
adv.同“loosely. hold loose to something”
词根词缀记忆/谐音联想记忆 补充/纠错
词根loose 松的来自lose的形容词,松开的 …………
词性拓展记忆 / 词形拓展记忆
loose / slack
loose → 常用,通俗。指人的精神或东西的松驰。
slack → 强调缺乏牢固性或稳固性,不坚定。
let loose 松开,松开
moderately loose monetary policy 适度宽松的货币政策
loose lips sink ships 漏唇使船沉没
on the loose 不受约束的
set loose 松开,松开
turn loose 松开,松开
loose conduct 松散的行为
break loose 松开,松开
let sth. loose 释放某物
loose end 松端,松端
loose change 宽松的变化
let sb. loose 释放某人
let sb. loose on sth. 让某人放松一下
cut loose 松开,松开
loose ends 松散的一端
hang loose 松脱
have a screw loose 拧松一颗螺丝
cut loose from ... 从...
relatively loose monetary policy 相对宽松的货币政策
cut ... loose 切断…松开
play fast and loose 打得又快又松
loose leaf 活页,活页
at loose ends 在松散端
break loose from 脱离
let loose a plague 释放瘟疫
to let loose sth. 释放某物
play fast and loose with ... 与…一起快速放松...
to let loose sb. 释放某人
to break loose 挣脱束缚
Marry is wearing a loose dress.
You can't loose your heart.
Nancy is a loose woman.
The dog shook itself, causing its fur to come loose from the grooming brush.
She tied her hair up in a loose bun for the yoga class.
The sand was so loose that it shifted under my feet as I walked.
His shirt was hanging loose around his waist after losing weight.
The flowers in the vase were beginning to wilt and come loose from their stems.
The child's toy car had a loose wheel, making it hard to roll smoothly.
She wore a loose-fitting dress that flowed gently in the breeze.
The soil was too loose for the plants to take root properly.
After a long day, she decided to wear a loose pajama set for comfort.
The necklace had a loose clasp, which kept falling off when she bent over.
Pan replaced international cosmetics brands with homegrown products, including an eyeshadow palette, loose powder and lipstick when watching livestreaming sessions on e-commerce platforms.
The woman claimed that the 11,400-yuan ($1,800) jacket she bought at a Canada Goose store in Shanghai emitted an odor and had loose threads and a defective logo.
The woman also claimed that the 11,400-yuan ($1,800) jacket she bought at a Canada Goose store in Shanghai emitted an odor and had loose threads and a defective logo.
In September, together with the Institute of Chemistry at the Chinese Academy of Sciences, the company succeeded in creating the SmartLOCK technology, used in translucent blurring loose powder.
"We also developed color numbers that are more suitable for local consumers, in products such as loose powder and lip gloss, according to their skin color.
It said monetary policy would be "moderate" — neither too loose nor too tight in 2019, focusing on countercyclical adjustments.
In addition, 1 million Facebook users were also affected in the new wave of hacking activities, but they did not loose their personal information.
The violent incident saw the 69-year-old loose two front teeth, as well as suffer a broken nose and a concussion, said his attorney.
The commission urged to give real teeth to financial regulation and address any loose regulation while intensifying the accountability of supervision, or enhancing the supervision of regulators.
China's economy gradually stabilized and recovered after the government implemented a massive spending plan of 4 trillion yuan ($580.61 billion) and adopted a loose monetary policy then.
Adopting loose fiscal and monetary policies, the government will stimulate overall demand, promote consumer spending and business investment, stop the downward spiral of prices and help the economy recover from recession.
Among the 55 questionnaires, 31 were from financial institutions, 10 from the government, and 14 from higher institutions, think tanks and non-financial business.72.7 percent of respondents believe the Chinese economy in the first quarter was stable and moderate; 87.3 percent regard Q1 public expenditure moderate or strong; 96.3 percent think the monetary policy was moderate or loose in the first quarter, the report said.
On the other hand, as the consumption rebound will not be very strong, and China's monetary and fiscal policies in the past few years were not as loose as in the US, it is believed that China's inflation level will remain below 3 percent for most of this year, and overall monetary and fiscal policies will remain mild.
Against this background, monetary and fiscal policies will remain relatively loose this year, but the possibility of large-scale stimulus policies in the next few months is not that high.
Amid a slew of measures focused on supporting the real estate sector, recent high-level talk "suggests that fiscal policy will take a front seat in stimulating domestic consumption next year, while authorities keep monetary conditions loose", Loo added.
Over the past year, due to the impact of extremely loose global liquidity and supply chain bottlenecks, coupled with the Russia-Ukraine woes, global inflation levels have continued to rise, reaching the highest level in nearly 40 years and becoming the most severe round of stagflation since the 1970s.
"With domestic macro policy settings likely to remain loose as authorities increasingly look to stabilize the economy and the property sector, we expect activity indicators to bottom out and a tentative recovery to gather steam heading into 2023," Loo said.
Although China's prudent monetary policy space is squeezed in the short term, the country will still allow domestic factors to shape its policies and maintain relatively loose monetary operations, Lian said.
