
串记记忆开拍就要喊action,actor开始演act,想要在acting中接到很多activity。 …………
词性拓展记忆 / 词形拓展记忆
actor / player / performer
actor → 指在舞台剧、电影、电视剧或广播剧中以演出为职业的男演员,侧重扮演的角色。
player → 侧重指职业或业余舞台演员。
performer → 使用广泛,不仅可指舞台或影视演员,而且可指舞蹈演员、乐器演奏等 …………
leading actor 主要演员
star famous actors 明星著名演员
a consummate actor 完美的演员
stage actor 舞台演员
a renowned actor 著名演员
ace actor 王牌演员
a versatile actor 多才多艺的演员
four great dan actors in Peking Opera 京剧四大旦角
typecast actor 打字演员
leading actor and actress 男女主角
He is an actor.
Which actor do you like best?
The actor is better known by his professional name.
He is a versatile actor who can portray a wide range of characters flawlessly.
She won an Academy Award for her outstanding performance in the leading role.
The actor delivered his lines with such conviction, it felt like he truly was the character.
The upcoming movie features a star-studded cast, including several well-known actors.
The actor's transformation for the role was so convincing, it left audiences in awe.
After years of hard work, he finally landed the lead role in his dream film.
The actor is known for his impeccable timing and ability to captivate the audience on stage.
She played the role of a mother with such tenderness and depth, it brought tears to our eyes.
The actor's career took off after he starred in the critically acclaimed TV series.
Despite being a veteran actor, he continues to learn and grow with each new project.
"Many people, especially teachers, doctors, lawyers and actors, hope to improve their visual function to extend the length of their careers.
In the video, Tony Leung Chiu-wai, one of Asia's most successful and internationally recognized actors, puts down his glass after drinking and asks for a refill of water.
在视频中,亚洲最成功、最受国际认可的演员之一梁朝伟(Tony Leung Chiu-wai)在喝完酒后放下酒杯,要求补充一杯水。
In July, Bang & Olufsen announced Chinese musician and actor Lay Zhang as its first global brand ambassador in China.
今年7月,Bang & Olufsen宣布中国音乐家兼演员张艺兴成为其在中国的首位全球品牌大使。
Micheal Tong, a Hong Kong actor whose image will be created to form an IP, said: "China does not have a platform like Marvel, which encompasses a great number of IPs with different characteristics.
""It is heartwarming to see Martell's commitment to protecting China's natural beauty and biodiversity and I'm very happy to be a part of this initiative," said Chinese actor Chen Kun, a Martell China brand ambassador, who is passionate about public service.
German government spokesman Steffen Seibert said at a news conference earlier this year that "we are not taking a preemptive decision to ban any actor, or any company".
German government spokesman Steffen Seibert also said at a news conference in Berlin that "we are not taking a preemptive decision to ban any actor, or any company".
Aiming to improve food safety through collaboration and innovation, the Innovation Pipeline brings together different key actors from across the value chain to identify critical food safety issues and challenge fresh thinking on solutions.
Each year, the Innovation Pipeline brings together key actors from across the value chain to identify critical food safety issues and bring out fresh thinking.
It also launched the new flagship TV A3, which supports 8K decoding and 8K signal input, and invited Chinese actor and singer Lu Han to become the spokesperson, in a bid to make the brand more fashionable, young and entertaining, and have a greater influence on the post-80s and post-90s generations.
The commercial, uploaded to the chain's New Zealand social media page, featured actors struggling to eat burgers with large red chopsticks to promote a Vietnamese-flavored product, but social media users said the ad was culturally insensitive and played to stereotypes.
Swiss watchmaker Swatch launched a collaborative collection with Chinese singer and actor Wang Junkai to boost sales among the country's growing number of Millennials.
In addition, the company will continue its strategy of celebrity endorsement, such as when popular actors Zhu Yawen and Jing Boran appeared at the launch ceremony of its Galaxy S9 and S9+ in March in Guangzhou.
"Wang Xiangwei, former editor of the South China Morning Post, in an opinion piece, wrote: "It is highly ironic that while the US goes around accusing China of being a bad actor undermining international norms, it uses its long-arm jurisdiction and mighty financial system to ensnare foreign nationals for its own purposes.
Passport numbers can be added to full sets of data about a person that bad actors sell on the black market, leading to identity theft.
"Beyond all doubt, you are the best CN (China)," the actor wrote on his Weibo account.
Health supplements maker Blackmores announced in Beijing on Monday that Dou Xiao, a popular Chinese actor, has been appointed its new brand ambassador.
The private sector has gradually become a major actor in the domestic and global oil trading industry, contributing to innovation and development in management of crude trading as well as ensuring the stable supply of domestic crude oil, said Li Chenggang, China's assistant commerce minister, at the second International Petroleum and Natural Gas Enterprises Conference held in Zhoushan Thursday.
