
词根词缀记忆/谐音联想记忆 补充/纠错
词根abol 消除 + ish 使… → 废除 → ab …………
谐音记忆abolish 谐音,我不履行 → 那就废除
词性拓展记忆 / 词形拓展记忆
对比记忆 / 类比记忆 / 形近词记忆
abolish / demolish / foolish / polish
abolish vt.废除(法律、习惯等);取消
demolish vt. 破坏,摧毁,拆除
foolish a.愚笨的,愚蠢的
polish v.磨光 …………
abolish / cancel / repeal
abolish → 正式用词,指彻底废除某种制度、规章或习俗。
cancel → 用法广泛,多指取消债务、合同、证书、比赛、旅行、计划或约会等。
abolish the capital death penalty 废除死刑
abolish the capital punishment penalty 废除死刑
should abolish sth. 应该废除
Bad customs should be abolished.
Many teachers wish to abolish the cane.
The weapons of war must be abolished before they abolish us.
The government has decided to abolish the minimum wage law for small businesses.
The monarchy was abolished in this country after a long period of political unrest.
The outdated tax system will be abolished and replaced with a more progressive one.
The government abolished the death penalty in 2018, citing human rights concerns.
The monarchy was abolished in favor of a republic in the early 20th century. (20世纪初,为了共和国,王室被废除。
The school board voted to abolish the single-sex education policy.
The government abolished the penny as a currency unit in 1979. (1979年,政府废除了便士作为货币单位。
The tradition of arranged marriages has been abolished in many countries.
The old law on inheritance was abolished, making it simpler for people to inherit property.
The monarchy was abolished in this South American nation following a popular uprising.
The country also abolished limits on foreign ownership of securities, fund management, futures and life insurance companies in 2020.
Through the reform, the government abolished the mandatory management of the manufacturing, wholesaling, distribution and transportation of salt, and the procedure for salt operators to seek permits for salt transportation, which were parts of CNSIC's business in the past, said Zhou Lisha, a researcher at the research institute of the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission.
In early March, the Civil Aviation Administration of China abolished the need for government approval of the purchase and registration of new or preowned private jets.
Since the beginning of this year, various regions and departments have revised or abolished 17,600 policy measures that hinder the building of a unified national market and fair competition.
Wei Jianguo, former vice-minister of commerce, said he expects that China will continue to enhance the market-oriented, law-based business climate that is up to international standards, and abolish regulations that are not in line with the pursuit at central and local government levels.
In accordance with the arrangements of the State Council, China's Ministry of Justice, in collaboration with other departments, sorted out relevant regulations to promote strict, standardized and fair law enforcement and comply with related revised laws, and decided to amend 14 administrative regulations and abolish one regulation.
A set of trial measures for supervision over product quality, which had been replaced by relevant laws and rules, were abolished, according to the document.
In terms of legal guarantees, regulations and official documents violating the principle of equality for enterprises of various types of ownership will be abolished to protect the development of the private economy.
Following China's accession to the WTO, this and many other restrictions have been abolished.
Bai Ming, deputy director of international market research at the Chinese Academy of International Trade and Economic Cooperation, said the interregional barriers within China's domestic market must be abolished to usher in greater openness and inclusiveness.
By the end of August, the government had abolished, revised or enacted 520 regulations to improve the legal environment for foreign investment, according to information released by the Ministry of Commerce.
In addition to implementing a new negative list for foreign investment to further broaden market access, the government abolished, revised or enacted 520 regulations to improve the legal environment for foreign investment.
It also abolished, revised or enacted 520 regulations to improve the legal environment for foreign investment, and ramped up efforts to protect the legitimate rights and interests of foreign businesses.
Many of the tariffs will be abolished immediately, while some others will be gradually cut to zero over a 10-year period.
More than 65 percent of tariffs on goods traded between China and Australia, New Zealand and ASEAN member nations were set to be abolished immediately when the agreement becomes effective, Yang said.
According to Yang, China has been ready to fulfill 701 binding obligations under the economic agreement, which will gradually eliminate 90 percent of goods tariffs within the bloc over 20 years, with many abolished immediately.
Efforts will be made to abolish the regulations and rectify practices that hinder the building of a unified national market to ensure fair competition, said Lian Weiliang, NDRC deputy director, in a recent interview with Xinhua.
To achieve this, the city will continue to implement the negative list for market access and abolish regulations and practices that hinder fair competition and the formation of a unified market.
Besides, although some provinces provide subsidies for freight train service operators, such subsidies are being scaled down and are expected to be abolished in the near future, he added.
According to the decree, 22 administrative regulations have been amended and one abolished.
For example, a set of regulations on the management of establishing partnership enterprises by foreign enterprises or individuals in China were abolished, as the Foreign Investment Law, the Partnership Enterprise Law and other relevant laws and regulations are now applicable in this matter.
For cities where the selling prices of new homes fall month-on-month and year-on-year for three consecutive months, the floor on mortgage rates can be lowered or abolished for first-time homebuyers in phases.