It has since launched a series of signature products, including its etched lipsticks and loose powder containing floral infusions and Chinese herbs.
Extremely loose monetary policies have added to inflationary pressure.
On top of that, the COVID-19 pandemic and geopolitical conflicts became additional catalysts; loose monetary policies provided enough ammunition; and major enterprises were heavily involved and are reaping huge profits.
Such a loose partnership with standards jointly set by member countries is relatively easy to achieve, because it needs no approval from the US Congress.
The high level of inflation in the US is a combined result of excessively loose monetary policies and strained international industrial and supply chains due to the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, said Liu Ying, a senior researcher at the Chongyang Institute for Financial Studies of Renmin University of China in Beijing.
This year, the United States will exit its extremely loose monetary policy, which has been adopted for 12 years, due to rising inflation.
China will maintain a loose and independent monetary policy, its equity and bond markets will remain appealing globally, and foreign holdings will continue to rise, Zhou said.
But US monetary policy is undoubtedly quite loose.
Chinese enterprises' high leverage ratios can be largely attributed to their blind expansion, and sometimes related to overly loose monetary policies.
However, we expect both improved implementation of these long-term policies and 'less tight but not loose' cyclical policies in 2022 amid downward pressure on growth.
As the US may transition away from its loose monetary policy more rapidly than expected, China's monetary policy is facing challenges to stimulate economic growth while keeping exchange rates and financial markets steady.
In addition, the excessive government spending burden also makes it more difficult to withdraw from the loose policy.
Many economists believe that China's fiscal and monetary policies have been quite loose for many years, but the economic growth rate continued to decline.
Policy has normalized from a loose stance earlier, and remains largely neutral for now," Temasek said in the annual review.
The government's fiscal policy orientation this year is relatively loose, which provides room for coping with any fresh outbreaks and supporting vulnerable industries.
Since the broad-based uptrend driven by loose liquidity has come to an end, investors should focus on capitalizing company-specific opportunities provided by sustainable and strong corporate earnings, Zhou said.
He said the higher commodity prices resulted from an accelerated global economic recovery, loose monetary policy environment and expanded demand for bulk commodities.
Besides, China's monetary policy is not very loose.
The major interest rates have remained basically unchanged this year, a signal that the PBOC is maintaining a neutral stance for monetary policy, neither loose nor tight, said analysts.
"During this year's Nov 11 shopping spree, she bought homegrown eye shadow palette, loose powder and lipstick while watching livestreaming sessions on e-commerce platforms.
Last, the Chinese economy is not in a so-called liquidity trap, and its loose monetary policy is still highly effective.
In fact, due to the long-term prudent monetary policy by the central bank in the past, there is still plenty of room for loose monetary policy in China, whether it is with respect to the reserve requirement ratio or interest rate cuts.
Hu, who has long dyed hair, wears loose sweaters and Nike Air Force 1 sneakers, attributes the allure of street dancing to its strong sense of belonging and also being a good form of exercise.
Wulidun village, located at an altitude of over 1,000 meters in Huangping county in Guizhou, boasts a cool climate, loose soil and sufficient sunlight, all of which make the place suitable for the development of floriculture and horticulture.
Zhang Boyang, chairman of the Jiangsu province-based company, said the tunnel was bored through a mixture of cohesive soil, loose gravel, sandy soil and fine gravel that has a high underground water-content level and abundant surface water.
At the initial development stage of China's pet medical industry, due to a lack of bioproducts and loose government regulations, the industry was once scattered and messy.
Second, it is key to create a loose financing environment and increase direct financial support for high-quality housing enterprises.
Today, some merchants would prefer a remote, loose, weak linkage, or in the case of Liu Bing, a temporary decoupling of him and the accessories he sells.
Driven by growing demand, economic recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic and loose US monetary policy, Asian liquefied natural gas or LNG prices, natural gas futures in the US and European natural gas prices have all been rising aggressively since June.
"Consequently, Chinese customers are more keen on shaping and filling, while those in the West are more concerned about improving loose skin conditions or adjusting uneven skin tones," she said.
But loose monetary policies have been quite widely adopted in the world.
"We made a loose schedule for the trip and enjoyed every minute we spent together.
