
词根词缀记忆/谐音联想记忆 补充/纠错
谐音“让的” → 让的这个(十足的)(圆)怎么能 …………
谐音记忆润的 → 圆润的 → 圆,圆形的 → round adj.圆的 adv.在周围 prep.大约 n.局  …………
词性拓展记忆 / 词形拓展记忆
about / around / round
about → 既可表静态,也可表动态。
around → 主要用于美国,静态或动态均可。
round → 主要用于英国,多半指动态。
come round 苏醒
bring round 使…苏醒过来
round the clock 昼夜不停
get round to 抽时间去
turn round 掉头
all year round 全年
all round 全方位的
go round 绕一圈
get round 绕过去
a round of 一轮
do the rounds 查房
round the corner 在拐角处
round up 使聚集
the other way round 反过来说
ask ... round 问…轮
look round 环顾四周
show sb. round 带某人参观
hand round 手动轮
go the round 到处走走
go the rounds of 到处都是
go the rounds 到处走走
go the round of 进行一轮
round angle 圆角
round trip 往返,往返
round off 四舍五入
round down 四舍五入
the year round 全年
round to 舍入到
all the year round 全年无休
show round 巡回演出
come round to 转过来
round table 圆桌会议
pull round 扭转,扭转
in the round 在一轮中
round about 绕来绕去
show ... round 显示…圆形
year round 全年的
round trip ticket 往返票
revolve round 旋转,旋转
enter the next round 进入下一轮
shift round the clock 24小时轮班
round tables 圆桌会议
work round the clock 24小时工作
round flask 圆烧瓶
pass round 通行证,通行证
just round the corner 就在拐角处
change sth. round 改变某物
turn round and do sth. 转过身去做某事
go round the bend 绕过弯道
make the rounds 查房
make the round 绕一圈
turn a round 转一圈
turn ... round 转…转
round up sth. 收集某物
round face 圆形表面
round character 圆形字符
Second round Finance 第二轮融资
look round something 环顾四周
square peg in a round hole 圆孔中的方桩
round sth. up 把某物凑起来
in round numbers 以整数表示
Doha Round 多哈回合
drop round 下降轮
show somebody round 带某人参观
in round figures 圆形数字
enough to go round 足够了
tour round somewhere 到处游览
What Tom said is a round lie.
They round the corner at high speed.
We were all sitting round the table.
The baby weighed in at a healthy 7 pounds, 9 ounces when he was born.
Could you round up some volunteers to help with the charity event?
We'll meet at the roundabout near the park entrance.
She likes to round off her day with a relaxing yoga session.
The teacher asked us to round the number 3.14159 to three decimal places.
The company's profits rounded off to a record $10 million this year.
The athlete rounded the corner and sprinted towards the finish line.
Let's round up the children and head back to the hotel.
The discussion rounded on the topic of climate change.
He had to round up his cattle before the storm hit.
The group is running 13 stores in Guangzhou, covering nine districts and serving more than 15 million people annually, said Penny Pan, general manager of Decathlon Guangzhou, at a round table dialogue on economic and trade cooperation between Guangzhou and the European Union held on Wednesday.
China is growing, and we definitely want to be part of that," said Calum Laming, British Airways' chief customer officer, who visited Beijing recently to interview candidates for the final round.
英国航空公司首席客户官Calum Laming最近访问了北京,面试了最后一轮的候选人。
In December 2020, its A round investment attracted three investors — Longzhu Capital, the venture capital arm of Chinese internet giant Meituan Dianpin, Hillhouse and CPE-Fund.
According to Huaxi Securities, computing power plays a key role for technology firms to initiate the second round of performance growth amid explosive expansion in deployments for large-scale data center facilities worldwide.
Shein, which was valued at $100 billion during a fundraising round in April 2022, aims to lift its revenues from the $22.7 billion of last year to $58.5 billion by 2025.
The latest round of funding followed an early $50 million angel round.
But with many countries and regions entering a new round of development, we have changed the tack and participated in more developmental and societal projects," said Wang Yusheng, board chairman of Beijing-based CRCEG, a subsidiary of State-owned China Railway Group Ltd, or CREC.
In 2017, the company has obtained a round of pre-A financing of nearly 10 million yuan ($1.3 million) from The Arena Capital and Delta Capital; in 2018, a round A financing of 40 million yuan was obtained, led by Sequoia Capital and CMC Inc, and jointly invested by Volcanic Ventures China and Yuanyao Capital.
2017年,该公司已从the Arena Capital和Delta Capital获得近1000万元人民币(130万美元)的a轮预融资;2018年获得4000万元人民币a轮融资,由红杉资本和CMC Inc领投,火山风险投资中国和元耀资本共同投资。
