
词根词缀记忆/谐音联想记忆 补充/纠错
词根ad 做… + vers 转 + e → 一再转 → …………
对比记忆 / 类比记忆 / 形近词记忆
opposite / contrary / adverse / reverse / converse
opposite → …………
词根记忆 / 词缀记忆
adverse a 逆反,不辛
verse n 诗歌,韵文(转着反复说的话=诗歌)
versed a 熟练的(会写诗歌,表示对语言运用的熟练)
version n 翻译,译文(vers+ion=从原文转出来= …………
adverse trade balance 不利贸易差额
adverse balance 不利余额
adverse aspect 不利方面
adverse exchange 不利汇率
adverse effect 不利影响
adverse to 对…不利
adverse circumstances 不利的情况
be adverse to 对…不利
adverse wind 逆风
adverse fortune 不利的命运
adverse current 逆流,逆流
adverse criticism 不利的批评
Adverse Selection 逆向选择
substantial adverse effect 重大不利影响
adverse weather condition 不利天气条件
adverse criticism 负面评论
Adverse circumstances compelled me to close my business.
This is an adverse news for us.
This is due to adverse weather conditions.
The adverse weather conditions made it difficult for the flight to take off.
His allergic reaction to the medicine was an adverse side effect.
The company faced several adverse economic conditions last year.
Her comments were met with widespread adverse criticism.
The investor decided to sell his shares due to the adverse stock market trend.
The athlete's injury was an unforeseen and adverse setback for the team.
The adverse publicity surrounding the scandal damaged the company's reputation.
The government's policy changes led to an adverse impact on small businesses.
His lack of experience proved to be an adverse factor in the job interview.
The treatment was effective initially, but over time, adverse effects began to appear.
The recently concluded Central Rural Work Conference pointed out that last year China has overcome the adverse effect of some severe natural disasters, with food production hitting record highs and farmers' incomes growing at a faster pace.
The company has also distributed winter gear such as windshields for e-scooters, handlebar covers, gloves, knee pads, and insulated cups to delivery staff with an upgraded emergency response mechanism for adverse weather conditions.
According to Seyedin, China's economy has been on track to recovery this year, as the adverse effects of the pandemic have continued to wane gradually and the consumer market continues to bounce back.
Despite facing an adverse external environment, China's nonfinancial outbound direct investment rose 26.6 percent year-on-year to 289.29 billion yuan ($40.88 billion) in the first four months of 2023, while its nonfinancial ODI in countries and regions participating in the BRI came in at $7.53 billion, up 9 percent from same period last year, according to the Ministry of Commerce.
However, safety of nuclear power reactors and adverse impacts once accidents occur still remain key concerns that restrict its wide installation in largely populated cities.
Last year, despite facing an adverse external environment, China's ODI reached 985.37 billion yuan ($142.8 billion), up 5.2 percent year-on-year.
Sales in Asia grew 27 percent year-on-year, despite adverse impacts related to COVID-19 business disruptions across key markets.
After receiving autologous transplantation combined with CAR-T therapy, patients with CNS involvement may overcome adverse prognostic factors and achieve good efficacy.
Through a comprehensive presentation of patient characteristics, treatment process, adverse events management post CAR-T, and efficacy assessment, she demonstrated the outstanding efficacy of CAR-T for the treatment of lymphoma, the valuable Chinese experience in the whole process of CAR-T management, as well as current challenges and effective strategies to tackle them.
French pharmaceutical and dermocosmetic group Pierre Fabre has sponsored the establishment of a special fund in an effort to reduce adverse reactions to targeted medicine and promote multidisciplinary collaboration within hospitals.
法国制药和皮肤美容集团Pierre Fabre赞助设立了一项特别基金,旨在减少靶向药物的不良反应,并在医院内部推动多学科合作。
Through multidisciplinary collaboration, the special fund aims to reduce adverse reactions to targeted cancer drugs and raise the quality of both medical treatment and the quality of life of cancer patients.
Industry experts noted for adverse reactions caused by tumor-target drugs, the traditional single-division diagnosis and treatment model is difficult to achieve desired results, and multidisciplinary collaboration and comprehensive management are needed.
Mao Ying, head of Huashan Hospital, said "Focus on the adverse reactions of targeted medicine will further raise the clinical and scientific research ability of related disciplines, and offer patients better treatment services.
""As adverse reactions involve various systems in the human body, especially the skin, liver, kidneys and blood, multidisciplinary collaboration within comprehensive hospitals is imperative," deputy head of the Fudan University Shanghai Cancer Center Wu Jiong said.