A majority of the cities saw price hikes as the existing policies are focused on stabilizing the home market and the arrival of the golden season for the home market in September and October will keep the residential market on a slight uptrend, said Zhang Dawei, chief analyst at Centaline Property Agency Ltd. Zhang said the comparatively loose regulations on the home market during the first half of the year due to the COVID-19 epidemic effect has come to an end and it is clear that the central government intends to maintain stability in the real estate market through tighter regulations.
Ding Zuyu, CEO of E-House (China) Enterprise Holdings Ltd, a property agency, said despite the comparatively loose financial measures, financing of the property sector will remain cautious.
And such an imbalance will intensify once the broad economy enters a cycle of loose monetary policy.
"The RRR cut, the first this year after three instances in 2019, indicates that the monetary environment is shifting from tight to loose, and will be positive for the real estate sector in terms of financing," said Yan.
Increases seen mainly in urban areas with relatively loose housing policiesHousing prices in 70 major Chinese cities remained stable in July, while the pre-owned property market saw mild heat due to the peak season for rental business, experts said.
"The housing policies were relatively loose in cities such as Pingdingshan," he said.
On Aug 2, the PBOC said that China will keep its prudent monetary policy "neither too tight nor too loose" and make adjustments in a timely and moderate manner in the second half of the year.
The emerging e-commerce sector, featuring loose goods from scattered online stores, has gradually changed the source, structure and volume of China's air cargo.
Emerging e-commerce, featuring loose goods from scattered online stores, has gradually changed the source, structure as well as the volume of China's air cargo.
The Rallye mode features rear-focused all-wheel drive, perfect for loose and uneven surfaces, and the Offroad mode, which features the high clearance, is designed for maximum traction on difficult terrain and on sand.
For those vehicles manufactured between June 9, 2021 and July 6, 2021, the suction jet pump in the fuel tank may have a loose or missing nozzle, which can cause the pump to fail, resulting in an engine stall.
The Chery vehicles may have design flaws and the recall is mainly due to loose parts, said Zhang Xiang, a researcher at the automobile industry innovation research center of North China University of Technology.
In an almost parallel development, Tesla said it is recalling nearly 6,000 cars in the US on Thursday because of prospective loose brake caliper bolts that can potentially lead to a loss of tire pressure.
At present, China's used car business entities are still generally small, loose and weak, Luo added.
Starting from Jan 18, JAC Motors began recalling certain Kangling X5 vehicles produced between July 10 and August 18, 2019, as the size of a seat belt part failed to meet the quality standard of GB14166-2013 due to a loose mould in the production.
Major problems were higher-than-expected output voltage and loose electric locks for charging cables.
The Chinese banking industry has in recent years made great efforts on pushing forward digitalization to enhance its technological capability, but some problems are emerging in the process, for example, loopholes in data security, a lack of professional talent, underdeveloped operating philosophies and management systems and loose risk management capacity, said Liu Feng, secretary-general of the China Banking Association.
That is, in the process of deleveraging, they did not create a favorable macro environment in time for loose monetary and fiscal policies, and interest rates were significantly higher than economic growth.
A significant increase in credit and extreme optimism led to the formation of Japan's economic bubble in the 1980s, which later ballooned due to a loose monetary policy, the pro-cyclical effect between financial and economic activities, and a sustained rally in land prices prompted by the land tax system.
In terms of monetary policy, we expect that short-term liquidity will remain loose.
With relatively weak growth expectations and loose monetary policy, there is still room for long-term interest rate reductions.
The surge in bond issuance and bond crises in African countries stems from international financial capital's provision of loose and convenient measures to developing countries during their economic downturn, which encouraged these countries to issue Eurobonds so that the international financial capital-mainly well-known investment institutions in Europe and the US-can reap high yields from the rapid growth of emerging markets.
The surge in bond issuance and bond crises in African countries stems from international financial capital's provision of loose and convenient measures to developing countries during their economic downturn, which encouraged these countries to issue Eurobonds so that the international financial capital – mainly well-known investment institutions in Europe and the United States – can reap high yields from the rapid growth of emerging markets.
The liquidity level in the banking system is now reasonably ample and even slightly loose, Zou said, adding that the central bank may maintain ample liquidity conditions to support credit expansion of the real economy.