In December 2021, Maia Active completed a round C financing of nearly 100 million yuan, which was strategically invested by Belle International.
The facility is capable of receiving vessels round the clock, ensuring berthing and immediate unloading of ships to further enhance gas supply capacity, said Hao Yunfeng, president of CNOOC Guangdong Dapeng LNG Co Ltd.
Song Chunyu, vice president of Lenovo Group and senior partner of Lenovo Capital & Incubator Group, said the world is undergoing a new round of technological revolution and industrial transformation, with technological innovation as the strongest driving force for economic upgrading, all accelerating the process of digital and intelligent transformation in various industries.
Qian Jing, vice-president of Jinko Solar, said: "Against the backdrop of global green transformation driven by new energy production, the decarbonization goals do not mean an increase in costs, but rather a new round of robust development, which will present great opportunities (to generate new growth points).
"Qian said in the future, enterprises and countries that take up a leading position in green and sustainable development will be at the forefront of the next round of global economic growth.
Zhang Jianping, head of the center for regional economic cooperation at the Chinese Academy of International Trade and Economic Cooperation, said the implementation of a new round of opening-up measures, such as the Foreign Investment Law, a shortened negative list for market entry and pilot free trade zones have created favorable conditions for foreign businesses to invest in China.
Clean energy, power and agricultural infrastructure now its focus areasThe preferred calling card for Chinese companies in Central Asia has been big-ticket construction and energy projects, but with the region entering a new round of development, China Railway 20th Bureau Group Corp is changing tack.
"The new round of medical infrastructure construction globally has created new opportunities for Chinese companies.
"Even though China's convention and exhibition industry was affected by the COVID-19 pandemic, the sector is facing a new round of growth opportunities from supportive policies and digital tools," Marzin said, noting the industry is naturally connected to the upstream and downstream of various industries.
InterSystems has tripled its office space in Beijing and hired more people, marking a new round of expansion and voicing a strong commitment to the Chinese market.
This year's Government Work Report and a flurry of meetings of the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission have reiterated the imperative need to push forward a new round of reforms for China's State-owned enterprises.
A new round of SOE reforms is currently gathering momentum.
As China's three-year action plan for the reform of SOEs (2020-22) has yielded notable results, a new round of reforms will enhance the effectiveness of China's SOEs and accelerate the growth of pioneers in modern industrial chains.
Consistent with previous policies, the new round of reforms will still remain in a phase wherein greater efforts are called for to push ahead relevant measures, with more efforts aimed at sharpening core competitiveness and enhancing the core functions of SOEs.
In early 2023, the SASAC proposed that the new round of reforms will further improve the core competitiveness in terms of technological capacity and overall efficiency, and enhance core functions by optimizing and adjusting corporate architecture.
As an important part of China's economy, SOEs may accelerate the promotion of industrial breakthroughs and green upgrading in the new round of reforms.
In 2023, the new round of SOE reforms may resonate with the new era's Juglar cycle — a fixed investment cycle of seven to 11 years to create synergy — which will help accelerate the development of SOEs in equipment manufacturing and high-end industries.
Meanwhile, the implementation of relevant policy measures will deliver the new round of reforms at a faster pace with a special focus on underpinning industrial upgrading.
The ticket price for the round trip between Belgrade and Novi Sad is 8 euros ($8.5), compared with about 20 euros for a round trip in a car that includes gas and road tolls.
