
词根词缀记忆/谐音联想记忆 补充/纠错
词根ad 做…或加强 + her 粘 + e → 坚持; …………
谐音记忆a(爱) + d(到) + here(这) → 爱到这种程度了就是要黏在一起 → adhere vi. 遵 …………
词性拓展记忆 / 词形拓展记忆
insist / persist / persevere / adhere / cling
insist → 通常用于对意见、主张等的坚持。 …………
adhere to 遵循
adhere to 坚持
adhere to the tradition 坚持传统
adhere to the rule 遵守规则
adhere to cultural norms 坚持文化规范
adhere to the independent foreign policy of peace 坚持独立自主的和平外交政策
adhere to the basic state policy of environmental protection 坚持环境保护的基本国策
The two surface adhered to each other.
I adhered to my plan to leave early.
It is a policy that we will always adhere to.
The governed service must adhere to the standard.
Adhere to the rules and regulations at all times.
She adheres strictly to a healthy diet.
The glue should adhere well to the surface.
He needs to adhere to his commitment and finish the project on time.
The two countries have traditionally adhered to a policy of non-interference in each other's affairs.
The instructions state that the paint must adhere to metal surfaces.
Employees are expected to adhere to the company's code of conduct.
This new adhesive will adhere to both plastic and glass.
The stickers don't adhere properly to the wet surface.
In science, theories must adhere to empirical evidence.
Adhering to the mission of "Nuclear Technology Makes Human Life Better", CGNNT takes the application of nuclear technology in the medical field as one of the development directions.
CNPC said it expects China and Iraq to work together to make the oilfield project an excellent example of energy cooperation between the two countries, and it would adhere to the principle of mutual benefit and win-win cooperation to ensure a smooth handover and orderly transition.
The company said it expected China and Iraq to work together to make the oilfield project an excellent example of energy cooperation between the two countries, and it would adhere to the principle of mutual benefit and win-win cooperation to ensure a smooth handover and orderly transition.
Additionally, the concept of environmental, social and corporate governance, commonly known as ESG that was proposed by the United Nations, has become a key objective that all companies should adhere to while achieving their sustainable development goals, as well as the mainstream consensus of the international community.
We will continue to adhere to a people-oriented service principle and constantly improve our comprehensive capabilities, providing customers with high-quality and more efficient financial services.
com Group prioritizes its customers and partners, adhering to the mantra of "Customers first; Partners second; Ourselves third".
With a vision of becoming a global leader in the steel and advanced materials industry, as well as a vision of adhering to the roadmap of high-end, intelligent, green and highly efficient development, China Baowu produced 130 million tons of steel in 2022, reporting 1.15 trillion yuan sales revenue last year, according to Wang.
Han said with the further deepening of reform and opening-up, China will adhere to the law and market rules, continue to foster a market-oriented, law-based, and internationalized business environment, and strengthen intellectual property protection to stimulate innovation vitality.
Praising China's economic and social development achievements, Hartung said his company is willing to continue to expand investment and adhere to a long-term development strategy in China to achieve win-win results.
"We are committed to practicing green switch, or low-carbon lighting transformation, while paying attention to ecological protection, adhering to the concept of building a community with a shared future for humanity, creating more wealth for humanity and nature, and promoting the development of the entire lighting industry," Yao said.
"This rigorous assessment ensures that our products adhere to the high standards of environmental responsibility and performance," said Meteor Liu, general manager of Midea KWHA Oversea Sales Company.
美的KWHA海外销售公司总经理Meteor Liu表示:“这种严格的评估确保了我们的产品符合环境责任和性能的高标准。”。
Adhering to global consistency in warm and stylish designs, enthusiastic and efficient service, and excellent experiences, Hilton Garden Inn said it provides guests with high-quality and cost-effective travel experiences.
Chen Zhenkuan, vice-president of Lenovo Group and general manager of the server business unit of the infrastructure business group of Lenovo China, said, the two newly launched Lenovo AI servers adhere to the two strategic characteristics of AI and green empowerment, and they cover all applications and build a comprehensive AI-oriented infrastructure.
"In 2023, Honor will still maintain an aggressive attitude towards advancing products, and we will adhere to a high proportion of research and development investment.
Since its establishment in 2016, OneHealth has been adhering to the product concept of "one in a trillion".
As an avid participant in implementing the Belt and Road Initiative, CTIEC said it has been adhering to innovation, open and green development, and vigorously expanding its overseas footprint over the past years.
Clean Beauty concept is adhering to the principles of effectiveness and sustainability while maintaining a commitment to environmental protection, concentrating on clean, natural ingredients with formulas and processes that are highly effective yet safe, according to the company.
