
词根词缀记忆/谐音联想记忆 补充/纠错
词根re- 表示"一再,反复",或表示强调。ci …………
对比记忆recipe n.食谱,烹饪法;诀窍,方法
recipient adj.接受的,感受性强的 n.接受者 …………
词性拓展记忆 / 词形拓展记忆
intended recipient 预期收件人
recipient countries 受援国
welfare recipients 福利领取者
Eric is recipient to new things.
Tom has a recipient mind.
The recipient of the award was announced at the ceremony.
The charity's main objective is to help the recipients of their aid.
The scholarship will be awarded to the most deserving recipient.
The email's recipient should confirm receipt by clicking the link provided.
The donor expressed pleasure at seeing the happiness on the recipient's face.
The money was transferred directly to the recipient's bank account.
The letter was addressed to the wrong recipient and had to be returned.
The charity aims to provide food aid to the most vulnerable recipients.
The recipient of the Nobel Prize in Literature will give a public lecture.
The gift was warmly received by its grateful recipient.
"Yuan is a past recipient of the May 1st Labor Medal of Zhejiang Province and has also participated in other large-scale activities such as the BRICS leaders' meeting and Wuzhen Internet Conference.
China Eastern Airlines became the recipient of the first Airbus A350-900 wide-body aircraft completed at the latter's wide-body aircraft completion and delivery center in Tianjin on Wednesday.
Members of residential communities claimed deliverymen should seek a recipient's permission before depositing parcels into these smart lockers.
One patient suffering from severe atopic dermatitis became the first recipient, whose condition was improved and quality of life was elevated.
"Open the software, and say the sum of money to be transferred and the recipient's name.
Then the software will automatically activate the function of money transfer and set the sum and recipient for you to confirm," Guo Weimin, general manager of the E-finance Department at BOC, said at a news conference on Wednesday.
"If high standards of governance are systematically applied, the Belt and Road Initiative can really materialize into enumerating a new wave of globalization, which is more inclusive and more effective, not just for recipient countries but also for the entire world," Vinals said.
In each village, 20 recipient families with television will be provided with 20 sets of direct broadcast satellite terminal system free of charge.
It was revealed on Monday that a bug in Apple’s Face Time app allows an iPhone user to listen in on another iPhone caller’s conversations through the device’s microphone even if the recipient did not answer the call.
Manufacturing is the largest recipient of foreign direct investment, both by level of investment (76 percent of the total) and number of projects (41 percent).
Each grant recipient will receive between €50,000 and €200,000 in products and services from Merck to help solve their process development challenges.
Recipient: Fujian Tendering Center Co, Ltd9.
The company's system, now being tested in five northwestern provinces, encrypts a recipient's name, address and phone number on a parcel and only allows express delivery drivers to access the information through a specially designed app.
They have not only contributed to the economic advancement of the recipient countries, but have also fundamentally altered the dynamics of global trade.
These findings are solid proof of the positive economic effects of Chinese investments in recipient countries as a result of the BRI.
In contrast, China has been consistently committed to its cooperation agreements with recipient countries, especially those concerning infrastructure investments despite their long payback cycles.
According to a report released by the Development Research Center of the State Council during CIFIT, China has maintained its position as the world's second-largest recipient of foreign investment since 2017 and remains one of the most attractive investment destinations globally.
Beverage packaging manufacturer Shanghai Zijiang Plastic Bottle Manufacture Co Ltd's Xinzhuang blanch, a subsidiary of the Shanghai Zijiang Enterprise Group Co Ltd, was the first recipient of the production license on Tuesday.
China was the second-largest FDI recipient in 2021, behind the US, according to the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development.
In November, Zespri was named an Authorized Economic Operator, a certification issued by China's General Administration of Customs that allows the recipient's products faster clearance into the country.
Bucking a sharp drop in global cross-border investment, China attracted $149.34 billion of foreign investment in 2020, maintaining its status as the world's second-biggest recipient of foreign investment.
Bucking a sharp drop in global cross-border investment, China attracted $149.34 billion of foreign investment in 2020, maintaining its status as the world's second biggest recipient of foreign investment.
