
词根记忆active adj.活跃的 + ly 副词后缀 → actively adv.积极地;活跃地 …………
She actively participates in community service projects.
The company is actively seeking new partnerships to expand its market reach.
He actively engages in discussions during class, always contributing his thoughts.
To maintain her fitness, she actively practices yoga and jogging every day.
The government is actively promoting renewable energy sources to combat climate change.
Our team actively collaborates with other departments to ensure project success.
The school encourages students to actively involve themselves in extracurricular activities.
Researchers are actively exploring new ways to prevent and treat Alzheimer's disease.
By actively listening to customer feedback, the company improves its products continuously.
She has been actively networking within her industry to find better career opportunities.
Over the past few years, State Grid has been committed to promoting the digital transformation of the power grid, actively utilizing information, communication, and automation technologies in its daily operations.
CGN has been actively involved with the Belt and Road initiative in recent years, providing clean power to 15 countries and regions participating in the global initiative.
As one of the first batch of communications firms to embrace artificial intelligence, Paris-based Havas Group decided to actively apply AI to its business while continuing to invest in the Chinese market, which is considered a leading market in creative goods and services.
"Taizhou has actively promoted the 'Healthy China' Initiative in recent years.
"We are now actively seeking to explore further international markets, such as India, Pakistan and Southeast Asian countries, with more Chinese textile manufacturers growing active in seeking to enhance their supply chain abroad," Song said.
Beijing's story is an example of China's efforts to foster new development engines by actively developing emerging industries and future industries.
According to the Middle East Institute, a Washington-based think tank dedicated to the study of the Middle East, Chinese companies are well positioned to participate in Iraq's capacity expansion efforts, as they are actively engaged in various energy-related undertakings throughout the country.
Actively participating in the development of global giant ultra-deep water pre-salt oilfields strengthens China's comparative advantages in the field of marine petroleum production, Luo said.
Wang Dongjin, chairman of CNOOC, said the start of production of Mero2 has further deepened energy cooperation between China and Brazil and that the company will actively collaborate with partners to further advance energy cooperation under the Belt and Road Initiative.
Over the past few years, the State Grid Corp of China has actively cooperated with local governments and companies to promote rural revitalization, significantly contributing to the country's high-quality development.
In addition, enterprises, including CNBM, which are equipped with high-quality building materials, advanced technology and experience in global resource allocation, should pursue higher standards in building the BRI, and actively build a sound network where the environment, society and industry can function well and in unison on a development track.
State Grid Corp of China, together with local forestry departments, is actively exploring ways to achieve the joint governance of electricity and forestry, keeping people safe during the forest fire seasons.
The company is also actively engaged in green and low-carbon practices such as resource reservation, reducing carbon dioxide emissions by a cumulative total of 391.39 metric tons over the past five years.
To keep abreast of people’s electricity demands and release information about power supply services in time, the companies actively leverage online service channels such as the People’s Voice WeChat Group and Electricity Safety Guy, as well as visiting households and distributing leaflets on electricity safety, building a solid bridge for communication between themselves and the users, the companies added.
Microsoft is willing to actively participate in China's economic digital transformation and continue its commitment to promoting pragmatic economic and trade cooperation between China and the United States.
China has been actively developing its nuclear energy in recent years.
Its goal is to contribute wisdom and strength to empower a cleaner and more beautiful world, charging toward a better life and empowering a more beautiful China, while actively contributing to the global green and low-carbon energy transformation, it added.
Highlighting that China has been actively promoting technological innovation and development in areas such as clean energy, digital economy and high-tech manufacturing, Roemer said that with its focus on innovation-driven growth and green technology, the country has created a favorable environment for foreign businesses to invest across diverse sectors like digitalization, high-tech manufacturing and innovation.
In recent years, State Grid Huzhou Power Supply Company has been actively exploring new models for rural power supply services.
Ever since, it has been actively involved in different sectors, including arts, the Beijing 2008 Summer Olympics, the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics, and the launch of crossover products.
"While actively preparing for the commercial launch of Nefecon and bringing this first-in-disease therapy to patients in China as soon as possible, the company will continue to develop other innovative drug candidates in renal and auto-immune diseases to benefit more Chinese and Asian patients," he said.
