
词根词缀记忆/谐音联想记忆 补充/纠错
谐音把它摁 → button n.按钮;钮扣 vt.扣上,扣紧
谐音记忆把他摁 → 把他摁就是按上纽扣谐音记忆爸疼 → 爸爸的“扣子”掉了,很心疼。词源记忆这个词来源于希腊词byrsa,意思是“皮”、“革”,因为这些钱包往往是用皮革制作的。我国也有把“钱包”叫作“皮包”、“皮夹”的,大概也是出于同样的原因吧。Byrsa一词进入法语后,变为bourse,意思是“钱包”或“钱包里拭目以待钱”。Bourse在写时指世界闻名的“巴黎证券交易所”。英语吸收了这个词,把它变作了purse,泛指“钱包”,常指西方摩登女郎用来装零钱、钥匙、粉盒、小镜子等物品的小手提包。串记记忆There is a butt near the button.
按钮旁边有一个烟头。串记记忆一个舌侧扣(button)掉在了箱子底部(bottom)里。谐音记忆b 别 + utton 按它 → 这个按钮别按它 → button n.按钮;钮扣 vt.扣上,扣紧谐音记忆布(bu)条条(tt)上(on)的 纽扣 → button n.按钮;钮扣 vt.扣上,扣紧串记记忆把羊皮sheep剃了,做一个纯粹(sheer)羊毛的床单sheet
sheep n.(绵)羊;易受人摆布的人
sheet n.被单,床单;薄板;(一)片,(一)张
sheer adj.完全的,纯粹的,十足的;薄的;陡峭的;(某物)之重/之大等(用于强调) adv.陡峭地 v.使偏航;使急转向
词性拓展记忆 / 词形拓展记忆
button / unbutton / unbuttoned
button n.纽扣,按钮(开关) v.扣紧;扣上纽扣
unbutton vi.解开钮扣;吐露vt.解开钮扣
unbuttoned adj.钮扣解开的;无拘束的;放松的
对比记忆 / 类比记忆 / 形近词记忆
button / cotton / mutton / glutton / ratton
button n.纽扣,按钮(开关) v.扣紧;扣上纽扣
cotton n.棉花;棉线,棉纱;棉制品
mutton n.羊肉
glutton n. 贪吃者
ratton n.老鼠;耗子
button / buttonhole / bellybutton / hot-button / push-button
button n. 纽扣,按钮(开关) ; v. 扣紧;扣上纽扣
buttonhole n.扣眼;钮孔vt.强迫听或谈
bellybutton n.肚脐
hot-button n.热点问题
push-button adj.按钮操作的;自动化的
on the button 准确地;准时地
button up 1、扣紧 2、顺利完成 3、紧缩开支
button down 1、扣紧 2、〈美俚〉弄清,说明
power button 电源开关
on the button 在按钮上
green button 绿色按钮
computer power button 计算机电源按钮
reset button 复位按钮
emergency button 紧急按钮
channel button 频道按钮
collar button 衣领扣
drain button 排水按钮
rinse button 冲洗按钮
spin button 旋转按钮
shutter button 快门按钮
press the emergency button 按下紧急按钮
button one's lip 闭上嘴唇
push the panic button 按下紧急按钮
press the panic button 按下紧急按钮
button up 扣上按钮
to de up/undo your buttons 系上/解开扣子
on top button 准确地
a campaign button 军功章
I like the red button.
Press this button to start the engine.
He thumbed the button.
The button should be pushed in.
I pressed the button to start the elevator.
She clicked the "Submit" button to finish her online form.
The red button on the dashboard serves as the emergency stop.
He held the button down for several seconds to activate the timer.
The button popped off when I tried to fasten it, what a mess!
She found the "Delete" button among the toolbar options.
To print the document, simply click the "Print" button.
The button was worn out from frequent use, so it no longer worked properly.
The child was fascinated by all the buttons on the toy piano.
The button-up shirt is a classic choice for formal wear.
Musk also previously had polled Twitter users about adding an edit button for their tweets.
The tailor-made WeChat version will allow drivers to give voice commands or use a button on the steering wheel to check unread messages, send new messages and make voice calls.
To check out, guests press a button on the app, after which the room locks, and they are automatically charged through Alibaba's online wallet.
Tencent Holdings Ltd's music arm finally pressed the play button, debuting on the New York Stock Exchange on Wednesday, as part of the tech giant's efforts to diversify its business and seek new growth drivers.
"Li chose not to push the panic button.
The music arm of Tencent Holdings Ltd pressed the play button on its long-anticipated initial public offering in New York on Monday, two months after halting the plan amid hopes of a recovery of global market conditions.
The new design eliminates the home button, pushes 11-inch and 12.9-inch Liquid Retina displays to the edges of iPad Pro, and integrates Face ID to securely unlock iPad.
In the statement, Didi also vowed to upgrade its other features in order to better protect the security of its users, including a one-touch button in the app to call police and their emergency contacts.
Passengers receive a message asking if they agree to the activation of in-car audio recording for safety reasons, and will only be allowed to continue to order a car if they click the agree button.
By then, delivery cars will be able to go up and down the buildings through elevators, without anyone helping them to push the elevator button, he said.
Didi said it has upgraded the "emergency help" function on the passenger version of its app to "press the button to report to police", and a "safety center" will enable passengers to share trip routes in the event of an emergency.
Users can choose to connect directly from the emergency button to police, ambulances, traffic emergency hotlines as well as the 24/7 emergency help line.
In India, the company launched a phone model with a fingerprint recognition button that is good at recognizing greasy fingers, considering the fact that the Indians enjoy eating with their hands, said Chowdhury.
This is the approach we'll take to ensure everyone can get a reliable ride at the tap of a button".
According to Han, one of the keys to delivering good full-screen experience is to offering new ways of unlocking smartphones, since the tactile home button is deleted.
Consumers need to click the "rush to purchase" button as the stock is tight, and each account can only purchase one bottle at this price.
