
词根词缀记忆/谐音联想记忆 补充/纠错
谐音可辣死他 → 一簇辣椒,可辣死他 → cluster …………
谐音记忆c可 + lu辣 + s死 + ter他:这一串辣椒,足够一群人吃了。但他一个人就给吃完了,可是辣死他了。 …………
词性拓展记忆 / 词形拓展记忆
a cluster of 成群的, 成串的
industrial cluster 产业集群
a cluster of 一群
cluster together 聚集在一起
cluster around 群集周围
globular cluster 球状星团
a cluster of flower 一簇花
star cluster 星团
stellar cluster 恒星群
city cluster 城市群
world-class city cluster 世界级城市群
word cluster 词簇
galaxy clusters 星系团
industrial cluster 产业集群
cluster bomb 集束炸弹
cloud cluster 云簇
monsoon cloud cluster 季风云团
tropical cloud cluster 热带云团
to cluster in 群集在
There is a cluster of flowers.
The classroom was clustered with many students.
The researchers grouped the data into several clusters to analyze patterns.
She sorted the books into different clusters based on genre.
This clustering algorithm helps identify similar customers for targeted marketing.
The stars in the night sky form a cluster called the Pleiades.
In biology, cells often cluster together to form tissues and organs.
The team is working on clustering algorithms to improve computer vision tasks.
They clustered around the fireplace, sharing stories and laughter.
The ants in this colony are organized into a hierarchical cluster structure.
Social media platforms often use clustering to suggest friends or content that users might be interested in.
After analyzing the customer feedback, they decided to cluster the products into high-quality and low-quality groups.
Well, uh, you see that, that little cluster of stars next to the big one? That is Ursa Major.
The company is one of a cluster of more than 10 German companies in the Tianjin Beichen Economic and Technological Development Area (BEDA), covering an area of about 50 square km.
Meanwhile, from a policy perspective, clearer policy guidance is needed on how to define, cluster and approve digital innovative products, as well as improve the reimbursement process.
"Haiyan is located at the heart of the city cluster of the Yangtze River Delta region, providing the project with extensive market advantages.
Shandong province, an economic power in East China, vows to accelerate efforts to build a world-class port cluster within the province as a way to promote its high-quality development and enhance its opening-up process, officials said on Friday.
"Currently, a coastal port cluster has formed in Shandong, with Qingdao Port as the leader and Rizhao Port and Yantai Port as the backbone.
"Such development pattern laid solid foundation to build a world-class port cluster," Fan added.
At the end of July, Shandong provincial government issued a three-year action plan to build a world-class port cluster.
"The transformation into a world-class port cluster will not only optimize the operational dynamics and spatial layout of all ports across the province, but will also amplify their service capacity and global connectivity," the vice-governor commented.
The total added economic value produced and triggered by the Shandong port cluster is expected to reach 1.3 trillion yuan ($177 billion) by 2025, said Huo Gaoyuan, chairman of the Shandong Port Group.
It will better connect the downtown of Suzhou, Kunshan and Shanghai and bring the coordinated development of the urban cluster in the Yangtze River Delta.
The institution, covering a total building area of nearly 20,000 square meters and providing around 400 beds in 224 apartments, is located in Nanjing's Qixia district amid a cluster of city life facilities.
Tesla's new factory is expected to create an industrial cluster worth over 100 billion yuan, said Lu Yu, an official of the Lin-gang Special Area Administration.
A bio-industry cluster has formed in Pingshan district over recent years.
More efforts are needed to tackle key technological bottlenecks, and create a modern industrial cluster, Zhang said.
Dreier said that despite multiple challenges, China remains an attractive market, a well-developed industrial cluster and an increasingly efficient innovation hub for multinational corporations.
This intercity railway has not only facilitated travel for residents in areas close to Beijing but has also improved the development prospects of the city cluster, said He Jin, an engineer with the China Railway Design Corp.
It is the biggest crude oil production base in the South of China, and has the largest deepwater oil-and-gas field cluster in the country.
Daniel Lalonde, CEO of Design Holding, which is operating in more than 130 markets and owns a cluster of industry-leading brands such as Flos, B&B Italia and Louis Poulsen, said in an interview with China Daily that their home design business has been enjoying strong tailwinds throughout the world, including the Chinese market.
Design Holding的首席执行官Daniel Lalonde在接受《中国日报》采访时表示,他们的家居设计业务在包括中国市场在内的世界各地都顺风顺水。Design Holding在130多个市场开展业务,拥有Flos、B&B Italia和Louis Poulsen等一批行业领先的品牌。
Foreign companies' unshaken confidence in China can be reflected by their expanded investment in Taicang, a county-level city in Suzhou, Jiangsu province, which is known for the cluster of small and mediumsized German enterprises.
