
词根词缀记忆/谐音联想记忆 补充/纠错
词根ad-表强调+equ相等、评论+acy,表名 …………
词根记忆ad加强+equ 相等+acy 名词后缀→〔数量〕相等了再增加 → adequacy n.足够;适当;妥善 …………
词性拓展记忆 / 词形拓展记忆
词根记忆 / 词缀记忆
adequacy n 足够(ad加强+equ+acy=[数量]相等了再增加=足够)
equal a 相等的,平等的(equ+al)
equality n 平等(equal+ity)
eq …………
capital adequacy ratio 资本充足率
Eric doubted her adequacy for the job.
He is very critical of the adequacy of Britain's race laws.
The adequacy of the school's resources was called into question during the inspection.
The adequacy of the evidence presented in court will determine the outcome of the trial.
The report evaluates the adequacy of existing safety measures in the workplace.
The adequacy of her preparation ensured she excelled in the exam.
The adequacy of funding for scientific research is a topic of ongoing debate.
The adequacy of the emergency response plan was tested during the drill.
The judge questioned the adequacy of the lawyer's argument in defending his client.
The adequacy of nutrition plays a vital role in a child's physical and mental development.
The adequacy of the sample size is crucial for obtaining statistically significant results.
The audit aimed to assess the adequacy and effectiveness of the company's internal controls.
"The move has a direct bearing on strengthening the PSBC's capacity to supply credit, as well as boosting its capability to serve the real economy and guard against risks," said PSBC President Liu Jianjun, adding that with a capitalization of 45 billion yuan ($6.5 billion) in place, the tier 1 capital adequacy ratio will be further raised.
In 2021, the aggregated solvency adequacy ratios for all insurance entities of the Group stayed above 200 percent, and the Group was awarded a Long-term Insurer Financial Strength Rating of "A" by S&P Global Ratings for the fifth consecutive year and maintained its Financial Strength Rating of "A(Excellent)" by A. M. Best for the 12th year running.
In 2020, the comprehensive solvency adequacy ratios for all insurance entities of the group remained above 200 percent.
The comprehensive solvency adequacy ratios for all insurance entities of the group remained above 200 percent.
Li Jin, chief researcher at the China Enterprise Research Institute, said: "Swaps could lower the company's leverage ratio and ease its financial burden by increasing capital adequacy.
At present, development of the second and third pillars of China's pension system is lagging behind, and there are also concerns about the adequacy and sustainability of pension funds.
Its core tier-1 capital adequacy ratio will increase from 5.15 percent to 8.85 percent, the bank said in its results announcement.
The case's application does not meet the filing standards of the World Trade Organization (WTO) as it lacks accuracy and adequacy in the qualification of the applicant's representativeness, Chinese steel and energy markets as well as Chinese products' impact on EU sector, MOC spokesperson Gao Feng told a press conference.
A prototype shop has been established as the first building of the Wuhan plant, which is key to anticipate industrial challenges and to allow the engineers to check very early the adequacy of the design to the market.
Higher regulatory standards for capital adequacy ratio, asset liability ratio and information disclosure should be introduced to these large companies, including the financial holding groups, according to Xiao.
The bank's capital indicators are also excellent, with its core Tier 1 capital adequacy ratio positioned at the upper level among comparable peers, reaching 9.73 percent in Q3 2023.
He said international regulators, including Chinese regulators, have worked closely together to reform international standards, particularly around capital adequacy framework issues, to ensure lenders hold sufficient capital.
"China also needs to improve the safety of overseas assets, especially that of foreign exchange reserves, and reduce foreign exchange reserves to the internationally recognized level of reserve adequacy," he said.
"Major Chinese banks are global leaders in the banking industry, underpinned by their excellent performance ranging from high capital adequacy ratios to low nonperforming loan levels," said Zeng Gang, deputy director of the National Finance and Development Laboratory.
