
词性拓展记忆 / 词形拓展记忆
对比记忆 / 类比记忆 / 形近词记忆
bag / sack / handbag / purse
bag → 普通用词,指一般的口袋,有时也指手提包。
sack → 应用较窄,指较大的袋子,如麻袋等。
handbag → 指手提包,尤指女人用的手提包。
a bag of flour 一袋面粉
a bag 一个袋子
a bag of potatoes 一袋土豆
sleeping bag 睡袋
limit the use of disposable plastic bags 限制使用一次性塑料袋
ban the use of disposable plastic bags 禁止使用一次性塑料袋
prohibit the use of disposable plastic bags 禁止使用一次性塑料袋
throwaway bio-degradable plastic bags 可降解一次性塑料袋
plastic bag 塑料袋
carry-on bags 随身携带的行李
school bag 书包
shopping bag 购物袋
punching bag 冲孔袋
throwaway biodegradable plastic bags 一次性可降解塑料袋
dust bag 集尘袋
carry-on bag 随身物品袋
put ... in a doggy bag 把…放在狗袋里
plastic bags 塑料袋
plastic trash bags 塑料垃圾袋
beach bag 沙滩袋
book bag 书包
tote bag 手提包
in the bag 在袋子里
reusable bag 环保袋
plastic bag ban 塑料袋禁令
overnight bag 旅行袋
let the cat out of the bag 泄漏秘密
carrier bag 运输袋
shoulder bag 肩包
doggy bag 狗食袋
cat out of the bag 从袋子里摸出来
doggie bag 狗食袋
traveling bag 旅行袋
diplomatic bag 外交邮袋
travelling bag 旅行包
tea bag 茶包
ice bag 冰袋
bag and baggage 行李和行李
bag of tricks 所有需要的东西
leave sb. holding the bag 让某人拿着包
Where is my bad?
She has a red bag.
They are less strong than plastic bags.
I need to buy a new bag for work, something professional and spacious.
She placed her laptop in the canvas tote bag before leaving the office.
The baguette is a typical French bread that you often find in a bakery's bag.
The suitcase was so heavy that she couldn't lift it; it was packed with books and clothes.
A backpack is an essential item for students, as it allows them to carry their books and supplies.
She emptied the contents of her purse onto the counter to pay for her groceries.
The designer bag was a status symbol among her friends, but she preferred a more practical one.
I accidentally left my wallet in the taxi's bag, now I have to call them to retrieve it.
He rummaged through his bag to find his phone, but it was nowhere to be seen.
The airline lost my luggage, so they offered to compensate me with a travel voucher for a new bag.
Ahead of the upcoming Chinese Year of the Dragon, the brand has introduced limited editions of bag straps and ornaments with dragon-themed elements, which have been well received by Chinese consumers.
The world's leading "Premium All-inclusive" vacation brand, Club Med, and Antoine Corbineau, a well-known French artist who has worked with Hermes, have jointly created an All-inclusive Travel Bag series.
全球领先的“高级全包”度假品牌Club Med与曾与爱马仕合作的法国知名艺术家Antoine Corbineau共同打造了全包旅行包系列。
The All-inclusive Travel Bag co-branded series, jointly created by Club Med and Corbineau, has come into fruition to convey the joy of travel in a fashionable manner.
由Club Med和Corbineau联合打造的全包旅行包联名系列已经开花结果,以时尚的方式传递旅行的乐趣。
Among the products in the series, the small and light carry-on case and the super-large tote bag are the most eye-catching.
Paying homage to the Chinese market, Fendi presented a special Baguette bag inspired by the Great Wall in Beijing.
GMT for Kids, a Norwegian bag manufacturer and a four-time participant at the China International Import Expo, will deploy more resources in China's top and second-tier cities to enlarge sales and benefit from China's consumption upgrading, said its top executive.
挪威箱包制造商、四届中国国际进口博览会参与者GMT for Kids的高管表示,该公司将在中国的一二线城市部署更多资源,以扩大销售额,并从中国的消费升级中受益。
As the CIIE has already become a bridge and platform for multinational companies to develop their business in China and for Chinese companies to go global, GMT for Kids is showcasing its latest bag product with 780g light weight and comfort function at the fifth CIIE, which is being held in Shanghai until Thursday.
由于进博会已经成为跨国公司在华发展业务和中国企业走向全球的桥梁和平台,GMT for Kids将在第五届进博会上展示其最新的780克轻量化舒适功能包产品,该展会将在上海举行至周四。
As of 2020, China had 253 million children aged below 14 years old, data from the 2021 national census show, and the third-child policy that was announced in March 2021 is expected to help encourage more newborns and the growth of the toy, bag and milk powder industries, industry experts observed.
From September, users can receive a special recycling bag in RLX-branded stores in China to collect the pods and send them back to recycling bins placed in the stores.
The WeCare Bag, made from recycled bottles in an effort to explore the new circular economy model and advocate responsible consumption, has been on display at the community to cultivate residents' green awareness.
“WeCare Bag”是一款由回收瓶子制成的环保袋,旨在探索新的循环经济模式并倡导负责任的消费。它已在社区中展示,以培养居民的绿色意识。
The company said it has sold 3.9 billion bags (25g per bag) of its Yumeijing children's skin care cream in the past 41 years, helping it cement its position in the children's skin care market.
Coca-Cola China recently launched its first WeCare Bag, made from recycled bottles, in an effort to explore the new circular economy model and advocate responsible consumption.
With a smiley face emoji on the bag, Coca-Cola China's WeCare Bag is also called the Emoji Bag.