Yin Yongxiang, secretary general of the Shanghai Anticancer Foundation, said: "The special fund, which is supported by Pierre Fabre and two top medical institutions, will enhance doctors’ awareness of the diagnosis and treatment norms related to the adverse reactions of targeted drugs, improve the efficiency of collaborative diagnosis and treatment and strengthen patients’ understanding of common adverse reactions of targeted medicine.
"Kyung-ae Choe, managing director for Pierre-Fabre Dermo-Cosmetique China, said: "As a pharmaceutical company with strong medical research and development background, we have rich experience in helping cancer patients treat adverse reactions.
“作为一家具有强大医疗研发背景的制药公司,我们在帮助癌症患者处理副作用方面有着丰富的经验,”皮尔法伯德梅罗化妆品中国区总经理Kyung-ae Choe表示。
That could "lead to cross-default", which would "have a material adverse effect on the group's business, prospects, financial condition and results of operation.
"Even though we were affected by the pandemic last year, the project team worked hard to overcome multiple adverse factors, including personnel quarantines and disrupted material supply," Wang said.
Since signing the contract with an Austrian client in December 2019, the Chinese project team has overcome the adverse effects generated by the global outbreak of COVID-19, and has actively carried out design and development, manufacturing, and commissioning tests.
This is an indication that China may emerge as the only major economy to have enjoyed positive growth last year in spite of the pandemic's adverse economic impacts across the globe.
Tian Baoguo, deputy head of the Department of Science and Technology for Social Development at the Ministry of Science and Technology, had said that by the end of October last year, no severe adverse reaction has been reported among the 60,000 volunteers inoculated with the vaccine candidates during the phase 3 trials.
Located 150 kilometers away from Hainan island at the intersection of the Eurasian, Pacific and Indo-Australian tectonic plates, the Lingshui 17-2 gas field has undergone many challenges, including complicated geological structure, high temperature and pressure, ultra-deep-water and adverse weather such as typhoons.
Gao Qiang, an executive at Sinovac Biotech, said at the briefing that all the company's partners in Brazil, Indonesia and Turkey have established comprehensive adverse reaction monitoring systems under internationally accepted Good Clinical Practice guidelines.
No severe adverse effects have been reported among recipients of its vaccine overseas, although there are sometimes some minor side effects such as fevers and pain at the injection site, Gao said.
After fermentation, indigo will be able to dye cloth and the natural colorant won't have any adverse impact on the environment.
- The fixed-asset investment of China's centrally-administered state-owned enterprises (SOEs) rose 7.2 percent year on year to 1 trillion yuan (about $143.03 billion) in the first half of 2020 despite the adverse impact of COVID-19, official data showed.
The slump was led by a 20-percent fall in advertising revenue to $310 million, primarily due the adverse effect of the coronavirus epidemic on the overall advertising demand, Sina said.
According to a statement from China National Biotech Group Co Ltd, Sinopharm's vaccine and bioscience unit, Phase-1 and Phase-2 clinical trials of its inactivated vaccine have shown a 100 percent antibody-positive conversion rate, demonstrating good performance in safety and effectiveness on volunteers, with no subjects showing serious adverse reactions.
No subjects showed serious adverse reactions, the company said.
The company said the drug uses an advanced controlled-release mechanism to release the metformin over a controlled period to ensure stable drug effect, so that patients only need to take one dose a day, which can help avoid gastrointestinal adverse reactions and missed medication doses.
McCarthy said the Shanghai Disney resort currently estimates the closure of the park could have an adverse impact on second quarter operating income to the tune of about $135 million, assuming the park is closed two months during the second quarter.
As for Hong Kong Disneyland, McCarthy currently estimates the closure of the park could have an additional adverse impact on operating income of about $40 million for the second quarter, along with a significant drop in visitation.
Tian Xinping, chief physician of the department of rheumatology and immunology of the Peking Union Medical College Hospital, said if the disease is not well controlled for women before and during pregnancy, it may increase the risk of adverse pregnancy outcomes, such as preterm birth, low birth weight and preeclampsia.
The company achieved "relatively good" financial results despite the adverse effect of higher oil prices and a weaker yuan, according to the statement.
And then there is the China-US trade dispute, which has had an adverse impact on private companies.
Often labeled as one of Britain's "heritage brands", Laura Ashley has recently contended with plunging profits amid adverse retail conditions in the UK.