According to the UN trade and development body, Asia was the only region that registered positive FDI growth, with China the largest overseas investor and the second-largest recipient of global investment in 2020.
After surpassing the United States as the world's biggest recipient of foreign investment last year, China's actual use of foreign capital soared 35.4 percent on a yearly basis to 481 billion yuan ($75.3 billion) in the first five months of this year.
China needs indigenous innovation if it is to escape from the middle-income trap, yet sorely relying on the dynamism of its own society may not be sufficient for achieving high-value innovation, said Phelps, recipient of the 2006 Nobel Prize in Economics and a professor at Columbia University.
OECD's FDI figures echoed a report by the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development earlier this year, which also found China became the largest FDI recipient in 2020.
After surpassing the United States as the world's biggest recipient of foreign investment last year, China continues to see fast FDI growth this year.
The nation surpassed the United States as the biggest FDI recipient last year.
China surpassed the United States to become the biggest recipient of foreign direct investment-FDI-in 2020.
China has remained a top foreign investment recipient despite the COVID-19 pandemic.
The country bucked the global downturn and recorded a 4 percent growth in FDI inflows, overtaking the United States as the largest recipient in 2020, said a report released by the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development in late January.
The country bucked the global downtrend and recorded a 4 percent growth in FDI inflows, overtaking the United States as the largest recipient in 2020, a report released by the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development in late January showed.
The country bucked the global downward trend and recorded a 4-percent growth in inflows, overtaking the United States as the largest recipient in 2020, according to a recent report by the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development.
The country bucked the global downward trend and recorded a 4-percent growth in inflows, overtaking the United States as the largest recipient in 2020, a recent report by the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development shows.
The article, published Sunday on Forbes' website, cited a new report by the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD), which said that China became the world's top recipient of investment flows in 2020.
"Global foreign direct investment (FDI) plunged by 42 percent in 2020, while FDI flows to China rose by 4 percent to $163 billion, making the country the world's largest recipient in 2020, followed by the United States, according to the UNCTAD report on Sunday.
China became the world's largest recipient of foreign direct investment in 2020, followed by the United States, according to a UN report.
Looking at the data for last year, it is obvious that Chinese enterprises continued to repose immense faith in globalization and played a significant role in the recipient countries' development and global economic recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic, experts said.
It has been designed as a major recipient of functions previously located in Beijing but that are not essential to its role as China's capital.
To advance the coordinated development of the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region, Xiong'an was designed as a major recipient of functions relocated from Beijing that are nonessential to its role as China's capital.
In July, China Eastern Airlines became the recipient of the first Airbus A350 wide-body aircraft that was delivered in Tianjin.
The UK is the top global destination for foreign direct investment in Europe and was the largest recipient of Chinese investment in Europe in 2019.
The mail and parcels will be disinfected twice in the city -- when they arrive in Wuhan and before being delivered to the recipient's door, he said.
The latest Hurun report showed education has become the biggest recipient of donations by Chinese entrepreneurs, accounting for 35 percent of the total.
Popular instant messaging tool WeChat reassured users on Wednesday it wouldn't add a function displaying a "seen" notification, which alerts senders the recipient has read the message.
Where an operator provides personal information or important data abroad, it shall take effective measures to clarify and supervise the recipient's use of the data in accordance with the purpose, scope and method agreed by both parties, so as to ensure the security of the data.
While global foreign direct investment decreased by 41 percent in the first half of 2018, China saw a 6 percent increase in FDI to become the world's largest recipient in that period, according to the UN-released Investment Trend Monitor report in October.