The smiley face on the bag is one of the most representative visual icons for Coca-Cola China's "WeCare" value proposition, aiming to bring a virtual "smile" to the real world and promote sustainable lifestyles.
The bag is now available at the Coca-Cola Tmall flagship store.
On the same day of the launch the WeCare Bag, Coca-Cola China donated a batch of such bags tailored with Hainan Lijin folk elements to students at Hainan college in Haikou of Hainan province, to promote green development to the younger generation, support local public education for sustainable development and contribute to the construction of an ecological island in the province.
In August, livestreaming celebrity Li Jiaqi selected a stylish bag co-made by the workshop and a factory out of more than 800 different styles of bags.
He promoted the bag online and sold more than 20,000 pieces of the product, and helped the workshop to significantly increase its revenue.
The application of zero-impact concept; the EAF dust abatement with cyclone and bag filters, the cooling of the high fume temperature (with heat recovery) effectively help metal producers solve the problem of fume treatment and noise reduction.
Passengers can get a one-time facial recognition registration with the self-help machines at Daxing airport, and then they will be able to go through all the processes, including ticket purchases, check-ins, bag checks, security checks, and boarding, by facial recognition.
When passengers arrive at the airport, they can self-check-in the luggage with the e-tag and self-service machines, and check luggage status by scanning the bar code during the whole process of bag transportation.
He added that the company is also developing colorful and fashionable wrapping for younger consumers later this year, or even tea bag products similar to Lipton tea under Unilever.
Over the next three years, real-time baggage tracking will become a common feature for passengers to identify where their luggage is by checking the status on their mobile phonesChina Eastern Airlines said it has proposed that off-airport check-in and bag services be introduced at Beijing Daxing International Airport, and related equipment is expected to be built at several places such as metro stations in Beijing as part of its long-term planning.
China Eastern said three major State-owned airlines all had some positive experiences in off-airport bag drops.
"Off-airport bag drop needs to guarantee the isolation and safety of luggage transportation.
If passengers bought tickets of metro express to the airport, the services of off-airport checking and bag drop would be free.
A guide from IATA also said that the preferred solution for bag tag displays is electronic ink as it requires no power to maintain its content and only requires power when the content needs to be changed.
With just a smartphone, MR allows consumers to know how a bag or dress would look on themselves.
Luxury handbag sharing platform MrsB allows its users to rent a Valentino clutch bag for 8 yuan ($1.15) a day.
It also offers "bag securities", which involves users buying a share in the bags - similar to holding stocks - and gaining payouts from future rental fees.
"For example, you buy a 10,000 yuan bag, use it for one year and then sell it as second-hand for 7,000 yuan.
The platform recently released a Gucci Sylvie shoulder bag with a market value of $2,378 on its online shop, and it was rented out in within 30 seconds.
So in the first phase, we are indeed a B2C rental service provider, because the major problem is that bag owners don't want to rent their bags.
If they don't want a bag anymore, they want to cash it in.
"Zhu said that is why the company also has bag securities financial products.
"Through the bag securities products, users buy the bags for us and we rent out the bags for them. "
The 27-year-old courier was busy delivering a luxury designer bag to a client in Beijing.
With these successes in the bag, Club Med said it will open eight new resorts worldwide between 2017 and 2018.
"A regular size biodegradable bag from supermarkets will cost about 1 yuan, while the old ones will be 0.5 yuan," Yu said.
With the help of the academy, Yu is confident his company can produce a highly-competitive new age shopping bag.
The company said its advertising campaign on WeChat for the launch of the new DK88 bag, which retails for 1,695 pounds, resulted in increased sales.
Part of the core business revolves around the auto sector with the company working on a special tube for air bag gas generators-a first for a Chinese enterprise.
Experts see mixed bag in stocks, bonds, currencies, oil, metals and farm commoditiesWill 2024 be better?
Refreshing experiencesShoppers for the baijiu-flavored latte flooded Chinese social media sites with photos of the cups and the iconic red-and-gold paper bag resembling Moutai packages, as well as discussions on the taste.
