
词根词缀记忆/谐音联想记忆 补充/纠错
词根accelerate的名词 → accelerato …………
词性拓展记忆 / 词形拓展记忆
step on the accelerator 踩油门
particle accelerator 粒子加速器
linear accelerator 线性加速器
The accelerator pedal in a car controls the speed of the vehicle.
Scientists used a particle accelerator to study the behavior of subatomic particles.
The economic reforms acted as an accelerator for growth in the country.
The accelerator program helped startup companies quickly scale their businesses.
She pressed down on the accelerator, and the motorcycle surged forward.
The new software release includes performance accelerators for smoother gaming experience.
Joining the tech accelerator gave our startup access to valuable mentorship and funding opportunities.
The accelerator in the lab is capable of generating immense amounts of energy within a controlled environment.
With the accelerator depressed, the spaceship reached its maximum velocity in no time.
The accelerator course focuses on teaching entrepreneurs essential skills to grow their businesses rapidly.
IBA is a notable player in particle accelerator technology and a provider of proton therapy products and technology.
To Wang Xiaoyong, executive general manager at Olympus Global for medical services in China, the CIIE serves as a "grand platform" for unveiling new products, cutting-edge technologies and innovative services, an "accelerator" for deeper immersion into the Chinese market and a "telescope" for recognizing industry trends.
Lenovo said breakthroughs in large language models and AI-generated content mark a major leap in AI development and application and serve as a catalyst and accelerator that are boosting the adoption of AI.
At the inaugural CIIE in 2018, Eleckta, which was the only foreign radiotherapy equipment exhibitor, launched Elekta Unity, the world's first 1.5T high-field magnetic resonance-guided linear accelerator.
在2018年首届CIIE上,唯一一家国外放疗设备展商Eleckta推出了全球首款1.5T高场磁共振引导直线加速器Elekta Unity。
It combines an MRI scanner and the linear accelerator radiation therapeutic technology in a single system.
The leading global coffeehouse chain has successfully incubated 10 intangible cultural heritage cooperatives since launching the Rural Women Accelerator Project in May 2020, providing training in management, sales, innovation and skills for more than 200 rural women.
The inspiration for the store came from Starbucks' project -- Rural Women Accelerator Social Impact initiative, where the coffeehouse has supported the setting up of 10 ethnic minority women's cooperatives across the country to produce and market their traditional heritage handicrafts.
Based on the concept of "Innovation Accelerator", Sanofi's booth aims at demonstrating the company's commitment and investment in China, showcasing diverse healthcare solutions and channels, and highlighting the successful results of its digital innovations.
Following the 2019 investment of an additional 863 million yuan ($135 million) to upgrade a Shanghai-based R&D facility, the Roche Innovation Center Shanghai, Roche announced Roche Accelerator, an operation to help accelerate healthcare innovation in China, in May and will demonstrate it during the fourth CIIE.
"As Roche's first in-house accelerator globally, the project will help accelerate the development of healthcare innovation in China and empower the local medical innovation ecosystem," said Vivian Bian, CEO of Roche Pharmaceuticals China.
Startups in the Shanghai-based accelerator with an investment of nearly 300 million yuan each will have access to Roche's full spectrum of local resources ranging from early research and development to commercialization, and will also be provided with research funding support or subsidies.
Also, the accelerator will join hands with strategic partners, including Zhangjiang Group, to foster a batch of startups that will play a leading role in the global innovation ecosystem.
At the summit, Huawei also announced that this program would focus its efforts on developing four additional startup hubs – in Indonesia, the Philippines, Sri Lanka and Vietnam – with the overarching aim of recruiting a total of 1,000 startups into the Spark accelerator program and shaping 100 of them into scaled-up businesses.
We can see that it has been an accelerator," said Cyrille Vigneron, CEO and president of Cartier International.
我们看到它(指可持续发展和环保理念)已经成为了一种加速器," 卡地亚国际的首席执行官兼总裁西里尔·维格隆表示。
"Our new joint innovation base will act as accelerator to further strengthen our engagement with Chinese top-startups," said Lehnert.
Last year, the company displayed its ProBeam 360° Proton Therapy System, which features a powerful particle accelerator that can be used to treat cancer, at the third CIIE in November in Shanghai.