It sends messages to the recipient concerned when approaching final destinations.
Apart from an offline opening ceremony held in Shanghai, the meeting was joined virtually by overseas tech gurus like Turing Award recipient Yoshua Bengio and Tesla Inc CEO Elon Musk through video conferencing, as the COVID-19 pandemic has temporarily restricted transcontinental travel.
In China, we see scientists using AI algorithms shorten the period of reading computerized tomography images from the previous 10 minutes to 20 minutes to just 20 seconds," said Jack Ma, co-founder and former chairman of Alibaba Group Holding Ltd. Yoshua Bengio, professor of the University of Montreal and 2018 Turing Award recipient, said the early-warning systems provided by AI technologies will help reduce the spread of diseases, and can even predict the chances of one getting infected.
When it comes to claims that China-proposed BRI has been used as a tool to create debt traps for recipient countries, Jin told China Daily on the sidelines of the meeting on Wednesday that this is a completely wrong take on Chinese lending practices.
The recipient cannot access the money in the wallet immediately and has to wait for the smart contract to transfer the money.
Apart from making full use of accessible information to solve the problem of information asymmetry that exists between the provider and the candidate recipient of finance, banks should adopt effective risk management instruments and measures by improving technologies in this field, said Wang Zhaoxing, counselor of the State Council, China's Cabinet.
"The current flat pricing structure offered to our recipient countries borrowing only market-based loans does not reflect the high level of diversity among these countries in their income levels, capacities to mobilize domestic resources, and access to capital markets," said ADB President Takehiko Nakao.
Most ADB recipient countries are currently middle-income countries.
To further enrich the functionalities of gpi, SWIFT is working with the community in many pilot programs including gpi prevalidation which enable sending banks to make transactions and to check beneficiary account information from the recipient banks seamlessly.
In response, we need an overhaul of the development finance system to improve transparency, set clear international standards and empower recipient countries to make optimal choices.
China has become the largest recipient of FDI in the first half of 2018, according to the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD).
Regulators generally like to do things slowly and on a regularized basis, rather than an individualized basis, and they like to be inflexible, according to Myron S. Scholes, professor emeritus at the Stanford Graduate School of Business and the 1997 recipient of the Nobel Prize for Economics.
China will probably receive $14 billion of capital within the next 3 years, being the top recipient for real estate private equity capital in Asia Pacific, research from international real estate service provider CBRE showed.
"Meanwhile, innovative financing products and services need to be designed to satisfy the different and changing requirements of recipient countries, depending on their various development stages as well as a balance between their short-and long-term development goals, he said.
In bribery cases, the approach of investigating both the briber and the recipient led to the prosecution of 2,306 individuals, an 18.1 percent year-on-year increase.
In a letter addressed to the Chinese consulate-general in Lyon, France, Alain Merieux, a recipient of the China Reform Friendship Medal and president of the Merieux Foundation, expressed his condolences to the Chinese people over Jiang's passing.

考研Rosenberg, the recipient of a Pulitzer Prize, offers a host of example of the social cure in action: In South Carolina, a state-sponsored antismoking program called Rage Against the Haze sets out to make cigarettes uncool.



考研Rosenberg, the recipient of a Pulitzer Prize, offers a host of examples of the social cure in action: In South Carolina, a state-sponsored anti-smoking program called Rage Against the Haze sets out to make cigarettes uncool.


2012年考研真题(英语一)阅读理解 Section Ⅱ

六级Higher education institutions are, under federal law, required to report graduation rates, but these reports typically only include Pell recipient number—not necessarily rates specific to first-generation students.



六级higher education institutions are, under federal law, required to report graduation rates, but these reports typically only include Pell recipient number — not necessarily rates specific to first-generation students.


2015年12月六级真题(第三套)阅读 Section B

四级If you are submitting your resume in English, find out if the recipient (收件人) uses British English or American English because there are variations between the two versions.

如果你提交的是英文简历,请查看收件人是否(收件人) 使用英国英语或美国英语,因为这两个版本之间存在差异。

