
联想记忆a(一个) + c(可以) + knowledge(知识) → 一个可以进入我的知识体系的人/物,也就是被我 …………
词性拓展记忆 / 词形拓展记忆
acknowledge / admit / confess / recognize / concede
acknowledge →  …………
acknowledge as 承认为
acknowledge receipt of sth. 确认收到某物
acknowledge receipt 确认收据
acknowledge the receipt of a letter 告知来函收悉
be acknowledged to be 被承认是
acknowledge the salute 致敬
acknowledge the receipt of an order 确认收到订单
I did not acknowledge that he had done anything wrong.
She refuses to acknowledge the need for reform.
Gradually he began to acknowledge his feelings of envy towards his mother.
I acknowledge your concerns.
She acknowledged my presence with a nod.
He acknowledged his mistake and apologized.
The teacher acknowledged the students' hard work.
She acknowledged being late for the meeting.
I acknowledge that there's still much to learn.
They acknowledged each other with a handshake.
He reluctantly acknowledged the truth.
The company publicly acknowledged their responsibility in the accident.
She acknowledged her son's achievement with tears of joy.
The company's co-founder and CEO Peng Lin acknowledged that treating ALS is a worldwide challenge.
"We acknowledge their profound enthusiasm for premium brands.
"During the ceremony, the company acknowledged the efforts that the Chinese government has made in optimizing its business environment for pharmaceutical multinational corporations.
Chen acknowledged that factors such as geopolitical tensions, economic slowdown and a deteriorating business environment in some countries have posed serious challenges to ZTE's operations in overseas markets.
The Jinan-based Qilu Bank has been contributing to public welfare for many years and such efforts were recently acknowledged after its brand Quanxin Public Welfare was honored as a "Top 10 Network Public Welfare Brand" by the cyberspace administration of Jinan city, Shandong province.
Xu acknowledged that entrepreneurs often feel anxious as market competition has been quite brutal and what represents the future for a company is difficult to predict.
Widely acknowledged as one of the leading third-generation nuclear power reactors in the global market, Hualong One is central to China's goals of hitting carbon peak before 2030 and achieving carbon neutrality before 2060.
While more Chinese companies have survived the first stage of development in Japan, they also acknowledge the challenges ahead, such as Japan's aging population, fierce competition with local peers and unstable currency exchange rates.
The maker of yoga leggings, training outfits and footwear plans to triple the number of stores on the Chinese mainland from the current 71 to 220 in five years, said CEO Calvin McDonald, who acknowledged being "grateful to and excited about" the success and prospects of its China growth story.
"China's strategic goal in green economic development is acknowledged by the world," Chen said.
"Our collaboration with Chinese partners had made us further acknowledge China's great potential and advancement in medical research and healthcare services," Qiu said.
She also acknowledged China's biopharmaceutical policy environment.
Globally, it is widely acknowledged that Predix, developed by General Electric in the United States, and MindSphere, developed by Siemens in Germany, represent the top-level industrial internet systems.
全球范围内,人们普遍认为美国通用电气(General Electric)开发的Predix和德国西门子(Siemens)开发的MindSphere是顶级的工业互联网系统。
After the review, the top court acknowledged the ruling.
At the same time, Xiao acknowledged the fierce competition in the Chinese online entertainment industry, with market scale continuing to expand, as a lot of newcomers and traditional giants are competing on the same battleground.
However, the electric vehicle manufacture acknowledged the challenges brought by COVID-19 to the company, "It is difficult to predict how quickly vehicle manufacturing and its global supply chain will return to prior levels," said Tesla in the Q1 earning call.
Xu Xinqiao, a senior official from the Hubei Provincial Development and Reform Commission, acknowledged the contributions DouYu has made in the fight against the epidemic.
Toyota Motor Corp acknowledged the penalty and respects the decision after being fined 87.6 million yuan ($12.5 million) for violating antitrust laws set by China's market regulator.
The company acknowledged on Monday that some consultants have violated company rules.
Its diversification strategy to mitigate concentration risk is well acknowledged in both reports.
"David Parker, New Zealand's minister for economic development, environment and trade, acknowledged that e-commerce can help reduce carbon emissions and highly praised China's achievements in reducing carbon emissions.
Huawei acknowledged to Reuters that one package originating in Vietnam was received by Friday, and the other was on its way, according to FedEx tracking records provided by Huawei.
She acknowledged in an earlier statement that the US Department of Commerce had recently added Chinese companies and affiliates to its "Entity List", but did not elaborate.
With a surging aircraft fleet and professional team, China has an acknowledged safety record in civil aviation, he said.
Jordan acknowledged that the growth of third-party food delivery platforms in China such as Meituan-Dianping and Ele.
Wang also acknowledged that Fly-Zoo still had plenty of issues that need upgrading.
However, there is still a long way ahead for Chinese patent medicines to be widely accepted and acknowledged around the world, not only because foreigners are largely not aware of TCM culture and theories, but also because it is difficult to register Chinese patent medicines under Western-style new drug registration systems, Yu said.
Tencent Chairman Pony Ma acknowledged that the country's bold decision to revitalize the economy 40 years ago has always been a source of inspiration in how he runs the company, whose market value once topped $500 billion.
British multinational advertising and public relations company WPP unveiled its top 100 Chinese brands ranking on Wednesday evening in London, in an effort to acknowledge Chinese firms' growing reputation on the international stage.
British multinational advertising and public relations company WPP unveiled its top 100 Chinese brands ranking on Wednesday evening in London, in an effort to acknowledge Chinese companies' growing reputation on the international business stage.