Located in the college cluster in Shenzhen, the new school, covering 1.8 square meters, will offer education for more than 1,500 students from communities nearby, relieving the locals' headache of picking up their kids from schools far away.
The metro line also marks the latest infrastructure upgrade in Nantong, which is part of the Yangtze River Delta region city cluster.
"We are going to build an industry cluster in Wuhan this year, as our latest efforts in this regard," said Chen.
"It will be a technology sharing research and development center, medical and health care center, insurance service center, and an ecological cluster of upstream and downstream industries".
Enping 15-1 is a major offshore facility ensuring the operation of the Enping oilfield cluster, which will include four offshore drilling platforms to jointly develop six new oilfields.
"Innovation has been highly valued in Lin-gang, as we aspire to build a frontier industrial cluster here to nurture more technological breakthroughs", said Zhang Xiaohong, deputy head of the finance and trade department for Lin-gang administrative committee.
At one of its facilities, a cluster of more than 20 oil wells run round the clock, all powered by electricity generated by over 150 photovoltaic (PV) panels nearby.
The industrial cluster in Spain will include the construction of a gigafactory for batteries for electric vehicles, a development and innovation center for the digitalization of renewable energy systems, a green hydrogen generation plant to manufacture electrolyzers and a wind power generation plant for the assembly of smart wind turbines.
The mega chemical project will form a solid foundation for a world-class industrial cluster in Zhanjiang and help establish stronger business connections between China and rest of the world.
The cluster will include the construction of a gigafactory for electric vehicles' batteries, a development and innovation center for the digitalization of renewable energy systems, a green hydrogen generation plant and the manufacture of electrolyzers and a wind power generation plant and the assembly of smart wind turbines.
"Despite the fact that China is faced with short-term challenges, we believe that the country will remain an attractive market, a superior industrial cluster and an increasingly efficient innovation hub for most multinational companies," said Denis Depoux, global managing director of consultancy Roland Berger.
罗兰贝格咨询公司全球董事总经理Denis Depoux表示:“尽管中国面临着短期挑战,但我们相信,对于大多数跨国公司来说,中国仍将是一个有吸引力的市场、一个卓越的产业集群和一个日益高效的创新中心。”。
Despite that China is faced with short-term challenges, Roland Berger believes that China remains for most multinational companies as an attractive market, a superior industrial cluster, and an increasingly efficient innovation hub.
"Development of offshore wind power will help build a highly integrated upstream and downstream industrial cluster, while creating thousands of jobs," Zhang said.
After the construction of its main base in Zhongshan's Torch Development Zone in February, Zhang said the company will increase investment in innovation and its core industries, striving to reach the 100 billion yuan-level as a high-end equipment industry cluster.
According to a development plan for the marine economy of Guangdong during the 14th Five-Year Plan period, the province will build three large offshore wind power bases, aiming to develop the industry into an industrial cluster worth 100 billion yuan in output.
The founding of Shanghai Meicifang Investment Co Ltd was announced during a virtual signing ceremony on Sunday between the French cosmetics giant and Shanghai's Fengxian district, which is home to a dedicated cosmetics industry cluster dubbed "Oriental Beauty Valley".
With cluster development featuring the complete lighter industry chain being the main target, the county vows to further step up product R&D to come up with more value-added and high-end products to make Cengong's lighter industry a more competitive one globally.
He urged the country to step up the network layout and cluster infrastructure construction, while improving fiscal and tax incentive policies as well as relevant laws and regulations.
A data center region is a physical location where companies cluster data centers.
We believe the project will contribute to Dayawan's efforts in building a world-class petrochemical industrial base in support of a world-class cluster for the advanced manufacturing industry in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area.
Alongside deploying freighter capacity, the cargo airline has also added more than 10 new routes to meet demands and link diverse regions with the country's eastern region, a major cluster of e-commerce.
State Grid Corp of China, the largest power provider in the country, has opened the world's largest new energy distributed synchronous generator cluster in Northwest China's Qinghai province, the company said on Tuesday.
The cluster will have an installed capacity of 46.46 million kilowatts, which is equivalent to twice the output of the Three Gorges Dam in the middle reaches of the Yangtze, and will generate about 190 billion kWh annually.
"Guangdong has an industrial cluster of plants that produce household products.
"In the future, we hope to ride Shanghai free trade zone's high-quality opening-up to accelerate the process of introducing innovative products and technologies to China, and help Shanghai build a world-class biopharmaceutical industry cluster," Shan said.
""In the future, the organizing committee will fully support the development of foreign biopharmaceutical companies, such as Takeda, in China, so as to accelerate their process of introducing innovative products and technologies to the country, to benefit patients in China and contribute to the construction of the biopharmaceutical industrial cluster in Pudong," he said.