Often labeled as one of Britain's "heritage brands", Laura Ashley has recently contended with plunging profits amid adverse high-street conditions in the UK.
He said the scope of such devices is significant, potentially leading to fewer readmissions, more rapid emergency responses, and more immediate care to avoid deterioration or adverse events, such as stroke or falls.
"The scope of such devices is significant, potentially leading to fewer readmissions, more rapid emergency responses, and more immediate care to avoid deterioration or adverse events, such as stroke or falls," he said.
"The behavior has seriously hurt the legal rights of the listed firm and the interests of a wide range of investors, with an extremely adverse impact on the society," the notice said.
During the first six months of 2017, Syngenta's total sales reached $6.9 billion, 2 percent lower year-on-year, while sales of new products rose 33 percent from a year ago, which enabled the company to partially offset the impact of weak market conditions caused by adverse weather and low commodity prices.
The Wing-Loong UAS had endured harsh and adverse conditions, such as scorching deserts, highland gales, high altitude take-offs and landings, as well as mountainous terrain and maritime environments.
It was no easy task for China to achieve the 650 billion kg goal in 2023 and to guarantee the supply of key agricultural products, as the country had been confronted with adverse weather conditions including floods, drought and prolonged rain in parts of the country.
However, as China looks ahead to 2024, it will face both internal and external challenges that need to be taken into careful consideration, prompting experts to call for a more thorough evaluation of adverse aspects.
After three years of record growth, geopolitical tensions, adverse weather and higher energy and natural resource costs, global food prices will decline in 2024, particularly those of staples like sugar, coffee, corn and soybeans, reducing consumer spending, Rabobank predicted.
These actions have severe adverse effects on businesses, economic relationships and the overall bilateral relationship between the two countries.
Beirne underscored the adverse impact of declining property values and the increasing costs of servicing local government debt on the consumption recovery that commenced this year.
Former Finnish prime minister says trade is the best way toward peaceDecoupling could have adverse effects on the global economy, said Esko Aho, former Finnish prime minister, underlining that both his country and China have benefited from globalization in the past decades.
Former Finnish prime minister Esko Aho said that decoupling could have adverse effects on the global economy, while underlining that both his home country and China have benefited from globalization in the past decades.
China had taken such measures due to widespread concerns over the feared adverse effects of nuclear-contaminated wastewater discharged by the Fukushima Daiichi power plant into the Pacific Ocean.
Top envoy to US dismisses gloomy views which hype threat from BeijingSome analysts and economists in the United States have said in recent months that China's growth engine is sputtering, with likely adverse consequences for global development.
"Despite facing an adverse external environment, China saw its outbound direct investment rise 22.7 percent year-on-year to 431.61 billion yuan ($59.5 billion) in the first half, according to the Ministry of Commerce.
While this policy currently targets China, it is poised to have a significant adverse impact on the entire world next.
Despite facing an adverse external environment, the country's nonfinancial ODI rose 22.7 percent year-on-year to 431.61 billion yuan ($60.23 billion) in the first half of the year, according to data from the Ministry of Commerce published on Thursday.
So the external environment is getting more complicated and harsh, but this does not necessarily bring us adverse effects.
Third, China can expand bilateral financial cooperation and actively promote cross-border RMB settlements to reduce the adverse impact of changes in liquidity of major international currencies on bilateral trade and investment.
Despite facing an adverse external environment, China's ODI rose 5.2 percent year-on-year to 985.37 billion yuan ($144.91 billion) in 2022, said the Ministry of Commerce.
With a GDP of $18 trillion, China, the world's second-largest economy, has managed to deal with adverse economic shocks in 2022, posting a 3 percent year-on-year growth, NBS data showed.
Even though facing an adverse external environment, the country's ODI rose 5.2 percent year-on-year to 985.37 billion yuan ($144.91 billion) in 2022, according to the Ministry of Commerce.
Overcoming the adverse impact of external environment, China's outbound direct investment, or ODI, grew smoothly and steadily in 2022, according to the Ministry of Commerce.