China will actively participate in the formulation of international rules and standards in the digital field and promote higher-level opening up of this field.
In light of the opportunities arising from a new wave of technological revolution and industrial transformation, Johnson Controls said that China is actively championing the global exchange of innovative elements and participating in comprehensive collaborations, particularly in domains like the digital economy and green, low-carbon initiatives.
To better adapt to China's current relatively sluggish property market, many listed property developers have been actively taking steps to restructure their debts.
It is an effective way to achieve industrial transformation and long-term development, as well as an inevitable choice for enterprises to actively shoulder their social responsibilities.
It said it will also actively cooperate with Chinese partners who possess leading technologies.
Since launching its net-zero roadmap in 2020, Nestle has been actively implementing its sustainable development commitments.
"We will constantly take the procurement as the channel to focus on low-carbon metallurgy and projects related to the Belt and Road initiative, actively promote global cooperation in advanced equipment and high-quality resources, to promote the global supply chain to achieve higher efficiency in resource allocation and communication integration," Wang said.
Despite recent challenges brought on by the pandemic, Natixis CIB in China was able to capture new opportunities and actively manage emerging risks, resulting in a record performance for our business so far in 2023.
尽管疫情最近带来了挑战,但Natixis CIB在中国能够抓住新的机遇并积极管理新出现的风险,使我们的业务在2023年迄今为止取得了创纪录的业绩。
"China is now actively involved in 85 percent of our global multi-center phase III clinical trials, and this underscores our pivotal role in global R&D strategy," said Dong.
The company said it looked forward to more cooperation in the field of marine oil and gas exploration and development and invites global partners to actively participate in the bidding for new offshore oil and gas exploration blocks in China.
Foxconn Technology Group, the world's largest electronics manufacturing contractor,xa0said compliance with the law is a basic principle for the company around the world, and it will actively cooperate with the authorities on the related work and operations.
China should actively expand cooperation with countries and regions participating in the Belt and Road Initiative in the oil and gas sector to provide more energy resources to the world and jointly safeguard global energy security, said a top company official.
The company has been actively seeking opportunities to expand its clean energy portfolio and contribute to reducing the world's carbon footprint amid the global transition to cleaner energy sources, Huang Qing, a company spokesman, said during a news conference in Beijing on Thursday.
Chinese property developer Country Garden has hired professional financial and legal advisors to actively improve its offshore debt management and intends to build a long-term sustainable capital structure, according to its HKSE announcement on Tuesday morning.
During that process, the company also promises to actively communicate with the creditors on potential solutions.
Along with the steady recovery of China's civil aviation this year, China Eastern has been actively improving its international network, and the decision to launch the direct Shanghai-Istanbul flight also aims to better serve the Belt and Road initiative, according to China Eastern.
Gong recently shared at its iJOY Conference, held both online and offline in Lijiang, Yunnan province, that the company is actively embracing AIGC to empower creativity across the content production, promotion and consumption process, as AIGC has proven to be highly effective in applications such as text, image, sound, video and 3D models, revolutionizing the content industry.
Wang Hongzhi, vice-chairman of SASAC, said, "SOEs are willing to work with enterprises of all ownership types to seize the opportunity from accelerated global industrial chain restructuring, expedite the construction of a modern industrial system, vigorously develop strategic emerging industries, actively nurture future industries, promote the deep integration of the digital economy with the real economy, accelerate the formation of new productive forces, and jointly enhance the resilience and competitiveness of China's supply chains.
国资委副主席王洪志说:, “国有企业愿与各类所有制企业一道,抓住全球产业链加速重组的机遇,加快构建现代产业体系,大力发展战略性新兴产业,积极培育未来产业,推动数字经济与实体经济深度融合,加快形成新型公共服务体系生产力,共同提升中国供应链的韧性和竞争力。
The company has harnessed its network advantages and actively engaged in global development cooperation.
By inspiring and engaging more partners, it actively encourages the pursuit of sustainable development, making new contributions to the achievement of the UN's 2030 SDGs and the building of a community with a shared future for mankind, said the company.
With unrivaled power transmission capacity and the largest scale of new energy power grid connections in the world, State Grid has harnessed its network advantages and actively engaged in global development cooperation.
By inspiring and engaging more partners, it actively encourages the pursuit of sustainable development, making new contributions to the achievement of the UN's SDGs on schedule and the building of a community with a shared future for humanity.
The company will actively promote the implementation of graded diagnosis and treatment, and help improve healthcare services at the grassroots level.
In recent years, COSCO SHIPPING UK has actively implemented the strategic deployment of COSCO SHIPPING Europe, seized market opportunities, and has maximized the company's advantages.