Shanghai is an ideal location for fostering new ideas because of "the cluster and the density of customers", said Thomas Herget, head of Merck's China and Silicon Valley Innovation Hubs.
“由于客户群的聚集和密集,上海是孕育新想法的理想之地,”默克中国与硅谷创新中心负责人Thomas Herget说。
Sinopec said this week that its biggest underground gas storage cluster, the Zhongyuan underground gas storage cluster located in northern China, was put into operation on Monday.
The commissioning of the underground gas storage cluster will further ensure gas supply security in the coming winter, said Li Ziyue, an analyst with BloombergNEF.
"AstraZeneca is proud to be a strategic partner of Shanghai in its effort to build a world-class biopharmaceutical industry cluster.
The company's first hydrogen station, located in Chongli, a district of Zhangjiakou, around 240 kilometers northwest of Beijing, was put into operation in March, dedicated to securing hydrogen supplies for vehicles in the Zhangjiakou Cluster of the 2022 Games.
The transformation of Hytera represents smart transition in the Pearl River Delta in Guangdong, with a cluster of manufacturing companies.
"With strong support from the local government and the industry cluster in Putian, we are excited to build the craft brewery with our continuous investment in research and development," he said.
The company announced one of its biggest investments in China of about 500 million yuan ($78.35 million) late last month, to expand its adhesive technologies innovation center in the high-tech industry cluster in Zhangjiang, Shanghai.
It is hoped that through this cooperation with Medtronic, and with other leading research institutions, the scale and capacity of the medical device industry cluster in Chengdu can be improved.
The line links a cluster of scenic spots with stunning views.
Li Zheng, Party chief of Chongming district, said the government aims to promote the development of a marine equipment industry cluster on Changxing Island worth 100 billion yuan ($15.5 billion).
"The production control center is the central pivot and brain of the entire smart gas field, which supervises production conditions in the cluster," said Cui Rong, managing director of the Dongfang oil and gas fields.
"The Dongfang gas fields cluster, consisting of 10 offshore production platforms, one onshore processing terminal and several oil and gas offshore pipelines, is the biggest self-run gas field in terms of production located in the western part of the South China Sea, according to CNOOC.
By 2023, the city is expected to build an integrated circuit industry cluster with international competitiveness with independent innovation capability and a number of key core technologies further improved.
Philips' China strategy is a response to the country's dual-circulation growth pattern, the national strategy of Healthy China 2030, consumers' growing demand for personal health products and digital solutions, said Deeptha Khanna, executive vice-president and chief business leader of Philips' personal health cluster.
飞利浦大中华区首席执行官、个人健康业务全球负责人 Deeptha Khanna 表示,飞利浦的中国战略是为了应对中国的双循环经济模式、2030健康中国国家战略,以及消费者对个人健康产品和数字解决方案日益增长的需求。
It will host eight major projects, including an exhibition center, a financial services center, a cruise home-port and an industrial cluster with focus on new materials, artificial intelligence and healthcare.
"Driven by the planned 70 billion yuan investment and the evolution of the industrial cluster, the figures are poised to top 300 billion yuan and 200 billion yuan, respectively, within five years," he said.
In addition, the city's human resources and social security bureau announced it can offer up to 5 million yuan each to topend talent to join the new petroleum and new energy cluster backed by Sinopec.
Together with Liuhua 32-2 and Liuhua 29-1, this is the country's first deep water gas field cluster in the South China Sea.
As people today are living in a world with a dramatic increase in access to information and communication, the mode of knowledge acquisition is vastly different from those of previous generations, and the internet has undoubtedly become a nucleus of information, said Marielza Oliveira, director of UNESCO's Beijing cluster office and UNESCO representative to China, Democratic People's Republic of Korea, Japan, Mongolia and Republic of Korea.
The two sides will further cooperate in scientific innovation and energy application to come up with a hydrogen fuel-cell vehicle demonstration industry cluster.
China National Petroleum Corp (CNPC), one of China's top three oil giants, said it has filled 97.8 percent of its Dagang oilfield natural gas storage cluster and is expected to have the cluster fully filled by the end of this month to ensure natural gas demand in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region.
The cluster, with a total capacity up to 7.68 billion cubic meters and working capacity of 2.3 billion cubic meters, is expected to provide 2.1 billion cubic meters of natural gas during the upcoming winter to the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region, said the company.
Consisting of 10 gas storage facilities, the Dagang oilfield gas storage cluster has been in operation for almost 20 years, with an accumulated gas storage capacity up to 28.4 billion cubic meters, it said.
Our diverse portfolio, combining specialty and complex generics…that could really bring some differentiation and value to China," Mario Madeira, Teva's Asia-Pacific cluster head, said.
Liu Yi, mayor of Jiangmen, said landing the project helps Jiangmen to form a paper production-related industry chain cluster and will promote industrial transformation and upgrade.