For cities where the selling prices of new homes fall month-on-month and year-on-year for three consecutive months, the floor on mortgage rates can be lowered or abolished for first-time homebuyers in phases, the PBOC said.
I believe both of the policies were launched after careful deliberation, and should not be abolished due to the current difficulties the property industry faces, though these measures may be carried out at a slower pace.
It has created tariff concessions or abolished tariffs altogether on many goods traded between China and Japan, including some water products, processed foods and sake.
The 8,000-yuan duty-free limit for a single commodity was abolished, and the categories of duty-free goods have also been expanded from 38 to 45, with some electronic products such as mobile phones and laptops added to the duty-free list.
During a recent regular policy briefing by the State Council, it was emphasized again that restrictions on used car transfers would be abolished to create a favorable environment for the market and remove barriers for consumers.
Wang Peng, deputy head of the China Center for Information Industry Development, a Beijing-based think tank, said the 2020 version of negative list for foreign investment has phased out the equity caps for foreign investors in commercial vehicle joint ventures and abolished regulations that prohibit foreign investment in the smelting and processing of radioactive minerals and nuclear fuel production.
"He said the situation may change soon, as China abolished the white list of battery makers in June, enabling more companies to play a level playing field.
The list, which did not include foreign firms when it was first published in 2015 to spur the growth of China's battery sector, was abolished in late June as part of government management reforms, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology of China said in a statement on its website last week.
Cui Dongshu, secretary-general of the China Passenger Car Association, said China's move to abolish the list is helpful to stimulate competition in the industry.
It also proposed that the majority of directors, including the chairman of the board, be independent, outside directors and that the role of company chairman be abolished.
There has also been a rapid rise in cross-regional car dealing as more cities abolish restrictions on car ownership transfers, giving buyers more choices, said the report.
The end of May 2016 was the deadline, imposed by an eight-article guideline issued by the State Council to local governments, to abolish any limits on inflows of second-hand vehicles from other regions.
Soliciting public opinions until August 21, the draft measures have proposed to allow overseas non-financial institutions to invest in financial asset management companies in China, and abolish the total assets requirement for overseas financial institutions to be investors of financial asset management companies.
The PBOC, therefore, abolished its 31 provincial-level branches in 1998 and set up nine cross-regional branches.
The new rules have streamlined listing requirements, abolished administrative restrictions on the price and size of IPOs, and removed the committees at the CSRC that were until now tasked to review and approve listings and listed companies' mergers and acquisitions.
The new rules have streamlined listing requirements, abolished administrative restrictions on the price and size of IPOs, and removed the committees at the CSRC to review and approve listings and listed companies' mergers and acquisitions.
Some analysts even project that authorities will abolish both annual and daily quotas in the next three to five years, like what they did for the Stock Connect.
Under the amendment, the maximum sentence for fraudulent securities issuances will be raised to 15 years from five, while the maximum prison term for fraudulent information disclosures will be increased to 10 years, with the cap on fines to be abolished.
This practice needs to be abolished as it does not follow the central government policy documents nor the legislative procedures, said Lian.
The ongoing registration-based reform, which aims to abolish the approval-based initial public offering system and help market forces have a greater say in IPOs, acts as "a fundamental revolution" to China's stock issuance system and entails reforms in fields much wider than the issuance itself, Li said.
China plans to abolish the requirement that domestic insurance companies have to own at least 75 percent stake in insurance asset management joint ventures, the country's top insurance regulator said on Saturday.
Also on Monday, the ChiNext's listing committee held its first meeting to review initial public offering applications on the board, the latest landmark in its market-oriented reform that aims to abolish regulatory IPO approvals and give the market a greater say.
The China Securities Regulatory Commission and the China Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission said on Friday they have recently revised the regulation over custodian services of investment funds and abolished the restriction stipulating the custodian banks must be legal entities.
The new law will set the legal basis for the country to adopt a market-based initial public offering system and abolish administrative approval for issuing new shares.
Specifically, the revision abolished the system of public offering review committee, whereby the CSRC reviews public offering applications, and authorized stock exchanges to review the applications.
It also announced rules that abolish the investment quota limits for dollar-denominated qualified foreign institutional investors and RMB qualified foreign institutional investors.
The new rules came after China's financial reforms in September to abolish the investment quota limits for QFII and RQFII to boost financial opening-up.