Each year the Innovation Pipeline brings together different key actors from across the supply chain to identify 1-2 critical food safety issues, and challenge fresh thinking around their solutions.
As part of a broader cooperation between the Dunhuang Research Academy, QQ Music and the Shanghai Conservatory of Music, the program will then invite well-known composers, experts and actors in the field to reproduce the traditional music professionally.
It said the "bad actors" were trying hard to hide themselves and cover their tracks by using VPNs, Internet phone services and third parties to run ads on their behalf, to avoid Facebook's efforts to prevent abuse or clean online environment.
Zuckerberg has recently apologized that Facebook often didn't always protect user privacy and didn't consider how its service could be misused by malicious actors until it was too late.
The former covers extra expenses for actors, equipment, decorations, costumes and property damage, the company said.
THE HAGUE — Elion Resources Group, a UN-awarded Chinese leading actor in ecological restoration, and Verhoeve Environment & Water, a Dutch leading company in soil and water quality care, signed an acquisition agreement on Thursday to join hands in building a healthier environment.
AB InBev has roped in Eason Chan, a Chinese celebrity actor, to endorse its campaign, which is said to be helping beverage consumers to make smart choices.
To retain the momentum, San Pellegrino announced last month that Chinese actor Huang Xuan would be a global ambassador for the brand.
Patting gently the foundation, drawing carefully the eye-liner and rouging cautiously the lips, Wai Wai Oo, 23, founder of a campus-based one-stop makeup platform, applies cosmetics to a group of actors at a graduation ceremony.
Disney is conscious of relating to Chinese consumers, whether it is telling Chinese stories, using Chinese actors or filming in China.
Sean Bailey, the president of Walt Disney Studios Motion Picture Production, said the company was currently scouring China to cast actors for Mulan, a live-action version of its 1998 animated hit based on the Chinese legend of Hua Mulan.
In particular, we are expecting continuous reform to ensure a level playing field for all market actors and policies improving the ease of doing business.
China is a major actor in global value chains, chairman of the China-Belgium Chamber of Commerce Bernard Dewit said, and therefore has a significant impact on manufacturing, shipping and global logistics.
China is also a major actor in global value chains, Dewit said, and therefore has a significant impact on manufacturing, shipping, and global logistics.
In addition to training design talent, it is also necessary to cultivate corresponding business talent," said Liu, adding that it is important for the market and influential social actors such as enterprises, organizations and influential persons to join to promote the establishment of homegrown fashion brands.
There are many mitigating factors but the new technological solutions coming about are some of the main actors," she added.
But what matters more than the numbers game is the constant pursuit of a "sound, organic innovation ecosystem in China, which is sufficiently connected to the innovation actors of other countries," Wunsch-Vincent said.
The policy measures aiming to provide protections in the six priority areas need to be further implemented for these market actors.
More market-oriented, equitable and inclusive support policies shall be employed to better motivate the business sector and other private actors to scale up their R&D spending.
She predicted that China "will likely remain the EU's largest partner in 2021 because the other major actor -- the United States -- has suffered severe repercussions because of the pandemic.
Also, "France-China-Africa tri-part cooperation would also reassure many development actors," he added.
On Nov 11 this year, Lazada even invited South Korean actor Lee Minho to be its first regional ambassador.
"By bringing together governmental, intergovernmental and non-state actors, the initiative expands the space of multilateralism and seeks to harness the provision of wide-ranging public goods while promoting connectivity and integration of markets and minds," said Adhere.
Zhang's employer, national chain escape room brand Mr X, has opened 18 sites across the country, employing more than 400 full-time staff, including professional actors and directors.
Sequel stories, professional actors and countless themes mimicking real-life adventures are becoming a mature entertainment category taking up young people's leisure time.
"What has been demonstrated in Shenzhen with its development model is that there may be a place where optimal conditions of competitiveness are generated between different economic actors, where development and technological innovation are favored with incentives from the state, along with living conditions that are also optimal for the local population," said Giusto, who is also head of consulting firm Diagnostico Politico.