CSG will also launch a pilot for Beidou satellite high-precision positioning, drone cluster operations and amphibious robot inspection operations.
CFLD is committed to its core metropolitan areas strategy with a pattern of "3 + 3 + N", which includes the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei province cluster, the Yangtze River Delta, the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, as well as Zhengzhou, Wuhan and Chengdu.
As of the end of 2019, JD had established Asia No 1 mega warehouses in 17 cities across China, forming the largest smart warehouse cluster in Asia.
Xiluodu Hydropower Station and Xiangjiaba Hydropower Station, together with Baihetan and Wudongde hydropower stations, will form a cascade of power stations on the Jinsha River, a cluster that is expected to reach an installed capacity of 46.46 million kilowatts, equivalent to twice the output of the Three Gorges Dam in the middle reaches of the Yangtze, and will generate about 190 billion kilowatt-hours of electricity annually.
"With the plan, the Yangtze River Delta city cluster will see significant improvement in scale and quality," Wu said.
In recent years, Anta has focused on the development of its multiple brands strategy to meet diversified demands from consumers of various incomes while expanding to global markets with a cluster of international sportswear brands.
In his weekly article, Chan said there will be a cluster effect following the listing of tech giants.
Atlas 900 is dubbed by Huawei as the world's fastest AI training cluster and its application in Peng Cheng Lab, Guangdong province, demonstrates the strides the company has made in AI chip R&D.
Gao believes it will become the world's largest AI computing cluster by then.
The city of Jieyang aims to develop an offshore wind cluster by marshaling harbor and industry-related suppliers to serve local and regional projects.
Lingang Special Area executive deputy director Zhu Zhisong said that an industrial cluster of intelligent connected electric vehicles is taking shape there.
The purpose is to create a globally influential electric car industrial cluster, he said.
"We will focus on five priorities – enabling clean energy, developing digital manufacturing, building a smart city cluster, driving innovation and nurturing local talents," said Lothar Herrmann, president and CEO of Siemens Greater China.
Attracted by the GBA's ultimate goal of building a world-class city cluster that is ecologically safe, socially stable, economically robust and culturally attractive by 2035, Siemens plans to provide technological support focusing on five priorities: enabling clean energy; developing digital manufacturing; building smart city cluster; driving innovation; and nurturing talent to support the region's development.
Polarizer Project by Chimei, a China Top 500 and listed company, was signed with Changfeng Industrial New City, which will help the city of Hefei set up a 100-million-level new display screen industrial cluster.
Luo said the technology is not merely creating an industry, nor a cluster of industries, but an infrastructure for the full transformation of traditional enterprises.
Huang said the thriving Greater Bay Area has become a cluster of cities and hubs for technology and financial companies.
It will be a cluster which has a complete industrial chain including raw material procurement, research and development and marketing.
Du Tonghe, vice-president of China National Light Industry Council, said that Fengxian has established an industrial cluster which cover skin care, perfume and healthcare over the past few years.
Fengxian will also strengthen industrial cluster construction, research and development, services and talent pool development and build eight service centers including testing, design and marketing centers.
The second-quarter earnings are a confidence booster to investors, who are losing their faith in new economy flag-bearers like Xiaomi that have shown signs of losing steam after a cluster of twists and turns on a bumpy ride to selling shares in Hong Kong.
The gas storage cluster, which will comprise 16 facilities, will take advantage of disused oil and gas fields in the region, including Zhongyuan Oilfield, which has entered its final stage after more than 40 years of exploration, the company said.
"By delivery volume, more than 40 percent of China's express delivery business is contributed by the Yangtze River Delta region, and Jiaxing has the advantage of reaching the Yangtze River Delta region, the Pearl River Delta region, Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region, and the Chongqing and Chengdu city cluster within three flight hours, as well as reaching 140 million people within three driving hours," said Su Xiufeng, deputy chairman of YTO.
The materials cluster is an important business at DSM that drives innovation and guards the environment continually.
South of downtown Chicago, a brand new building in red and deep grey stands out among the cluster of old factories in the neighborhood.
"To be sure, on the eve of its Hong Kong listing, in what could become the world's biggest flotation since 2014, Xiaomi has undergone a cluster of twists and turns that has eventually pushed retail investors away from making a beeline for shares," said Cheung Chiwai, associate director at Hong Kong-based Prudential Brokerage Ltd.
The move is to transfer non-capital functions from Beijing and boost integration of Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei cluster.
Zhao Wei, CFLD's executive president, said that bringing Visionox to Gu'an can add momentum to the high-quality development of the city’s industrial cluster of high-tech display screen producers.
"At present, there are a number of high-tech display screen producers in Gu’an’s new industrial city, like Visionox and BOE Technology, which initially forms an industrial cluster," Zhao added.