Their comments mainly pointed to so-called issues like risk exposure of local bonds in China's banking sector being too large, and said it is difficult to achieve good capital adequacy ratios, provisional coverage ratios and dividend payout levels simultaneously.
Also, during the same quarter, the capital adequacy ratio of Chinese commercial banks was 14.66 percent, roughly the same as the current figure of 15.3 percent in the US.
As of the end of the second quarter, the Tier 1 capital adequacy ratio — which represents the core equity assets of a bank or financial institution — of Chinese commercial banks was 11.78 percent, higher than the average of 8.98 percent in the US banking sector in 2022 despite a downtrend.
Composed of 33 items, the circular stipulated certain requirements on insurance companies to operate the business, including that on their solvency adequacy ratio and liability reserve coverage ratio.
NAFR underlines healthy solvency adequacy ratio, prevention of riskSupervision over the insurance industry, especially over insurers' solvency, should be further strengthened to firmly safeguard the bottom line of preventing systemic financial risks, said the newly unveiled National Administration of Financial Regulation.
By the end of the first quarter, the average comprehensive solvency adequacy ratio of the reviewed 185 insurance companies was 190.3 percent, with the average core solvency adequacy ratio reaching 125.7 percent, said the NAFR.
The minimum solvency adequacy ratio for insurance companies is set at 100 percent in China.
At the end of 2022, the average comprehensive solvency adequacy ratio of Chinese insurance companies was 196 percent.
The decline in insurers' solvency adequacy ratio has narrowed significantly and remains within a reasonable range, the NAFR said at its meeting.
The average comprehensive solvency adequacy ratios of property insurance companies, life insurance companies and reinsurance companies were 227.1 percent, 180.9 percent and 277.7 percent, respectively, by the end of the first quarter.
Zeng Gang, director of the Shanghai Institution for Finance &Development, said going public can broaden the capital replenishment channels of small and medium-sized banks and improve their capital adequacy ratios.
As of the end of the fourth quarter last year, the capital adequacy ratio of China's city commercial banks was 12.61 percent, down by 0.47 percentage points year-on-year.
It is projected that after the revised administrative measures are implemented, the overall level of capital adequacy in the Chinese banking sector will remain stable without significant fluctuations.
However, the capital adequacy ratios of individual banks are estimated to change slightly due to differences in asset types, reflecting the requirements of differentiated supervision, the official said.
New changes will optimize stability, improve adequacy of insurance security fundChina has clarified and optimized the fundraising, use and administration of the insurance security fund to strengthen the risk management of insurance companies, guide insurers to establish a better risk prevention mechanism and maintain the steady operation of the insurance sector, experts said.
As the regulator will improve the adequacy of the insurance security fund, it is expected that large insurance companies will benefit more from the revised measures, thanks to their competitive capital strength and operational mechanisms which follow regulatory compliance, whereas small and medium-sized insurers with limited capital adequacy ratios may face pressure to a certain extent, Liu said in the report.
As of the end of June, their average core tier 1 capital adequacy ratio was 10.7 percent, up 0.14 percentage points from the same period last year.
However, compared with fiscal funds, policy banks do not face difficult budgetary constraints on their assets and their capital adequacy ratios are higher than the regulatory red line.
Its balance of loan loss provisions reached 7.3 trillion yuan and the capital adequacy ratio of commercial banks was 15 percent.
The bank's capital adequacy ratio was 12.16 percent at the end of 2021, down 0.7 percentage points from the end of 2020.
China's insurance sector maintained steady operation last year, with the solvency adequacy ratio remaining in an appropriate range, said the country's banking and insurance regulator.
The stress tests analyzed how the introduction of a payment mechanism for carbon emissions will increase loan default probability at companies in three industries, namely coal-fired power, iron and steel, and cement, from now to 2030 due to rising costs and then possibly affect capital adequacy of banks.
However, as the 23 banks' loans to these industries do not account for a large proportion of their total loans, the overall capital adequacy ratio still meets regulatory requirements under each stress scenario, Liu wrote.