From actors to settings, everything aims to align with local aesthetic preferences.
It also involves overseas production, as seen in the overseas vertical short drama Dangerous Contract: Let Me Go, Mr CEO, filmed in Malaysia and featuring a Chinese director and foreign actors.
Over the past year, a good number of young Chinese filmmakers, actors, and screenwriters have emerged as an important force behind the growth of the industry.
In addition, Chinese commercial and other actors provided $30 billion to African governments from 2008 to 2021, and $23 billion during the BRI period," according to estimation by the Global Development Policy Center at Boston University.
The hot concert industry has directly driven the whole industrial chain's development including planning, executing, actors, venues in the upstream, sound, lighting and stage in the midstream, as well as promoting, artists managing, tickets managing and security.
Lost in the Stars, featuring A-list actor Zhu Yilong, continues to be this summer's box-office champion.
The move targets cities as the actor in supporting the digital transformation of SMEs, leveraging the local governments' knowledge of industries and companies, said the document jointly released by the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology.
More than 6,000 actors, actresses and crew members celebrated Chinese New Year at "China's Hollywood", and the festivities were the most boisterous ones in over three years, Liu said.
Wu Jing, a famous actor who has worked on several new mainstream films, has played many characters who are popular among audiences.
As actors, we should show the most genuine feelings and the lives of ordinary people through these characters," Wu said.
In this e-arena, Liu Keng-hung, 49, a Taiwan-born actor, singer and fitness trainer, and his wife Vivi Wang, an actress, sparked a fitness wave in recent months.
Wang flew to major cities worldwide, such as Frankfurt, Rome and Boston 22 times to guide Chinese tour groups, support giant Chinese tech companies to launch new products and accompany a top-tier actor to shoot for magazines abroad.
Franck Le Deu, a senior partner with McKinsey & Company, wrote recently on his LinkedIn blog that China has emerged as an important actor in the global biopharma ecosystem, adding a potent additional source of global biopharma innovation and disruption.
The 31-year-old actor apologized on his Weibo social media account, saying that he accepted the decisions and would bear all the relevant responsibilities and consequences.
Chinese actor Deng Lun has been fined 106 million yuan ($16.61 million) for tax evasion, local authorities said on Tuesday.
The Greater Bay Area is also home to leading film and entertainment companies expanding their operations, veteran actors pursuing career development as well as multiple shooting locations and facilities.
The building was built in 1924 and later became the residence of many famous actors and other celebrities.
Among those in residence was Zhao Dan, an actor and director who became famous in the 1930s.
"Among our over 600 actors and actresses, 400 are from China and the rest are from various countries from the world," he added.
"Hengdian is like a university, where I learned things that schools cannot teach," said an actor at the studios.
In this video, China Daily reporters interviewed actors and actresses as well as a magician, intern, sanitation worker and restaurant owner at Hengdian, learning about their dreams as well as their understanding of common prosperity.
Yang now works as an actor in Red Army-related plays at a local memorial site.
"Working as an actor in the Red Army plays allowed me to know more about the stories of the soldiers.
All actors starring in the movie are working for free, and many also donated to support production.
According to the film's producer, actors in the movies will reconstruct epic roles in their previous classic films, bringing up fond memories in audience members.
Actors said in the movie, they are just a foil for the real main characters, the grassroots staff that had been working hard and quietly for Hong Kong's film industry.
"Red tourism-related sight seeing spots can also launch some stage plays, with actors playing certain historical roles.
The Huawei Mate 40 Porsche version was sold out in nine seconds during the Suning livestream hosted by actor Jia Nailiang on the shopping spree's eve.
在购物节前夜,苏宁易购直播中由演员贾乃亮主持的直播时段里,华为Mate 40保时捷版仅九秒钟便售罄。
"Zhu Guoqiang, an official with the administration committee of Hengdian World Studios, said that there are currently about 6,000 extras registered with the actors' guild at the studios, an increase of 10 percent over previous years.
The actors' guild will provide around 444,000 extras for film shoots in 2020, compared with 419,000 last year, Zhu said.
"In fact, we are already working with esports clubs, gaming companies, livestreaming platforms and short video platforms to offer a wide range of job options, such as professional esports players, online celebrities, voice actors and actresses.