LangBoat, a Chinese provider of large language models, announced it has finished its Pre-A plus round of fundraising and moved total financing to several hundred million yuan.
The fundraising round, led by Beijing Zhongguancun Science City Co, attracted previous investors including investment firm Sinovation Ventures and Eight Roads.
这轮融资由北京中关村科技城有限公司牵头,吸引了包括投资公司Sinovation Ventures和Eight Roads在内的先前投资者。
The new round of financing will be used for research and development of core technology products and marketing for sustainable development," he said.
"We have upgraded the global brand strategy by deeply participating in global retail market competition following a new round of recovery in the offline consumption sector," said Ye Guofu, founder and chief executive officer of Miniso, for which 2023 marks the 10th year since its establishment.
Shen said China's platform economy is expected to usher in a new round of healthy development.
Other investors participating in this round include Highlight Capital, Bayland Capital and HM Capital.
参与本轮投资的其他投资者包括Highlight Capital、Bayland Capital和HM Capital。
Ke Ruiwen, chairman of China Telecom, said that a new round of scientific and technological revolution and industrial transformation is accelerating, which is spurring demand for new consumption forms.
The current round of test flights will verify the reliability of the preparations done by China Eastern for the C919.
China's platform companies and the digital economy are expected to embrace a new round of high-quality development after two years of healthy correction, which will also bring new dynamics to the country's private sector and economic growth, government officials, leading industry experts and company executives said on Tuesday.
To some extent, China's platform economy is expected to usher in a new round of healthy development," Wei said.
As the last round of strategic cooperation agreements with Tencent, JD, Alibaba and Baidu expire, China Unicom inked new deals with the four strategic investors on Tuesday for a new round of comprehensive cooperation.
At the Forum, Beijing iCampus also welcomed a new round of five high-tech startups to its facilities.
With China entering a new era of green and innovation-led growth, the country's new round of reform and opening-up will encourage global companies from the high-end manufacturing sector to further transform traditional industries with smart manufacturing in the country, said Wang Wen, executive dean of the Chongyang Institute for Financial Studies, which is part of the Renmin University of China in Beijing.
Other investors including VMS Group and Youshan Capital, with existing investors such as Lightspeed China Partners and US-based Lightspeed Venture Partners also participated in this round.
包括VMS集团和友山资本在内的其他投资者,以及Lightspeed China Partners和美国Lightspeed Venture Partners等现有投资者也参与了本轮投资。
The report added that the new round of layoffs could be announced as soon as Monday.
According to Tianyancha, a Chinese corporate information provider, Honor has recently completed a new round of strategic financing from six new investors such as BOE, China International Capital Corp Qizhi (Shanghai) Equity Investment Center, Guosen Capital and Shenzhen Baoan District Investment Management Group.
The implementation of a new round of opening-up measures, such as the shortened negative list for market entry and pilot free trade zones, has created favorable conditions for foreign businesses to invest in China, Zhang added.
Martell has launched a new round of campaigns in partnership with more than 500 retailors, restaurants, bars and KTVs nationwide, covering a variety of drinking occasions.
"This fully confirms that Guangdong, a major global production base, not only has a good atmosphere of opening-up and Sino-foreign cooperation, but also has a good business environment to attract international investment," he said, adding that Zhanjiang is in a key stage of a new round of great development.
China's new round of reform and opening-up will encourage global companies from the high-end manufacturing sector to further transform traditional industries with smart manufacturing in the country, said Wang Wen, executive dean of Chongyang Institute for Financial Studies of the Renmin University of China.
