement toward improving society will require a change in the entire system.



四级There were joyous celebrations all over the country, with parades and the ringing of church bells to honor the great achievement.



四级A teacher who continually draws attention to rewards or who hands out high grades for ordinary achievement ends up with uninspired students, Eisenberger holds.



四级They fear the pain inevitably brought by such things as marriage, raising children, professional achievement, religious commitment (承担的义务), self-improvement.

他们害怕婚姻、抚养孩子、职业成就、宗教信仰等不可避免地带来的痛苦(承担的义务), 自我完善


四级Martine says this figure may have fallen still further since 1990, an achievement that makes it the envy of many other Third World countries.



四级The school rather than the home is given credit for variations in achievement in subjects such as science.



四级Because an athlete succeeds by achievement only—not by economic ground or family connections—sports can be a fast route to wealth, and many athletes play only for money than for love.



四级In a time of low academic achievement by children in the United States, many Americans are turning to Japan, a country of high academic achievement and economic success, for possible answers.



四级Even the strongest supporters of the reform movement concede that the task of raising achievement among disadvantaged students is hard work.



四级Yet students showed no additional learning in achievement tests.



四级Large education bureaucracies and unions came to dominate the landscape, confusing activity with achievement.



四级These include government financing for scientific research, national policies to support emerging industries, educational achievement, engineers and scientists graduated, even the speeds of Internet broadband service.



四级With his letter, Aderhold inserted West Windsor-Plainsboro Regional School District into a national discussion about the intense focus on achievement at elite schools, and whether it has gone too far.



四级Jennifer Lee, professor of sociology at the University of California, Irvine, and an author of the Asian American Achievement Paradox, says misunderstanding between first-generation Asian-American parents and those who have been in this country longer are common.

加州大学欧文分校社会学教授、《亚裔美国人成就悖论》一书的作者Jennifer Lee表示,第一代亚裔美国人父母与在美国生活时间更长的人之间的误解很常见。


四级In one the focus could be on building financial success and personal achievement, in another on creating a better work/life balance, still another on exploring and understanding options more fully, or becoming an independent producer, yet another on making a social contribution.



四级The results showed almost no gains in math achievement.



考研Any high degree of human endeavor and achievement has been closely linked to life in an urban environment.



考研It doesn’t help that building a big, powerful dam has become a symbol of achievement for nations and people striving to assert themselves.



考研Banking on the confusion between educational and vocational reasons for bringing computers into schools, computered advocates often emphasize the job prospects of graduates over their educational achievement.



考研A scientific analysis shifts both the responsibility and the achievement to the environment.


