
词根词缀记忆/谐音联想记忆 补充/纠错
词根ad-表强调+equ相等 …………
词根记忆ad加强+equ 相等+acy 名词后缀→〔数量〕相等了再增加 → adequacy  …………
词性拓展记忆 / 词形拓展记忆
词根记忆 / 词缀记忆
adequacy n 足够(ad加强+equ+acy=[数量]相等了再增加=足够)
equal a 相等的,平等的(equ+al)
equality n 平等(equal+ …………
capital adequacy ratio 资本充足率
Eric doubted her adequacy for the job.
He is very critical of the adequacy of Britain's race laws.
The adequacy of the school's resources was called into question during the inspection.
The adequacy of the evidence presented in court will determine the outcome of the trial.
The report evaluates the adequacy of existing safety measures in the workplace.
The adequacy of her preparation ensured she excelled in the exam.
The adequacy of funding for scientific research is a topic of ongoing debate.
The adequacy of the emergency response plan was tested during the drill.
The judge questioned the adequacy of the lawyer's argument in defending his client.
The adequacy of nutrition plays a vital role in a child's physical and mental development.
The adequacy of the sample size is crucial for obtaining statistically significant results.
The audit aimed to assess the adequacy and effectiveness of the company's internal controls.
"The move has a direct bearing on strengthening the PSBC's capacity to supply credit, as well as boosting its capability to serve the real economy and guard against risks," said PSBC President Liu Jianjun, adding that with a capitalization of 45 billion yuan ($6.5 billion) in place, the tier 1 capital adequacy ratio will be further raised.
In 2021, the aggregated solvency adequacy ratios for all insurance entities of the Group stayed above 200 percent, and the Group was awarded a Long-term Insurer Financial Strength Rating of "A" by S&P Global Ratings for the fifth consecutive year and maintained its Financial Strength Rating of "A(Excellent)" by A. M. Best for the 12th year running.
In 2020, the comprehensive solvency adequacy ratios for all insurance entities of the group remained above 200 percent.
The comprehensive solvency adequacy ratios for all insurance entities of the group remained above 200 percent.
Li Jin, chief researcher at the China Enterprise Research Institute, said: "Swaps could lower the company's leverage ratio and ease its financial burden by increasing capital adequacy.
At present, development of the second and third pillars of China's pension system is lagging behind, and there are also concerns about the adequacy and sustainability of pension funds.
Its core tier-1 capital adequacy ratio will increase from 5.15 percent to 8.85 percent, the bank said in its results announcement.
The case's application does not meet the filing standards of the World Trade Organization (WTO) as it lacks accuracy and adequacy in the qualification of the applicant's representativeness, Chinese steel and energy markets as well as Chinese products' impact on EU sector, MOC spokesperson Gao Feng told a press conference.
A prototype shop has been established as the first building of the Wuhan plant, which is key to anticipate industrial challenges and to allow the engineers to check very early the adequacy of the design to the market.
Higher regulatory standards for capital adequacy ratio, asset liability ratio and information disclosure should be introduced to these large companies, including the financial holding groups, according to Xiao.

四级They cannot measure the essentials of effective written communication: accuracy, reasoning, adequacy of evidence, good sense, ethical ( 伦理的) position, convincing argument, meaningful organization, and clarity, among others.

他们无法衡量有效书面沟通的要点:准确性、推理、证据的充分性、良好的判断力、道德(伦理的) 立场、令人信服的论点、有意义的组织和清晰等。

