
词根词缀记忆/谐音联想记忆 补充/纠错
词根ab 相反 + use 用 → 不〔正常〕使用 →  …………
谐音记忆a啊 + b不要 + use“滥用” → 啊,不用使用脏话“辱骂”我 …………
词性拓展记忆 / 词形拓展记忆
对比记忆 / 类比记忆 / 形近词记忆
abase / abuse
abase v. 贬低降低地位、威望或尊严
abuse vt.滥用;辱骂;诋毁 n.滥用;恶习;弊端
substance abuse 药物滥用
abuse one's authority 滥用职权
exposed to abuse 遭受虐待
drug abuse 药物滥用
child abuse 虐待儿童
verbal abuse 言语虐待
family abuse 家庭虐待
animal abuse 虐待动物
abuse of 滥用
alcohol abuse 酗酒
elder abuse 虐待老年人
verbally abuse 言语虐待
abuse of rights 滥用权利
hurl abuse at sb. 辱骂某人
marginalization, abuse and discrimination 边缘化、虐待和歧视
Do not abuse your power.
I think this is not the abuse of freedom.
You can abuse it, you can use it.
I used to abuse the unusual usage, but now I'm not used to doing so.
Nothing is so wearing as the possession or abuse of liberty.
He was verbally abused by his father for not finishing his homework.
She suffered emotional abuse during her marriage, which left deep scars.
The children witnessed their parents fighting violently, which is a form of domestic abuse.
She bravely spoke out against workplace harassment and discrimination, standing up for her rights.
Abuse of power is a serious issue in politics, where officials can exploit their positions for personal gain.
The social worker reported the case of child neglect to the authorities after witnessing signs of abuse.
Online trolls often engage in cyberbullying, targeting others with hurtful comments and threats.
The victim of the financial scam was financially abused, losing a significant portion of their savings.
Domestic abuse victims often struggle with making decisions about leaving an unhealthy relationship.
Educational institutions must take abuse allegations seriously and provide support for survivors.
The Beijing High People's Court ruled in the first instance judgment that Alibaba Group along with Zhejiang Tmall Network Co and Zhejiang Tmall Technology Co had abused market dominance and adopted monopolistic practices, such as forcing merchants to sell products exclusively on Alibaba's platforms, which caused severe damages to JD.
The State Administration for Market Regulation, China's top market regulator, said since 2014, CNKI has abused its dominant market position to sell its database services at increasingly high prices.
Since 2014, CNKI has abused its dominant position to sell its database services at unfairly high prices.
The incident draw widespread concern and queries online, with many netizens wondering whether Zhou's family accumulated wealth from corruption and whether his father was promoted through the abuse of power.
This is one of the signages along the halls of the Dangerous Drug Abuse Treatment and Rehabilitation Center in Sarangani province.
China Telecom said the FCC's decision overgeneralized the concept of national security, abused state power, and lacked justification.
According to the administration, since 2018, Meituan had abused its dominant market position to compel merchants to sign exclusive agreements with its platform.
China's market watchdog began investigating the case in April this year, and found that, since 2018, Meituan had abused its market position in domestic food delivery services, forcing merchants to sign exclusive cooperation agreements.
According to Chen Qiulin, deputy director of the Health Industry Development Research Center at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, the pandemic and supportive government policies have jointly shored up the development of the online healthcare industry in China, but the industry still faces a series of challenges to deliver healthy growth, such as a lack of effective implementation of public medical insurance reimbursement policies, prohibition of online medical consultation without a prior visit to a physical hospital, abuse of prescriptions, and disputes over ownership of data and information generated in online healthcare.
The company said it would carry out personal credit reporting in compliance with relevant laws and regulations, strengthen personal information protection and effectively prevent the abuse of data.
China has stepped up efforts to guide the healthy development of internet-backed platform economy and prevent abuse of monopolistic status by misusing consumer data or violating consumer rights.
On-demand service platform faces lawsuit for alleged abuse of market powerMeituan, China's largest on-demand service platform handling online food deliveries and restaurant orders, is facing a lawsuit in a Beijing court for alleged abuse of market power, amid China's ongoing scrutiny of key technology sectors, including the internet.
The complainant said that Meituan's decision to temporarily remove Alipay, the payment platform of Alibaba, as a payment option from its main app, was an abuse of its dominant market position.
The defense hopes to convince the court that the accusations against Meng lack an "air of reality" and it will allow them to argue additional allegations of US abuse of process in the case.
"Where the court finds there are material misstatements and omissions going to the heart of the record of the case, then the court may intervene, find an abuse of process and fashion an appropriate remedy," Fenton said.
In a statement issued by Huawei Canada on Monday, the company said Meng's position is that the extradition proceedings against her constitute an "abuse" of the Canadian judicial process and should therefore be "stayed".
China's Foreign Ministry spokesman Geng Shuang said on Friday that the US government has abused its national power to unreasonably suppress certain Chinese enterprises without providing any evidence.
The 2018 General Data Protection Regulation rules further complicated the issue, and Google's defense against using it outside Europe was that it could be abused by authoritarian regimes looking to hush up human rights abuses.
"Sun won the bid via a five-day online auction on eBay and the money will be donated to the Glide Foundation, which is located in San Francisco's Tenderloin district and serves the poor, homeless and those battling substance abuse.