According to Hua Chuang Securities, Moutai's new managing group is taking proactive methods to promote business reform, which is leading in a new round of growth.
Sewingtech, founded by former head of the pan-tilt algorithm at drone leader DJI, has raised tens of millions of yuan in its angel round of financing from the cutting-edge technology fund of investment firm Sinovation Ventures.
Sewingtech由无人机领导者大疆的前云台算法负责人创立,在天使轮融资中从投资公司Sinovation Ventures的尖端技术基金筹集了数千万元人民币。
According to the company, the fresh fundraising round will be used to promote the research and development of products and client authentication.
Shipments, especially those to the Association of Southeast Asian Nations — which has become China's biggest trading partner — embarked on a new round of recovery.
At one of its facilities, a cluster of more than 20 oil wells run round the clock, all powered by electricity generated by over 150 photovoltaic (PV) panels nearby.
"Chinese medical device enterprises have made remarkable progress in innovation and commercialization since the newest round of national medical product regulatory reforms were launched in 2015," said Shi Lichen, founder of medical consulting firm Beijing Dingchen Consultancy.
AI has become a core driving force for the new round of the technological and industrial revolution in China, bringing tremendous changes to the country's development and people's lives in many fields, including healthcare, education, transportation, security and finance, said Ren Xianliang, chairman of the China Federation of Internet Societies.
He recalled that it had been 13 years since he posted his first message on micro-blogging platform Sina Weibo on Sept 7, 2009, and said he would devote himself to a new round of entrepreneurship from Monday.
It took a company an average of nearly six years from the time they were certified as little giants to the time they raised their first round of financing, which is longer than the average investment cycle of VCs and PEs, according to the institute's report.
"New breakthroughs are just around the corner to usher in a new round of improvement in the sector's energy efficiency," she added.
The implementation of a new round of opening-up measures, such as the Foreign Investment Law, shortened negative list for market entry and pilot free trade zones, have created favorable conditions for foreign businesses to invest in China, said Zhang Jianping, director-general of the Beijing-based China Center for Regional Economic Cooperation.
Industry analysts said the country's multibillion-dollar tea drink segment is set for a round of rationalization as players are intensifying their competition for bigger market shares.
The angel round was jointly invested in by Sequoia Capital China, Legend Star and Sinovation Ventures.
The pre-A round attracted other investors, including Linear Capital and Challenjers Venture.
pre-A轮吸引了其他投资者,包括Linear Capital和Challenjers Venture。
According to the company, the new round of funds will be used for research and development, talent recruitment, mass production capacity building and business expansion.
Ontime, a mobile transportation platform headquartered in Guangzhou, capital of Guangdong province, has finished a round of financing of more than one billion yuan ($150 million), the company announced on Tuesday.
After this round of financing, which was also the first of its kind this year in the domestic intelligent online travel industry, the company said it would accelerate the commercialization of robotaxis, aiming to become a leader in automatic driving technology.
In the new round of financing, two leading automatic driving technology companies including Pony.
"Tao said that several government departments have worked almost round the clock to help enterprises resume work and production as quickly as possible.
With a weekly freight capacity of more than 500 metric tons, airfreight services using the route will be shouldered by cargo airline Aero-Logic, with six weekly round trips made by a Boeing 777 all-cargo aircraft, DHL Express said.
DHL Express表示,由于每周货运能力超过500公吨,使用该航线的空运服务将由货运航空公司Aero Logic承担,波音777全货机每周往返六次。