Many regions set related targets in development plans to spur recoveryMany provinces and cities in China have assured stronger efforts to raise the output of the digital economy, which they hope will better support the recovery of the larger economy from adverse COVID-19 impacts.
"This includes, among other priorities, continued policy actions to address the ongoing real estate difficulties and minimize the potential for spillovers to other sectors and adverse macro-financial feedback loops," he said.
"Given the precariousness of the economic situation, Ruimy said "any new adverse developments could push the global economy into recession and threaten the development of emerging and developing economies, which have been experiencing sluggish growth for several years due to high levels of debt and insufficient investment.
Given such adverse shocks as high inflation, rising interest rates, sluggish investment and the Ukraine crisis, global growth has slowed "to the extent that the global economy is perilously close to falling into recession," the report said.
Compared with traditional ship-type FPSO units, cylindrical ones consume less steel and enjoy better stability to operate in adverse offshore conditions.
As economic globalization is facing adverse trends and global economic recovery is weak, the Ministry of Commerce stressed that China is ready to work with other members to implement the outcomes of the WTO's 12th Ministerial Conference, fully and deeply participate in the WTO reform negotiations, and oppose unilateralism and protectionism.
Adverse natural conditions had hindered the villagers from growing distinctive crops, said Shichao's Party chief Shen Gang.
"Furthermore, the RCEP has great potential to address major challenges such as strengthening global value chains, accelerating digitalization, mitigating the adverse impacts of climate change as well as counteracting the tendencies of anti-globalization and protectionism," he added.
The current economic pressure would have some adverse impact on many countries' ability to continue their basic infrastructure development projects.
Jiang Yuan, deputy director of the industrial statistics department of the NBS, said that in the third quarter, with the implementation of a package of policies and measures to stabilize the economy, industrial production overcame adverse factors such as the COVID-19 pandemic and scorching temperatures, showing a trend of positive recovery and continuous improvement.
The CCPIT and the China Chamber of International Commerce called for the Chinese and US business communities to work together to eliminate the adverse impact of this bill and take effective measures to safeguard their legitimate rights and interests.
"If some adverse factors, such as COVID-19, weak stock markets and geopolitical concerns can start to ease, investor confidence will gradually recover," he added.
Unless some of these adverse factors are alleviated, inbound and outbound M&A transactions will remain subdued in the second half of the year.
"Preparations for the expo are progressing smoothly as organizers have overcome the adverse impacts brought about by risks and uncertainties, including the COVID-19 pandemic," Sun said.
In the first half of this year, China's foreign trade demonstrated strong resilience, overcoming the adverse effects of various factors at home and abroad, Shu Jueting, spokesperson for the Ministry of Commerce, told a press conference.
While the current employment situation has improved, the adverse impacts of COVID-19 have not been fully eliminated, and the general pressure and structural problems on the employment market still exist, China's human resource authorities said, calling on local governments to thoroughly implement the pro-employment policies.
It is extremely important to avoid long-term adverse effects of COVID-19 on the Chinese economy, which means policymakers should pay close attention to the survival of market entities, improve market expectations, boost domestic demand and prevent the pandemic from causing irreversible damage to the country's manufacturing sector.
The false coverage of congestion occurring at the port has brought an adverse impact there, the statement said, noting that port data shows that it has been operating in an orderly way and has not seen any congestion of container ships since February.
Yet now, with the adverse impact of the conflict, it may be revised down further.
This will have an adverse effect on the levels of emerging economies' currencies.
Adverse factors dragging down economic growth include a series of COVID-19 outbreaks that have dented the recovery of domestic consumption, especially activities in the offline services sector.
He said this would avoid significant spillover effects from adverse events and significant price corrections and sharp contractions in transactions in the near term, while improving the health of the real estate sector in the longer term.