The reputation of the online giants has not been improved by claims that big data was abused to try to influence the 2016 US presidential election and the UK's Brexit referendum the same year.
Canada and the US "arbitrarily abused their bilateral extradition agreement" in the case of Meng and seriously violated the security and lawful rights of Chinese citizens, Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Hua Chunying said on Tuesday.
Officials shall not abuse their authority in giving out Moutai business approvals.
Moreover, he abused his power to gain benefits for others and accepted huge bribes either in cash or other gifts.
According to the Minnesota Act, the maximum term for a first-degree sexual abuse offense is 30 years and the minimum is 12 years.
Avoiding the abuse of pesticides and fertilizers is essential to food safety. "
It said the "bad actors" were trying hard to hide themselves and cover their tracks by using VPNs, Internet phone services and third parties to run ads on their behalf, to avoid Facebook's efforts to prevent abuse or clean online environment.
Tech giant Google was fined 4.3 billion euros ($5.1 billion) on Wednesday by European Union regulators who said it abused its dominant position to ensure Android operating system users conducted online searches with the company’s Chrome browser.
With an aim of raising awareness of how to protect girls' rights, the Beijing-based company has divided its online courses into three parts - teaching underage girls to cherish their bodies, raising awareness of sexual abuse and explaining how to cope with emergencies.
In this case, however, it's not clear how the device makers could have abused Facebook even if they wanted to.
Gao said China does not want to see the World Trade Organization trade remedy measures abused or used for protectionism, after the US launched anti-dumping and anti-subsidy measures against Chinese steel wheels and claimed on Wednesday that general-purpose aluminum alloy plates from China received government subsidies.
Currently, there is a strong possibility that the US will further expand and even abuse the "national security" concept to stop its VC firms' investments and cooperation in China's high-tech sectors, even involving some projects already underway.
This move comes as the United States Department of Commerce took action by adding 42 Chinese companies to its so-called entity list for export control on Friday, which China views as an abuse of export control measures and a reckless act of economic coercion.
The US overstretched the concept of national security, abused export control measures and used state power against enterprises and individuals of other countries, which are typical acts of economic coercion and unilateral bullying, said a spokesperson with the ministry.
Businesspeople on both sides appear to be eager to find out whether the meeting will take a step toward resolving such issues as additional tariffs, suppression of Chinese high-tech enterprises, abuse of export controls and blocking US high-tech investment in China, Wei said.
By placing its self-interest first, the US repeatedly abused the concept of national security to arbitrarily impose tariffs on imports, exercise export controls and scrutinize investments within and even outside the country, said Li Haidong, a professor of US studies at China Foreign Affairs University.
The United States' continuous abuse of export control measures and its intensified suppression and containment of China's semiconductor industry will hinder global economic and trade cooperation and eventually backfire, the Ministry of Commerce said on Thursday.
This has played a significant role in preventing the illicit manufacturing, trafficking and abuse of fentanyl, the ministry said.
Shu said China firmly opposes the move, which she called an abuse of export control measures and in breach of free trade and international rules.
China has called on the Group of Seven not to abuse trade and investment restrictions and deliver on their commitments to not decouple from China, the Ministry of Commerce said on Thursday.
China firmly opposes Japan's export controls on 23 types of chip-making equipment, Shu said, calling it an abuse of export control measures which goes against free trade and international rules.
However, China is highly concerned about Australia's tightened security review of Chinese companies' investment and operations in the Oceanian country, said Wang, adding that the power of national security should not be abused.
Dong Dengxin, director of Wuhan University of Science and Technology's Finance and Securities Institute, said it will be sensible for China to further cut US debt holdings but boost gold reserves to diversify reserve assets, given that the abuse of the dollar in financial sanctions has impaired the greenback's credibility as a reserve currency.
- China firmly opposes the US move to generalize national security and abuse export controls, and urges the US to cease its unreasonable suppression of Chinese enterprises, a spokesperson for the Ministry of Commerce said on Friday.
The central government will also strengthen guidance and assistance for enterprises facing rising protectionism and abuse of export control in some countries to better protect their legitimate rights and interests, the officials said.
"The Chinese government believes that export control should follow the principles of 'fairness, impartiality and nondiscrimination', and strongly opposes abuse of export control, and unilateral sanctions and long-arm jurisdiction, which have no basis in international law," said Wang Shouwen, vice-minister of commerce and China international trade representative.
Officials and experts at the forum criticized the generalization of the concept of national security by some countries and their blatant abuse of export control.