"Some of the specific challenges associated with mushroom production include the limited capacity and lack of role clarity of the different actors, the focus of the system on very few varieties, mismatch between supply and demand resulting in shortage and excess inventory, and quality issues due to inappropriate production, storage, and transport practices and facilities," he said.
Starring actor Zhang Hanyu, the film is based on heroic Sichuan Airlines pilot Liu Chuanjian, who completed one of the most miraculous emergency landings in China's civil aviation history.
"Actors dressed as soldiers from Grimm's fairy tales will march in and out of the store welcoming customers, kids playing in the huge dance-on floor piano made famous in the Tom Hanks film Big… all of which make for quality experiences," he added.
"Yao suggested that space authorities should give more opportunities to non-State actors, such as allowing them to participate in government-funded space programs, so they can become more competitive in the international market.
"It will spur actors in this sector to improve their regulatory compliance and self-discipline, and will also encourage them to give more importance to their technology and product quality," Zhang said.
Among them were celebrities such as actress Zhou Dongyu, fashion designer Edison Chen and actor Bai Jingting.
He referred to the case of Zhang Dayi, one of China's best-known KOL, who reportedly earns around 300 million yuan ($43.2 million) annually, which is higher than what some of the celebrity film actors and actresses earn.
Although we have been in China for 50 years and are currently the leader in the helicopter market, we want to continue to be the main actor here in the years to come.
In addition, Xiaoyou can play Wang's favorite xiangsheng — a traditional Chinese comic dialogue characterized by two actors humorously talking back and forth — while he is bathing.
Hungary has become a major actor in battery manufacturing, Tamas Menczer, state secretary for bilateral relations at the country's Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade, said.
The I-PACE handover to its first owners was on Nov. 16 at the Guangzhou auto show, Xia Yu, the famous Chinese actor, was among them, marking another milestone for the automaker.
"It's like Hollywood for actors if you're in the auto industry," said Alberts, adding that when it comes to automotive mobility, the auto show is just the place to be.
Actors' movements can be captured in real-time through the screens on the floor, so as to realize the interaction between actors and screens, according to Zhang Yimou, chief director of the ceremony.
"Despite COVID-19 uncertainties, we are promoting virtual human actors to replace real human actors," he said.
On Wednesday, Star Trek actor William Shatner became the oldest person ever in space after he blasted off on board Jeff Bezos' Blue Origin rocket.
Visitors can find out stories of how robots have been evolving from a mechanical device capable of operating autonomously since the 16th century, to an industrial robot helping people to do routine works, to playing a leading actor in a science fiction movie and an AI humanoid robot which can think, learn and react.
"We need to rely on private actors in boosting their R&D spending, and we will also rely on institutionalized arrangement in terms of policy support.
Migu will offer services, such as allowing consumers to create virtual 3D images of themselves and having them pictured together with their favorite movie actors and actresses, through the help of China Mobile's AR and artificial intelligence technologies.
German government spokesman Steffen Seibert said at a news conference in Berlin that "we are not taking a preemptive decision to ban any actor, or any company".
More market-oriented, equitable and inclusive support policies will be employed to better motivate the business sector and other private actors to scale up their R&D spending.
Speaking at a dialogue organized by the National Committee on US-China Relations (NCUSCR), Wiedman said: "The level is going to grow regardless of the policy of any individual actor, including the United States.
"China traditionally tends to opt for stability, including foreign exchange stability, at times of international turmoil, building up a reputation as a responsible international actor," said Kuijs.
But as Luft and Korin have pointed out in their book, "the dollar is facing a challenge by a growing coalition of states and nonstate actors who are fed up with what they believe to be America's overuse of sanctions and other coercive economic measures, its extraterritorial legal outreach and its treatment of the global financial system as its fiefdom".
A useful way of analyzing the broadening landscape of actors is to consider it as a marketplace, where providers compete and respond to the global demand for sustainable development financing.
Measurement must expand beyond aid to all flows from all actors, and to tracking flows toward specific goals and development objectives.

