
词根词缀记忆/谐音联想记忆 补充/纠错
词根ad 加强 + voc 叫喊;声音 + ate 使… …………
谐音记忆阿斗我K他 → 我是阿斗的拥护者 →advocate v.拥护 n.拥护者 …………
词性拓展记忆 / 词形拓展记忆
attorney / lawyer / counsel / advocate
attorney → 主要用于美国,指代理当事人处理遗嘱检验等法律事务的律师,有时可与lawyer通用,泛指辩护律师。
la …………
advocate a new lifestyle 倡导新的生活方式
devil's advocate 魔鬼代言人
play the devil's advocate 扮演魔鬼的代言人
to advocate a mass movement 提倡群众运动
I advocates building more schools.
We advocate recycling papers and plastics.
The group does not advocate the use of violence.
She is a passionate advocate for environmental conservation.
The lawyer argued his client's case vigorously as an advocate.
He is an advocate of equal rights for all races.
She advocated for stricter gun control laws after the tragic shooting incident.
The UNICEF advocate fights tirelessly to improve access to education for children worldwide.
The advocate presented compelling evidence in court to support their client's innocence.
Many advocates argue that universal healthcare is a fundamental right.
She became an advocate for mental health awareness after her own personal struggle with depression.
The advocate organized a campaign to raise funds for cancer research.
As a disability rights advocate, he works to ensure accessibility in public spaces.
It has become a significant participant in building the global food industry chain and a strong advocate for a seamless global food supply chain.
Kaellenius underscored that Mercedes-Benz clearly advocates reducing trade barriers and having a "level playing field" for all competitors around the world.
Abbott, which is the Global Health Sciences and Nutrition Partner of Real Madrid Football Club and the Global Partner of the Real Madrid Foundation, announced that it will team up with the football team from Spain to launch an interactive space called "Let's Win Together" at its CIIE booth to advocate the importance of nutrition.
The company said it has been a long-term supporter of sports at the grassroots and an advocate of healthy lifestyles.
China's drive to fulfill its "dual carbon" goals will not only position the country as an investment hub for relevant fields but also advocate for green products, the executive said.
Multinational healthcare company Abbott and the China Health and Medical Development Foundation jointly launched the 10th Green Ribbon Action on Tuesday to advocate better care for digestive system health.
"McDonald's China will offer a series of green experience activities to consumers nationwide to advocate low carbon lifestyle, which includes the sealing sticker on the paper bags turning into green colors, or discounted Filet-O-Fish, which uses 100 percent Marine Stewardship Council certified codfish.
Hu said the government will also advocate the next-level integration of the digital economy and the real economy, as well as accelerate 5G to empower thousands of industries and achieve large-scale commercial use across the country.
In partnership with the G20 Summit, Yili Group will continue to provide healthy products to global consumers, advocate for a healthy lifestyle, promote green and sustainable development, and contribute to global economic growth.
As a firm advocate and facilitator of global trade, the executive said that free trade and multilateral cooperation are the best ways to promote common prosperity and inclusive growth.
"We will actively respond to China's dual carbon goals, advocate low-carbon printing and promote development of a circular economy," he said.
After all, the nation of 1.4 billion people still faces unmet medical needs and is an avid advocate of, and a generous spender on, bolstering healthcare.
The State Council, the nation's Cabinet, earlier also released a document targeting reform of China's vocational education system, which strongly advocates for the integration of industries and education institutions to deploy training plans.
The WeCare Bag, made from recycled bottles in an effort to explore the new circular economy model and advocate responsible consumption, has been on display at the community to cultivate residents' green awareness.
“WeCare Bag”是一款由回收瓶子制成的环保袋,旨在探索新的循环经济模式并倡导负责任的消费。它已在社区中展示,以培养居民的绿色意识。
Through the internal platform of the company, the company also shares information about "carbon peak, carbon neutral" and "green circular economy" with employees and partners, and encourages employees and partners to join environmental volunteer groups to advocate a green life.
Wang, a carbon emission reduction expert and an advocate of green development, said enterprises in the sector should act quickly to build greener internet infrastructure.
"The US government has always claimed it advocates the free flow of information, but the abrupt intervention in TikTok is such a big irony that it's literally a slap in the face," Lu said.
Ole Scheeren is a strong advocate of the concept of "form follows fiction", which is in line with the company's beliefs of "breaking the boundaries and blending tradition with modernity".
Coca-Cola China recently launched its first WeCare Bag, made from recycled bottles, in an effort to explore the new circular economy model and advocate responsible consumption.
com to advocate the idea of responsible consumption by leveraging JD's logistics supply chain to recycle bottles from households.
He said the launch of this program will play a role in allowing the public to understand more about the hearing impaired, and help advocate for equality, diversity and inclusiveness to encourage the hearing-impaired community to live more colorful and sustainable lives.