"As for the China market, we are now actively working with our partners here to investigate the utilization of renewable energy.
According to Al-Fageeh, SABIC has been actively increasing the application of renewable energy in China to further facilitate the nation's transition toward sustainable development through an innovation-driven strategy, which is also a key part of SABIC's global road map to carbon neutrality.
The company said it should actively coordinate with the maintenance and operation units while comprehensively reviewing and confirming the typhoon resistance procedures for the turbine units, to ensure the safe and stable response to extreme weather conditions.
"We are actively promoting these two areas of business in Latin America.
"In addition, we are actively pursuing the development of energy storage projects for industrial and commercial users.
CNOOC has been actively participating in the Brazilian oil and gas markets in recent years.
The Fuzhou, Fujian province-based company has been actively promoting its AI products and solutions in emerging markets, such as Thailand, Malaysia, Pakistan and Ghana, this year after winning a deal in Egypt by offering 94,000 Promethean interactive displays to local schools.
The country, which is becoming a notable player in the global nuclear landscape, has been actively developing nuclear power capacity, which is contributing to a more diversified energy mix that will help meet its growing energy needs while also reducing greenhouse gas emissions, said Yu Jianfeng, chairman of China National Nuclear Corp.
Government departments and related enterprises are actively promoting the development of new energy sources to significantly supplement coal-fired power.
The country has been actively exploring technologies in decarbonization of the steel value chain, said Zhu Yi, a senior analyst at market monitor Bloomberg Intelligence.
Lin has been actively coordinating with the Amsterdam airport to launch a green channel to shorten ground transportation time.
International retailers in China have actively donated to support relief work following the recent heavy rainfall in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region.
The foundation has actively promoted efforts to activate village vitality and build more integrated and resilient communities, she added.
For instance, Mondelez has actively collaborated with relevant institutions to conduct research and development on reduced-sugar products, leading to the successful launch of zero-sugar cookies under the Oreo brand in China two years ago.
According to the strategy, China Re will promote the integration of technology and business, fully leverage the advantages of reinsurance, actively carry out risk reduction services and provide comprehensive risk solutions with technology at the core.
Wang Yuxiang, deputy head of the Insurance Association of China, said: "Industry players should actively adapt to the trend of digital transformation, create a good digital ecosystem, and form their digital advantages.
"The company has established an international business headquarters in Hong Kong, where we'll actively integrate into Hong Kong's strategies to build an international shipping and logistics center, and science and technology innovation center to grow together with more users and ecological partners," he said.
Fang Qiuchen, president of the China International Contractors Association, which helps Chinese companies secure businesses in overseas markets, said China and countries in Africa have been actively cooperating in the field of infrastructure, and have built a large number of infrastructure projects related to the national economy and people's livelihoods.
Chinese power companies have been actively engaging in cross-border transmission line interconnections and electricity trading with neighboring countries, including Russia, Mongolia, Vietnam, Myanmar and Laos.
Zheng said the NDRC will actively coordinate with relevant departments to come up with solutions to address problems facing companies.
"We have optimized unit cost measures of hydrogen production, and created safe, reliable and large-scale green hydrogen equipment and solutions, and actively promoted the application and development of green hydrogen," he added.
Xin Baoan, chairman of the State Grid, said the company will take a series of measures to enhance the global cooperation of energy facilities, strengthen the interconnection with neighboring countries in terms of power grids, boost policy coordination, promote the internationalization of energy production, consumption, and trade, and actively participate in the formulation of international standards.
Dai Houliang, chairman of CNPC, said the company will actively explore comprehensive cooperation with QatarEnergy related to the full industry chain of oil and gas, and green and low-carbon energy, fully leveraging the technologies and experience advantages accumulated in oil and gas field development over the long term.
With a strong commitment to cloud and AI-native technologies and a focus on customer application scenarios, H3C has developed industry-leading digital solutions and is actively driving digital transformation through its ever-evolving "Digital Brain".
ClearTV has actively explored trade opportunities brought by the BRI and the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership in recent years, expanding its overseas footprint to generate new growth points.
Looking to the future, HNA Aviation Group, the parent company of Hainan Airlines, will actively respond to the strategic initiatives of the CAAC and the Shenzhen city government to step up the construction of Shenzhen into an international hub, added Ding, who also serves as CEO of HNA Aviation Group.