Last year was a mixed bag in the fortunes of Chinese retailers.
"Bringing its newly developed biodegradable rubbish bag samples to this year's expo, Ningbo Baojiahua Biomaterials is a young company established at the end of 2022 by Despodov Dimitrov, as he saw the importance China and the EU have both attached to environmental protection.
"The meeting emphasized the need to further enforce the system of provincial governors assuming responsibility for the "rice bag "and city mayors for the "vegetable basket", and conduct timely market reallocation.
One of the WSDO handicrafts that Koirala sells in Shanghai is the Ranju bag, which was designed by an acquaintance of the same name who had lost her family during the 2015 Gorkha earthquake.
In particular, luxury bag sales jumped more than 40 percent during the period, and watches, belts, bracelets and necklaces, which are widely bought as gifts, posted stellar growth.
Zhao Shengmei, general manager of Newcom Group, a bag and travel luggage manufacturer in Pinghu, Zhejiang province, said the company currently is recruiting more workers as orders in the first half of 2022 have already reached the whole-year level of 2021.
Located in Guangzhou's Huadu district-known as the "leather capital of China"-Zhang's company is among the major luggage and bag manufacturers in the region.
Shiling township in Huadu has now registered more than 8,800 luggage, bag and leather goods manufacturers and more than 16,800 supporting service merchants, producing more than 700 million pieces of luggage and bags for customers from around the world each year.
As online shopping festivals grow, shoppers have used them as an opportunity to try out new items rather than simply bag a bargain, said Matthew Crabbe, Asia-Pacific research director at consultancy Mintel.
It also said around 8 percent of the surveyed Gen Z population said they possess at least one bag from luxury brand Hermes, while that number was merely 2 percent among those born before 1995.
It is then scanned and recorded by the system before the belt drops it into a collection bag along with other packages bound for the same community.
Once a bag has been filled, it is loaded onto a truck and transported to an express delivery station.
"In the past, he said, when the sorting work was mainly done by people, the work was slower and the employees sometimes made mistakes, such as sending a package to the wrong bag.
I am glad I can buy bags with duty-free prices without going abroad," said Li Qinyi, a tourist who was picking a bag at the Gucci store.
For example, Chen said there are various coffee categories in a typical office building in Beijing — from Luckin Coffee, Starbucks, company subsidized branded brewed coffee, ready-to-drink coffee from vending machines and a good quality drip bag coffee that is more affordable.
Place the tea bag in a cup, pour hot water, and you will get a nice cup of tea," said Cwele in the livestreaming room.
For instance, WeChat's leftover blind box mini program Xishi Magic Bag covers Beijing, Shanghai, Chongqing, Nanjing, Kunshan and other cities.
WeChat's leftover blind box mini program Xishi Magic Bag is registered with several bakery brands such as Bread Talk, Dim Sum Bureau of Momo, Withwheat and KenGee, and offers blind boxes containing bread to consumers.
Xishi Magic Bag usually launches blind boxes at 7 pm every day.
I enjoy it a lot," said Zhang Kai, a loyal consumer of Xishi Magic Bag.
Currently, Xishi Magic Bag is available in Beijing, Shanghai, Chongqing, Guangzhou and Shenzhen in Guangdong province, Hangzhou in Zhejiang province, Changsha in Hunan province and Chengdu in Sichuan province.
Between May and June, Haidilao, a leading hot pot brand, rolled out 200,000 sets of children's meals, priced at 39 yuan each, with a complementary Miffy rabbit mini bag.
"I just bought a secondhand LV bag at 8,000 yuan ($1174.2) at a secondhand luxury shop nearby where I live.
When she goes to the litter box, the automatic box gathers her droppings into a plastic bag.
Accessories brand Wanaccessory also released a bag series made of kraft paper, which uses a pulping process that produces highly durable and water-resistant material.
After checking the canopy bag, he will meticulously mark it in red for other staff to identify.
Domestic firms bank on e-commerce, product design efforts for sales growthDriven by surging demand in overseas markets, especially the rebounding tourism sector, China's bag and suitcase manufacturers have been rushing to recruit more workers and focus on new foreign trade formats to sustain their growth this year, said industry leaders and exporters.
Song Wenming, chairman of Guangzhou Aopiya Leather Industrial LLC, another Guangdong province-based bag and suitcase exporter, said the growth of the company's export value exceeded 50 percent in the first half after the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership agreement came into force in January.