去年11月,该公司在上海第三届中国国际进口博览会上展示了其ProBeam 360°质子治疗系统。该系统配备了一台强大的粒子加速器,可用于治疗癌症。
In addition to green logistics, Budweiser is driving sustainability-friendly innovations through its 100+ Accelerator globally and Innovation Hub in China.
Starbucks will donate to Give2Asia about 7 million yuan for the Rural Women Accelerator Project.
The Rural Women Accelerator Project is aiming to build 10 collective communities, offering training on handicraft making, business management and marketing to expand their products to markets nationwide and thus improve family incomes.
Currently, Medtronic has a Medtronic Innovation Accelerator in Shanghai, which was designed as a platform to help medical technology startups speed up conversion of their innovative ideas to marketable products.
- Apple Inc. on Tuesday opened its first Design and Development Accelerator in China in its latest drive to tap into the country's growing innovation prowess and vast market.
Apple said the accelerator would serve as a hub for Chinese developers and provide one-on-one consultations with the Apple team, as well as lectures, seminars and experimental activities.
As Apple's second Design and Development Accelerator worldwide, the Shanghai accelerator is more focused on helping developers improve their products, with the goal of benefiting 5,000 person-times per year, said Isabel Ge Mahe, Apple's vice president and managing director of Greater China Region.
Chinese developers boast strong innovation capabilities, leading business models, excellent user experiences and growing ambitions to go global, Ge said, adding that the new accelerator testifies to Apple's commitment to help Chinese developers.
This helped strengthen Apple's technical as well as non-technical initiatives in China, the latest of which is going to open later this summer - the company's first design and development accelerator in China.
To connect new firms with cash-flush investors, ToJoy enlarges its footprintToJoy, a startup accelerator, expects to set up offices across Europe and Asia to help more new Chinese enterprises to go global by connecting them with a vast network of investors.
By the end of 2025, ToJoy aims to strengthen 3,000 unicorns in total, making it potentially the largest unicorn business accelerator in the world, Nijs said.
"It can make a difference in life science research by integrating the traditional business model and portfolios and using AI as an accelerator and an adviser," he said.
Proton therapy, or proton radiotherapy, is a type of therapy that uses a particle accelerator to irradiate diseased tissue with a beam of protons, most often as treatment for cancer.
The initiative is an accelerator of business between Africa and China and will also promote Chinese investments in Africa, said the CEO.
A medical-technological innovation accelerator was launched on Monday in Shanghai by Irish medical technology company Medtronic, aiming to empower early stage med-tech innovations in the increasingly important Chinese market.
Establishment of this Medtronic med-tech innovation accelerator forms another bold step to continue to advance innovation through collaboration," said Omar Ishrak, Medtronic chairman and CEO.
The duo also unveiled a Bain Brand Accelerator empowered by Alibaba, a tool that leverages Alibaba's over 600 million users and Bain's analytical frameworks to facilitate implementing the "New Retail" initiative, a term coined by Alibaba chairman Jack Ma to integrate online and offline business resources using data.
"Industry spending on digital transformation technologies is being driven by core innovation accelerator technologies, with internet of things and cognitive computing leading the race, in terms of overall spend.
The machine, called Elekta Unity, developed by Stockholm-headquartered cancer care device and solution company Elekta, combines an MRI scanner and the linear accelerator radiation therapeutic technology in a single system, which used to be considered nearly impossible, because powerful MRI magnets could interfere with radiation beams.
Previous investors include Lianjie Capital, Dianliang Capital, SOSV and its accelerator, called Chinaccelerator.
At Technology Days, which ran from June 3 to 7, Merck signed a key agreement on joint technology and innovation development with Peking University, announced a China Accelerator Program in Shanghai and hosted its WExCuriosity Innovation Forum.
Merck said its new China accelerator program, set to start operations in 2019, would focus on "industry ready" startups.
"Cambridge Accelerate is China's leading start-up accelerator and offers spaces within prime locations in cities across China to promote cooperation between Chinese and British technology companies.
It is stepping on the accelerator of global expansion, chiefly by partnering with a number of ride-hailing companies in foreign countries.
The Chinese big data company BBD established an accelerator in London this summer, which now partners with around 10 British and Chinese companies, assisting them in expanding into each other’s markets.