Poonpatpibul added that adverse transitional effects associated with climate change mitigation efforts such as carbon reduction need to be managed carefully.
Economists from the World Bank also said that as major central banks may be compelled to tighten monetary policy at a faster than anticipated pace, it is possible to trigger a sharp tightening of global financial conditions with adverse spillovers to China's economy.
There are three adverse factors.
Despite the adverse effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on the region's economic growth, the RCEP will pave the way for global companies to invest and export more products to various markets within the region, said Donny Yu, president and CEO for China at Nexans SA, a French cable manufacturer for power and data transmission.
Despite adverse impacts from the pandemic, bilateral trade between China and ASEAN maintained solid growth.
Despite the adverse effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on the region's economic growth, the RCEP will help China mitigate the impact caused by an aging society and pave the way for both Chinese and global companies to export more products like fruits, aquatic goods, machinery and electric passenger vehicles to various markets within the region, said Rajiv Biswas, Asia-Pacific chief economist at global research and information provider IHS Markit.
These realities will not only affect exports but increase the fragility of the global supply chain, which may have an adverse impact on China's imports in the coming months.
Despite the COVID-19 pandemic's adverse effects on the region's economic growth, China and other Northeast Asian countries have continued to enrich cooperation in the fields of economy and trade, and achieved remarkable results, said Wang Bingnan, vice-minister of commerce.
Affected by adverse weather conditions, including high temperatures and floods, the growth of construction activities in the country slowed, with the sub-index for business activities dipping to 57.5 in July from 60.1 a month earlier.
Despite the evolving COVID-19 situation and its potential adverse impact on the economy, manufacturing has expanded steadily, said Wang Zhe, a senior economist at Caixin Insight Group.
One of the reasons why Chinese brands keep such a high growth speed in the adverse circumstance is that China's macro economy has seen a steady and strong rebound, and Chinese consumers are optimistic about the future, Wang Xing, global chair of Kantar BrandZ said.
The government must take very seriously the adverse impact caused by the price hike, and take both holistic and focused measures in light of market dynamics to exercise precision regulation, so as to ensure the supply of commodities and curb unreasonable price increases and prevent transmission to consumer price.
US-China tension, if heightened and expanded from trade to technology, could raise concerns that global technology may become bifurcated, divided with adverse ramifications for the global economy, the economist said.
In terms of promoting the dual-circulation growth pattern, China has taken the domestic market as the mainstay to mitigate the adverse impact caused by protectionism, rather than cutting itself off from the outside world and refusing to open up.
To ensure the health of builders, he said, CTCE hired a local doctor to conduct regular check-ups, treating them for any adverse reactions in a timely way.
"The speech highlights the need to take measures to overturn the adverse situation between the two nations.
Business executives said the new measures should not cause any concern as they focus on review of specific investment projects and as such would not have any adverse impact on most overseas investors.
The pandemic has had an adverse impact on many traditional businesses, but also spawned new business models in the digital economy, the green economy and the healthcare sector.

六级Meat consumption has an adverse effect on the environment.



六级This state of mind can have an adverse effect on their judgment.



六级Ask your pharmacist whether he can suggest a drug that will relieve the symptoms but that will not cause the adverse reaction.


2017年12月六级真题(第二套)听力 Section C

六级If an adverse reaction to a drug is serious, consult your doctor for advice at once.


2017年12月六级真题(第二套)听力 Section C

六级In weighing the evidence, we can now say with some confidence that pasta does not have an adverse effect on body weight outcomes when it is consumed as part of a healthy dietary pattern.


2019年6月六级真题(第一套)阅读 Section A

六级When these side effects occur, they are called adverse reactions.


2017年12月六级真题(第二套)听力 Section C

六级Whenever you have an adverse reaction, you should stop taking the drug right away.


2017年12月六级真题(第二套)听力 Section C

六级Meat consumption has an adverse effect on the environment


