
词根词缀记忆/谐音联想记忆 补充/纠错
词根lure 诱饵,引诱,魅力来自lothran …………
词性拓展记忆 / 词形拓展记忆
lure sb. into doing sth. 引诱某人做某事
lure sb. into sth. 引诱某人做某事
lure on 引诱,引诱
lure sb. away 把某人引开
lure barbie 魅紫芭比香水
lure into 诱骗...进入(某处)或做(某事)
lure on 吸引,引诱
fishing lure 引诱鱼上钩的鱼饵
Lure Barbie 魅紫芭比香水
lure more foreign capital 吸引更多的外资
We couldn't resist the lure of money.
Don't lure him away from his duty.
Life in big cities is a lure for many country kids.
The fisherman skillfully lured the big bass with a shiny artificial worm.
The magician's sleight of hand was so convincing that it lured the audience into believing in his magic tricks.
The online shop offered a tempting discount, luring customers to make purchases they might not have otherwise considered.
She used her charm and wit to lure him into a conversation he didn't really want to have.
The scent of freshly baked cookies lured the children from their playtime to the kitchen.
The detective used psychological profiling to lure the suspect into revealing crucial information.
The promise of a promotion lured many employees to work overtime without complaint.
The politician's charisma and persuasive speeches lured voters to support his campaign.
The online course's engaging content lured students to continue learning even beyond the official curriculum.
A well-designed website can lure potential customers with its user-friendly interface and informative content.
"Enhancing user stickiness and cultivating high-quality users are crucial for Chinese online retailers, which have ramped up efforts to offer discounts and subsidies to lure price-conscious customers," Mo said, adding that the focus on low-cost products will be key to obtaining new users, improving user loyalty and repurchase rates, and bolstering sales.
Metropolis official vows more efforts to lure investment, optimize environmentAs a move to better enhance foreign-invested enterprises' role in the city's economic development, four ranking lists for 2021 foreign-invested enterprises were unveiled by the Shanghai Foreign Investment Association on Wednesday in categories of sales revenue, import and export value, tax contributions and job creation.
The revision of the catalog is intended to lure foreign investment in three main areas: advanced manufacturing industries; production-oriented service industries; and regional advanced industries in China's central, western and northeastern areas, said Alberto Vettoretti, a managing partner of Dezan Shira & Associates, a multi-disciplinary professional services firm.
The convenience store chain has rolled out new flavors by seasons and occasions to lure consumers to challenge their conventional ideas.
"Bilibili is shaping up to be the new battlefield for marketers in a bid to lure the new generation, self-expressive younger customers.
The "entrepreneur anchors" therefore called for better oversight from the authorities as they believe livestreaming is just a channel to lure customers but sustainable development of a company still depends on technology, quality and honesty.
Each of them features multiple camera set up on the rear, to lure photo-taking lovers.
Chinese smartphone maker OnePlus unveiled its latest premium 5G smartphone OnePlus 8 series, as the company scrambles to lure consumers with cutting-edge devices.
The company is now working to lure more Chinese consumers.
Huawei Technologies Co unveiled its latest high-end smartphone P40 series on Thursday in Paris via an online-only launch, as the Chinese tech giant aims to lure more consumers with cutting-edge photo-taking features.
According to him, Huawei has already participated in the construction of more than 200 smart cities, and with more than 16,000 partners around the world, the Shenzhen-based company will step up its push to construct an open platform and lure more companies in.
The company launched two new types of smartphones to lure consumers from Russia.
The official added they will launch high-end and cost-effective products to lure more customers.
Leading Chinese smartphone vendor Oppo is making a new effort to lure consumers with cost-effective devices and a partnership with Gundam, a science-fiction media franchise that features giant robots.
"Luckin…has aggressively pursued the white collar convenience seeker market that Starbucks previously owned and has been able to lure away consumers through use of heavy promotions, ease of ordering, and lack of wait times for coffee," Ben Cavender, Shanghai-based principal at China Market Research Group, told China Daily.
"While Luckin does not compete directly on price, it is definitely a competitor, as it has aggressively pursued the white-collar convenience-seeker market that Starbucks previously owned, and has been able to lure away consumers through use of heavy promotions, ease of ordering and lack of wait times for coffee," Ben Cavender, Shanghai-based principal at China Market Research Group, told China Daily.