The company has been actively coming up with more renewable power generation capacities affiliated with the Hunutlu Power Plant, against the backdrop of the global green energy transition.
Therefore, the key to reducing the incidence rate of colorectal cancer and improving the survival rate is to actively carry out high-risk population screening, and find precancerous lesions and early cancer patients.
In recent years, Sinopec has actively promoted international trade cooperation alongside the BRI.
Chinese solar companies should aim higher and have a broader vision, actively expanding their global presence to promote the healthy and sustainable development of the global PV industry, he said.
"We have actively intensified collaboration with local governments and partners to more efficiently connect Chinese enterprises with the global market, contributing to the increase of China's exports and imports," said Eddy Chan, senior vice-president of FedEx and president of FedEx China.
联邦快递高级副总裁兼联邦快递中国区总裁Eddy Chan表示:“我们积极加强与地方政府和合作伙伴的合作,以更有效地将中国企业与全球市场联系起来,为中国进出口的增长做出贡献。”。
"We are very actively mobilizing with various local partners to accelerate our path toward low-carbon aviation.
"We are actively expanding our production capacity.
"We highly value and recognize the practices in Hainan, especially the successful initiatives of Boao Lecheng to introduce innovative technologies, improve the level of cutting-edge medical services and actively create a fertile ground for R&D and high-quality research in clinical standards," said Arnd Kaldowski, CEO of Sonova.
Sonova首席执行官Arnd Kaldowski表示:“我们高度重视并认可海南的做法,特别是博鳌乐城引入创新技术、提高尖端医疗服务水平、积极为临床标准的研发和高质量研究创造肥沃土壤的成功举措。”。
Fresh Port also actively consolidated cooperation with partners including Apex Logistics International (China) Ltd, and Alibaba's fresh food chain Freshippo, to enrich Chinese gourmets' dining variety with fresh global products, Fang said.
"We are also actively promoting the circular economy and sustainable development.
Yiqing will actively tap the trend and step up efforts to raise the market competitiveness of its traditional Chinese white liquor, or Baijiu, business.
Douyin said it has been actively seeking collaboration with long-form video platforms, adding that the cooperation with Tencent will bolster the creation and dissemination of high-quality short video content and provide a better experience for users.
In 2023, the company said it would further step up oil and gas exploration while actively laying out new energy business.
Wang Dongjin, chairman of CNOOC, said the firm has been actively responding to the complex and ever-changing energy situation and international environment in 2022, while stepping up reserves and production, technological innovation and low-carbon transformation.
The fundamental purpose of this reform is to make the organization more agile, Zhang said in the letter, adding each unit should actively tackle rapid changes in the market.
The move aims to actively promote private investment, allowing it to play bigger part in the transformation and upgrading of the manufacturing industry and promoting the revitalization of rural industries in the southern province, said Hu Hong, deputy secretary-general of the Guangdong government.
It is also working on other innovation projects to actively explore more civilian uses for nuclear energy.
An analyst said China's SOEs have always been the biggest clean energy investors and developers in the country, actively facilitating the country to meet its dual carbon goals.
"China's SOEs are actively responding to the policy of cutting carbon emissions, with more and more SOEs in the process of making concrete plans to contribute to the national carbon neutrality target," he said.
The company plans to take advantage of its nationwide gas refueling network and actively build its hydrogen refueling network in China, it also aims for a hydrogen refueling capacity of 120,000 metric tons per year by 2025.
She also said that leveraging on Sino Biopharm's innovative medicine development and commercialization platforms, the company will continue to actively cooperate with multinational pharmaceutical companies and overseas biotech enterprises, with an open, equal and mutually beneficial attitude, to better meet unfulfilled clinical needs.
她还表示,公司将继续以开放、平等、互利的态度,利用Sino Biopharm的创新药物开发和商业化平台,积极与跨国制药公司和海外生物技术企业合作,更好地满足尚未满足的临床需求。
"The positive trend in overseas markets has boosted our confidence to actively expand our business in the post-COVID period," Ye said.
"We also took various measures to actively help our distributors to clear their inventory and have actively expanded our online channels," Ye said.
And of course, the company will also actively adapt to this new world and thus adjust the layout and strategy accordingly, more than just getting the business back to normal.
"The positive trend in overseas markets has boosted our confidence to actively expand our business in the post-pandemic period," said Ye.
"We also took various measures to actively help our distributors to clear their inventory and have actively expanded our online channels," he said.
In addition to serving the domestic market, China Mobile also actively participates in digital infrastructure construction projects along the Belt and Road.
"We always put ESG (environmental, social, and governance) at the heart of our strategy and operations, and actively fulfill the commitments related to 'Smart Drinking and Moderate Drinking', hoping to lead positive drinking experiences with a smart drinking culture," said Craig Katerberg, chief legal and corporate affairs officer of Budweiser APAC.
百威亚太区首席法律和企业事务官Craig Katerberg表示:“我们始终将ESG(环境、社会和治理)置于我们战略和运营的核心,并积极履行与‘智能饮酒和适度饮酒’相关的承诺,希望通过智能饮酒文化引领积极的饮酒体验。”。
"The company will actively develop business-to-business and business-to-government applications.