AfterShip's website offers comprehensive real-time information that has been acknowledged as consumer-friendly, more so because it offers details of even cross-border e-commerce platforms, company executives said.
"The majority of our respondents said they realize they cannot rely on their families for care in old age, but less than 3 percent acknowledged they have a good command of various retirement fund options.
I think that China's growing influence in the world is something that many people acknowledge and are eagerly following, but many are not paying enough attention to the deeper story.
Even prior to that, it must be acknowledged that our children's education system requires an overhaul.
Chairman John Wilson acknowledged shareholders would be "rightfully disappointed" with some of the figures, but pointed to Fonterra's overall performance.
Zuckerberg acknowledged that there is more to do.
David Carroll, a professor at Parsons School of Design in New York who sued Cambridge Analytica in the U. K. , said he was not satisfied with Zuckerberg's response, but acknowledged that "this is just the beginning.
Liu Shuqing, general manager of the company, said at the meeting it is of utmost urgency to resolve the financial strain, but Liu acknowledged the difficulty in letting the non-listed units of LeEco to repay the outstanding debt.
Lin acknowledged that the cooling down of China's real estate market in the wake of tightening government policy could negatively affect the company's business, but said he believes there is still plenty of space to explore in the country.
He acknowledged "operational missteps" during the critical holiday shopping season when shopping at its stores and online wasn't as easy as it should have been.
The stability and the potential of the Belt and Road Initiative have been widely acknowledged by global investors.
"On Dec 20, Apple acknowledged that iPhone software has the effect of slowing down some phones with battery problems.
Foxconn acknowledged the investment plan but declined to give more details.
Soam acknowledged that competition is rife among industrial parks in the country and in neighboring countries.
Ed Stagemyer, who oversees employees and production on the factory floor, acknowledged that the company has had a positive impact on Allentown.
"Fuyao acknowledged parts of the issues OSHA pointed out, and has taken measures to improve workforce safety," said the statement.
Yu Guangjun, director of the Institute of Economics at the Inner Mongolia Academy of Social Sciences, acknowledged the changes.
The company acknowledged the rapid development of mobile payment services led by Chinese third-party payment companies such as Alipay, the digital wallet run by e-commerce giant Alibaba Group, and WeChat Wallet owned by Tencent Holdings, but Keung doesn't seem worried.
Besides tech giants, smaller companies like German e-scooter maker Trittbrett also acknowledge the crucial role of Chinese innovation.
As 2024 approaches, it is important to acknowledge the uncertainties and instabilities prevalent in the external environment.
First, it is important to acknowledge the resilience and adaptability of the Chinese consumer market.
Although import competition may inevitably lead to negative impacts on specific regions and demographics, potentially reducing the welfare of these vulnerable groups, the view that free trade is more beneficial than detrimental to the US is universally acknowledged in academia.
The world needs to work together to address global shocks such as the COVID-19 pandemic and climate change, said Morsy who also acknowledged that globalization is facing the challenges of rising nationalism.
Both sides have acknowledged the substantial value and benefits that such an agreement will contribute to their respective economies, he said.
Nevertheless, Khor acknowledged that China's inflation will likely remain low for the remainder of the year, thanks in part to bumper food harvests as well as weakness in consumer spending due to spillovers from the sluggish real estate sector and external demand.
Over 90 percent of the polled companies acknowledged that government efficiency has been steadily improving over the past 10 years, while more than 80 percent said local government policies have been becoming more transparent.
Chinese authorities have acknowledged the difficulties and pledged more efforts to bolster the economy.
"It is widely acknowledged that the private sector stoked China's high growth in recent decades.
In 2022, homestay manager was officially acknowledged as a new profession by the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security, improving social recognition of the industry and creating more job opportunities.
It is vital to acknowledge the disparities in wealth accumulation between China and developed economies and refrain from reaching hasty conclusions.
Yang Xinhong, director of the Guangdong Provincial Bureau of Statistics, acknowledged the hard-won economic achievement, emphasizing the province's efforts to promote the development of the real economy and strengthen the leadership of its manufacturing industry through the launching of numerous projects.
"Targeted initiatives in China that acknowledge local natural assets, explore new livelihood opportunities and take into account the domestic economic challenges, have enabled more policies and actions to be grounded," said George.
Such enhanced efforts in the sector are acknowledged by experts and market insiders as the nation is still confronting pressure from relatively weak domestic demand.
It is crucial to fully acknowledge and comprehend the pivotal role played by a well-functioning carbon market in China's endeavor to achieve low-carbon transformation.
It is obvious that China's developing country status is universally acknowledged.
Executives of many companies around the globe acknowledge the benefits of globalization.
Wang acknowledged that China and Australia are significant economic and trade partners who have recently made progress in their bilateral trade cooperation through joint efforts.
In the course of interviews and conversations, I have found that many deputies acknowledge that China's labor cost advantage is shrinking, but that this doesn't necessarily mean it has become more expensive to innovate and manufacture here.
China is the first major economy to acknowledge the transformation, and it will be the engine for the next phase of globalization, said Daryl amid the prevalent notion that globalization is over.
