
upwardly mobile 向上移动的
"Known for its focus on providing a luxury shopping experience for its upwardly mobile customers, JD Fashion has made significant improvements in the past year, bringing in dozens of world-class brands and rapidly growing its share of the Chinese luxury market.
Majority of Chinese consumers are part of the country's huge, upwardly mobile, increasingly brand- and quality-conscious middle class.
As the International Monetary Fund has upwardly revised its growth projection for the Chinese economy in 2023, raising it from 5 percent to 5.4 percent, Wang said China will further expand high-standard opening-up, share development opportunities of its vast market with other APEC economies and the world, and jointly promote high-quality development and prosperity.
As the International Monetary Fund has upwardly revised its growth projection for the Chinese economy in 2023, increasing it from 5 percent to 5.4 percent, he said China will further expand high-level opening-up, share development opportunities of its vast market with APEC economies and the world, and jointly promote high-quality development and prosperity.
After international investment banks and financial institutions, including Morgan Stanley, Goldman Sachs, HSBC, Barclays and Natixis, upwardly revised their 2023 forecasts for China, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) also lifted its growth forecast of China's economic growth rate this year.
Besides the IMF, multiple international investment banks and financial institutions, including Morgan Stanley and Goldman Sachs, have upwardly revised their forecast for China's economic growth in 2023.
Global investors and institutions have remained confident in the Chinese economy, and multiple investment banks have upwardly revised their forecasts for China's growth rate in 2023.
Investment banks such as HSBC, Barclays and Natixis have also upwardly revised their forecasts for China's economic growth rate, said Xinhua.
Recently, multiple international investment banks and financial institutions, including Morgan Stanley, Goldman Sachs, HSBC, Barclays, and Natixis, have upwardly revised their forecast for China's economic growth rate in 2023, betting on the country's rosy prospects and strong resilience.
For China, the upwardly revised estimate of 8.4 percent was also 0.2 percentage point higher than in the IMF's forecast half a year ago.
In the week ending Oct 24, the number of Americans filing for unemployment benefits decreased by 40,000 from the previous week's upwardly revised level of 791,000, showed the report.
After international investment banks and financial institutions, including Morgan Stanley, Goldman Sachs, HSBC, Barclays and Natixis, upwardly revised their 2023 forecasts for China, the International Monetary Fund also lifted its growth forecast of China's economic growth rate this year.
In rising China, there were hundreds of millions of takers for such programs among the upwardly mobile, increasingly affluent middle-income group.
Pursuit of good health, a hallmark of Chinese culture for a long time, is getting a twist of innovation, spawning a multibillion-dollar industry, as upwardly mobile, lifestyle-conscious but stressed and overworked millennial consumers jump on China's tech-enhanced wellness bandwagon.
Business is booming for Wuling in Indonesia, with outlets jumping from 42 in 2017, to almost 100 across the country, with the firm's sales target being upwardly revised to 30,000 units nationwide this year.
US initial jobless claims, a rough way to measure layoffs, jumped 51,000 to 419,000 in the week ending July 17, following an upwardly revised level of 368,000 in the prior week, the Department of Labor reported on Thursday.
That was attributed to ample liquidity, new technology, growing demand for sophisticated financial services from domestic companies and an upwardly mobile middle class-factors that enabled Chinese banks to aggressively seek business innovation and beef up their balance sheets.