该公司表示,Clean Beauty概念坚持有效性和可持续性的原则,同时保持对环境保护的承诺,专注于清洁、天然的成分,配方和工艺高效而安全。
In the meeting, Wang said China will adhere to high-level opening-up, and the country's doors will open wider.
In the future, HBIS will continue to focus on the goal of jointly addressing climate change, deepening cooperation with industry value chain partners, adhering to the concept of sustainable development, and consistently cultivating and investing in the green and low-carbon field, he said.
"The company will adhere to the concept of win-win cooperation and work closely with the host government and project partners to promote the sustainable development of Brazil's oil and gas industry, economy and society.
We adhere to the efficient approach of 'turning exhibits into retail products' and will continue to work with local partners to innovate and launch a wider offering that caters to local dining preferences, meeting China's needs in high-end food services and home cooking".
"Having been deeply involved in the Chinese market for 37 years, the US company regards the country as one of the top priorities of its global strategy, Wang said, adding that Intel will continue to adhere to the concept of "in China, for China", to promote the common development of industrial ecology, and create value for the digital economy.
"Whether it is about the introduction of innovative products or the expansion of product lineup, every expansion of Gilead in China will adhere to its original intention and commitment of patient-centered action," Jin said.
Adhering to the concept of openness and cooperation, Huawei said it is committed to driving digital transformation along with rail customers and ecosystem partners, who complement each other's strengths, and can innovate together, explore industry standards and build an ecosystem for rail digitalization.
The technology giant has been concentrating on its main business, expanding steadily and organically, and adhering to its technology innovation strategy.
As one of the largest players in the industry, China Life's top management said that in the second half, the company will adhere to the general principle of pursuing progress while ensuring stability and continuing to deepen the supply-side reform, thus giving full play to the function of insurance and promoting the high-quality development of the company.
The new central SOE will adhere to openness, seek win-win cooperation, and adopt market-oriented and law-based operations to build itself into a world-class mineral resources company with global competitiveness and influence, it said.
Solely State-owned and centrally administered, the company will adhere to openness, seek win-win cooperation and adopt market-oriented and law-based operations to build itself into a world-class mineral resources company with global competitiveness and influence.
In the future, Pirelli will always adhere to the high value strategy, and we are confident in the development prospects of the Chinese market.
Adhering to strict safety requirements with high construction risks, erecting the box girder involves multiple local government departments and has drawn intense public attention.
Adhering to the development logic of "gather resources, build platforms, and create ecosystems" the strategy aims to build a new digital transformation landscape featuring "internal intelligence, direct reinsurance, and platform ecosystem".
China Re Group will continue to adhere to the general tone of "making progress while ensuring stability and value creation", insist on the business strategy of "stabilizing growth, adjusting structure, controlling risk and increasing profitability", stabilize fundamentals, build up new momentum, and actively adapt to industry transformation to continually promote the high-quality development of the Group and create greater value for clients and shareholders.
They include adhering to the general working principle of "seeking progress while maintaining stability and enhancing value", further improving the quality and efficiency in serving national strategies, firmly guarding the bottom line of having no major risks and advancing the implementation of the company's "One-Four-Five" strategy, and high-quality development.
Adhering to its brand philosophy of Forever Faster, Puma is dedicated to its values of courage, confidence and strength, and hopes it can contribute to the sports industry.
Syngenta Group China to date has established 413 MAP centers across China, and the number will continue to grow, Fyrwald said, adding these centers adhere to the concept of green and sustainable development and have the mission of "making modern agriculture benefit more farmers and consumers".
"Adhering to the principle of sustainable development, we hope to play a more active role in green investment projects in the future, continue to promote China's zero-carbon economic transformation, and create long-term sustainable value for the environment, society and enterprises. "
Looking ahead, the company said it would continue to adhere to market-oriented and efficiency-centric principles, emphasize structural adjustments, continue reform and innovation, as well as enhance quality and profitability.