Amazon launched Amazon Prime in China, the first unlimited free cross-border shipping membership program globally in October 2016, in an attempt to lure the rising number of quality-conscious Chinese buyers to buy foreign products.
In October 2016, Amazon launched in China its Amazon Prime, the first unlimited free cross-border shipping membership program that operates globally, in an attempt to lure the rising number of quality-conscious Chinese buyers to buy foreign products.
Moreover, the partners have jointly launched four mid-range Galaxy A series smartphones to lure more young consumers in China.
"With China pledging to further its push to lure overseas investment, greater access to the country's giant pool of netizens and telecom service users can be expected.
The government of Honggutan New District, where the incubator is located, said the incubator is expected to lure dozens of AI, VR and other tech companies into the district.
Lei's comments come as Xiaomi is stepping up its push to lure foreign customers, as the Chinese market hits saturation point.
From elaborate street lighting to snow globes the size of cars to a giant toy robot by jewelry brand Tiffany and Co, businesses around Shanghai have been ramping up their marketing efforts to lure customers ahead of Christmas.
It is part of Migu's broader efforts to lure sports enthusiasts.
The move is part of a broader push by Samsung to outcompete local rivals, such as Huawei Technologies Co Ltd, to lure consumers who are willing to spend big on premium devices in a niche segment.
Zhao said the Zimbabwean government's zero tolerance to corruption would also help lure foreign investment.
They also said they would not lure, cheat or threaten consumers to change their feedback after the online purchases.
But Chinese media reports noted that some shopping malls have been cutting rentals to lure Heytea to have a presence there, so as to attract more young people.
Honor, one of Huawei Technologies Co Ltd's twin signature smartphone brands, is looking to develop more high-tech products at affordable prices to lure more young consumers.
Another lure was the special discounts offered by the hardware makers, as well as app developers showcasing their latest software.
Luckin, which started operations just this year, has opened 525 stores in 13 cities across China as of May, and has been pushing hard to lure customers to its stores and online delivery services with low prices and fast delivery times.
But I think we can take advantage of it to lure consumers back," said Li Weitao, assistant director of Shanghai-based Yimin.
CDRs are part of the central government's broader efforts to lure competitive Chinese internet and tech giants back home.
This has managed to lure many customers who are not willing to walk, nor spend too much money to get their caffeine fix.
cn]Mobvoi Inc, a Chinese artificial intelligence startup backed by Google Inc, is eyeing to gain a bigger presence in the increasingly crowded smart speaker industry, as it unveiled an alternative in China to lure users who look for quality products at affordable prices.
"With Toy Story being a tipping point, it will definitely lure both new visitors and recurring guests alike.
"Connecting the Games with the internet to lure young people, that is what our technology can do," he said.
"When three becomes two, these online caterers will probably not send out free coupons to lure users, but the market will move on," said Zhang Yi, CEO of iiMedia.
China Everbright Bank has become another Chinese bank to make Luxembourg its European headquarters, as the continent's financial centers vie to lure Chinese businesses, against the backdrop of uncertainty around Britain's exit from the European Union.
"Toward that end, Amazon launched Amazon Prime in China, the first unlimited free cross-border shipping membership program globally in October 2016, in an attempt to lure the rising number of quality-conscious Chinese buyers to buy foreign products.
"Enhancing user stickiness and cultivating high-quality users are crucial for Chinese online retailers, which have ramped up efforts to offer discounts and price cuts to lure price-conscious customers, given that the growth of the domestic e-commerce sector is slowing," said Mo Daiqing, a senior analyst at domestic consultancy Internet Economy Institute.
Huangpu district in Shanghai has been ramping up efforts to lure more financial companies and talent from around the world to expand its financial cluster, officials announced at a news conference on Tuesday.
Mideast country welcomes 1.76 mln foreign visitors in first five monthsJERUSALEM — Israel recently came up with a creative idea to reach more Chinese tourists: inviting online influencers to visit the country, as it tries hard to lure back tourists from one of its top 10 inbound tourism source markets before the COVID-19 pandemic outbreak in 2020.
China will continue to push for the relaxation of market access for foreign investors, renewing efforts to lure foreign capitals and expand high-level opening-up, the Ministry of Commerce said on Monday.
The "interest e-commerce" mode on Douyin, China's short-video and e-commerce platform, has shown the potential to lure prospective buyers with its video and streaming content.