Residents can press a button to seek help.
Zhengzhou's role grows as essential int'l hub with improved logistics, opening-upA Zhengzhou Customs officer presses down a keyboard button and watches the computer screen closely.
SHANGHAI — Four years is usually just a brief moment in time, but Nicheng, once a little-known township in southeastern Shanghai, was propelled as if under the control of a fast-forward button, undergoing a tremendous and speedy transformation unseen in its history.
"But it would be much better if the push button were changed to the other side of the control panel.
Sun Xingjie, a professor of international relations at Sun Yat-sen University in Guangdong province, said China's diplomatic activities with other countries are expected to open up new prospects, as China has pressed the "acceleration button" on its diplomacy.
Clicks on the 'like' button for this movie on the ticketing platform Taopiaopiao have exceeded 720,000," said Chen Jin, an analyst with professional box office tracker Dengta Data.
The driver moves through the vehicle to ensure the children leave safely, before pressing a button to turn off the alert.
As the big day arrived and the clock struck 4, I held my breath and tapped on the "pay" button on my smartphone screen in a jiffy, without wasting a nanosecond.
"Seyedin said he expects the US and China to hit a reset button and very likely open a new era of cooperation that will benefit not just themselves but the entire globe.
Reforms include granting wider access, aligning with international practicesFor Martin Papp, a US entrepreneur who founded a tea startup in China, the COVID-19 pandemic has pressed a pause button on many of his plans.
In June, the International Telecommunication Union approved a 6G vision framework, a foundational document for global 6G work, pressing the start button for renewed research and development across the world.
On this AI Button platform, students only need to input materials that need to be reviewed and the AI personal learning assistant will provide customized learning advice and guidance based on students' needs, helping them learn and review efficiently.
Whether it's consolidating previously learned knowledge or reviewing before exams, AI Button can provide students with accurate materials and suggestions.
In addition, AI Button encourages students to participate in public welfare activities.
The founder of AI Button, Qiu Yumo, is only a 13-year-old high school student who has just entered the 8th grade.
The popularity of AI Button she casually wrote inspired her to plan the 99 public welfare project this year.
She decided to use AI Button to influence more students and increase her support to public welfare projects.
Driven by superfast 5G, the elderly and people with disabilities can press a button to call services including home care, emergency rescue and remote positioning without having to learn the complicated functions of mobile phones.
On an online platform for travel customization, a user can book a personalized itinerary with a click of a button after providing information such as place of departure, destination, travel dates and number of travelers, Xinhua News Agency reported.
With his helmet on, 38-year-old Li Dezhi squeezes the motorcycle clutch lever at full grip, presses the start button and waits for the exhilarating sound of the engine firing.
"Xitang's button producers form a pillar industry of Jiashan that employs more than 20,000 people.
Because it is at the forefront of Chinese button production, Xitang is dubbed "the world's button hub", with everyone across the globe on average having at least 10 buttons made in the township.
The button business in Xitang features a comprehensive industrial cluster with a complete range of products and materials, ranging from metal and resin to natural shell and husk, as well as handcrafted items and those made with precision technology.
The township's button sector centers on the village of Dashun, which hosts 678 enterprises that together recorded industrial output of 5.8 billion yuan ($863 million) last year and contributed more than half of Xitang's tax revenue, according to local authorities.
Button maker Lu Luoyi said a passion for producing the items continues to be key.
As part of this campaign, Taobao Live has been lifted from an obscure button hidden in product display pages to high up on the front page of the app, making it much more accessible to users.
In a greenhouse in Cuilingxi village, Shouguang, dozens of strings attached to a greenhouse roof begin to move as Cui Jiangyuan clicks a ventilation button on his smartphone.
H. E. A. T, also based in Guangdong's capital city, had its finger on the fast-forward button as well of late.
H. E. A. T, 近期也位于广东省省会城市,同样按下了快进键。
Even though the coronavirus pandemic forced these brands to hit the pause button for two months, it has failed to dent their overall expansion ambitions.