China Re will adhere to the drivers of "platform operation, technology advancement and globalization", enhance the development of its principal business in the strategy of serving the country, strengthen its innovation and development competitiveness in the upgrading of the industry structure, reinforce the driving force of the business transformation in the changing of regulatory policies, build support for technological services in the digital transformation, strengthen the overall management and control of the group in risk prevention and control, and firmly insist on "profitable development, market benchmarks, risk compliance and digital transformation", and the business strategy of "stabilizing growth, optimizing structure, controlling risk and improving profitability" to fully promote high-quality development and generate stable returns for China Re's shareholders.
It must adhere to the systemic mindset to achieve the unification of the quality, structure, size, speed, benefit and safety of development, Wang said.
"Sean Shan, president of Takeda China, said that during the COVID-19 epidemic period, the Chinese government has been adhering to multilateralism.
During the medication use phase, the platform will remind patients to take their medication on time and adhere to standard treatment practices.
Zhang Bo, chairman of Weiqiao Pioneering, said the company will firmly adhere to the country's "dual circulation" development pattern, in which the domestic and external demands will complement each other and offer vast opportunities to businesses around the world.
As Indonesia is an important fulcrum to promote BRI growth, CGGC said it will adhere to the principle of extensive consultation, joint contribution and shared benefits, build infrastructure projects related to the BRI with high quality and continuously participate in big-ticket projects and further investments in various fields such as water conservancy, hydropower, thermal power, highways, ports and industrial parks in Indonesia.
A report from Xinhuanet, which quoted US media, said that the US Senate had passed a legislation in May that could ban many Chinese companies from listing shares on US exchanges or raising money from US investors without adhering to the US government's regulatory and audit standards.
Li called for the implementation of an innovation-driven development strategy, continually promoting mass entrepreneurship and innovation, adhering to putting quality first, deepening brand awareness among the whole society, and guiding companies to uphold the spirit of professionalism and craftsmanship, so that more brands that are famous and of high quality will be created.
China Re Group will follow the strategies of "platform operation, technology advancement and globalization", firmly adhere to effective development, meet market benchmarks, keep the bottom-line of risk compliance and continue digital transformation, implement the operation strategy of "stabilizing growth, optimizing structure, controlling risk, and improving profitability", while striving to achieve the "One-Three-Five" Strategy,high-quality development and sound growth in overall value, to deliver more value for China Re Group's customers and shareholders.
Looking forward, the company will adhere to technological innovation and build the most powerful information and knowledge-centered mobile ecology this year, making greater breakthroughs in the revenue scale of new intelligent businesses, Li said.
Both sides are keen to put relations back to where they were before Meng's arrest and subsequent court appearances, with China saying Canada was doing the bidding of the US in the case, while Canada has said it was adhering to the law.
Lu Shan, chairman of CRBC, assured Kenyans that the company's projects will adhere to the design philosophy of putting people first by paying attention to the convenience of residents in their areas of operation.
"Ren Xiyue, deputy head of the Department of Finance of the National Health Commission, said: "During the process of promoting the project, we must adhere to the patient-oriented principle and implement precise treatment.
In the meantime, he said China will further allocate high-quality medical resources, change from treatment centered to health centered, adhere to the concept of "prevention in the first place and integrating prevention with control", and provide systematic and continuous integration of prevention, treatment and rehabilitation.
Lai said the express delivery industry will strive to reduce the logistics costs of the whole society, adhere to green development and aid poverty relief and rural vitalization in the future.
"Adhering to the idea of 'Technology is the best public service, Education is the greatest charity', LAIX has launched public welfare projects since 2016, such as Smart Cloud Classroom Project, Rural Teachers Support Plan and AI Empowering Program," he said.
"By introducing green technology, we adhere to the safety standards and environmental protection of the community," Chen said.
Yan Xiang, deputy general manager of Lower Sesan II Hydropower Company, who is in charge of the operation of the hydropower station, said: "We have always been adhering to the policy of 'protecting in development and developing in protection', attaching great importance to the natural and ecological environment so as to provide green energy to Cambodia and the Belt and Road cooperation.