Earlier this month, China's forex regulator abolished the investment quota restrictions for Qualified Foreign Institutional Investors (QFII) and RQFII in its latest move to attract foreign investment.
China's forex regulator Tuesday announced it will abolish the investment quota restrictions for the Qualified Foreign Institutional Investors (QFII) and Renminbi Qualified Foreign Institutional Investors (RQFII) to boost financial reforms and opening-up.
Reforms to help attract long-term investors, increase global interest in A-share marketForeign capital flows into China's A-share market are set to increase once caps on the quota management under the Qualified Foreign Institutional Investor program are abolished, thanks to the growing interest from overseas investors, experts said.
Under the new plans, the upper shareholding limits in a Chinese commercial bank for a single Chinese-funded bank or a single foreign-funded bank will be abolished simultaneously.
The upper shareholding limits for a single Chinese-funded bank and a single foreign-funded bank in a Chinese commercial bank will be abolished simultaneously, according to Guo.
The requirement that the sole or major Chinese shareholders should be financial institutions will be abolished.
"Version 2.0" of China's plan to open the financial sector to foreign investors was reinforced during the weekend when a senior regulator said market access thresholds for banks and insurance companies would be lowered or abolished.
In August 2018, the China Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission also abolished rules that limited foreign investment in domestic banks and financial asset management companies.
"Earlier this year, the China Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission abolished rules that limited foreign investment in domestic banks and financial asset management companies.
The monthly repatriation limit of 20 percent of its mainland assets for a QFII was also abolished under the new regulations.
China will abolish management rules on overseas financial institutions' investment in domestic organs, applying the same market entry and administrative approval policies for both Chinese and foreign investment, according to a statement from the China Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission.
To accelerate the implementation of policies to further open up China's banking sector, the nation's banking and insurance regulator is soliciting public opinion on a decision to abolish and revise certain regulations on Chinese financial institutions, such as removing the cap on foreign ownership in Chinese banks and asset management companies.
To promote the implementation of policies to further open up China's banking sector as soon as possible, the regulator is soliciting public opinions on a decision to abolish and revise certain regulations on Chinese financial institutions, such as removing the cap on foreign ownership of Chinese banks and asset management companies.
The limit will be totally abolished after the policy is in effect for three years.
The requirement that foreign banks should operate for more than one year before they seek to conduct renminbi business will be abolished.
The cap will be completely abolished in three years.
In one case given as an example, the commission said practices resulting in the collective punishment of family members of convicted criminals should be abolished, as they were inconsistent with the principles and spirit of the Constitution.
"So we've urged related departments to abolish the documents," said Shen Chunyao, head of the commission.
Top legislature clarifies that some local notices are contradicting the rule of lawPractices resulting in the collective punishment of the family members of convicted criminals should be abolished, as they contradict the principles and spirit of the Constitution, China's top legislature said on Tuesday.
"Following a review, we deemed the notices not consistent with the Constitution, nor with laws on education, employment and social insurance, so we urge relevant departments to abolish the documents," said Shen Chunyao, head of the NPC Standing Committee's Legislative Affairs Commission.
"Following our review, we urged the relevant departments to abolish these notices and conduct nationwide self-inspections to ensure rule of law compliance in their operations," Shen explained.
After the review, the top court abolished 116 interpretations, including two on contracts, and revised 111 others.
Administrative regulations related to road transport and international maritime shipping, for example, were revised, and fines for certain violations conducted by road transport operators have been abolished or reduced to lower costs for companies and individuals and stimulate the vitality of market players.
The ministry launched a three-year nationwide operation targeting crimes against wildlife in 2020 after the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress, China's top legislature, approved the decision on prohibiting the trade of wildlife, and aiming to abolish the bad habits of eating wildlife.

六级Abolish the patent law concerning genetically engineered seeds.



四级But with that policy now being abolished, this holiday incentive is no longer necessary, the government says.


2019年6月四级真题(第一套)听力 Section A

考研This law abolished special educational requirements for federal jurors and required them to be selected at random from a cross section of the entire community.


2010年考研真题(英语二)阅读理解 Section Ⅱ

六级Abolish the patent law concerning genetically engineered seeds



考研The Olympian athletic festival held every four years in honor of Zeus, king of the Olympian Gods, eventually lost its local character, became first a national event and then, after the rules against foreign competitors had been abolished, international.