The store also will help advocate for equality and inclusiveness to encourage the hearing-impaired community to live more colorful and dignified lives, Wu said.
"Michael Jiang, general manager of Zespri Greater China, who served as ambassador to advocate nutrition and health knowledge to children for the lectures, said: "Children are the future and hope of the country.
The group also vows to reduce pressure on natural resources and the environment in the manufacturing process, advocate the principle of "reduce, reuse and recycle", develop and apply degradable raw materials and jointly design sports products in accordance with sustainable development, and engage hundreds of millions of consumers in the global course of biodiversity conservation.
Bing Qian, chief quality officer of Genki Forest, said they would continue to adopt high quality ingredients and advocate healthy lifestyles through their products.
"Focusing on CSR in battling the pandemic, Xu wrote articles to advocate non-governmental organizations and non-profit organizations to stay in the fight while making themselves an inspiration for others to stay strong together.
It is pivotal for plant-based protein producers to advocate the health and nutrition benefits of new sustainable animal-free protein products, said Li Chen, deputy director of the food and beverage sector at Mintel.
Joining Tencent in 2009, Cheng currently oversees the company's movie and TV series production and investment arm and is an advocate of promoting cultural and industrial value of content through a centralized connection of channels and digital means.
Ma describes himself in his personal profile as a "teacher, philanthropist, entrepreneur", as well as "founder of AlibabaGroup, UNSDG Advocate", gaining over 32,000 followers in 3 hours.
The Chinese government is a strong advocate of new energy vehicles.
"It is trend-following young consumers who are driving cosmetic companies to become the avant-garde advocates of localized innovations, said Jason Yu, general manager of consultancy Kantar Worldpanel China.
Sha advocates increase in government subsidy for dairy farms so the latter could purchase hightech equipment.
"At this year's air show, AVIC advocates for mutually beneficial cooperation based on its specialized ability.
Some other City Brain advocates, such as Alibaba and Tencent, care more about providing relevant platforms and technologies, Wang said.
The BRI was proposed by President Xi Jinping in 2013 to advocate improved connectivity of infrastructure, trade, ideas and knowledge internationally.
So Bosch advocates cooperation and learning from each other.
We believe to further deepen reforms, we need to first keep and advocate the innovative spirit.
"Herbalife Nutrition's booth is at the Medical Equipment & Health Care Products Exhibition Hall, where healthy lifestyle of balanced exercise and nutrition the company advocates is promoted.
"A strong advocate of globalization, Ma said trade is not a weapon and should be "a propeller of peace".
He also advocates paying the company leaders last when it comes to bonuses.
Creating a sustainable lifestyle and ecological environment that advocates a happy, healthy, safe and harmonious lifestyle for all is the nation’s common goal.
The government has also always been a strong advocate of innovation and technology, and I believe that this support will be further strengthened in the coming years.
In its posting for a government affairs specialist, Didi wrote that responsibilities would include being an advocate for the future of urban mobility “and how Mexico could benefit from new technologies including self-driving cars.
London-based start-up hub Global Tech Advocates has opened a subsidiary in Shanghai with the aim of connecting China's new enterprises with international investors, partners, and suppliers, the parent company announced on Thursday.
Russ Shaw, founder of Global Tech Advocates, said he believes the Shanghai base could soon recruit a few hundred Chinese start-up members.
Founded in 2013, Global Tech Advocates has around 6,000 member companies globally.
"Global Tech Advocates' initiative is the latest trend in which start-up incubators and accelerators have been connecting Chinese start-ups with international resources.
Global Tech Advocates is funded through corporate sponsorships, rather than membership fees.
In addition to smart drinks, AB InBev is intensifying its 10-year-old campaign to advocate no-drink driving or "smart drinking".
On this day, Mobike will work with partners to advocate sustainable urban development, encourage people to forgo the automobile in favor of cycling to reduce traffic congestion and air pollution, as well as to enhance their enjoyment of the city they live in.
The United Nations Environment Program hopes to build sustainable transport systems, promote energy conservation and advocate for a sustainable lifestyle.
In China, the firm's leaders have been "vocal advocates" for Lehigh Valley, which Cunningham said is "on the radar" enough with Asia-based manufacturers that it plans to send representatives to China to meet with potential investors.
Naturally, Ma has become a strong advocate for a concrete plan, which included a headline grabbing proposal at the National People's Congress meeting in Beijing in March.
"The SASAC will encourage central SOEs to deepen cooperation with economies along the initiative in sectors such as equipment manufacturing, technology exports, standard-setting and management to advocate mutual benefits," Xiao said.