"The basis of the class action is that Uber failed to enforce its drivers had proper accreditation and therefore gained an unfair advantage over companies and drivers that did adhere to the law.
In 2016, Sinopec Fifth, adhering to the principle of "Chinese wisdom", undertook the NRP.
Both sides will adhere to comprehensive and innovative cooperation, and continuously expand collaboration.
Eaton's operations in China all adhere to one set of standards for policies such as ethics, human resources and business practices, quality, greenhouse gas emissions, energy and water consumption and waste treatment.
It added that, in the joint development of UHV projects with social capital, it will adhere to the cooperation and win-win principles, while also meeting the requirements of State-owned enterprise reform and the needs of power grid development.
"Apple follows the law everywhere we do business, and we always adhere to local regulations and legal decisions.
The rules were released by the General Office of the Communist Party of China Central Committee and the General Office of the State Council, and adhere to the principle of the Party supervising cadres, while bringing the market mechanism into play.
JD Finance will adhere to the digital technology strategy and increase input in data and technology sectors, said Cheng Shengqiang, JD Finance CEO.
com says their vehicles are able to avoid any barriers on the road, and also adhere to the traffic lights.
Except for Baidu, the other 26 firms all took measures to remove or optimize functions to adhere to the committee's instructions.
The industry needs to continue to adhere to supply-side reform and offer higher-quality products in 2018, Chen Bin, vice-president of China Machinery Industry Federation, was quoted as saying by Economic Daily.
“We adhere to the strategy of putting quality first.
Regardless of which market and geography he worked in, people always adhere to this orientation, he said.
China will pursue its development by adhering to its vision of innovation, sustainable growth, and coordinated and shared development in the global arena.
The company has created Annil, a famous domestic brand of children's garments by adhering to the design philosophy of using green and environmentally-friendly fabrics.
"We adhere to exporting low carbon, clean and recyclable technologies," said Wu.
Today, we still firmly adhere to the commitment that there will be only seven Chinese managers despite further development and growth of the company," Fu said.
"We adhere to the principle of the real economy as the foundation and prioritize the manufacturing industry, thus making significant progress in the construction of a modern industrial system," said Wang Weizhong, governor of Guangdong.
Speaking at a news conference in Beijing, He said that China's export control regulations are designed to adhere to international nonproliferation commitments and protect its national security and interests.
In the future, we will continue to adhere to the principle of 'based in Shanghai serving China', and introduce Germany's most advanced machinery manufacturing technology into China," said Patrick Schulz, general manager of Liebherr China.
As a result, the conference underlined the necessity of adhering to the general principle of seeking progress while maintaining stability, promoting stability through progress, and establishing the new before abolishing the old.
It was pointed out at the conference that next year, the country must adhere to the principle of seeking progress while maintaining stability, promoting stability through progress and prioritizing development before addressing problems, China Central Television reported.
Thus, she said only by adhering to openness can China and the rest of the world build a better society with sound and faster development, especially when the world economy is now shadowed by uncertainties,Zhao said it is especially the case as the new artificial intelligence wave will change the way of production, lifestyle, and even thinking, bringing big challenges, underneath of which lie even more opportunities.
Adhering to the concept of mutual consultation, construction and sharing, CREC4 builders put great emphasis on sharing their experiences with the Indonesian side, said Han Xinliang, publicity chief of CREC4 First Engineering Co Ltd. "At CREC4, I have access to advanced Chinese engineering techniques," said Indonesian employee Aldy Raynaldo, adding that "with the Jakarta-Bandung HSR, I believe that Indonesia's infrastructure can be further elevated".
Of course, in order to give full play to the advantages of the above-mentioned systems, policymakers must adhere to a realistic attitude and a rational and scientific spirit, so as to ensure that optimal solutions that are better than those of a traditional market economy system can be found at a higher strategic level.
Its grants, blended financing and policy support help developing countries address their biggest environmental priorities and adhere to international environmental conventions.