The lenders' capital adequacy ratio came in at 15.13 percent.
Bank of Shangrao Co Ltd, one of the target banks, said the SPB issuance will ensure that its capital adequacy ratio meets regulatory requirements while also helping it mitigate credit risks and improve its risk resistance capacity.
"Small and medium-sized banks must increase their capital adequacy ratios so they can strengthen lending capacity and ramp up support for micro and small businesses.
Increasing the capital adequacy ratio will also help protect small and medium-sized banks against risks and ensure the safety and stable operations of local financial systems," said Zeng Gang, deputy director-general of the National Institution for Finance and Development.
By the end of 2020, the total assets of the bank reached 311.26 billion yuan ($48.5 billion), and its capital adequacy ratio was 11.89 percent, according to the bank's 2020 annual report.
- China's insurance sector maintained steady operation last year, with the solvency adequacy ratio remaining in an appropriate range, said the country's banking and insurance regulator.
The capital adequacy ratio (CAR) of China's city commercial banks was 12.44 percent in the third quarter, down from 12.56 percent in the second quarter.
By the end of September, average comprehensive solvency adequacy ratio of 178 insurance companies reached 242.5 percent, with average core solvency adequacy ratio reaching 230.5 percent.
Loan loss provisions and capital adequacy levels of the 1,520 small and medium-sized banks in China indicate that only 4.55 percentage points growth in the nonperforming loan ratio is tolerable.
In such a scenario, the loan loss provision can be maintained at 100 percent and the capital adequacy ratio at 10.5 percent, the PBOC said in its 2020 Financial Stability Report.
PBOC: 'Big Four' banks to adopt Basel capital adequacy standards by 2025China has issued new rules that seek to improve the ability of the country's global systemically important banks (G-SIBs) to absorb losses and adhere to the global regulatory standards on capital adequacy and liquidity by Jan 1, 2025, as part of the ongoing efforts to prevent systemic financial risks.
The new policy will help China's G-SIBs, or banks that are deemed "too big to fail", to make the necessary plans to satisfy the Basel capital adequacy rules and help develop a multilevel capital market, said a PBOC spokesman.
In December 2010, the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision published the third version of a global regulatory framework for more resilient banks and banking systems, which presented the details of global regulatory standards on bank capital adequacy and liquidity, including a countercyclical capital buffer.
Their common equity tier 1 capital adequacy ratio declined in general in the first half of this year due to a drop in net profit of many listed banks, a PwC report issued Wednesday said.
"Compared with large State-owned commercial banks and national joint-stock commercial lenders, city and rural commercial banks, also known as small and medium-sized banks, are weaker in terms of the capital adequacy ratio.
It has also created a regulatory mechanism under which financial holding groups must attain a certain capital adequacy level, primarily to offset risks.
In the period, the comprehensive solvency adequacy ratio of the company stood at 325 percent, while the core solvency adequacy ratio logged 271 percent, both running at high yet safe levels, the PICC said.
The People's Bank of China, the central bank, said on Tuesday that it would continue to use interest rate reforms to further lower the borrowing costs for companies and clarified that despite pressures on the banking sector it would not lower the capital adequacy ratio requirements for lenders.
The current capital adequacy ratio of Chinese banks is at 14.21 percent, which is still higher than the regulatory standard of 10.5 percent.
After the 1997-98 Asian financial crisis, a series of events caused huge losses to foreign banks that entered China, so they reduced their overseas business to meet capital adequacy ratio requirements and took an asset-light approach to business expansion overseas, such as being lead bond underwriters but not themselves holding bonds.
For example, for an insurer whose comprehensive solvency adequacy ratio was above 350 percent at the end of the previous quarter, the outstanding balance of its investments in equity assets should not go beyond 45 percent of its total assets at the end of the previous quarter.