Cross-border e-commerce platforms have broadened sales channels and innovated the business model of bag and suitcase manufacturers in China, said Lin Meng, director of the modern supply chain research institute under the Chinese Academy of International Trade and Economic Cooperation in Beijing.
Pan Xiaoting, a 26-year-old clerk at a financial institution in Beijing who likes to shop on secondhand luxury product apps, recently bought a Gucci bag for 6,899 yuan ($1,031), far less than the original price of about 13,000 yuan.
In addition, there are 33,000 tent manufacturers, more than 5,000 sleeping bag producers and over 1,200 foldable chair makers.
With a monthly salary of 3,500 yuan, Qu, who had returned from working at a leather bag factory in Dongguan, Guangdong province, said she likes being close to her hometown and family.
Housekeepers will seal the bag, take it out, and put in a new one, ensuring a safe process," said Zhou Liqin, the hotel's executive housekeeper.
Kate Zhang sold a light purple leather Louis Vuitton speedy bag for 6,999 yuan at Panghu and is able to get a net of 5,999 yuan after the service fees.
Kate Zhang在Panghu上以6,999元的价格出售了一个浅紫色的路易威登Speedy皮包,并在扣除服务费后,最终获得5,999元的净收入。
"These days everyone wears a smaller bag, I no longer need a big bag.
At the end of last year, Christina Wang, an executive at an online travel platform, decided to reward herself with a luxury bag and a wool and cashmere coat.
After a hectic day at work, 45-year-old Li Junsheng sorted and disposed of office waste and used his own shopping bag to buy vegetables at a grocery store.
This year, French luxury group Kering made investments in European secondhand clothing platform Vestiaire Collective and luxury bag rental startup Cocoon, as it is bullish in their growth prospects.
After the launch of the project, a "She Can" bag with feminine care products will be distributed to 300,000 girls in more than 1,000 secondary schools in the country.
Last year, China Eastern started to use electronic flight bag (EFB) for its whole fleet and became the first Asian carrier to take the move.
Labels then protrude from the apparatus allowing hospital workers to properly categorize each bag.
Instead, they are bringing their boyfriends, husbands and sons to such institutions and encouraging them to have face-lifting injections, eye bag removals and hair transplants," Mu said.
Liu began to prepare a shopping checklist well in advance, which included six bags of 5.4-kilogram Orijen's Six Fish, a cat food product featuring a protein-rich diet that costs around 550 yuan ($83) for each bag after discount, 20 cans of canned cat food costing some 200 yuan in total plus nutrition bars, hairball remedy products, toys, pest repellent products and several categories of dog products.
刘开始提前准备购物清单,其中包括六袋5.4公斤重的Orijen's Six Fish猫粮。这种富含蛋白质的猫粮打折后每袋售价约550元(83美元),20罐猫罐头总计约200元,还有营养棒、化毛产品、玩具、驱虫产品以及几类狗产品。
Restaurants should also actively offer packages and doggy bag services after meals when food is unfinished.
Chen reached in and grabbed her omelet in a take-out bag, and off she went.
On a typical night, Ye Jing turns on TV for her favorite series and opens a bag of snacks.
"Blind bags"-a type of surprise grab bag with mystery contents-went for 99 yuan apiece during the livestreaming.
But the outbreak has been a mixed bag of sorts for online influencers who thrive on the internet thanks to their legions of followers.
When a deliveryman with a bag of medicine came into sight, she was greatly relieved.
I bought a lovely low-carbon canvas bag online," said Tian Shen, a 28-year-old bank employee in Beijing and an experienced skier.
A sports jacket made from 11 recycled plastic bottles and a running shoe that weighs the same as a bag of potato chips are among the latest offerings from the country's top sportswear producer Anta Sports Products Ltd.
"I was still impressed that 40 days since the opening of my shop, one of our villagers came with a big bag of money and asked me to buy him a car, which marked the first car traded online in eastern Henan at that time," she said.
Through the apps, the systems will generate bag tag numbers and transmit the data to the e-tag through Bluetooth.
After a few seconds, the electronic ink screen of the bag tag will display information such as the bar code and flight numbers.
"The preferred solution would be electronic ink bag tags as it requires no power to maintain its content and only requires power when the content needs to be changed," a guideline from the International Air Transport Association said.
Wang Xingyang, a 29-year-old financial consultant from Beijing, bought an Yves Saint Laurent shoulder bag through Xinshang, an online platform selling secondhand luxury bags and clothes.