四级Where are you in the cycle of renewal: Are you actively preserving the present, or selectively forgetting the past, or boldly creating the future? What advice would Leah give you to move you ahead on your journey? Once we're on the path of growth, we can continually move through the seasons of transformation and renewal.



四级It's not easy for most people to actively seek conflict.



考研Instead, the claimant receives a time-limited “allowance,” conditional on actively seeking a job; no entitlement and no insurance, at £71.



六级There are three dozen universities in the UK which are actively engaged in advanced research training and commercialisation work.



高考Parents should actively urge their children to take advantage of the opportunity to join sports teams.


2016年高考英语江苏卷 单项填空 原文

考研Instead, the claimant receives a time-limited "allowance", conditional on actively seeking a job; no entitlement and no insurance, at £71.70 a week, one of the least generous in the EU.


2014年考研真题(英语一)阅读理解 Section Ⅱ

考研"Many young people assume a great deal of personal responsibility for educating themselves and actively seeking out opposing viewpoints," the survey concluded.


2018年考研真题(英语一)阅读理解 Section Ⅱ

六级If you say no, however, it may surprise you to learn that you are only unemployed if you've been actively looking for work in the past four weeks; otherwise, you are "marginally attached to the labor force" and not actually unemployed.



四级It helps you to actively develop your analytical skills.


2019年12月四级真题(第二套)听力 Section C

六级There are three dozen universities in the UK which are actively engaged in advanced research training and commercialisation work



四级” In recent years, however, some health specialists have begun to apply the terms “well” and “wellness” only to those who are actively striving to maintain and improve their health.



四级Where are you in the cycle of renewal: Are you actively preserving the present, or selectively forgetting the past, or boldly creating the future?


2017年6月大学英语四级真题 (第3套)

四级And kids really learn better when they’re actively engaged and have to really discover things.



考研Actively growing plant parts are generally 75 to 90 percent water.



考研Structural parts of plants, such as woody stems no longer actively growing, may have much less water than growing tissues.



考研Finally, because the ultimate stakeholders are patients, the health research community should actively recruit to its cause not only well-known personalities such as Stephen Cooper, who has made courageous statements about the value of animal research, but all who receive medical treatment.