For an insurer whose comprehensive solvency adequacy ratio was lower than 100 percent at the end of the previous quarter, however, the outstanding balance of its investments in equity assets should not surpass 10 percent of its total assets at the end of the previous quarter, and the insurer should immediately stop making new investments in equity assets.
Data from the CBIRC shows that the average comprehensive solvency adequacy ratio of insurers included in the deliberation of a regulatory meeting was 244.6 percent at the end of the first quarter.
"The revisions to regulations will help insurers improve their comprehensive solvency adequacy ratios, risk conditions, and asset and liability management capacity.
Their provision coverage ratio fell 0.92 percentage point to 150.5 percent during the same period, and their capital adequacy ratio dropped 0.05 percentage point from the beginning of this year to 12.65 percent at the end of the first quarter.
The core tier-1 capital adequacy ratio of the bank was 8.17 percent by Sept 30, down from 8.61 percent at the end of 2018.
During the same period, its core tier-1 capital adequacy ratio dropped from 8.61 percent to 8.17 percent.
By the end of the first quarter, the capital adequacy ratios of China's city commercial banks and rural commercial banks stood at 12.65 percent and 12.81 percent respectively, slightly above the regulatory requirement of no lower than 10.5 percent for non-systematically important banks.
By increasing capital adequacy ratios, banks will be able to offer more loans to small businesses.
Those insurers that have higher solvency adequacy ratios will be allowed to moderately increase the proportion of their investments in equity assets-to-total assets, thus breaking out of the limitation that says the book balance of an insurer's total investment in equity assets should be no more than 30 percent of total assets at the end of the previous quarter, Zhou said at a news conference on March 22.
"One of the pain points restricting the development of asset investment companies is that it is hard to meet the current regulatory requirements on capital adequacy ratios while promoting their business growth at the same time," Zeng said.
Meanwhile, the People's Bank of China, the central bank, maintained reasonable and sufficient liquidity in the banking system, triggering a decline in banks' overall borrowing costs," said Wen Bin, chief analyst at China Minsheng Banking Corp. "Many of the listed banks also strengthened their capacity to serve the real economy and safeguard against risks by further increasing their capital adequacy ratios through capital replenishment," Wen said.
The provision coverage ratio of commercial banks stood at 181 percent, and the capital adequacy ratio was 14.6 percent, showing that China's banking and insurance sectors are highly resilient to risks, Zhou said.
Till now, regulatory indicators such as the capital adequacy ratio and the liquidity coverage ratio have shown that small regional banks are capable of providing further financing and other financial services to small businesses.
The central bank will continue to support commercial banks and other financial institutions in issuing capital bonds, improve the capital adequacy of the banking industry, and boost their capacity to provide credit, in a bid to facilitate the financial institutions to serve the real economy, it said.
At the end of the fourth quarter last year, the loan loss provision coverage ratio of commercial banks was 186.08 percent and the capital adequacy ratio was 14.64 percent.
Medium-and small-sized commercial banks, which have liquidity and capital adequacy pressure, will get supportive policies to ensure that they have ample funds to lend to corporates, he said.
Currently, the capital adequacy ratio of China's small-and medium-sized banks is around 12 percent to 13 percent, and their liquidity coverage ratio is more than 100 percent.
Medium and small commercial banks, which have pressure of liquidity and capital adequacy, will get supportive policies to ensure that they have ample funds to lend to corporations, according to Liu.
"Non-performing loans in the banking sector are overall under control," he said, citing figures that China has nearly 6 trillion yuan ($852.7 billion) of provisions to cover bad loans while the capital adequacy ratio stands at 14.64 percent.
Furthermore, a decline in the banks' asset quality may lead to a fall in their loan loss provision coverage ratios and even capital adequacy ratios, said Lu in an article posted on his WeChat official account.
Financial institutions are building up risk resistance, with commercial banks' provision coverage ratio, a measure of funds set aside to cover bad loans, at 187.63 percent by the end of the third quarter and the solvency adequacy ratio of China's insurance firms remaining within the reasonable range by late last year.