The US has been generalizing the concept of national security for a long time to abuse export control measures, suppress and contain enterprises of other countries, interfere with normal economic and trade exchanges and seriously damage the legitimate rights and interests of enterprises.
Experts: National security concept should not be generalized, abused in global tradeThe World Trade Organization's ruling against the United States' Section 232 tariffs on steel and aluminum imports is a victory for multilateralism and shows the strong resilience of the multilateral trading system, according to experts.
is a great victory against unilateralism, and can also be viewed as a special review on the abuse of national security provision of WTO rules," she said.
"Global trade rules under the multilateral trading system allow some special measures in cases of national security, but they usually refer only to wars, or other emergencies in international relations, and should not be generalized and abused," he said.
The US has repeatedly generalized the concept of national security and abused its state power to maliciously suppress Chinese companies.
The US government should correct its abuse of security review and provide a fair, stable and predictable business environment for enterprises to conduct investment activities, she said.
The United States should correct its abuse of security review and provide a fair, stable and predictable business environment for enterprises to conduct investment, she said.
"The US repeatedly generalized the concept of national security to abuse measures such as export control and used state power to suppress and contain companies and institutions of other countries, including the seven Chinese entities," she said.
It clarifies, for the first time, that platform operators with clear market dominance shall not abuse such leading positions through data, algorithms, technology or platform rules.
Ex-official pleads guiltyIn another development, Fu Zhenghua, the former minister of justice, pleaded guilty to taking bribes and abuse of power, during a court hearing held in Changchun, capital of Jilin province, on Thursday.
The part of the trial dealing with abuse of power was heard in closed session, as it involved State secrets.
"In late June, Chinese lawmakers amended the Anti-monopoly Law to improve rules related to the platform economy, clarifying that platform operators with clear market dominance shall not abuse such leading positions through data, algorithms, technologies or platform rules.
The proposals include the prevention of the abuse of intellectual property, administrative power and dominant market positions, as well as anti-monopoly agreements.
Rules clarify platform operators shall not abuse dominant sector positionsChinese lawmakers adopted an amendment to the Anti-monopoly Law on Friday that improves rules related to the platform economy and the concentration of operators, which industry experts said is a timely revision to help boost fair competition and stabilize market expectations.
The revised law clarifies that platform operators with clear market dominance shall not abuse such leading positions through data, algorithms, technologies or platform rules, which Wang said is of great significance to "promoting the sustainable and healthy development of the platform economy".
- Cai Esheng, a former vice-chairman of China's top banking regulatory body, is being prosecuted over suspected bribe-taking and abuse of power, an official statement said Monday.
The procuratorate has charged Cai with various crimes: taking advantage of the power of his office or position to seek gains for others and accepting an especially large amount of bribes in money and valuables in return; seeking illegitimate gains for others through a state functionaries' performance of duties and accepting an especially large amount of bribes in money and valuables in return; practicing favoritism, engaging in falsification, and abuse power in the performance of his duties, which has caused heavy losses to public property, and the interests of the State and the people.
"A group of municipalities and provinces, including Tianjin, Chongqing, Gansu, Shanxi, Hubei and Fujian, have already launched special measures to curb any abuse of administrative power.
The Tianjin Administration for Market Regulation said four types of abuse of administrative power have been identified: hindering free circulation of goods; restricting business operators from other municipalities and provinces; restricting transactions either directly or indirectly; and excluding competition.
This practice was later called out by the provincial market regulator of Henan for abuse of administrative power to restrict competition.
According to Pu, over the past 10 years, the market regulator has investigated a total of 195 monopoly cases and 82 cases involving the abuse of dominant market position.
In March and April, a group of municipalities and provinces, including Tianjin, Chongqing, Gansu, Shanxi, Hubei and Fujian, launched specialized actions to curb any abuse of administrative power.
The US, Shu said, has restricted market access for Chinese companies' products and services, and abused state power to sanction and suppress them.
The US side generalized the concept of national security, limited market access for products and services and abused state power to impose sanctions and suppression on enterprises, Shu said.
Gao said the US has continued to overstretch the concept of national security and abused its state power, and it has maliciously suppressed Chinese telecom companies without any factual basis.
The new rules deal with identification issues in cases of illegal personnel involvement in similar businesses, seeking benefits for others, and the negligence and abuse of power.
China firmly opposes the United States' generalization of the concept of national security, its abuse of state power and its repeated malicious suppression of Chinese telecom operators in the absence of facts, the Ministry of Commerce said on Friday.