Payment institutions should be guided to firmly adhere to the principle that their businesses are there to better serve the people, according to the meeting.
Adhering to the principle of "extensive consultation, joint contribution and shared benefits", the BRI has built a new international cooperation mechanism featuring multilateralism and win-win cooperation, making global governance fairer and more reasonable.
Wang said that both parties should adhere to principles of mutual respect, peaceful coexistence and cooperation for win-win results.
Identifying high-quality development as a top priority for State-owned assets and State-owned enterprises, Wang emphasized the advancement of technological innovation and industrial transformation and upgrading, further implementation of reforms and the path of internationalized development, through adhering to decisions and deployments of the central government's important instructions.
It is essential to adhere to openness, inclusiveness and continuously advance the expansion process to benefit more economies.
To fully unlock the potential of the CPEC, it is essential for participating economies to ensure transparency, adhere to sustainable development principles, adopt pragmatic planning, financial prudence, effective governance and anti-corruption measures, he added.
Despite the rise in protectionism globally and the United States' attempts at ousting China from the global supply chain, Yu Yongding, an academic member of the CASS, said China will further promote trade liberalization, adhere to multilateralism and advocate the authority of WTO and other international institutions.
He underscored the need to adhere to technological self-reliance, promote the development of the full industrial chain of integrated circuits, strengthen collaborative research and improve the level of technological independence.
Dombrovskis said that the EU is willing to conduct consultations with China on anti-subsidy investigations, and will carry out the investigation on the basis of adhering to the WTO rules and guaranteeing transparency.
"It is hoped that the Pujiang Innovation Forum will adhere to the theme of innovation, inspire innovative ideas, spread innovative thoughts, augment innovative spirits, and make new contributions to advancing international scientific and technological cooperation and to enhancing the common well-being of humankind," he said.
- Chinese Premier Li Qiang has stressed adhering to reform and opening-up, forging ahead with innovation, creating new advantages for high-quality development, and making solid progress in advancing Chinese modernization.
The proposal involves adhering to openness and inclusiveness to build a broader partnership and upholding mutual benefit and win-win outcomes to promote accelerated economic recovery, Chen said.
In addition, China suggests adhering to innovation's leading role in tapping new momentum for growth, and encourages solidarity and cooperation in jointly addressing risks and challenges, he added.
Since China delivered the first large LNG carriers in 2008, China's shipbuilding enterprises adhere to independent research and development, and continue to iterate and update relevant technologies.
He added that, going forward, both China and the US should adhere to the principles of mutual respect, peaceful coexistence and win-win cooperation.
To address challenges faced by the global economy and enhance confidence in global economic growth, the country will continue adhering to the principles of communication, cooperation and shared benefits, providing more opportunities for dialogue and cooperation to the international community.
The country will adhere to openness and inclusiveness, and strive to create an integrated development model of emerging industries with China-ASEAN characteristics, he said.
Third, digital investments are advancing rapidly by adhering to a replication model.
Adhering to the concept of "helping others and helping themselves," community workers link up thousands of threads of grassroots work and build bridges of connections; provide assistance and solutions to residents' difficulties; and contribute their dedication and passion to the construction of a community with shared responsibilities, shared obligations, and shared benefits.

六级Stacy is going to walk you through the step-by-step process of becoming a social worker and Mill will tell you about the range of options you have once you get your social work degree, as well as the high standards of responsibility the social workers must adhere to.



六级Good science journalists are specialists in making complex topics accessible to a general audience, while adhering to scientific accuracy.


2018年12月六级真题(第三套)阅读 Section C

六级They’re not really well-regulated unless they adhere to some industry standard.



六级I'm afraid you have to adhere to the assigned topic.


2018年12月六级真题(第二套)听力 Section A

六级In Europe, parts of Italy, Greece, Portugal, Spain, and southern France adhere to principles of the Mediterranean diet, as do Morocco and Tunisia in North Africa.


2017年12月六级真题(第一套)听力 Section C

六级They're not really well-regulated unless they adhere to some industry standard.


2016年6月六级真题(第二套)听力 Section B

考研My definition revolves around the concept of "stickiness"—creations and experiences to which others adhere.


2012年考研真题(英语一)阅读理解 Section Ⅱ