"The measures, including distributing coupons, will lure me back to shopping malls," said Rui Yang, a piano teacher in Nanjing.
- Despite multiple unexpected factors rattling global financial market, China has renewed its commitments to further opening its capital market, with pragmatic measures in the pipeline to lure more investors to one of the world's fastest-growing economies.
In addition, livestreaming could allow hosts to interact with customers in real time and answer their queries, which will significantly improve shopping experiences and lure more shoppers to purchase online.
It usually lasts from Nov 1 to 11 to lure bargain hunters.
With Taobao up and running, Alibaba introduced five years later a sister site called Taobao Mall (later rebranded as Tmall in 2012) to lure more established sellers (as compared to smaller-scale vendors gathering in Taobao).
With a theme on the creative economy and business of design, the event aims to lure enterprises and talent, build brands, and boost consumption, the organizer said.
"Looking ahead, China has made great efforts to lure more global investors to its massive domestic market by widening market access and improving the business environment.
Meanwhile, the province unveiled 11 key industrial parks in June last year, where favorable FTP policies are implemented to lure in investment projects.
These factors will lure foreign investors to keep entering the A-share market," Qian said.
No matter how many times I told myself that livestreamers and their teams use a set of tricks to lure customers like me into buying things and hence I should be on guard and stay rational, I just couldn't help but snag items every time I saw new products, limited-edition offerings or discounts on my phone screen, and heard Viya count down "five, four … one, sold out!
"On the other hand, backed by the country's 1.4 billion consumers, many of them now have sound spending power and consumption needs, so the offshore duty-free shopping policy will lure more people to travel and purchase goods in Hainan as the services sectors of finance, healthcare, education and logistics are being upgraded further in a timely manner," he added.
This will generate more demand in nation, and lure more companies from around the globe to tap into the booming demand, which will in return promote the smooth functioning of the dual circulation pattern," Huang said.
It also wanted to lure private capital to explore a sustainable business model, by building a shared intelligent platform and urban public charging network through digital means.
Third-party platforms are good to lure new consumers, but they have growth ceilings in terms of number of consumers.
Away from the fast pace of city life, mushroom enthusiasts venture into Yunnan province to explore the hidden world of mushrooms, as travel agencies lure in visitors with various mushroom picking tourism offerings.
"Coffee chains and coffee product makers are desperate to develop new flavors or collaborations to lure consumers.
Lure fishing involves artificial bait, which frees people from the trouble of using natural bait," Wang said.
The fishing rods used in lure fishing are typically lightweight and flexible.
Lure fishing usually requires the angler to constantly move the bait and use various techniques such as twitching or quick retrieval to simulate the movements of natural fish and attract fish to bite.
"Lure fishing, a new addition to our business in 2019, now accounts for over 60 percent of our total sales thanks to young anglers' passion," Wang said, adding that it's not so unusual to see someone in their 20s or 30s spend millions of yuan on equipment for lure fishing.
"The majority of lure fishing enthusiasts are between the ages of 25 and 45.
We have formed partnerships with five or six fishing locations in Tianjin and sponsored multiple lure fishing competitions to better tap the growing market.
In addition, there are numerous colorful cultural traditions to be observed among the country's ethnic groups, while old temples and historical sites are another big lure.
On the world-famous Boracay island in central Philippines, the once-closed Chinese restaurants have been reopening one by one and some local travel agencies have produced tour packages themed around the Chinese Lunar New Year, hoping to lure the first batch of Chinese tourists after the border reopens.
"We need interesting services and innovative measures so as to lure Chinese tourists and challenge other competing markets," he said.
After dine-in services resumed in Beijing in June, local hotels have innovated guest experiences to lure more visitors to their food and beverage destinations.
As an online matchmaking platform whose revenue comes partly from subscription fees, Yidui has worked to lure users into paying for more customized services.
It is expected to lure 150,000 visitors from related fields such as digital consumption, digital technology, cross-border e-commerce and logistics.
For example, administrators will strictly inspect livestreaming and short-video platforms, prohibiting those younger than 16 to be livestreaming hosts and forbidding people to lure underage users to reward hosts in line with regulations.
Zhongshan has even set up its own e-commerce company and training center, as well as an e-commerce industrial park, to lure prominent e-commerce companies to establish branch operations there.