The ministry said that international export control efforts now face a number of challenges, mainly related to the abuse of export control measures and unreasonable discriminatory restrictions, attempts by countries to form small cliques and work against true multilateralism.
One of them is the abuse of export control measures and unreasonable discriminatory restrictions.
"Most importantly, China firmly opposes the abuse of export control measures and the double standards in matters related to non-proliferation as well as the behaviors that violate the laws of sci-tech development, draw lines along ideology, and politicize export controls," Zhang said.
"The US side generalized the concept of national security and abused sanction measures, which severely lacked factual grounds and was not transparent in procedures," she said.
Measures have been taken to better regulate monopolistic behavior, excessively high incomes and the abuse of market dominance by some companies, which jeopardize fair competition.
Shu said the US move is an over-generalization of the concept of national security, abuse of national power and malicious suppression of a Chinese company without basis in facts.
China also believes tightening control over application of trade remedies, such as anti-subsidy and anti-dumping measures, should be included in the discussions to reduce the abuse of such measures.
Shu said the US move is an over-generalization of the concept of national security, abuse of national power and malicious suppression of a Chinese company without basis in fact, undermining the atmosphere of cooperation between the two sides.
He said the administration will help accelerate the revision of the anti-monopoly law, revise the anti-unfair competition law in a timely manner, and continuously improve the supporting legislation,The SAMR will also constantly improve the following: the market access system; the fair competition review mechanism; the digital economy fair competition supervision system; and the system to prevent and stop the abuse of administrative power.
Efforts will be made to strictly investigate and punish monopolistic agreements, abuse of market dominance and other monopoly behaviors, as per the law.
It bans business operators from eliminating or restricting competition through the abuse of data, algorithms, technology, capital advantages and platform rules.
"China will never allow or accept any form of political coercion and abuse of justice," he said, as he urged Washington and Ottawa to answer China's call for justice, end Meng's detention and ensure her safe return to China.
A spokesperson of the MOC said on Sunday that the US has generalized the concept of national security, abused export control measures, disregarded facts, and used the excuses such as "human rights" once again to include the 23 Chinese entities into its so-called entity list.
"Unlike some countries, we don't abuse the concept of national security and adopt protectionist and discriminatory practices against certain countries and companies," she said.
China opposes action by the United States to abuse the concept of national security in an effort to crack down on normal operations by Chinese communication enterprises, the Ministry of Commerce said on Thursday.
To identify market dominance abuse behaviors in the sector, it is usually necessary to define the relevant market and analyze whether a platform operator has a dominant position in the market, according to the guideline.
Trade issues should not be politicized, and the concept of "national security" should not be abused, Yang said, adding that "it falls on both sides to provide a fair, open and nondiscriminatory environment for each other's companies".
After years of development, the digital economy has grown from a nascent industry into a key engine of high-quality development, but side effects have clearly also emerged, especially industry leaders' abuse of their market dominance, he said.
The Chinese government attaches great importance to the protection of intellectual property rights and always encourages enterprises to respect IP rights, but also opposes the abuse of IP rights protection for the sake of protectionism, Gao said.
Bridging the digital divide and preventing data abuse have been highlighted in discussions among Shanghai's legislators during the city's annual legislative and political consultative sessions.
"We should make regulations to prevent this kind of monopoly and abuse of personal data," Chen said.
"The residents are concerned about the abuse or leak of their personal information, and I think we really should pay attention to the issue of data privacy in the city's digital transformation," Hu said.
The ministry said the US government has repeatedly generalized the national security concept and abused its national power to suppress Chinese companies, seriously violating market competition principles and international trade rules.
The ministry said the US government has repeatedly generalized national security concept and abused its national power to suppress Chinese companies, seriously violating market competition principles and international trade rules.
China opposes the United States' practice to abuse the concept of "national security" to oppress foreign companies, Foreign Ministry spokesman Zhao Lijian said at a daily news briefing.
Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Mao Ning said at a news conference on Tuesday that China is firmly opposed to the abuse of export control measures by the US, which has seriously damaged the legitimate rights and interests of Chinese companies.
A US lawmaker's call to add Chinese memory chipmakers to a trade blacklist shows that Washington wants to abuse its political power to retaliate against Beijing's law-based decision on US-based chipmaker Micron Technology, experts said on Wednesday.