The valuation of the A-share market may have hit bottom given the sustained strong government policy support since May and relatively loose liquidity conditions, said a recent research note released by UBS.
The odds are high that the US stock market, which has thrived for years thanks mainly to the ample market liquidity derived from the extremely loose monetary policy, may head south.
The tone of a prudent and relatively loose monetary environment in 2022 has been basically established, said Xu Xiaole, chief analyst at Beike.
Conversely, global systemic risk could rise as a result of excessively loose monetary policies by the Federal Reserve and other developed countries.
With monetary policy settings still super loose, this is worrying central bankers," said Brian Coulton, chief economist of Fitch Ratings.
Fiscal policy, it said, may be less tight, but not loose, in 2022.
A key gauge that can be used to figure if the liquidity is loose or tight is the seven-day repo rate in the interbank market, or DR007, instead of the excess reserve ratio (or the part higher than the required reserves), Sun said.
China is not yet adopting a broadly loose monetary policy.
Therefore, China's monetary stance was not too loose from the outset and also began its normalization earlier than other countries.
The FED's extreme loose monetary policy has taken effect.
Analysts from Haitong Securities said that the loose liquidity environment in China, appreciation of renminbi and lower inflation expectations have provided ample room for surges in the A-share indexes.
Strong growth outcomes and a loose monetary policy in the US make the return of inflation all the more likely.
This forecast is backed by the expected capital inflow on the back of loose monetary policies worldwide and the anticipated return of more US-listed Chinese mainland companies to home bourses.
There is a view that inflation will increase, mainly because countries have adopted very loose fiscal and monetary policies, and the stimulus has been very strong.
Loose fiscal and monetary policies will not necessarily lead to higher prices.
Studies have shown that an important reason for the low level of prices in the eurozone is that loose policies have made it easy for "zombie" companies to obtain low-cost funds, and the inability in letting the excessive production capacity exit the market has resulted in low prices.
Based on the above findings, the US may have a loose fiscal policy and a tight monetary policy.
Looking at the developments over the next few years, tight credit, loose monetary and fiscal policies may also be the general direction of macro finance.
China didn't adopt an excessively loose monetary policy last year to hedge risks of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Speaking at a virtual event on Thursday, US Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell also indicated the organization's resolve to maintain a loose monetary policy, which is featured by close-to-zero policy rates and monthly asset purchase programs.
As we have seen in the US over the last two decades, a loose monetary policy makes income inequality worse and exacerbates social tensions.
According to the expressed views of US Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell on monetary policy, extremely loose monetary policy can be expected in the next few years as the country will take quite a long time to see economic recovery.
China's new dual circulation development pattern, combined with the loose global currency environment and high liquidity, has provided unprecedented opportunities for the Chinese securities market.
Wang Youxin, a researcher at the research institute of Bank of China, said that the US Fed will maintain a loose monetary policy and low interest rate environment for a long time.
But the growth rate was still 2.2 percentage points higher than that of the same period last year, indicating a relatively loose monetary policy to support economic growth, experts said.
"As major economies stepped up fiscal stimulus and maintained their loose monetary policies, non-dollar currencies strengthened, and overall asset prices in these countries went up," said Wang.

四级New York city police captured a cow on the loose in Prospect Park on Tuesday after the animal became an attraction for tourists while walking along the streets and enjoying the park facilities.


2019年12月四级真题(第一套)听力 Section A

高考Also, don't wear loose clothes, long scarves, big necklaces, or loose belts — they get caught in something or fall into liquid.


2017年高考英语全国卷2 听力 原文

四级rick Rahim, from virginia, flies helicopters for a living, and when his seven-year-old son's tooth became loose he did not waste time by tying it to a door handle.


2019年6月四级真题(第二套)听力 Section A

六级com in Feb. 2004, even he could not imagine the forces it would let loose.



六级But the quest for growth lets loose new anxieties and economic conflicts that disturb the social order.



六级For Wright Vigar, which has now equipped all of its fee earners to be able to work at maximum productivity when away from the offices (whether that’s from home, or while on the road), this strategy is not just about saving on commute time or cutting them loose from the office, but enabling them to work more flexible hours that fit around their home life.

对于Wright Vigar来说,这一策略不仅仅是为了节省通勤时间或减少他们在办公室的时间,而是让他们能够更灵活地工作,适应他们的家庭生活。


四级They described her as “very ill-informed” and a “loose cannon (乱放炮的人).