The concept advocates that all peoples, all countries, and all individuals' destinies are interconnected, so they must stand together and endeavor to build a global community of shared future.
When the Biden administration vigorously advocates "decoupling" in trade, high-tech, supply chains and other areas, bilateral direct investments are significantly affected, damaging the interests of both sides.
"The People's Republic of China has been a consistent advocate for stronger ties with the countries of Latin America and the Caribbean," said Dr. Mohamed Irfaan Ali, president of the Co-operative Republic of Guyana in a speech at the opening ceremony of the 16th China-Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) Business Summit, which concluded on Friday.
Furthermore, we advocate for policies that favor low-carbon technologies and products, thereby expediting the development and commercialization of our advanced product solutions.
Experts advocate continuing policy stimulus to consolidate recoveryInternational investment banks have raised their forecasts for China's GDP growth in 2023 to above 5 percent after third-quarter growth figures pointed to signs of stabilization, indicating that the nation's economic performance will likely be in line with the official target.
Despite the rise in protectionism globally and the United States' attempts at ousting China from the global supply chain, Yu Yongding, an academic member of the CASS, said China will further promote trade liberalization, adhere to multilateralism and advocate the authority of WTO and other international institutions.
Wolfgang Schussel, former chancellor of Austria, said that as an advocate of an open economy and multilateralism, China boasts great growth potential, particularly in its domestic market.
"As the EU is a strong advocate of open economies and a staunch supporter of green development, fair and equitable international competition should act as a catalyst for its green development and transformation," he said.
Koo's theory, which advocates fiscal borrowing stimulus measures as a means to inject liquidity and resumption of economic growth once balance sheets are repaired, undoubtedly offered innovative and logically sound solutions to Japan's economic downturns at that time.
They advocate clean heat source substitution technology and continuously improve the power supply service capabilities and electrification level in rural areas.
In a statement on Thursday, Farrell said he will strongly advocate the full resumption of unimpeded Australian exports to China — for all sectors — to the benefit of both countries and in the interests of Australian exporters and producers.
"China must continue to firmly advocate multilateralism and an open world economy, with concrete actions to expand high-quality opening-up, deepen reform to enhance the socialist market economy and create a more enabling business environment.
As an economist, Li was one of China's earliest policy advocates for economic reform, and is respected for being a leading voice for advocating State-owned enterprise reform, his advocacy for better leveraging the role of China's private businesses and his help in establishing China's stock market in the early 1990s.
In 2018, when celebrating the 40th anniversary of China's reform and opening-up, Li — as an active advocate of economic system reform — was among 100 figures awarded "reform pioneer" medals.
China also strongly advocates for developing a shared world market.
Hence, once a strong advocate of economic globalization, the United States is now backpedaling -- raising tariffs, scaling down tech exports, fomenting anti-globalization sentiment and even pointing the finger at the economic organizations it nurtured decades ago.
The country has become a powerhouse of global economic growth, an advocate of global openness and a provider of international public goods, said Peng Huagang, secretary-general of the SASAC, the country's top State asset regulator.
- Navigating a changing international environment in the past decade, China has remained a firm advocate of an open global economy, with proactive actions taken and across-the-board progress made in its opening-up endeavors.
The GDI advocates seizing opportunities brought about by technological development and pursues innovation-led development.
China is also a strong advocate for green and sustainable development.
In the future, we envision three critical roles for the Shanghai municipal government: as a "blueprint planner", bolstering standards enforcement and regulation to support sustainable consumption and sci-tech innovation; as an "industrial enabler", providing targeted support for critical elements that underpin sci-tech innovation in sustainable consumption; and as a "best practice advocate", setting a benchmark for others to follow with flagship initiatives.
"We should embrace economic integration, not isolation, advocate openness and not be closed off, pursue mutual benefit instead of exclusiveness, seek stability and be against volatility," the ambassador said.
Coming into force on Sept 1, the move will help share market opportunities with these nations, including Togo, Djibouti, Laos and Rwanda, push for common growth and advocate the building of a community with a shared future for mankind, according to the statement.
Coming into force on September 1, the move will facilitate to share market opportunities with these countries, push for common growth and advocate the building of a community with a shared future for mankind, said the statement.