"Meanwhile, the historical contribution made by globalization to world growth has been widely acknowledged.
According to the 2022 Chinese Enterprise Global Image Survey Report, nearly 70 percent of surveyed foreign persons acknowledged China's contribution to the global and regional economies.
Surveyed people from the BRICS — Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa — and countries and regions involved in the Belt and Road Initiative spoke highly of Chinese enterprises operating overseas and acknowledged their technologies and investments.
However, she acknowledged existing pressure and challenges in ensuring employment, pledging to "go all out to maintain overall stability in employment.
Experts at the webinar acknowledged that China is playing a growing role in driving global development and cooperation, as it strives to create new opportunities for the world with its own development on its journey to build a modern socialist country in all respects.
Experts from both sides acknowledged climate change as one of the top priority cooperation agendas between the two countries and noted that Sino-Japan carbon-neutral cooperation has broad prospects and far-reaching significance.
The county-level city, which is in the middle of Zhejiang, about 140 kilometers from the provincial capital of Hangzhou, had humble beginnings as agrarian land in the late 1970s and early 1980s, and has since developed into what is widely acknowledged as the world's largest small-commodities market.
It is widely acknowledged that achieving peaceful, stable development and relatively reasonable and fair distribution are key to countries securing a stable international environment.
ZHANG: China's reform and opening-up are widely acknowledged initiatives that benefit not just the country itself, but also the world.
Officials at the bureau acknowledged that a gap remains between Dalian's aquaculture and more advanced projects in China and abroad, especially in the application of modern information technology, mechanization and automation.
"President of the Swiss Confederation Ignazio Cassis said that periods of relative peace, prosperity and technological progress can be deceptive, and that humankind must acknowledge its vulnerability.
However, he acknowledged that SWIFT has advantages in terms of efficiency, market size, security, confidentiality and automated processing, with a large number of financial institutions connected to it.
To this end, as has been highlighted in many meetings and forums, implementing long-term structural reforms has been well acknowledged to be key to achieving high-quality economic development in China.
Beijing has approved overseas professionals in the two zones to take China's occupational qualification tests and has acknowledged around 82 overseas occupational qualifications in 10 major fields including finance, education, construction and healthcare, he said.
A pivotal meeting of the Communist Party of China presided over by Xi Jinping, general secretary of the CPC Central Committee, in 2013 acknowledged the market's "decisive" role in allocating resources, changing the tone from the "basic" role it has played since 1992.
The policy-setting Central Economic Work Conference acknowledged that the country is facing the pressure of demand contraction and required action to safeguard macroeconomic stability.
However, as China's top leadership acknowledged that the country is facing threefold pressure from contraction of demand, supply shocks and weaker expectations, experts and business executives said the nation needs to step up efforts to progress high-quality development and therefore make greater contributions to global economic growth and multilateralism.
In the key economic meeting, China's top leadership acknowledged that the country is facing a threefold pressure from contraction of demand, supply shocks and weaker expectations.
China's top leadership acknowledged that the country is facing threefold pressure from contraction of demand, supply shocks and weaker expectations, and it pledged to safeguard economic stability amid rising domestic and external challenges at the tone-setting annual Central Economic Work Conference, which concluded on Friday.
"The traditional culture can only be inherited if modern Chinese truly know, acknowledge, and put the spiritual content of traditional culture in practice," said Su Junbin, associate professor at the School of Journalism and Communication, Xiamen University, to China Youth Daily.
Hailing foreign firms as "the significant participant in, witness of and contributor to China's building of a well-off society", Wang acknowledged their role as "special and important".
Their comments were in response to Friday's events when top policymakers acknowledged at a key meeting in Beijing that China will achieve its carbon emissions reduction goals in a coordinated and orderly manner.
He acknowledged that the rise of Asia will become a driving force for global economic growth, adding that China is the largest economy within that continent and its move around socialism will have a major bearing on the world.
Wang said that under the conditions of fierce industry competition, rice enterprises have acknowledged that merely focusing on operations cannot drive the growth of core business.
"The test reports offer us a passport to domestic supermarket chains, and vice versa, and these reports are also acknowledged worldwide.
However, he acknowledged the need to address the industry's environmental footprint and evolving customer needs.
Currently, the county-level city has successfully applied for the recognition of 12 villages as provincially acknowledged villages with renowned brands, one town as a provincial-level strong agricultural township, and two provincial-level agricultural industrialization demonstration joint bodies.
Power purchase agreements have been acknowledged in the carbon border adjustment mechanism (CBAM) proposed by the European Union, though calculation methodology details remain unknown.
The claims are substantiated by data from the World Health Organization, which reveals that 113 WHO member countries officially acknowledge the efficacy of acupuncture.
The impressive figures serve as a clear testament to the revival of the pre-pandemic vitality in China's film market, as acknowledged by experts in the field.
Speaking at the ceremony, Zimbabwean President Emmerson Mnangagwa acknowledged the role that business entities from China are playing in Zimbabwe's lithium sector.