六级Perhaps there is less to fight about, with the country in a period of tranquility and the dangers of drug abuse and other unwholesome behavior well known.



四级He doesn't want his personal data abused.



四级She abused animals including her pet dog.



四级Drug abuse is the use of a drug, legal or illegal, that hurts a person or someone close to him.


2015年12月四级真题(第二套)听力 Section C

六级From other sources, we also know teenage crime, drug abuse and premarital sex are in general decline.



六级She used to abuse her children when she was a young mother.



六级It is important that we be mindful of the earth, the planet out of which we are born and by which we are nourished, guided, healed-the planet, however, which we have abused to a considerable degree in these past two centuries of industrial exploitation.



六级Rock stars now face a new hazard --- voice abuse.



六级Most pop singers suffer from three things: lack of training, overuse and abuse of the voice, especially when they are young



六级Experts believe there is a relationship between adult abuse of legitimate medicines and the drug culture that has swept our country.


2017年12月六级真题(第二套)听力 Section C

六级It is important that we be mindful of the earth, the planet out of which we are born and by which we are nourished, guided, healed-the planet, however, which we have abused to a considerable degree in these past two centuries of industrial exploitation



四级She abused animals including her pet dog



六级Most pop singers suffer from three things: lack of training, overuse and abuse of the voice, especially when they are young.



六级“Long story longer: Half the people I’ve told this episode to now want to turn on in for child abuse.



六级Are cities and towns less safe and kids more vulnerable to crimes like child kidnap and sexual abuse than they were in previous generations?



六级And 90 percent of sexual abuse cases are committed by someone the child knows.



四级Lawyers can specialize in “elder law,” which covers everything from trusts and estates to nursing-home abuse and age discrimination (歧视).



四级Research has suggested that sugar activates the same reward pathways in the brain as traditional drugs of abuse like morphine or heroin.



四级She wasn’t willing to deal with this level of indifference and teacher abuse, so she switched to a highly regarded charger elementary school in the Bay Area where she poured her energy into her job and it showed.



四级And giving small children sweet drinks or bottles of fake juice all day long is nothing less than child abuse.



考研Unemployment increases the chances of divorce, child abuse, and alcoholism, a new federal survey shows.



考研The phrase “substance abuse” is often used instead of “drug abuse” to make clear that substances such as alcohol and tobacco can be just as harmfully misused as heroin and cocaine.



考研“Large numbers of physicians seem unconcerned with the pain their patients are needlessly and predictably suffering”, to the extent that it constitutes “systematic patient abuse”.