He ended up pushing the purchase button, and in just half an hour, the smartphone was in his possession-along with the rice noodles.
He ended up pushing the purchase button and in just half an hour, the smartphone was in his possession-along with the rice noodles.
"The epidemic pressed a pause button for the tourism industry, which is an opportunity for the enterprises to reflect and recharge," said Wang, noting that with the collective efforts of enterprises and the government, the tourism industry is sure to revive after the epidemic.
Consumers like Chen are not alone as online grocery platforms that can deliver food at the touch of a button, 24 hours a day, are springing up and booming in Chinese cities, especially after the country's e-commerce giants like Alibaba and JD.
Pressing a button to call a helicopter to a rooftop, once the stuff of sci-fi stories, could soon be a reality in China's southern metropolis of Shenzhen.
Followers are active in exchanging their views about "pet celebrities" and offering "likes" at the click of a button.
At the click of a button, Chinese consumers can now enjoy the best of the world's products in no more than a week.
"Now people living in European countries can receive deliveries from Zhengzhou with the tap of a smartphone button.
But now all I have to do is press a button," Ma said, adding that automative fertilizing offers a less costly way of planting.
"When buyers find the price appropriate, they just press a button and the deal is closed," Zhang said.
The handsets can transcribe speech into text in real-time; support multi-language translation; summarize lengthy content into clear, intelligently organized formats at the click of a button; and enhance efficiency in cross-language communication and office work.
Users can long-hold the home button and circle or tap the screen to learn more about what they see through an online search engine.
The International Telecommunication Union last month approved a 6G vision framework, a foundational document for global 6G work, pressing the start button for renewed research and development across the world.
Type a combination of words into the prompt field at an AI painting platform developed by Westlake Xinchen technology company, choose an art style, and click the "create" button.
This has pressed the start button for global research on the next-generation wireless technology, experts said.
The M Hybrid button on the center console is used to select one of three operating modes.
One of them, the Guard Mode, refers to a hidden button at the bottom left of the driver's seat.
Without getting off their cars, passengers can swap a battery merely by pushing a button.
According to Sinopec, without getting off their cars, passengers can finish the battery swapping service by simply pushing a button.
For example, the customized model allows the driver to take an order by pushing a button on the car, instead of clicking on a mobile phone, as they have been doing worldwide, and the passenger can have the air conditioner adjusted via their mobile phone before the car's arrival.
This year, FAW-Volkswagen pressed the fast-forward button on the digital transformation of its sales system, aiming to strengthen innovative marketing and realize efficient communication with users.
A screen is mounted before the back seat of the autopilot taxi where a start button is displayed.
As long as a rider presses the button, the car starts to move.
Also, a button is prepared on the vehicle for people to call the police.
In March, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology launched classification standards for autonomous driving in China, which has pressed the fast-forward button for the country's autonomous driving industry.
Earlier this month, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology publicized Chinese standards on autonomous driving classification, believed by insiders to press the fast-forward button for the country's autonomous driving industry.
Industry executives said the epidemic was likely to wreak havoc on auto sales and production in the first quarter, but that it was too early to push the panic button.
It allows drivers to give voice commands or use a button on the wheel to check unread messages, send new messages and make calls on WeChat.
"For instance, with a single click on a designated button in WeChat, end-users can access the interface to request assistance, monitor the location of rescue vehicles in real time, and achieve direct visual tracing of the process and quality of assistance service," he said.
Volvo Financial Service allows customers to manage accounts, chat with representatives online and make instant payments all through the touch of a button.
With this technology, the car user now can press one button on Pand Auto App and the car can automatically drive to the pick-up location and return to the parking space within the test area.