六级This might not be right, but school-leavers who fail to acknowledge as much risk making the wrong decision about going to university.



六级Chinese officials say the expansion in Antarctica prioritises scientific research, but they also acknowledge that concerns about resource security influence their moves.



考研Because US colleges and universities seldom acknowledge how social class can affect students' educational experiences, many first-generation students lack insight about why they are struggling and do not understand how students like them can improve.


2015年考研真题(英语二)阅读理解 Section Ⅱ

四级It is widely acknowledged.



四级Acknowledge their contribution.



四级Although many attribute Kodak's downfall to "complacency(自满) ," that explanation doesn't acknowledge the lengths to which the company went to reinvent itself.

尽管许多人将柯达的垮台归因于“自满”(自满) ," 这一解释并不承认该公司在重塑自身方面付出了多大的努力。


六级While we argue phasing out racial terminology ( ' , 术语 ) in the biological sciences, we also acknowledge that using race as a political or social category to study racism, although filled with lots of challenges, remains necessary given our need to understand how structural inequities and discrimination produce health disparities ( ' , 差异 ) between groups, Yudell said.

虽然我们主张逐步淘汰种族术语(“,术语 ) 在生物科学领域,我们也承认,将种族作为一个政治或社会范畴来研究种族主义,尽管充满了许多挑战,但鉴于我们需要了解结构性不平等和歧视是如何导致健康差异的,仍然是必要的,差异 ) 尤德尔说,在小组之间。


六级The researchers also acknowledged that there are a few areas where race as a construct might still be useful in scientific research: as a political and social, but not biological, variable.