A new startup accelerator in London is the latest business venture set up to help new British companies export technology to China.
Chinese big data company BBD opened such an accelerator in London in June, with the aim of helping British and Chinese financial technology companies access each other's markets.
Within two months of opening, ten companies have joined the BBD Accelerator and some have achieved immediate results.
BBD is the fourth China-focused accelerator to be established in Britain.
The BBD Accelerator focuses on advisory services instead of physical space, which also reduces costs.
In May, China Medical City set up a life sciences accelerator in London, which aims to attract British life science companies to its much bigger Taizhou-based life science accelerator with the same name.
Established in 2010, the Taizhou-based China Medical City already hosts more than 700 life science companies, but its UK accelerator will mostly be used to host meetings and publicity events with British life science companies.
Anton's views were echoed by Aldo de Pape, founder of the London-based Teach Pitch, an educational technology company and member of the Silk Ventures accelerator.
In the September 2016, he and some of his classmates came to Shenzhen again with HAX Accelerator, one of the world's largest hardware incubators.
RocketSpaceInc, a leading technology accelerator campus and co-working space for high-growth startups, opened a tech campus in Shenzhen on Tuesday, which is its first Chinese location, and is designed specifically for Chinese high-growth tech start-ups.
Founded in 2011, RocketSpace has built its reputation in the startup accelerator and corporate innovation space by attracting and supporting high-profile tech startups.
This is HNA’s first step in the technology accelerator and innovation space.
Private enterprises have become an important accelerator for the province's foreign trade growth.
This demonstrates how the sector has become an important accelerator for the city's continuous foreign trade growth.
com have become an accelerator for new business formats to develop.
- BRICS countries will further consolidate and advance the momentum of cooperation to promote the BRICS mechanism as an accelerator of global economic recovery and sustainable development, Vice-Commerce Minister Wang Shouwen said Friday.
He said the online "land supermarket" system will serve as an important booster and accelerator for the development of the Hainan FTP, which is expected to become globally influential by the middle of the century.
There is an "urgent" need to close the 23.4-billion-US-dollar financing gap for the Access to COVID-19 Tools Accelerator, a global platform led by the World Health Organization, and to incentivize technological transfers to help speed up the diversification of global production of critical medical tools, especially in Africa, Gopinath said.
In May, Roche launched its first in-house accelerator, or innovation center, globally in Shanghai.
The accelerator will provide tailor-made support for startups in pharmaceutical, diagnostics, personalized healthcare, and digital and AI-driven healthcare sectors.
"Roche wants to help build up the ecosystem, such as the Roche Accelerator.
The investment will go toward its Spark Program, an accelerator initiative launched in 2020 for tech startups that operate business in the Asia-Pacific region.
The implementation of the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership will be an accelerator for more trade and investment opportunities in the Asia-Pacific region in the coming years, said a senior diplomat from Thailand.
The far-reaching repercussions of the COVID-19 pandemic have become an unexpected accelerator of the digital transformation, said Li Yong, director general of the United Nations Industrial Development Organization, via video link, at a BRICS forum in Xiamen to mark the center's inauguration.
From this point, the outbreak has become an unexpected accelerator of the digital transformation.
Creative Capital, another business incubator and accelerator in Wuhan's Hongshan district, breeds diversified creative culture startups and has formed an industrial cluster that combines art workshop, museum, animation base, tech SMEs, e-sports and online game companies.
Zhu Yifang, a researcher with the China Automotive Technology and Research Center Co Ltd, said that policy support has been an "accelerator" for the development of China's NEV industry over the years.
Tsinghua's X-lab, a university-based education platform, teamed up with Singapore-headquartered organization Global Green Connect to launch a business accelerator program to foster creativity, innovation and entrepreneurship.
The program, namely the TXG Sustainability Business Accelerator Program, will focus on helping high-quality startups by connecting them with businesses and capital, engaging and empowering the next generation through innovation and entrepreneurship.
The first accelerator for corporate property technology, or proptech, in China was launched to provide market players with innovative solutions so that property firms can leverage new technologies to expand their business.
The accelerator program, known as UrbanLab, was launched by JLL, Swire Properties and Ping An Urban Tech, and will foster and develop promising tech companies in the Chinese proptech ecosystem.