高考Both of us had the qualities and virtues that are typical of American actors: humorous, aggressive, and making fun of each other - but always with an underlying affection.


2017年高考英语全国卷2 阅读理解 阅读B 原文

高考It has two groups of actors.


2017年高考英语全国卷2 阅读理解 阅读A 选项

高考Simon is a comedian and actor who has 10 years' experience of teaching comedy.


2016年高考英语全国卷2 阅读理解 阅读A 原文

四级The actor professionally to ensure the man was comfortable until an ambulance arrived.


2019年12月四级真题(第二套)听力 Section A

六级In your behavior, you can either be an actor.



六级So really, you see two types of negotiator then, the actor or the honest one



六级In other circumstances you need an actor.



六级In what way is a negotiator like an actor according to the man



六级The honest type is more effective than the actor type.



六级The actor type works better in tough negotiations



六级He was the most successful actor of his time.



六级Our subject this evening is James Dean, actor and hero for the young people of his time



六级"I can't imagine if there's any other acting job in the world where you don't know what show you're in, when you're hired," says voice actor Keythe Farley, who chairs the SAG-AFTRA negotiating committee.


2019年6月六级真题(第二套)阅读 Section C

六级"It's a very small number of games that would trigger this secondary compensation issue," said voice actor Crispin Freeman, who's a member of the union's negotiating committee.

该联盟谈判委员会成员、配音演员克里斯平·弗里曼(Crispin Freeman)表示:“引发这一次要补偿问题的游戏数量非常少。”。

2019年6月六级真题(第二套)阅读 Section C

六级"It's a very small number of games that would trigger this secondary compensation issue," said voice actor Crispin Freeman, who's a member of the union's negotiating committee. "This is an important aspect of what it means to be freelance (从事自由职业的) perfor

“这是一个非常少的游戏,将触发这一次要的赔偿问题,”声音演员克里斯平弗里曼说,谁是工会的谈判委员会成员这是自由职业者意义的一个重要方面(从事自由职业的) 性能

2019年6月六级真题(第二套)阅读 Section C

考研These new forms were at first mainly written by scholars and performed by amateurs, but in England, as everywhere else in western Europe, the growth of a class of professional actors was threatening to make the drama popular, whether it should be new or old, classical or medieval, literary or farcical.



考研Court, school organizations of amateurs, and the traveling actors were all rivals in supplying a widespread desire for dramatic entertainment; and no boy who went a grammar school could be ignorant that the drama was a form of literature which gave glory to Greece and Rome and might yet bring honor to England.



考研My favorite actor will smith once said, "Fear is not real."


2015年考研真题(英语二)阅读理解 Section Ⅱ

六级Another major complaint from the actors is the secrecy of the industry.


2019年6月六级真题(第二套)阅读 Section C

六级All those things are true, but aside from him, all his friends and family are played by actors.


2019年12月六级真题(第一套)听力 Section A

六级So the voice actors are pushing for the idea of secondary compensation一a performance bonus every time a game sells 2 million copies or downloads, or reaches 2 million subscribers, with a cap at 8 million.


2019年6月六级真题(第二套)阅读 Section C

六级In other circumstances you need an actor



六级The honest type is more effective than the actor type



六级In your behavior, you can either be an actor



六级Our subject this evening is James Dean, actor and hero for the young people of his time.



六级After revelations by the former National Security Agency contractor Edward Snowden in 2013 that the government both cozied up to ( 讨 好 ) certain tech companies and hacked into others to gain access to private data on an enormous scale, tech giants began to recognize the United States government as a hostile actor.

2013年,前国家安全局承包商爱德华·斯诺登披露,政府都讨好(讨 好 ) 某些科技公司并大规模入侵其他公司以获取私人数据,科技巨头开始认识到美国政府是一个敌对行为者。


六级Effective Friday, Screen Actors Guild-American Federation of Television and Radio Artists (SAG-AFTR has declared a strike against 11 video game publishers over games that went into production after Feb. 17, 20 The companies include some of the heavyweights of the industry, like Electronic Arts Productions, Insomniac Games, Activision and Disney.



六级Another major complaint from the actors is the secrecy of the industry.



六级Scott Witlin, the lawyer representing the video game companies, says voice actors “represent less than one tenth of 1 percent of the work that goes into making a video game.

视频游戏公司的代理律师Scott Witlin表示,配音演员“只占视频游戏制作工作量的不到1%的十分之一。


六级Featuring no famous actors, it begins with images of a beautiful morning and passengers boarding an airplane.



四级Actors in early Greek drama wore masks to show the audience whether they played the villain’s (坏人) or the hero’s role.

早期希腊戏剧中的演员戴着面具向观众展示他们是否扮演了反派(坏人) 或者英雄的角色。


四级Today, most television and movie actors do not wear masks.



四级There is no contradiction in my going on to say that a teacher should be a bit of an actor.



四级Forgetting the name of an actor in a favorite movie, for example, is nothing to worry about.



考研” Thirty-five-year-old David King, an out-of-work actor, found a job as a receptionist because he was having trouble landing roles in Broadway plays and he needed to pay the rent.



考研While the leading actor on the stage captures our attention, we are aware of the importance of the supporting players and the scenery of the play itself.



考研Although it ruled that there is no constitutional right to physician-assisted suicide, the Court in effect supported the medical principle of “double effect”, a centuries-old moral principle holding that an action having two effects—a good one that is intended and a harmful one that is foreseen—is permissible if the actor intends only the good effect.



考研They frankly dislike the RSC’s actors, them with their long hair and beards and sandals and noisiness.



考研It’s all deliciously ironic when you consider that Shakespeare, who earns their living, was himself an actor (with a beard) and did his share of noise-making.