六级If supervisors do not acknowledge such outstanding performance, employees may either lose their enthusiasm and reduce their effort or search for a new job at a firm that will reward them for high performance.



六级Supervisors should acknowledge high performance so that the employee will continue to perform well in the future



六级When it gets a little boring, I might pull it out," acknowledged Naomi Pugh, a first-year student at Freed- Hardeman University in Henderson, Tenn.



六级They acknowledge that, in a few cases, home schooling offers educational opportunities superior to those found in most public schools, but few parents can provide such educational advantages.



考研This is hacking on an industrial scale ,as was acknowledged by Glenn Mulcaire, the man hired by the News of the World in 2001 to be the point person for phone hacking.

正如格伦·穆尔凯尔(Glenn Mulcaire)所承认的那样,这是一种工业规模的黑客行为。格伦·穆尔凯尔于2001年被《世界新闻报》(News of the World)聘请为电话黑客的关键人物。


考研It's important to acknowledge that the environment isn't everyone's priority—or even most people's.


2019年考研真题(英语二)阅读理解 Section Ⅱ

考研What we need to do is find a way to acknowledge and express what we feel appropriately, and then -- again, like children -- move on.


2016年考研真题(英语二)阅读理解 Section Ⅱ

高考Her years of hard work have finally been acknowledged after a customer nominated her to be cheshire's woman of the year.


2019年高考英语全国卷2 语法填空 原文

考研These epochal figures represented lives hard to imitate, but to be acknowledged as possessing higher authority than mere mortals.


2012年考研真题(英语二)阅读理解 Section Ⅱ

六级Supervisors should acknowledge high performance so that the employee will continue to perform well in the future.



高考And though one of the executives acknowledged that Brutus had the good of the republic in mind, Caesar was nevertheless his superior.


2015年高考英语上海卷 阅读理解 阅读C 原文

六级“When it gets a little boring, I might pull it out,” acknowledged Naomi Pugh, a first-year student at Freed-Hardeman University in Henderson, Tenn. , referring to her new iPod Touch, which can connect to the Internet over a campus wireless network.

田纳西州亨德森自由哈德曼大学一年级学生Naomi Pugh承认:“当它变得有点无聊时,我可能会把它拔出来。”她指的是她的新iPod Touch,它可以通过校园无线网络连接到互联网。


六级“While we argue phasing out racial terminology (术语)in the biological sciences, we also acknowledge that using race as a political or social category to study racism, although filled with lots of challenges, remains necessary given our need to understand how structural inequities and discrimination produce health disparities (差异) between groups.

“当我们主张逐步淘汰种族术语时(术语)在生物科学中,我们也承认,将种族作为一个政治或社会类别来研究种族主义,尽管充满了许多挑战,但仍然是必要的,因为我们需要了解结构性的不平等和歧视是如何产生健康差异的(差异) 组之间。


六级But we can’t acknowledge that our obsession(痴迷) is more about us than them.

但我们不能承认我们的痴迷(痴迷) 更多的是关于我们而不是他们。


四级The executives acknowledge that they try to swing national eating habits to a food created in America, but they deny that amounts to economic imperialism.



四级Although many attribute Kodak's downfall to "complacency(自满)," that explanation doesn't acknowledge the lengths to which the company went to reinvent itself.



四级A survey of 439 medical technicians found that 55 percent of technicians who monitor bypass machines acknowledged that they had talked on cellphones during heart surgery.



四级Although many attribute Kodak’s downfall to “complacency ( 自满)”that explanation doesn’t acknowledge the lengths to which the company went to reinvent itself.



四级But UCLA pediatrician Carlos Lerner acknowledged that the pediatricians’ new prescription may meet with skepticism(怀疑) from parents, who are anxious for advice on how to give their kids a leg up in the world.

但加州大学洛杉矶分校儿科医生卡洛斯·勒纳承认,儿科医生的新处方可能会受到质疑(怀疑) 来自父母,他们迫切希望得到如何让孩子在这个世界上获得帮助的建议。


四级I also acknowledge that we have a work-life problem, but I'm arguing that the concept of balance has never been helpful, because it's too limiting.



考研On another level, many in the medical community acknowledge that the assisted-suicide debate has been fueled in part by the despair of patients for whom modern medicine has prolonged the physical agony of dying.