四级Some, like Mr.Azar’s plastic bag, are open to argument as to how they work, or whether they really work at all.



高考Among the bag makers' arguments: many cities with bans still allow shoppers to purchase paper bags, which are easily recycled but require more energy to produce and transport.


2018年高考英语浙江卷 阅读理解 阅读B 原文

高考The team left 100 wax worms on a commercial polyethylene shopping bag for 12 hours, and the worms consumed and broke down about 92 milligrams, or almost 3% of it.


2018年高考英语北京卷 阅读理解 阅读C 原文

高考When going for a walk, take along a small garbage bag.


2018年高考英语浙江卷 阅读理解 七选五 原文

高考The main question is whether you want your arms inside or outside the sleeping bag.


2015年高考英语湖北卷 阅读理解 阅读D 原文

六级He was the only person who could have opened my bag while I was asleep.



高考Because of our efforts, our daughter Georgia did decide to donate a large bag of toys to a little girl whose mother was unable to pay for her holiday due to illness.


2018年高考英语全国卷3 阅读理解 阅读D 原文

高考It was kept in a plastic bag with a seal.


2015年高考英语广东卷 阅读理解 阅读A 选项

高考One study found that a cotton bag must be used at least 131 times to be better for the planet than plastic.


2018年高考英语浙江卷 阅读理解 阅读B 原文

高考The next time you're standing at the sink waiting for it to fill while cooking noodle soup that you'll have to eat until a large bag of cash falls out of the sky, don't be desperate.


2017年高考英语天津卷 阅读理解 阅读C 原文

高考The stronger a reusable bag is, the longer its life and the more plastic-bag use it cancels out.


2018年高考英语浙江卷 阅读理解 阅读B 原文

高考Then a bottle of cold orange juice, a bag of chips and a pack of ted Williams baseball cards.


2015年高考英语四川卷 阅读表达 原文

高考To my surprise, I found that she would pack a paper bag full of canned goods and head out every morning at about nine.


2016年高考英语上海卷 语法填空 A 原文

高考When we handed him the bag of food, he lit up and thanked us with watery eyes.


2015年高考英语全国卷1 完形填空 原文

四级Verifone, the company that makes the store’s card reader would not confirm or deny that the plastic bag trick worked.



四级Azar reached beneath the counter for a black plastic bag.



四级Some eyewitnesses report that a bag was about to be loaded on board, but it exploded during a security check.


2015年12月四级真题(第一套)听力 Section A

六级I'd like to go camping with you this weekend, but I don't have a sleeping bag.



六级She can lend the man a sleeping bag



六级Yes, but… W: According to the statement you made, you had never seen the hand gun before it was found in your bag



六级Tell me , where was your personal bag during the flight



六级Stealing a fellow passenger's bag



六级He is suspected of having slipped something in Kumar's bag.



六级Tell me , where was your personal bag during the flight?



六级Stealing a fellow passenger's bag.



六级And you know there’s a bag of your favorites in the cupboard.



六级You want one, you eat two, you check the bag and find out you’ve just shot 132 calories.



六级” and polish off the whole bag.



六级Police dogs spent hours searching the store for a bag which the caller claimed contained 50 pounds of explosives.



四级Take no more game than the bag limit provided for by the fish and game laws.



四级And don’t worry—whether it’s a plastic bento box or a cloth bag, lunch containers can still easily be covered with popular culture.