Regarding the suggestions made by certain banking institutions on clarifying the prerequisites for foreign bank subsidiaries and branches to share their systems, staff members and management, and clarifying the standards and procedures to waive requirements on the renminbi working capital adequacy ratio of foreign bank branches, the regulator said these will be clarified in proper forms after the release of the implementation measures.
The regulator also said it will assess the interest-earning assets ratio, the renminbi working capital adequacy ratio and the liquidity ratio of a foreign bank's branches combined, rather than a singular foreign bank branch.
In the past, trust companies often cooperated with banks in passageway deals to act as passive reservoirs for loans that bank originate but cannot keep on their own balance sheets without violating regulatory requirements on lending quotas, the capital adequacy ratio, and loan-to-deposit ratios.
By the end of September, the bank's core tier 1 capital adequacy ratio was 9.55 percent, tier 1 capital adequacy ratio was 10.55 percent, and capital adequacy ratio was 13.27 percent, lagging behind most of large State-owned commercial lenders.
The solvency adequacy ratio, an indicator of a firm's long-run financial health, of 178 insurance companies were reviewed at a work conference of the solvency supervision committee held by the commission.
At the end of the third quarter, the comprehensive solvency adequacy ratio of these companies stood at 246.5 percent, down 0.5 percentage points from the previous quarter.
During the period, their core solvency adequacy ratio rose 0.4 percentage points to 235.2 percent, according to the commission.
The banking sector in Hong Kong has a 150 percent liquidity coverage ratio and 20.6 percent capital adequacy ratio, which are higher than international standards.
Central bank data also showed that the capital adequacy ratio of China's commercial banks has also been on the rise.
New standards of capital adequacy ratio are under discussion among policymakers to curb the "barbaric growth" of large financial holding groups through high-leveraged mergers and acquisitions of financial institutions, according to analysts.
The capital adequacy ratio is an important gauge to monitor financial institutions' risk, regarding the percentage of total assets to the risk-weighted assets plus current liabilities.
In response to the global financial crisis in 2008, worldwide financial reform has focused on capital adequacy requirements, especially for global systemically important financial institutions.
The capital adequacy ratio for financial holding groups could be set the same as the existing level for systemically important financial institutions, generally between 8 to 11 percent depending on different types of business, such as banking, insurance and wealth management, according to experts and executive managers of some financial holding groups.
Specific details of the capital adequacy rules will be released later, said the PBOC.
The new rules require large financial groups to meet a certain level of capital adequacy, further strengthen their risk management and establish explicit obligation to render bailout for their subsidiaries, according to Hong.
"For the next step, (the regulation) will be based on combining the balance sheets of subsidiaries, and to introduce specific regulatory rules on the capital adequacy level," the PBOC said in a statement.
"The capital adequacy requirement, which should match the asset size and risk profile, will be an effective cushion to take loss in case of risk events," he said.
To resolve the problem that participating in the program may harm banks' capital adequacy, regulators will support banks to issue perpetual debt - a type of debt without a maturity date - to replenish their capital.
The issuance of the bond will lift up the quality and adequacy ratio of the capitals in commercial banks, and help ward off the financial risks, said the CBIRC.
The capital adequacy ratio was 11.5 percent, flat from three months ago.
"By making this adjustment, the regulator hopes that banks will fully expose their non-performing loans and truly disclose their risk situation with more accurate capital adequacy ratios and coverage ratios of allowance for loan impairment losses to NPLs.

四级They cannot measure the essentials of effective written communication: accuracy, reasoning, adequacy of evidence, good sense, ethical ( 伦理的) position, convincing argument, meaningful organization, and clarity, among others.

他们无法衡量有效书面沟通的要点:准确性、推理、证据的充分性、良好的判断力、道德(伦理的) 立场、令人信服的论点、有意义的组织和清晰等。