BRICS countries, as a next step, should vigorously advocate digital-driven and smart development to transform and upgrade traditional industries, and expand trade and investment cooperation in developing renewable energy to further improve their industrial structures, said Wang Lei, director of the research center for BRICS cooperation at Beijing Normal University.
Qualcomm will continue to engage closely with China's industries to jointly build a digital ecosystem, and advocate speedy adoption of 5G, artificial intelligence and the internet of things across industrial sectors to help fuel China's high-quality economic development, Meng said.
As a faithful advocate of the Paris Agreement, China announced targets of peaking CO2 emissions before 2030 and achieving carbon neutrality before 2060, noted Han.
Hong Junjie, vice-president of UIBE, said at the event that winning the second WTO chair in China is not only a great recognition of China's efforts to maintain and advocate the multilateral trading system, but also provides a great opportunity for UIBE to strengthen and deepen cooperation with WTO from the research, teaching and outreach perspectives.
Many member states have said the trade pact signals their common commitment to opening up and interconnecting supply chains and promoting deeper and closer relations based on mutual reliance, to advocate for the importance of free trade," Zhou said.
Matthews said China is a strong advocate of multilateralism, which is the key to addressing global challenges such as COVID-19 and climate change.
Multilaterally, China advocates that the United Nations, as the most universal organization in the world, should play a central role in initiating an open, inclusive and just dialogue process, safeguarding the legitimate rights of developing countries to peaceful uses of technological advancements, ensuring that scientific and technological dividends are widely shared to benefit all, and addressing the security challenges arising from scientific and technological progress.
Xie Fuzhan, president of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, said it has become more "important and urgent" than ever to advocate multilateralism and support the free trade system, as growing unilateral actions could give rise to isolation and disorder in the world economy.
Zhou Shuchun, publisher and editor-in-chief of China Daily, said it is China's steadfast stance to advocate economic globalization and make it more inclusive, open and beneficial to all.
Xie Fuzhan, president and academician of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, said it has become "more important and urgent" than ever to advocate multilateralism and support the free trade system amid rising unilateral actions that could give rise to isolation and disorder in the world economy.
"People enjoy the convenience of fast technology development; they are also advocates of smart life.
Efforts should also be made to advocate equal employment opportunities for women, enhance the supervision and inspection of enterprises with high numbers of female employees, and strengthen the awareness and protection of women's rights.
The e-commerce platform also offered promotional opportunities for environment-friendly products and set up a special channel for them, in its latest efforts to advocate for green development in international trade.
"China is a faithful advocate of trade liberalization and facilitation, and also an important participant of regional cooperation and economic integration of the Asia-Pacific.
During the weeklong campaign, online and offline events, including a forum on water saving and a green-development education campaign, will be held to advocate a green and low-carbon lifestyle.
Even advocates of free trade within the US, such as former US Treasury secretary Hank Paulson, also believe tariff cuts should be part of the new round of trade negotiations to exchange for China's concessions over subsidies, State-owned enterprises, and other structural reforms, while calling on the Biden administration to cut tariffs on China.
In addition to accelerating the negotiation process involving Customs issues of bilateral and multilateral free trade deals, like the China-Japan-Republic of Korea free trade agreement, the administration will advocate companies to strengthen and expand general trade, increase the proportion of processing trade in the nation's foreign trade, guide companies to boost added value, and enhance companies' negotiation strength and bargaining power in the coming years.
Against this background, many policies have been formulated to encourage innovation and entrepreneurship, advocate financial opening-up and attract talented individuals into the zone.
Ban, referring to challenges brought by the pandemic and the rise of deglobalization, said it is important to advocate the approach to global governance featuring consultation and collaboration for shared benefits.
Some economists worry that expansionary fiscal and monetary policies may lead to undesirable consequences, so they advocate an exit from expansionary policies as soon as possible.
Durant, a former vice prime minister and senator of Belgium as well as vice president of the European Parliament, has been a keen contributor to making international trade more inclusive and greener, and been an advocate for gender equality.
China is a faithful advocate of multilateralism and firmly supports globalization, Zhang said, adding it's impossible for the nation to decouple from the world, because China is indispensable to global industrial and supply chains and vice versa.