"Some people even know they might have broken the law but the lure of material benefits, including money, motivates them to still take chances.
Stable careers, fat pay lure talent to sector whose 2020 sales revenue is seen at 486b yuanWhile most of his classmates from Harvard University's John F. Kennedy School of Government threw themselves into Wall Street, Frank Wu Jundong, a Chinese graduate in public policy, decided to become an online teacher back in China.
In China, many start-ups are rolling out products such as mooncakes, glutinous rice dumplings, and noodles containing meat substitutes to lure consumers.
Wu Linguang, CEO of online matchmaking and dating platform Baihe Jiayuan Network Group Co, said video and livestreaming dating services have been launched to lure customers during the epidemic.
Some adopted virtual reality salesrooms and livestream marketing, while others announced price cuts to lure customers.
Yang said the booming O2O segment has not only focused on food delivery but also expanded their business scope, spanning supermarkets, fresh products, flowers and medicine to lure consumers.
High technologies have been a focus of efforts by Wanda to lure back moviegoers.
The lure of the UK, as OAG indicates, lies in that visitors can see everything from Buckingham Palace to the Tower of London, and then head north to the wilds of Scotland to see castles and sample whisky in Speyside.
Despite not being free, the lure of the museum has proved to be enduring.
The high-end villa sales volume increased 30.0 percent quarter-on-quarter, while prices slightly declined (recording a 0.9 percent drop over the previous quarter) as landlords of older projects lowered prices to lure buyers.
In May, Wenzhou issued a preferential policy to lure high-level talent, including foreign experts.
When Chris Blue of Roselle, New Jersey, became a truck driver more than 30 years ago, he was attracted by the lure of the open road and the challenge of operating a large piece of equipment.
To cash in on growing demand for such products, an array of retailers and firms are offering special incentives and discounts to lure customers.
It also operates buses to other Chinese cities in an attempt to lure in more clients.
Although the domestic smartphone market has been declining year-on-year for 10 consecutive quarters, the recovery is imminent and companies are scrambling to launch new products to lure consumers, experts said.
Policymakers have also leveraged incentives to lure car buyers to choose NEVs over fossil-fueled cars.
Tax cuts, other incentives lure potential buyers back to showroomsThe vehicle market in China was badly hit in April, with sales falling by nearly 50 percent year-on-year to 1.2 million units due to factory stoppages and significantly reduced showroom trade caused by COVID-19 outbreaks.
In another lure for buyers, electric cars can be driven in dedicated bus lanes, a time-saving privilege during rush hour or traffic jams, the report said.
Lottery announcement stirs up selling frenzy among carmakers as competition intensifiesThis year's car number plate lottery in Beijing has caused a frenzy among new energy vehicle makers eager to lure Chinese customers who struck it lucky on the lottery results announcement day.
Analysts say that all automakers will be affected as the epidemic continues but startups will be more vulnerable because they are in greater need of selling more cars in order to lure further investment.
The companies hope to lure buyers as electric car demand wanes in the world's largest market, partly because of customer concerns over electric cars' limited driving ranges and scarce availability of charging infrastructure.
Focusing on its research and development of new energy vehicles, the Aiways brand aims to lure middle and high-end customers.
Many offered price cuts to lure pickier Chinese consumers and emphasized their new energy vehicles (NEVs), a niche market whose sales have remained robust despite the struggles of traditional fossil fuel-driven vehicles.
Analysts say their arrivals will lure some potential customers away from startups including Tesla because the majority of Chinese customers are more inclined to choose long-established brands.
He said there are many zombie companies occupying resources without substantially manufacturing electric vehicle products for customers, and are only surviving to lure investment.

六级Meanwhile, Macy's has simply struggled to lure consumers who are more interested in spending on travel or dining out than on new clothes or accessories.



考研Fast-food chains should also stop offering "inducements" such as toys, cute animals and mobile phone credit to lure young customers, Stephenson said.


2011年考研真题(英语二)阅读理解 Section Ⅱ

六级Store owners can lure you to the candy aisle, even if you don’t realize your are smelling candy.



考研And since these messages have an agenda—to lure us to open our wallets—they make the very idea of happiness seem unreliable.



考研Nevertheless, Williams’s suit charges that the casino, knowing he was “helplessly addicted to gambling,” intentionally worked to “lure” him to “engage in conduct against his will.