The route is operated by the cargo airline AeroLogic, with six round trips made by Boeing 777 all-cargo aircraft each week.
This round of investment is led by DCP alongside co-investors QY Capital, VMC, Guangzhou Finance Holdings and Proterra Investment Partners, with Cygnus Equity acting as the financial adviser.
本轮投资由DCP牵头,联合投资者QY Capital、VMC、广州金融控股和Proterra investment Partners,Cygnus Equity担任财务顾问。
Zhang Jianping, director-general of the Beijing-based China Center for Regional Economic Cooperation, said the implementation of a new round of opening-up measures, such as the Foreign Investment Law, shortened negative list for market entry and pilot free trade zones have created favorable conditions for foreign businesses to invest in China.
Mindfront Health, which focuses on providing comprehensive diagnosis, treatment and evidence-based psychotherapy services, announced that it has with the support of Northern Light Venture Capital completed its pre-series A funding round.
专注于提供全面诊断、治疗和循证心理治疗服务的Mindfront Health宣布,在北极光创投的支持下,已完成A轮融资。
Novotech Health Holdings, a leading biotech company, announced it has raised a total of $760 million in its latest financing round, which will drive the company in pursuing further growth opportunities.
领先的生物技术公司Novotech Health Holdings宣布,其在最新一轮融资中共筹集了7.6亿美元,这将推动该公司寻求进一步的增长机会。
The new round includes a $255 million private placement and a $505 million refinancing transaction.
In March, the company announced that it has closed a Series B funding round of hundreds of millions of yuan, and the company said that the financing will be used to fund the company's business.
Petroineos said it completed the green and sustainable development trade financing round with the British lender.
Last year, DXY announced the completion of a $500 million round of financing led by Trustbridge Partners and followed by Tencent Investment and GL Ventures.
去年,丁香园宣布完成一轮5亿美元的融资,由Trustbridge Partners牵头,腾讯投资和GL Ventures紧随其后。
Multinational pharmaceutical company AstraZeneca has joined government, industry, academia and investment institutions at the ongoing fourth China International Import Expo to usher in a new round of signings promoting a healthcare ecosystem.
The implementation of a new round of opening-up measures, such as the Foreign Investment Law, shortened negative list for market entry and pilot free trade zones have created favorable conditions for foreign businesses to invest in the world's second-largest economy, he added.
The new round of financing will be used to expand its production capacity and accelerate the research and development of other core equipment in packaging, and furthermore contribute to the homegrown semiconductor industry.
Yu Lihua, general manager of Cytiva China, the local subsidiary, said supply chain challenges have been plaguing the biopharmaceutical sector, so Cytiva's latest round of investment should help improve the situation.
裕利医药科技(中国)有限公司(Cytiva China)总经理余丽华表示,供应链的挑战一直困扰着生物制药行业,因此Cytiva此轮投资将有助于改善这一状况。
Moreover, the implementation of a new round of opening-up measures, such as the Foreign Investment Law, shortened negative list for market entry, and pilot free trade zones, have created favorable conditions for foreign businesses to invest in the world's second-largest economy, he added.
GCH, founded in 2002 in Guangzhou, the capital of Guangdong province, was listed on the Shanghai Stock Exchange STAR market in June, a new step to lay a solid foundation for a new round of high-speed growth for the company.
"China's growing ODI in high-end manufacturing, agriculture, digital and innovation businesses is likely to lead a new round of 'going global' for domestic companies," said Zhao Ping, deputy head of Beijing-based Academy of China Council for the Promotion of International Trade.
Despite the spread of the Delta variant triggering a new round of the COVID-19 epidemic in South China's Guangdong province and some overseas markets, Miniso managed to add 162 stores and 24 Top Toy stores to its global store network during the fourth quarter of the fiscal year 2021, according to Ye Guofu, founder, chairman and chief executive officer of Miniso.
尽管德尔塔变异毒株在中国华南地区的广东省和一些海外市场触发了新一轮的COVID-19疫情,名创优品创始人、董事长兼首席执行官叶国富表示,在2021财年第四季度,名创优品仍在其全球门店网络中新增了162家名创优品门店和24家Top Toy门店。