考研The report also advocates greater study of foreign languages, international affairs and the expansion of study abroad programs.



六级Hale wasn't just a writer, she was also a fierce social advocate, and she was particularly obsessed with an ideal New England, which she associated with abundant Thanksgiving meals that she claimed had a deep moral influence.


2018年6月六级真题(第一套)阅读 Section A

六级A spirit of openness is gaining acceptance in the science community, and is the only way,say advocates,to address a ‘crisis' in science whereby too few findings are successfully reproduced.


2017年12月六级真题(第二套)阅读 Section B

四级As advocates of the sharing economy like to put it, access trumps ( 胜过) ownership.

正如共享经济的倡导者们喜欢说的那样,访问权胜过了胜过) 所有权。


六级Advocates of the practice have taken issue with his team's use of such evidence as news accounts to support his conclusion that goal-setting is widely over-prescribed



四级Along with this effort, we're working with animal advocates and state and federal lawmakers to strengthen anti-cruelty laws across the country, as well as supporting laws and policies that assist overburdened animal shelters that care for animal fighting


2016年12月四级真题(第三套)阅读 Section A

四级Advocates of selfdriving cars argue they will be safer than in cars driven by humans because they wouldn’t get distracted or drive when tired.



四级Pre-K advocates insist it is proven and will succeed if integrated with the rest of the child's schooling.



四级No one advocates letting someone convicted of pedophilia ( ' , 恋童癖 ) work in a school.

没有人主张让恋童癖者被定罪(“,恋童癖 ) 在学校工作。


四级Why does Senator Charles Schumer advocate?



四级But was positive thinking advocate Norman Vincent Peale right?

但积极思维倡导者诺曼·文森特·皮尔(Norman Vincent Peale)说得对吗?


四级What does the speaker seem to advocate?



六级Workers' advocates have criticized Haslam's plan, saying it would mean some campus workers would lose their jobs or benefits.



六级Consider the incandescent ( ' , 白炽灯 ) bulb, an object currently hated by many environmentalists and energy-efficiency advocates.

考虑白炽灯白炽灯 ) 灯泡,一个目前被许多环保主义者和能源效率倡导者所憎恨的物体。


六级Advocates of the practice have taken issue with his team's use of such evidence as news accounts to support his conclusion that goal-setting is widely over-prescribed.



六级What do advocates of goal-setting think of Schweitzer's research



六级In contrast to each of these ideas, Covey advocates that leaders need to understand universal principles of effectiveness, and he highlights how vital it is for leaders to first personally manage themselves if they are to enjoy any hope of outstanding success in their work environments.



六级Last summer, Massachusetts grass-fed beef advocate John Smith launched Big Picture Beef, a network of small grass-fed beef farms in New England and New York that is projected to bring to market 2,500 head of cattle from 125 producers this year.

去年夏天,马萨诸塞州草食牛肉倡导者约翰·史密斯(John Smith)推出了“大图牛肉”(Big Picture beef),这是一个由新英格兰和纽约的小型草食牛肉农场组成的网络,预计今年将向市场推出125家生产商的2500头牛。

2019年12月六级真题(第三套)阅读 Section B

六级One advocate believes that many other benefits should be taken into consideration when we assess the cost-effectiveness of grass-fed farming.


2019年12月六级真题(第三套)阅读 Section B

考研Rosenberg argues convincingly that public-health advocates ought to take a page from advertisers, so skilled at applying peer pressure.



考研She exhibits the idealism common to many advocates of sustainability, be it in food or in energy.



六级So now, for many cases involving governmental intrusions into data, once-lonely privacy advocates find themselves fighting alongside the most powerful company in the world.


2017年12月六级真题(第三套)阅读 Section B

四级Advocates of self-driving cars argue they will be safer than in cars driven by humans because they wouldn't get distracted or drive when tired.


2017年6月四级真题(第一套)听力 Section A

六级We’re big advocates of bodily autonomy and not forcing him to hug or kiss people unless he wants to, but it never occurred to me that I should ask his permission to post photos of him online.


2018年12月六级真题(第三套)阅读 Section B

六级Were big advocates of bodily autonomy and not forcing him to hug or kiss people unless he wants to, but it never occurred to me that I should ask his permission to post photos of him online.


2018年12月六级真题(第三套)阅读 Section B

高考Some immigrant advocates worry that as hard financial times make it more difficult for natives to keep jobs, such measures will become more a vehicle for intolerance than integration.


2017年高考英语浙江卷(6月) 阅读理解 阅读C 原文

六级Many advocates think that transparent data procedures with a date and time stamp will protect scientists from being scooped.