UrbanLab is the first corporate accelerator program in the Chinese mainland that focuses on property technology.
If we add the accelerator associated activities to it, it can increase its contribution to the total GDP," said KK Fung, chief executive officer of Greater China at JLL.
Run by the Ping An Cloud accelerator team, UrbanLab will select six to 12 mature proptech startups.
Nan Cunhui, chairman and founder of Chint, said: "While helping build photovoltaic infrastructure, we also brought our most advanced clean technologies and concepts to BRI economies, especially the underdeveloped ones, and that turned out to be an important accelerator of local economic and social development.
MicroGen Biotech, a startup that joined his "Thrive" accelerator program in 2017, is an example for the type of company that is going to be successful in China, said Hartnett.
The final stage of the Dubai Centre for Artificial Intelligence's (DCAI) accelerator program witnessed the participation of 30 companies from 13 countries.
During his tour in AREA 2071 last month, Sheikh Hamdan met with entrepreneurs and innovators participating in the final stage of the DCAI accelerator program.
"DCAI's accelerator program received applications for participation from 615 tech companies from 55 countries around the world.
The Future of Generative AI in Government Services accelerator program focused on AI applications that support government entities to establish Dubai as the best city in the world in designing the future of government work and providing pioneering future government services.
The Future of Generative AI in Media and Communication accelerator program aimed to develop the capabilities of media content creation by taking advantage of AI applications in a way that improves the user experience, reduces costs, and improves the quality of media products.
Featuring a cockpit-free design without a steering wheel, accelerator or brake pedals, the robo-sweeper was codeveloped with vehicle maker Yutong Group and is able to offer urban environmental services including street sweeping, watering as well as disinfection spraying amid COVID-19.
Nvidia Drive Orin achieves 254 trillion operations per second of performance and includes comprehensive Cuda and Nvidia deep learning accelerator toolchain support.
Chinese tech heavyweight Xiaomi Corp is hitting the accelerator of its car business-the company said on Wednesday it has registered its electric vehicle or EV business with a registered capital of 10 billion yuan ($1.55 billion).
When the vehicle arrived at its designated pickup spot, workers were astonished to find it had no driver, steering wheel, accelerator or brake pedal.
"Our new joint innovation base will act as an accelerator to further strengthen engagement with top Chinese startups," said Lehnert.
The bus is a front-loaded, mass-produced model with no steering wheel, accelerator or brakes, said Cao Zhongyan, Zhengzhou Yutong's vice-president.
The bus is a front-loaded, mass-produced model with no steering wheel, accelerator or brakes.
With more robotaxis on road, the country's ride-hailing giant Didi Chuxing is pressing the accelerator in the lane of the autonomous vehicle business.
Alliance to jointly develop high-level customized unmanned automobilesChinese ride-hailing giant Didi Chuxing is hitting the accelerator for its autonomous driving business by inking a strategic partnership deal with major Chinese carmaker BAIC Group.
The driver can use the steering wheel, the accelerator and the brake pedal as a console while the air conditioner and ambient lighting inside the car coordinates with the game features.
"He made the remarks as Startup Autobahn, an annual accelerator program of Daimler, concluded on Wednesday.
The accelerator will offer mentorship, training, necessary tools as well as access to startup investors while startups are expected to form business ideas related to automobiles within 100 days.
"It is also through this accelerator that we got a better understanding of demands from clients as well as future transportation trends," he added.
Rules expedited as Chinese companies race against rivals for auto productionImagine a box with four wheels, cruising down the street without a steering wheel or an accelerator pedal.
In addition to enhancing its own innovative capabilities, Bosch is to launch in China a program called the Auto Artificial Intelligence Accelerator to offer help to promising startups with a focus on technologies and solutions in the areas of driver assistance, autonomous driving and smart mobility solutions.
The company is the first global automotive technology and services supplier to launch an incubator accelerator project in China.
It has also launched a Huawei Cloud accelerator together with senior investors in the industry to empower global start-ups.
The Large Hadron Collider, the world's largest particle accelerator, contains 50 million lines, said experts.

四级Imagine you enter a car with no steering wheel, no brake or accelerator pedals.


2018年12月四级真题(第三套)阅读 Section C

四级Imagine you enter a car with no steering wheel, no brake or accelerator padals(踏板).