Chinese e-comics platform Kuaikan announced on Monday that it has raised $240 million in a new funding round which will help accelerate its development and efforts to explore international markets.
Berry Oncology, a Chinese startup focusing on genomic testing of cancers, has completed a series B1 round of financing of nearly 700 million yuan ($99 million) which brought up its total fundraising to date to about 2 billion yuan.
专注于肿瘤基因检测的中国初创公司 Berry Oncology 已完成近 7 亿元人民币(9900 万美元)的 B1 轮融资,使其迄今为止的总融资额达到约 20 亿元人民币。
The new round was led by China Merchants Capital, and existing investors Qiming Venture Partners and Legend Capital, as well as new investors such as CICC Qichen and E Fund also participated.
"At present, the world is ushering in a new round of innovation.
Yusur, a leading Chinese startup on data processing units, or DPUs, announced that it had raised several hundred million yuan in its series A round of fundraising, as the company continues to beef up its business to be at the forefront of the next generation of chips.
Led by Huatai Innovation Investments, the new financing round also attracted investors including Lingjun Investment and Guoxin Creative Fund.
Prophesee, the world's leading provider of neuromorphic vision solutions, is looking to beef up its global presence, especially in the Chinese market, with the latest round of fundraising led by the country's tech venture capital firm Sinovation Ventures.
作为全球领先的神经形态视觉解决方案提供商,Prophesee正寻求通过由中国科技风险投资公司Sinovation Ventures牵头的最新一轮融资,加强其全球影响力,尤其关注中国市场。
The French company raised tens of million dollars in its latest round of fundraising, which also attracted the country's tech giant Xiaomi Corp and Inno-Chip, an investment firm that has obtained investment from Will Semiconductor, owner of OmniVision.
这家法国公司在最新一轮融资中筹集了数千万美元,此次融资还吸引了中国科技巨头小米集团和Inno-Chip公司的参与。Inno-Chip是一家获得了韦尔半导体(Will Semiconductor)投资的投资公司,而韦尔半导体是豪威科技(OmniVision)的所有者。
With the new round of fundraising, Luca Verre, CEO and founder of Prophesee, said that the firm will accelerate the development and commercialization of its next generation hardware and software products as well as to expand market and further scale the company.
Prophesee的首席执行官兼创始人Luca Verre表示,通过新一轮的融资,公司将进一步加速下一代硬件和软件产品的研发与商业化进程,并扩大市场覆盖,推动公司的规模化发展。
Although freight charges dropped slightly after Lunar New Year, the unexpected Suez Canal blockage in March after one of the world's largest container ships got wedged there following a sandstorm, caused a new round of capacity shortages and higher freight costs, a report by the Shanghai International Shipping Institute said.
Investors including CPE, OrbiMed, Mirae Asset Capital, B Capital Group, Deerfield Management, Maison Capital, Lake Bleu Capital, President International Development Corporation, Sequoia Capital China and Sage Partners also were newly attracted into the round.
本轮融资还吸引了包括CPE、OrbiMed、Mirae Asset Capital、B Capital Group、Deerfield Management、Maison Capital、Lake Bleu Capital、President International Development Corporation、Sequoia Capital China和Sage Partners等新投资者。
The company said in December that it has raised 2 billion yuan ($305.6 million) of strategic investment from a Qingdao government fund while Dingdong Maicai raised $330 million in a latest funding round led by SoftBank Vision Fund.
In April, the firm raised $700 million in its D round of financing from a group of investors, which will be used for new regional expansion, supply chain investment and team building, said Sina.
On May 12, Dingdong Maicai announced it completed a D+ round of financing to raise $330 million, which was led by SoftBank Group Corp's Vision Fund.
Dingdang Health, China's leading integrated online healthcare platform, announced on Tuesday that it has raised $220 million in its latest round of financing led by TPG Capital Asia.
叮当健康,中国领先的综合性在线医疗平台,于周二宣布已完成由TPG Capital Asia领投的最新一轮2.2亿美元融资。
Co-led by OrbiMed and Redview Capital, the round also attracted investors including Valliance; Travis Global Ltd, which is an affiliate of Orchid Asia; Summer Capital; and Yingke PE.
本轮融资由OrbiMed和Redview Capital共同领投,还吸引了Valliance、Travis Global Ltd(Orchid Asia的关联公司)、Summer Capital和Yingke PE等投资者参与。