2017年12月六级真题(第二套)阅读 Section B

六级The concern seems to be that open advocates don't spend their time being as productive as possible.


2017年12月六级真题(第二套)阅读 Section B

六级"As advocates of children's rights, we believe that children should have a voice about what information is shared about them if possible," says Stacey Steinberg, a legal skills professor at the University of Florida Levin College of Law in Gainesville.

“作为儿童权利的倡导者,我们相信孩子们应该有发言权,如果可能的话,关于他们分享什么信息,”盖恩斯维尔佛罗里达大学莱文学院法学院的法律技术教授Stacey Steinberg说。

2018年12月六级真题(第三套)阅读 Section B

六级Consider the incandescent (白炽灯) bulb, an object currently hated by many environmentalists and energy-efficiency advocates.

考虑白炽灯(白炽灯) 灯泡,一个目前被许多环保主义者和能源效率倡导者所憎恨的物体。

2015年12月六级真题(第一套)阅读 Section B

六级Founders Taylor Collins and his wife, Katie Forrest, used to be endurance athletes; now they're advocates of grass-fed meat.


2019年12月六级真题(第三套)阅读 Section B

六级The bankers, among the strongest advocates of laissez-faire (自由放任的)economics, were only too willing to accept hundreds of billions of dollars from the government in the aid programs that have been a recurring feature of the global economy since the beginning of the Thatcher-Reagan era of “free” markets and deregulation.



六级"The concern seems to be that open advocates don't spend their time being as productive as possible. "



四级For advocates (代言人) for the poor, that’s an indication much more needs to be done.

对于倡导者(代言人) 对于穷人来说,这表明还需要做更多的工作。


四级Best of all, advocates of drilling say, damage to the environment would be insignificant.



四级Identity theft is “an absolute epidemic,” states Robert Ellis Smith, a respected author and advocate of privacy.



四级To counter our consumption, the authors advocate taxing sugary foods and controlling sales to kids under 17.



四级The Rudd Center has been a strong advocate of a more modest 1-cent-per-punce tax.



四级As advocates of the sharing economy like to put it , access trumps (胜过) ownership.

正如共享经济的倡导者所说,获取胜过一切(胜过) 所有权


四级Pang doesn't advocate returning to a preinternet world.



四级No one advocates letting someone convicted of pedophilia(恋童癖) work in a school.

没有人主张让恋童癖罪犯逍遥法外(恋童癖) 在学校工作。


四级Pre-K advocates insist it is proven and will succeed if integrated with the rest of the child’s schooling.



四级"When we talk about the access code we see it as the new face of the textbook monopoly (垄断), a new way to lock students around this system," said Ethan Senack, the higher education advocate for the U. S. Public Interest Research Group, to BuzzFeed News.

“当我们谈论访问代码时,我们将其视为教科书垄断的新面孔(垄断), 美国公共利益研究小组的高等教育倡导者Ethan Senack在接受BuzzFeed新闻采访时表示。


四级In a report titled “Crisis in the Kindergarten,” a group of educators, health professionals and child advocates called the loss of play in early childhood “a tragedy, both for the children themselves and for our nation and world.



考研Those who support the “nurture” theory, that is, they advocate education, are often called behaviorists.



考研The centerpiece of the argument of a technology-yes, genius-no advocate was an analysis of Galileo’s role at the start of the scientific revolution.



考研Computerue011education advocates forsake this optimistic notion for a pessimism that betrays their otherwise cheery outlook.



考研Banking on the confusion between educational and vocational reasons for bringing computers into schools, computered advocates often emphasize the job prospects of graduates over their educational achievement.



考研When a new movement in art attains a certain fashion, it is advisable to find out what its advocates are aiming at, for, however farfetched and unreasonable their principles may seem today, it is possible that in years to come they may be regarded as normal.



考研I have been transformed from a passionate advocate of the philosophy of “having it all”, preached by Linda Kelsey for the past seven years in the pages of She magazine, into a woman who is happy to settle for a bit of everything.



考研Nothing could persuade me to return to the kind of life Kelsey used to advocate and I once enjoyed: 12-hour working days, pressured deadlines, the fearful strain of office politics and the limitations of being a parent on “quality time”.



考研Scientists need to respond forcefully to animal rights advocates, whose arguments are confusing the public and thereby threatening advances in health knowledge and care.



考研One of the first advocates for a national list was a researcher at Laval University.