"The Chinese users can connect to the Renault call center by one-touch on the button on the roof, to find the interest points, locate the places, and then navigate to the destinations.
Tmall consumers can push a button to select their car and drive away in it in a jiffy, according to Yu Weixuan, general manager of Tmall Automobile, the division of Tmall that is driving the garage venture.
The center console also features an exclusive L button to engage a low-speed gear, and an ECO button that enables fuel-efficient features.
The carmaker said it has been systematically developed to meet users' needs: touch a single button and the car drives up, recognizes you and opens its doors.
It uses with gesture control technologies and direct touch operation without pressing a physical button, allowing users to access the wide variety of services provided by BMW Connected, an integrated personal digital mobility companion.
When a preset program is activated, air conditioning, ambient lighting, seat massage, ventilation and heating, music and fragrance can all be adjusted by the driver with a simple button press to easily create an ideal, comfortable space.
Supported by the Xiaolintong Community Service Center, the project's elderly participants can have access to over 200 services such as transport, meals, shopping and house cleaning by just pushing a button on the device for three seconds.
Consumers could push a virtual button on the vehicle's screen to buy more than 20 items such as water or souvenirs from the Beijing 2022 Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games.
By clicking a virtual button on the vehicle's screen, consumers can buy what they want.
With a simple swipe on a button, the Oppo X 2021 concept smartphone is able to transform between a regular 6.7-inch size and a 7.4-inch size that is like a small tablet.
Yu, whose consumer business group is expected to suffer most from the chip restrictions, said many people thought that Huawei would have no choice but to press the pause or stop button on its phone businesses.
The company, however, decided to step forward and hit the play button, Yu said at its annual developer conference in Dongguan, Guangdong province, last week.
It allows users to select a floor by pointing their finger at each button from a distance of 10 to 15 millimeters, triggering an infrared signal which tells the elevators where they want to go.
China has hit the "fast-forward" button on the construction of Internet infrastructure, with 4G users registering 128 million, ranking first in the world, said Chen Zhaoxiong, vice minister of the MIIT.
A list of the first batch of 12 national digital service export bases was released recently, with digital service exports pressing the fast-forward button, People's Daily Overseas Edition reported.
"Though the pandemic has pressed a pause button on many aspects of our lives, it accelerates the digitalization trend in society and fuel the integration of AI and healthcare," Liang Yali, vice-president of the sales, marketing and communications group at Intel, said.
"Although the shock is grave, it also presses the fast-track button of building smart cities in China, and boosts the wider applications of smart technologies.
"Jain added the consumerization of video has also led to a growing need for hassle-free video conferencing that empowers users to connect from any device with a simple click of a button.
Facebook said it was creating a new subsidiary called Calibra to provide financial services based on Libra to allow customers to do transactions "with the push of a button.
And that overview seems to suggest there is no dire need for anyone to press the panic button.

六级Yet once they start growing, such plants seem not to retain the ability to hit the pause button on metabolism in their stems or leaves.


2018年6月六级真题(第一套)阅读 Section B

高考In any unsafe situation, simply press the button and a highly-trained agent will get you the help you need.


2018年高考英语北京卷 单项填空 原文

六级During commercials, an overlay will appear at the bottom of the screen, prompting viewers to press a button to request a free sample or order a catalogue.



高考He doesn't know where the "on" button is.


2015年高考英语上海卷 听力 选项

高考Sorry, I dropped it and now the "on" button doesn't light up.


2015年高考英语上海卷 听力 原文

六级Yet once they start growing, such plants seem not to retain the ability to hit the pause button on metabolism in their stems or leaves.


2018 年 6 月6级真题第2套

四级Sign has become a scientific hot button.



四级Imagine taking a college exam, and, instead of handing in a blue book and getting a grade from a professor a few weeks later, clicking the “send” button when you are done and receiving a grade back instantly, your essay scored by a software program.



考研All they have to do is press a button, and they can see plays, films, operas, and shows of every kind, not to mention political discussions and the latest exciting football match.