考研America's Federal Trade commission launched a round of talks about how to save newspapers.


2011年考研真题(英语二)阅读理解 Section Ⅱ

高考I was walking across altrincham road one morning when a cyclist went round me and on being asked what he was doing he shouted at me.


2015年高考英语湖南卷 阅读理解 阅读A 原文

考研The journalScienceis adding an extra round of statistical checks to its peer-review process, editor-in-chief Marcia McNutt announced today.



六级In November 2013, after an unnecessary round of additional consultation, health minister Jane Ellison said the government was minded to proceed after all.

2013年11月,卫生部长简·埃里森(Jane Ellison)在进行了一轮不必要的额外磋商后表示,政府最终打算继续进行。


四级I have a friend coming round in the afternoon, but I'll be at home, so the day after tomorrow will be great.


2019年6月四级真题(第二套)听力 Section B

六级After the high-pressure Countdown round at this year's national MathCounts competition, in which the top 12 students went head to head solving complex problems in rapid fire, the finalists for the Math Video Challenge took the stage to show their videos.



六级After the high-pressure Countdown round at this year's national Math Counts competition, in which the top 12 students went head to head solving complex problems in rapid fire, the finalists for the Math video Challenge took the stage to show their videos.


2017年6月六级真题(第三套)阅读 Section B

高考Baskets of perfect red strawberries, the red-painted sides of the java dawg coffee truck; and most of all, the tomatoes: amazing, large, soft and round red tomatoes.


2015年高考英语全国卷1 阅读理解 阅读B 原文

四级It has pleasant weather all year round.



六级The Mediterranean region is warm and sunny, and produces large supplies of fresh fruits and vegetables almost year round that people eat many times a day.


2017年12月六级真题(第一套)听力 Section C

六级When the Commerce Department reported last week that the trade deficit in June approached $50 billion, it set off a new round of economic doom saying



六级We often take a militaristic, "tough" approach to resilience and determination like a Marine pulling himself through the mud, a boxer going one more round, or a football player picking himself up off the ground for one more play.


2018年12月六级真题(第一套)阅读 Section B

四级Nor are they necessarily better at remembering a round of drinks, say.



高考In many cultures, round foods such as grapes, bread, and moon cakes are eaten at welcome celebrations to represent family unity.


2015年高考英语安徽卷 阅读理解 阅读E 原文

六级The question is often asked whether every butterfly makes the round trip journey every year.



高考Is the psychologist wearing little round glasses and smoking a cigar more insightful?


2017年高考英语浙江卷(11月) 阅读理解 阅读B 原文

高考One way to encourage customers to stay and order that extra round: put on some Mozart.


2018年高考英语江苏卷 阅读理解 阅读B 原文

四级That's about the same distance as 337 round trips from Earth to Pluto.


2017年12月四级真题(第一套)听力 Section A

六级The picture worsens with each round of El Nino, the unusually warm currents in the Pacific Ocean that drive up temperatures and invariably presage (预示) droughts and fires in the rain forest.

随着厄尔尼诺的每一轮出现,情况变得更糟。厄尔尼诺是太平洋中异常温暖的洋流,导致温度升高,并总是预示着未来(预示) 雨林中的干旱和火灾。


考研The journal Sciences is adding an extra round of statistical checks to its peer-review process, editor-in-chief Marcia McNutt announced today.


2015年考研真题(英语一)阅读理解 Section Ⅱ

六级When the Commerce Department reported last week that the trade deficit in June approached $50 billion, it set off a new round of economic doom saying.



四级Overall, half the participants did about as well on the last round of tasting as on the first, so fatigue, or taste burnout, was not a factor.



四级Nasmith showed the men a basket he had hung at the each end of the gym, and explained that they were going to sue a round European football, at first everybody tried to throw the ball into the basket no matter where he was standing.



四级Going round my local supermarket, I am constantly astonished that it is still legal to sell all the poisons stacked high on the shelves.



考研Shop assistants won’t bother to assist, taxi drivers growl at each other as they dash dangerously round corners, bus conductor pull the bell before their desperate passengers have had time to get on or off the bus, and so on and so on.



考研Many captive shippers also worry they will soon be hit with a round of huge rate increases.


